HDF5 version 1.8.0-alpha4 currently under development
Please refer to the release_docs/INSTALL file for installation instructions.

This release is almost fully functional for the entire API defined in the
documentation, see the RELEASE.txt file in the release_docs directory for information
specific to this release of the library.  The INSTALL file contains
instructions on compiling and installing the library.  The INSTALL_parallel
file contains instructions on installing the parallel version of the
library.  The INSTALL* files can be found in the release_docs/ directory.

Documentation for this release can be found at the following URL:

Four mailing lists are currently set up for use with the HDF5

   hdf5         - For general discussion of the HDF5 library with
		  other users.

   hdf5dev      - For discussion of the HDF5 library development
		  with developers and other interested parties.

   hdf5announce - For announcements of HDF5 related developments,
		  not a discussion list.

   hdf5cvs      - For checkin notices of code development on the library,
		  not a discussion list.

To subscribe to a list, send mail to "majordomo@ncsa.uiuc.edu",
with "subscribe <list>" in the _body_, not the Subject, of the message.
E.g., subscribe hdf5 

Messages to be sent to the list should be sent to "<list>@ncsa.uiuc.edu".

The HDF5 website is located at http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/

Bugs should be reported to hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu.