// C++ informative line for the emacs editor: -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef _H5DSetMemXferPropList_H
#define _H5DSetMemXferPropList_H

namespace H5 {

class DSetMemXferPropList : public PropList {
	static const DSetMemXferPropList DEFAULT;

	// Creates a dataset memory and transfer property list

	// Copy constructor: creates a copy of a DSetMemXferPropList object
	DSetMemXferPropList( const DSetMemXferPropList& orig );

	// Sets type conversion and background buffers
	void setBuffer( size_t size, void* tconv, void* bkg ) const;

	// Reads buffer settings
	size_t getBuffer( void** tconv, void** bkg ) const;

	// Sets the dataset transfer property list status to TRUE or FALSE
	void setPreserve( bool status ) const;

	// Checks status of the dataset transfer property list
	bool getPreserve() const;

	// Indicates whether to cache hyperslab blocks during I/O
	void setHyperCache( bool cache, unsigned limit = 0 ) const;

	// Returns information regarding the caching of hyperslab blocks during I/O
	void getHyperCache( bool& cache, unsigned& limit ) const;

	// Sets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list 
	void setBtreeRatios( double left, double middle, double right ) const;

	// Gets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list
	void getBtreeRatios( double& left, double& middle, double& right ) const;

	// Sets the memory manager for variable-length datatype 
	// allocation in H5Dread and H5Dvlen_reclaim
	void setVlenMemManager( H5MM_allocate_t alloc, void* alloc_info, 
				H5MM_free_t free, void* free_info ) const;

	// alloc and free are set to NULL, indicating that system 
	// malloc and free are to be used
	void setVlenMemManager() const;

	// Gets the memory manager for variable-length datatype 
	// allocation in H5Dread and H5Tvlen_reclaim
	void getVlenMemManager( H5MM_allocate_t& alloc, void** alloc_info, 
				H5MM_free_t& free, void** free_info ) const;

	// Sets the transfer mode - parallel mode, not currently supported
	//void setXfer( H5D_transfer_t data_xfer_mode = H5D_XFER_INDEPENDENT ) const;

	// Gets the transfer mode - parallel mode, not currently supported
	//H5D_transfer_t getXfer() const;

	// Creates a copy of an existing dataset memory and transfer 
	// property list using the property list id
	DSetMemXferPropList (const hid_t plist_id) : PropList( plist_id ) {}

	// Default destructor
	virtual ~DSetMemXferPropList();
