#!/usr/bin/env perl require 5.003; use warnings; # # Copyright by The HDF Group. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including # terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in # the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code # distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. # If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from # help@hdfgroup.org. # # Dana Robinson # Spring 2019 # (Original by Robb Matzke) # # Purpose: Given the names of C source files this script will print the # file name, line number, and function name of any function that # doesn't begin with the letter 'h' or 'H' as stipulated by the # HDF5 programming style guide. # # Emacs users can run this script as the compile command and # use 'next-error' (usually bound to M-`) to find each name # violation. use File::Basename; # Loop over all files passed to the function foreach $arg (@ARGV) { # Get the filename from the path $filename = fileparse($arg); # Skip files that don't include H5private.h # H5system. has to be inspected by hand since it wraps POSIX files # # H5detect and H5make_libsettings are created before the library exists # so calls that link to function replacements won't work. We'll ignore # it here. # # If a user specifies one file, process it no matter what so people # can inspect files we normally skip (like H5system.c). $ignore = 0; # Ignored files in src/ if($#ARGV gt 0 and $filename =~ /H5FDmulti|H5FDstdio|H5system|H5detect|H5make_libsettings/) { $ignore = 1; } # Ignored atomic test files in test/ if($#ARGV gt 0 and $filename =~ /atomic_reader|atomic_writer/) { $ignore = 1; } # Ignored filter plugins in test/ if($#ARGV gt 0 and $filename =~ /^filter_plugin\d_/) { $ignore = 1; } # Ignored generators in test/ if($#ARGV gt 0 and $filename =~ /^gen_/) { $ignore = 1; } if($ignore) { print "$filename is exempt from using Standard library macro wrappers\n"; next; } # Open the file open(my $fh, "<", $arg) or do { warn "NOTE: Unable to open $arg: !$\n"; next; }; # Loop over all lines in the file to find undecorated functions while (<$fh>) { # Get rid of comments by removing the inside part. s|/\*.*?\*/||g; if ($in_comment) { if (/\*\//) { s|.*?\*/||; $in_comment = 0; } else { $_="\n"; } } elsif (m|/\*|) { s|/\*.*||; $in_comment = 1; } # Get rid of string constants if they begin and end on this line. s/([\'\"])([^\1]|\\\1)*?\1/$1$1/g; # Get rid of preprocessor directives s/^\#.*//; # Skip callbacks invoked as methods in a struct next if $_ =~ /\b(\)?]?->|\.)\(?([a-z_A-Z]\w*)\s*\(/; # Now find all function calls on this line which don't start with 'H' while (($name)=/\b([a-z_A-GI-Z]\w*)\s*\(/) { $_ = $'; # Ignore C statements that look sort of like function # calls. next if $name =~ /^(if|for|offsetof|return|sizeof|switch|while|void)$/; # Ignore things that get misdetected because of the simplified # parsing that takes place here. next if $name =~ /^(int|herr_t|_term_interface|_term_package)$/; # These are really HDF5 functions/macros even though they don't # start with `h' or `H'. next if $name =~ /^FUNC_(ENTER|LEAVE)(_(NO)?API|_PACKAGE|_STATIC)?(_NOFS|_NOCLEAR|_NOINIT)?(_NOFUNC|_TAG)?$/; next if $name =~ /^(BEGIN|END)_FUNC$/; next if $name =~ /^U?INT(8|16|32|64)(ENCODE|DECODE)(_VAR)?$/; next if $name =~ /^CI_(PRINT_STATS|INC_SRC|INC_DST)$/; next if $name =~ /^(ABS|ADDR_OVERFLOW|ALL_MEMBERS|BOUND|CONSTR|DETECT_[I|F|M]|DOWN)$/; next if $name =~ /^(MIN3?|MAX3?