#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;

# Purpose: insures that API functions aren't called internally.
# Usage:   checkapi H5*.c
my $comment = 0;
while (<>) {

  # Remove comments within the line.

  # Process comment begin and end tokens on this line.
  $comment-- if /\*\//;		# count comment ends
  next if $comment;		# skip line if in comment
  $comment++ if /\/\*/;		# count comment starts
  s/(.*)\/\*.*/$1/;		# remove comments that begin on this line

  # Remove character strings
  s/\\.//g;			# remove escaped characters
  s/\".*?\"//g;			# remove string constants

  # Disregard the following hits
  next if /^H5/;
  next if /^\#/;
  next if /FUNC_ENTER/;

  next unless /(H5[A-Z]{1,2}[a-z]\w*)/;
  print "$ARGV:$.: $1\n";
} continue {
  if (eof) {
    print "$ARGV:$.: bad comment nesting\n" if $comment;
    $comment = 0;
    close ARGV;		# reset line number