/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code * * distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. * * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * * help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /***************************************************************************** FILE tlinks.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing functionalities associated with the C link interface (H5L) ***************************************************************************/ #include using std::cerr; using std::endl; #include #include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file using namespace H5; #include "h5test.h" #include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file #define NAME_BUF_SIZE 1024 #define H5L_DIM1 100 #define H5L_DIM2 100 // Object visit structs typedef struct { const char *path; /* Path to object */ H5O_type_t type; /* Type of object */ } obj_visit_t; // User data for callback function typedef struct { unsigned idx; /* Index in object visit structure */ const obj_visit_t *info; /* Pointer to the object visit structure to use */ } ovisit_ud_t; static const char *FILENAME[] = {"link0", "link1.h5", "link2.h5", "visit", NULL}; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: test_basic_links * * Purpose Test building a file with assorted links. * * Return Success: 0 * Failure: -1 * * October 16, 2009 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void test_basic_links(hid_t fapl_id, hbool_t new_format) { hsize_t size[1] = {1}; char filename[NAME_BUF_SIZE]; // Use the file access template id to create a file access prop. list. FileAccPropList fapl(fapl_id); try { if (new_format) SUBTEST("Link creation (w/new group format)") else SUBTEST("Link creation") h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File file(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl); // Create simple dataspace DataSpace scalar(1, size, size); // Create a group then close it by letting the object go out of scope { Group group(file.createGroup("grp1", 0)); } // Create a dataset then close it by letting the object go out of scope { DataSet dset1(file.createDataSet("dset1", PredType::NATIVE_INT, scalar)); } hid_t file_id = file.getId(); // Because these are not implemented in the C++ API yet, they are // used so CommonFG::getLinkval can be tested. // Create a hard link if (H5Lcreate_hard(file_id, "dset1", H5L_SAME_LOC, "grp1/hard1", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) throw Exception("test_basic_links", "H5Lcreate_hard failed"); // Create a symbolic link if (H5Lcreate_soft("/dset1", file_id, "grp1/soft", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) throw Exception("test_basic_links", "H5Lcreate_soft failed"); // Create a symbolic link to something that doesn't exist if (H5Lcreate_soft("foobar", file_id, "grp1/dangle", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) throw Exception("test_basic_links", "H5Lcreate_soft failed"); // Create a recursive symbolic link if (H5Lcreate_soft("/grp1/recursive", file_id, "/grp1/recursive", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) throw Exception("test_basic_links", "H5Lcreate_soft failed"); // Verify link values before closing the file H5std_string softlink_val = file.getLinkval("grp1/soft"); verify_val(softlink_val, "/dset1", "H5File::getLinkval grp1/soft", __LINE__, __FILE__); H5std_string dngllink_val = file.getLinkval("grp1/dangle"); verify_val(dngllink_val, "foobar", "H5File::getLinkval grp1/dangle", __LINE__, __FILE__); H5std_string reclink_val = file.getLinkval("grp1/recursive"); verify_val(reclink_val, "/grp1/recursive", "H5File::getLinkval grp1/recursive", __LINE__, __FILE__); } // end of try block catch (Exception &E) { issue_fail_msg("test_basic_links()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } // Open the file and check on the links in it try { // Open the file above H5File file(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl); // Verify link existence if (file.nameExists("dset1", LinkAccPropList::DEFAULT) != TRUE) throw InvalidActionException("H5File::nameExists", "dset1 doesn't exist"); if (file.nameExists("grp1/soft", LinkAccPropList::DEFAULT) != TRUE) throw InvalidActionException("H5File::nameExists", "grp1/soft doesn't exist"); // Deprecated if (file.exists("dset1", LinkAccPropList::DEFAULT) != TRUE) throw InvalidActionException("H5File::exists", "dset1 doesn't exist"); if (file.exists("grp1/soft", LinkAccPropList::DEFAULT) != TRUE) throw InvalidActionException("H5File::exists", "grp1/soft doesn't exist"); // Verify link values H5std_string softlink_val = file.getLinkval("grp1/soft"); verify_val(softlink_val, "/dset1", "H5File::getLinkval grp1/soft", __LINE__, __FILE__); H5std_string reclink_val = file.getLinkval("grp1/recursive"); verify_val(reclink_val, "/grp1/recursive", "H5File::getLinkval grp1/recursive", __LINE__, __FILE__); PASSED(); } // end of try block catch (Exception &E) { issue_fail_msg("test_basic_links()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } } // test_basic_links /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: test_lcpl * * Purpose: Tests link creation property lists, specifically, the * character encoding property. * * Return: Success: 0 * Failure: number of errors * March, 2018 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const H5std_string GROUP1NAME("First_group"); const H5std_string GROUP2NAME("Second_group"); static void test_lcpl(hid_t