|NELMTS|POWER_OF_TWO|REGION_OVERFLOW)$/; next if $name =~ /^(UNIQUE_MEMBERS|S_ISDIR)$/; next if $name =~ /^addr_defined$/; # Ignore callback invocation next if $name =~ /^(op|cb|OP|iter_op|func)$/; # Ignore main next if $name =~ /^main$/; # This often appears in preprocessor lines that span multiple lines next if $name =~ /^(defined)$/; # These are Windows system calls. Ignore them. next if $name =~ /^(_get_osfhandle|GetFileInformationByHandle|SetFilePointer|GetLastError|SetEndOfFile)$/; next if $name =~ /^(FindNextFile|FindClose|_tzset|Wgettimeofday|GetSystemTimeAsFileTime|Wgetlogin|GetUserName)$/; next if $name =~ /^(DeleteCriticalSection|TlsFree|TlsGetValue|CreateThread)$/; next if $name =~ /^(ExpandEnvironmentStringsA|LockFileEx|UnlockFileEx)$/; next if $name =~ /^(DllMain|LocalAlloc|LocalFree)$/; next if $name =~ /^(FindFirstFileA|FindNextFileA)$/; next if $name =~ /^(_beginthread|(Initialize|Enter|Leave)CriticalSection|TlsAlloc)$/; # These are MPI function calls. Ignore them. next if $name =~ /^(MPI_|MPE_)/; # These are POSIX threads function calls. Ignore them. next if $name =~ /^pthread_/; # These are zlib & szlib function calls. Ignore them. next if $name =~ /^(inflate|SZ_)/; next if $name =~ /^compress2$/; # These is an H5Dfill function. Ignore it in this file. if($filename =~ /H5Dfill/) { next if $name =~ /^(alloc_func)$/; } # These are H5Zscaleoffset functions. Ignore them in this file. if($filename =~ /H5Zscaleoffset/) { next if $name =~ /^(pow_fun|round_fun|abs_fun|lround_fun|llround_fun)$/; } # Internal calls in the HDFS VFD (H5FDhdfs.c). Ignore it in this file. if($filename =~ /H5FDhdfs/) { next if $name =~ /^(hdfs)/; } # Macros, etc. from the mirror VFD (H5FDmirror.c). Ignore in this file. if($filename =~ /H5FDmirror/) { next if $name =~ /^(LOG)/; next if $name =~ /^(BSWAP_64|is_host_little_endian)$/; } # These are things in H5FDs3comms.c and H5FDros3.c. Ignore them in these files. if($filename =~ /H5FDs3comms|H5FDros3/) { next if $name =~ /^(curl_|curlwritecallback|gmnow)/; next if $name =~ /^(ros3_|ROS3_|S3COMMS_)/; next if $name =~ /^(EVP_sha256|SHA256|ISO8601NOW)$/; } # TESTING (not comprehensive - just noise reduction) # Test macros and functions (testhdf5.h) next if $name =~ /^(AddTest|TestErrPrintf|TestSummary|TestCleanup|TestShutdown)$/; next if $name =~ /^(CHECK|CHECK_PTR|CHECK_PTR_NULL|CHECK_PTR_EQ|CHECK_I)$/; next if $name =~ /^(VERIFY|VERIFY_STR|VERIFY_TYPE|MESSAGE|ERROR)$/; # Test macros and functions (h5test.h) next if $name =~ /^(TESTING|PASSED|SKIPPED|PUTS_ERROR|FAIL_PUTS_ERROR|FAIL_STACK_ERROR|TEST_ERROR|AT)$/; next if $name =~ /^(GetTestExpress)$/; # Ignore functions that start with test_ or check_ next if $name =~ /^test_/; next if $name =~ /^check_/; # Ignore functions that start with h5_ next if $name =~ /^h5_/; # Ignore process completed status next if $name =~ /(WIFEXITED|WEXITSTATUS|WIFSIGNALED|WTERMSIG|WCOREDUMP|WIFSTOPPED|WSTOPSIG)/; # Ignore usage functions next if $name =~ /^usage$/; # Ignore callbacks next if $name =~ /(_cb\d?)$/; # Specific tests (not even remotely comprehensive) # accum test code if($filename =~ /accum/) { next if $name =~ /^(accum_)/; } # cache test code if($filename =~ /cache/) { next if $name =~ /(_entry|_entries|_cache|_check|_dependency|_status|_op)$/; next if $name =~ /^(verify_|smoke_check_|row_major_|col_major_)/; next if $name =~ /^(resize_configs_are_equal|CACHE_ERROR)$/ } # Splitter VFD test code. Ignore in vfd.c. if($filename =~ /vfd/) { next if $name =~ /^(SPLITTER_|splitter_)/; next if $name =~ /(_splitter_)/; next if $name =~ /^(file_exists)$/; } # S3 VFD test code. Ignore in ros3.c and s3comms.c. # HDFS VFD test code. Ignore in hdfs.c. if($filename =~ /ros3|s3comms|hdfs/) { next if $name =~ /^(JSVERIFY|JSFAILED_|JSERR_|jserr_|FAIL_)/; next if $name =~ /^(curl_)/; next if $name =~ /^(S3COMMS_FORMAT_CREDENTIAL|ISO8601NOW|gmnow)$/; } # VDS test code. Ignore in vds.c. if($filename =~ /vds/) { next if $name =~ /^(vds_)/; } print "$filename:$.: $name\n"; } } # Close the file close($fh); } if($#ARGV gt 0) { print "\n"; print "NOTE:\n"; print "If any files were skipped due to being exempt, you can inspect them manually\n"; print "by using this script on them one at a time, which will always process the file.\n"; }