#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;

# Copyright (C) 1997 National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
#		     All rights reserved.
# Robb Matzke, matzke@llnl.gov
# 30 Aug 1997
# Purpose: Given the names of C source files this script will print the
#	   file name, line number, and function name of any function that
#	   doesn't begin with the letter `h' or `H' as stipulated by the
#	   HDF5 programming style guide.
#	   Emacs users can run this script as the compile command and
#	   use `next-error' (usually bound to M-`) to find each name
#	   violation.

while (<>) {

   # Get rid of comments by removing the inside part.
   if ($in_comment) {
      if (/\*\//) {
         $in_comment = 0;
      } else {
   } elsif (m|/\*|) {
      $in_comment = 1;

   # Get rid of string constants if they begin and end on this line.

   # Now find all function calls on this line
   while (($name)=/\b([a-gi-z_A-GI-Z]\w*)\s*\(/) {
      $_ = $';
      # Ignore C statements that look sort of like function
      # calls.
      next if $name =~ /^(if|for|return|sizeof|switch|while|void)$/;

      # These are really HDF5 functions/macros even though they don't
      # start with `h' or `H'.
      next if $name =~ /^FUNC_(ENTER|LEAVE)(_INIT)?$/;
      next if $name =~ /^U?INT(8|16|32|64)(ENCODE|DECODE)$/;
      next if $name =~ /^(MIN|MAX3?|NELMTS|BOUND|CONSTR)$/;

      # These functions/macros are exempt.
      next if $name =~ /^(assert|main|[fs]?printf)$/;

      print "$ARGV:$.: $name\n";

} continue {
   close ARGV if eof;