fapl_id, hbool_t new_format) { H5L_info_t linfo; char filename[1024]; hsize_t dims[2]; if (new_format) SUBTEST("Link creation property lists (w/new group format)") else SUBTEST("Link creation property lists") try { FileAccPropList fapl(fapl_id); // Create a new file. h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File file(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl); // Create and link a group with the default LCPL. Group grp_1(file.createGroup(GROUP1NAME)); grp_1.close(); // Check that its character encoding is the default. linfo = file.getLinkInfo(GROUP1NAME); if (linfo.cset != H5T_CSET_ASCII) throw InvalidActionException("H5Lget_info", "Character encoding is not default"); // Create and commit a datatype with the default LCPL. IntType dtype(PredType::NATIVE_INT); dtype.commit(file, "/type"); dtype.close(); // Check that its character encoding is the default. linfo = file.getLinkInfo("/type"); verify_val(linfo.cset, H5T_CSET_ASCII, "Character encoding is not default", __LINE__, __FILE__); // Create a simple dataspace. dims[0] = H5L_DIM1; dims[1] = H5L_DIM2; DataSpace dspace(2, dims); // Create a dataset using the default LCPL. DataSet dset(file.createDataSet("/dataset", PredType::NATIVE_INT, dspace)); dset.close(); // Check that its character encoding is the default. linfo = file.getLinkInfo("/dataset"); verify_val(linfo.cset, H5T_CSET_ASCII, "Character encoding is not default", __LINE__, __FILE__); // Create a link creation property list with the UTF-8 character encoding. LinkCreatPropList lcpl; lcpl.setCharEncoding(H5T_CSET_UTF8); // Create and link a group with the new LCPL. Group grp_2(file.createGroup(GROUP2NAME, lcpl)); grp_2.close(); // Check that its character encoding is UTF-8. linfo = file.getLinkInfo(GROUP2NAME); verify_val(linfo.cset, H5T_CSET_UTF8, "Character encoding is not UTF-8", __LINE__, __FILE__); PASSED(); } // end of try block catch (Exception &E) { issue_fail_msg("test_lcpl()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } } // end test_lcpl() /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: test_move * * Purpose: Tests wrappers of H5Lmove() * * Return: Success: 0 * Failure: number of errors * March, 2018 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void test_move(hid_t fapl_id, hbool_t new_format) { char filename[1024]; if (new_format) SUBTEST("Group::moveLink (w/new group format)") else SUBTEST("Group::moveLink") try { FileAccPropList fapl(fapl_id); // Create two new files h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File file_a(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl); h5_fixname(FILENAME[1], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File file_b(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl); // Create groups in first file Group grp_1(file_a.createGroup(GROUP1NAME)); Group grp_2(file_a.createGroup(GROUP2NAME)); Group grp_move(grp_1.createGroup("group_move")); // Create hard and soft links grp_1.link(H5L_TYPE_HARD, "group_move", "hard"); grp_2.link(H5L_TYPE_SOFT, "/First_group/group_copy", "soft"); // Move a group across files, should fail try { grp_1.moveLink("group_move", file_b, "group_new_name"); // Should throw an exception but didn't H5_FAILED(); cerr << " Group group_move should not be moved across files" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } // Move a soft link across files, should succeed grp_2.moveLink("soft", file_b, "soft_new_name"); if (file_b.exists("soft_new_name") != TRUE) throw InvalidActionException("H5File::exists", "grp1/soft doesn't exist"); // Move a group across groups in the same file while renaming it grp_1.moveLink("group_move", grp_2, "group_new_name"); // Open the group just moved to the new location. */ Group moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_new_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Verify that the group is no longer in the original location try { moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_move"); // Should throw an exception but didn't H5_FAILED(); cerr << " Group group_move should not be in original location" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } // Use H5Lmove to rename a group without moving it H5std_string new_name("group_new_name"); H5std_string newer_name("group_newer_name"); grp_2.moveLink(new_name, newer_name); // Open the group moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Use H5Lmove to move a group without renaming it grp_2.moveLink(newer_name, grp_1, newer_name); // Open the group moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Move the group while giving long paths file_a.moveLink("/First_group/group_newer_name", grp_2, "/Second_group/group_newest_name"); // Open the group just moved to the new location moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_newest_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Verify that the groups are not in previous locations try { moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); H5_FAILED(); // Should throw an exception but didn't cerr << " Group group_newer_name should not be in GROUP1NAME" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } try { moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); H5_FAILED(); // Should throw an exception but didn't cerr << " Group group_newer_name should not be in GROUP2NAME" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } try { moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_new_name"); moved_grp.close(); H5_FAILED(); // Should