H5_HLDLL herr_t | H5DSwith_new_ref (hid_t obj_id, hbool_t *with_new_ref) |
| Determines if new references are used with dimension scales. More...
H5_HLDLL herr_t | H5DSattach_scale (hid_t did, hid_t dsid, unsigned int idx) |
| Attach dimension scale dsid to dimension idx of dataset did. More...
H5_HLDLL herr_t | H5DSdetach_scale (hid_t did, hid_t dsid, unsigned int idx) |
| Detach dimension scale dsid from the dimension idx of dataset did . More...
H5_HLDLL herr_t | H5DSset_scale (hid_t dsid, const char *dimname) |
| Convert dataset dsid to a dimension scale, with optional name, dimname . More...
H5_HLDLL int | H5DSget_num_scales (hid_t did, unsigned int idx) |
| Determines how many Dimension Scales are attached to dimension idx of did . More...
H5_HLDLL herr_t | H5DSset_label (hid_t did, unsigned int idx, const char *label) |
| Set label for the dimension idx of did to the value label . More...
H5_HLDLL ssize_t | H5DSget_label (hid_t did, unsigned int idx, char *label, size_t size) |
| Read the label for dimension idx of did into buffer label . More...
H5_HLDLL ssize_t | H5DSget_scale_name (hid_t did, char *name, size_t size) |
| Retrieves name of scale did into buffer name . More...
H5_HLDLL htri_t | H5DSis_scale (hid_t did) |
| Determines whether did is a Dimension Scale. More...
H5_HLDLL herr_t | H5DSiterate_scales (hid_t did, unsigned int dim, int *idx, H5DS_iterate_t visitor, void *visitor_data) |
| Iterates the operation visitor through the scales attached to dimension dim . More...
H5_HLDLL htri_t | H5DSis_attached (hid_t did, hid_t dsid, unsigned int idx) |
| Report if dimension scale dsid is currently attached to dimension idx of dataset did . More...