HDF5 Install Instructions for Windows NT/95/98. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The instructions which follow assume that you will be using the the source code release 'zip' file (hdf5-1_2_0.zip). The following sections discuss in detail installation procedures. Building from Source Code Release (hdf5-1_2_0.zip) =============================================== STEP I: Preconditions To build the HDF5 and tests, it is assumed that you have done the following: 1. Installed MicroSoft Developer Studio, and Visual C++ 5.0 or 6.0. 2. Set up a directory structure to unpack the library. For example: c:\ (any drive) MyHDFstuff\ (any folder name) 3. Copied the source distribution archive to that directory and unpacked it using the appropriate archiver options to create a directory hierarchy. Run WinZip on hdf5-1_2_0.zip (the entire source tree). This creates a directory called 'hdf5' which contains several files and directories. 4. You do not have a version of the zlib library and you would like to use it. If you do not want to use the zlib library or have your own version read the section about the zlib library. STEP II: Building the Libraries and tests. 1. Unpack all.zip in 'hdf5' and move the zlib.dll from c:\myHDFstuff\hdf5\src\dll to the Windows system directory. 2. Invoke Microsoft Visual C++, go to "File" and select the "Open Workspace" option. Then open the c:\myHDFstuff\hdf5\proj\all\all.dsw workspace. 3. Select "Build", then Select "Set Active Configuration". On Windows platform select as the active configuration "all -- Win32 Debug" to build debug versions of single-threaded static libraries, and tests. or "all -- Win32 Release" to build release versions of single-threaded static libraries, and tests. Select "Build" and "Build all.exe" to build the corresponding version of the HDF5 library. NOTE: "all" is a dummy target. You will get a link error when "all.exe." is built : LINK: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup..... all.exe - 2 error(s), .... Warning messages can be ignored. The "all.exe" is never created, so it is OK. When the debug or release build is done the directories listed below will contain the following files : c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\proj\hdf5\debug - c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\proj\hdf5\release - hdf5.lib- the hdf5 library c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\test\"test directory"- where test directory is one of the following: big bittests chunk cmpd_dset dsets dtypes extend external fillval flush1 flush2 gheap hyperslab iopipe istore links mount (not supported in this release) mtime overhead ragged shtype testhdf5 unlink Each test directory contains debug and release subdirectories with the corresponding tests. STEP III: TESTING THE BUILD In a command prompt window run the test batch file which resides in the hdf5 directory to make sure that the library was built correctly. The hdf5testDBG.bat file tests the debug version of the library and hdf5testREL.bat tests the release version of the library. STEP IV: BUILDING THE EXAMPLES 1. Invoke Microsoft Visual C++, go to "File" and select the "Open Workspace" option. Then open the c:\myHDFstuff\hdf5\examples\allexamples.dsw workspace. 2. Select "Build", then Select "Set Active Configuration". On Windows platform select as the active configuration "allexamples -- Win32 Debug" to build debug versions of the examples. or "allexamples -- Win32 Release" to build release versions the examples. Select "Build" and "Build allexamples.exe" to build the corresponding version of the examples. When the debug build or release build is done there should be the following subdirectories in C:\myHDFstuff\hdf5\examples\ attributetest chunkread compoundtest extendwritetest grouptest readtest selecttest writetest 3. Run the batch file "InstallExamples.bat" which resides in the top level directory. This file creates 2 new directories, examplesREL and examplesDEB, in the examples directory and places all the executables in it. Both the release and debug versions of the examples should be built before this step is done. The examples should be tested in these 2 new directories due to some dependencies between the examples. STEP V: BUILDING AN APPLICATION USING THE HDF5 LIBRARY - SOME HELPFUL POINTERS ===================================================================== If you are building an application that uses the HDF5 library the following locations will need to be specified for locating header files and linking in the HDF libraries: \src where may be C:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\ MORE HELPFUL POINTERS ===================== Here are some notes that may be of help if you are not familiar with using the Visual C++ Development Environment. Project name and location issues: The files in all.zip must end up in the hdf5\ directory installed by hdf5-1_2_0.zip If you must install all.dsw and all.dsp in another directory, relative to hdf5\ , you will be asked to locate the sub-project files, when you open the project all.dsw. If you want to rename all (the entire project), you will need to modify two files all.dsw and all.dsp as text (contrary to the explicit warnings in the files). You can also modify all.dsw and all.dsp as text, to allow these 2 files to be installed in another directory. Settings... details: If you create your own project, the necessary settings can be read from the all.dsp file(as text), or from the Project Settings in the Developer Studio project settings dialog. Project Settings C/C++ Category PreProcessor Code Generation Use run-time Library These are all set to use Single-Threaded ZLIB LIBRARY- REMOVING OR CHANGING THE PATH ============================================ If you would like to remove the zlib library from the hdf5 library or use your own version of the zlib library then follow the steps below. Removing the zlib library completely: Open the all.dsw workspace file in Microsoft Visual C++. Go to the hdf5 project. Select the zlib.lib file from this project and delete(press the 'delete' key) it. Next open the H5config.h file from the src directory. Remove the the following two lines: #define HAVE_LIBZ 1 #define HAVE_COMPRESS2 then save the file. Next go to the hdf5dll project. Remove the zlib.lib from this project too. Open the project settings for the hdf5dll project. Go to the C/C++ settings tab and under the preprocessor definitions remove the ZLIB_DLL in both the debug and the release settings. Recompile the all project and then save the workspace. Replacing the zlib library: Open the all.dsw workspace and go to the hdf5 project. Delete the zlib.lib file from the file listing. Then select the hdf5 project and richt click to get a menu. Pick the "add files to project..." option and find the version of the zlib that you would like to use. Then click OK in the file chooser dialog. Repeat the steps for the hdf5dll project. You may also want to replace the zlib.h and zconf.h files which are in the src directory with your own versions of these files. Then recompile the all project.