throw an exception but didn't cerr << " Group group_new_name should not be in GROUP2NAME" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } try { moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_copy"); moved_grp.close(); H5_FAILED(); // Should throw an exception but didn't cerr << " Group group_copy should not be in GROUP1NAME" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } PASSED(); } // end of try block catch (Exception &E) { issue_fail_msg("test_move()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } } // test_move /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: test_copy * * Purpose: Tests wrappers of H5Lcopy() * * Return: Success: 0 * Failure: number of errors * March, 2018 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void test_copy(hid_t fapl_id, hbool_t new_format) { char filename[1024]; if (new_format) SUBTEST("Group::copyLink (w/new group format)") else SUBTEST("Group::copyLink") try { // Create two new files h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File file_a(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl_id); h5_fixname(FILENAME[1], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File file_b(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl_id); // Create groups in first file Group grp_1(file_a.createGroup(GROUP1NAME)); Group grp_2(file_a.createGroup(GROUP2NAME)); Group grp_move(grp_1.createGroup("group_copy")); // Create hard and soft links grp_1.link("group_copy", H5L_SAME_LOC, "hard"); grp_2.link("/First_group/group_copy", "soft"); // Copy a group across files, should fail try { grp_1.copyLink("group_copy", file_b, "group_new_name"); } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } // Copy a soft link across files, should succeed grp_2.copyLink("soft", file_b, "soft_new_name"); if (file_b.exists("soft_new_name") != TRUE) throw InvalidActionException("H5File::exists", "soft_new_name doesn't exist"); // Move a group across groups in the same file while renaming it H5std_string copy_name("group_copy"); H5std_string new_name("group_new_name"); grp_1.copyLink(copy_name, grp_2, new_name); // Open the group just moved to the new location. Group moved_grp(grp_2.openGroup("group_new_name")); moved_grp.close(); // Verify that the group is also in the original location moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_copy"); moved_grp.close(); // Create a group in the same location with a different name grp_2.copyLink("group_new_name", "group_newer_name"); // Open the group moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Verify that the group is also in the original location moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_new_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Use H5Lcopy to copy to a different location with the same name grp_2.copyLink("group_newer_name", grp_1, "group_newer_name"); // Open the group moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Verify that the group is still in the previous location moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_new_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Copy the group while giving long paths file_a.copyLink("/First_group/group_newer_name", grp_2, "/Second_group/group_newest_name"); // Open the newest group just moved to the new location moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_newest_name"); moved_grp.close(); // Verify that the group is still in all previous original locations moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_new_name"); moved_grp.close(); moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_copy"); moved_grp.close(); // Delete "group_newer_name" from group 2, then try to open it. grp_2.unlink("group_newer_name"); try { moved_grp = grp_2.openGroup("group_newer_name"); moved_grp.close(); H5_FAILED(); // Should throw an exception but didn't cerr << " Group group_newer_name should not be in GROUP2NAME" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } // Delete "group_copy" from group 1, then try to open it. grp_1.unlink("group_copy"); try { moved_grp = grp_1.openGroup("group_copy"); moved_grp.close(); H5_FAILED(); // Should throw an exception but didn't cerr << " Group group_copy should not be in GROUP1NAME" << endl; } catch (Exception &E) { // expected } PASSED(); } // end of try block catch (Exception &E) { issue_fail_msg("test_copy()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } } // test_copy /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: test_num_links * * Purpose Test setting and getting limit of number of links * * Return Success: 0 * Failure: -1 * * October 16, 2009 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void test_num_links(hid_t fapl_id, hbool_t new_format) { char filename[NAME_BUF_SIZE]; if (new_format) SUBTEST("Setting number of links (w/new group format)") else SUBTEST("Setting number of links") try { // Use the file access template id to create a file access prop. list. FileAccPropList fapl(fapl_id); h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File file(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl); LinkAccPropList lapl; size_t nlinks = 5; lapl.setNumLinks(nlinks); // Read it back and verify size_t read_nlinks = lapl.getNumLinks(); verify_val(read_nlinks, nlinks, "LinkAccPropList::setNumLinks", __LINE__, __FILE__); PASSED(); } // end of try block catch (Exception &E) { issue_fail_msg("test_num_links()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } } // test_num_links // Data for visit