#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;
use Cwd;

# Get the current directory and build the source files name based on it.

$hdr = "$cwd/src/H5public.h";
$bak = "$cwd/src/H5public.h~";
$tmp = "$cwd/src/H5public.$$";

# Open files
open OLD, $hdr or die "cannot read $hdr";
open NEW, ">$tmp" or die "cannot write to $tmp";

while (<OLD>) {
    if (/^(\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_RELEASE\s+)(\d+)(.*)/) {
	print NEW $1, $2+1, $3, "\n";
    } elsif (/^(\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_PATCH\s+)(\d+)(.*)/) {
	print NEW $1, "0", $3, "\n";
    } else {
	print NEW;
close OLD;
close NEW;

# Create a backup
rename $hdr, $bak or warn "cannot create backup version";
rename $tmp, $hdr or die "cannot update version number";

exit 0;