# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html.  COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page.  It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html.  If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# This is the list of files that are part of HDF5 source distribution. 
# All files have a `./' prefix and appear in lexicographic order.
# Lines that end with _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_ will not be included in a
# release.  Blank lines and comments are ignored.  Comments must start
# in column one with a '#'.

./.autom4te.cfg             		_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./.h5chkright.ini			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_

./bin/checkapi				_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/checkposix			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/chkconfigure			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/chkcopyright			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/debug-ohdr			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/errors			        _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/gcov_script		        _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/reconfigure			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/runtest				_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/snapshot_version			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./bin/timekeeper			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_




# Begin Fortran interface






# End Fortran interface

# Begin C++ interface





# End C++ interface



./src/.indent.pro			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./src/hdf5.lnt				_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./src/hdf5-win.lnt			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./src/hdf5-lin.lnt			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_

./test/gen_bad_ohdr.c                   _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_bogus.c                      _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_cross.c                      _DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_deflate.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_mergemsg.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_new_array.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_new_fill.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_new_group.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_new_mtime.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_new_super.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_noencoder.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_nullspace.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_old_array.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_old_group.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_old_layout.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_old_mtime.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/gen_udlinks.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_
./test/space_overflow.c			_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE_






#tesfiles for h5import

# h5diff sources

# h5repack sources






# h5dump
# h5dump h5import validation

# Expected output from h5ls tests

#additional test input and output for h5dump XML

#test files for h5diff


#test files for h5repack

# jam utility and tests

# test files for jam

# test files for h5copy

# test files for h5mkgrp

# high level libraries

# tools

# hl fortran

# hl c++

#vms files





# Windows-specific Files.
# Batch scripts

# C++ Examples

# C++ Tests

# Library Examples

# Fortran Examples

# Fortran Tests

# High-Leve C++ Tests

# High-Level Library Examples

# High-Level Fortran Examples

# High-Level Fortran Tests

# High-Level Library Tests

# High-Level Tools

# Misc. Projects

# Performance Tests

# Project Files

# Visual Studio Property Sheets

# Windows-maintainted Source

# Library Test Projects

# Library Tools

# Visual Studio .NET Project Files