on the file static const obj_visit_t file_visit[] = { {".", H5O_TYPE_GROUP}, {"Data", H5O_TYPE_GROUP}, {"Data/Compressed_Data", H5O_TYPE_DATASET}, {"Data/Float_Data", H5O_TYPE_DATASET}, }; // Data for visit on the group static const obj_visit_t group_visit[] = { {".", H5O_TYPE_GROUP}, {"Compressed_Data", H5O_TYPE_DATASET}, {"Float_Data", H5O_TYPE_DATASET}, }; const H5std_string FILE_NAME("tvisit.h5"); const H5std_string GROUP_NAME("/Data"); const H5std_string DSET1_NAME("/Data/Compressed_Data"); const H5std_string DSET2_NAME("/Data/Float_Data"); const int RANK = 2; const int DIM1 = 2; // Operator function static int visit_obj_cb(H5Object &obj, const H5std_string name, const H5O_info_t *oinfo, void *_op_data) { ovisit_ud_t *op_data = static_cast(_op_data); // Check for correct object information if (strcmp(op_data->info[op_data->idx].path, name.c_str()) != 0) return (H5_ITER_ERROR); if (op_data->info[op_data->idx].type != oinfo->type) return (H5_ITER_ERROR); // Advance to next location op_data->idx++; return (H5_ITER_CONT); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: test_visit * * Purpose Test H5Object::visit * * Return None * * February 8, 2019 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void test_visit(hid_t fapl_id, hbool_t new_format) { hsize_t dims[2]; hsize_t cdims[2]; char filename[NAME_BUF_SIZE]; if (new_format) SUBTEST("H5Object::visit (w/new group format)") else SUBTEST("H5Object::visit") try { // Use the file access template id to create a file access prop. list FileAccPropList fapl(fapl_id); // Build the hdf5 file name and create the file h5_fixname(FILENAME[3], fapl_id, filename, sizeof filename); H5File *file = new H5File(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl); // Create a group Group *group = new Group(file->createGroup(GROUP_NAME)); // Create a chunked/compressed dataset within this group specified by path dims[0] = 20; dims[1] = 2; cdims[0] = 2; cdims[1] = 2; DataSpace *dataspace = new DataSpace(RANK, dims); // create new dspace DSetCreatPropList ds_creatplist; // create dataset creation prop list ds_creatplist.setChunk(2, cdims); // then modify it for compression ds_creatplist.setDeflate(6); DataSet *dataset = new DataSet(file->createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, *dataspace, ds_creatplist)); delete dataset; delete dataspace; // Create another dataset dims[0] = 5; dims[1] = 2; dataspace = new DataSpace(RANK, dims); // create second dspace dataset = new DataSet(file->createDataSet(DSET2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, *dataspace)); // Close everything delete dataset; delete dataspace; delete group; delete file; // Reopen the file and group in the file. file = new H5File(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR); group = new Group(file->openGroup("Data")); // Open the group dataset = new DataSet(group->openDataSet(DSET2_NAME)); delete dataset; // Visit objects in the file ovisit_ud_t udata; /* User-data for visiting */ udata.idx = 0; udata.info = file_visit; file->visit(H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, visit_obj_cb, &udata, H5O_INFO_BASIC); // Visit objects in the group udata.idx = 0; udata.info = group_visit; group->visit(H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, visit_obj_cb, &udata, H5O_INFO_BASIC); // Close the group and file. delete group; delete file; PASSED(); } // end of try block catch (Exception &E) { cerr << "in catch" << endl; issue_fail_msg("test_visit()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } } // test_visit() /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: test_links * * Purpose Test links * * Return None * * October 16, 2009 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern "C" void test_links() { hid_t fapl_id, fapl2_id; /* File access property lists */ unsigned new_format; /* Whether to use the new format or not */ if ((fapl_id = h5_fileaccess()) < 0) throw Exception("test_links", "Unable to get file access property list"); // Output message about test being performed MESSAGE(5, ("Testing Various Links\n")); try { /* Copy the file access property list */ if ((fapl2_id = H5Pcopy(fapl_id)) < 0) throw Exception("test_links", "H5Pcopy failed"); /* Set the "use the latest version of the format" bounds for creating objects in the file */ if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl2_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) throw Exception("test_links", "H5Pset_libver_bounds failed"); /* Loop over using new group format */ for (new_format = FALSE; new_format <= TRUE; new_format++) { hid_t my_fapl_id; /* Check for FAPL to use */ if (new_format) my_fapl_id = fapl2_id; else my_fapl_id = fapl_id; /* General tests... (on both old & new format groups */ // FileAccPropList may be passed in instead of fapl id test_basic_links(my_fapl_id, new_format); test_num_links(my_fapl_id, new_format); test_move(my_fapl_id, new_format); test_copy(my_fapl_id, new_format); test_lcpl(my_fapl_id, new_format); test_visit(my_fapl_id, new_format); } /* end for */ /* Close 2nd FAPL */ H5Pclose(fapl2_id); h5_clean_files(FILENAME, fapl_id); } catch (Exception &E) { issue_fail_msg("test_links()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg()); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: cleanup_links * * Purpose Cleanup temporary test files * * Return none *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern "C" void cleanup_links() { HDremove(FILENAME[0]); HDremove(FILENAME[1]); }