# userblockTest.cmake executes a command and captures the output in a file. File is then compared # against a reference file. Exit status of command can also be compared. # arguments checking if (NOT TEST_PROGRAM) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_PROGRAM tellub to be defined") endif (NOT TEST_PROGRAM) if (NOT TEST_GET_PROGRAM) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_GET_PROGRAM getub to be defined") endif (NOT TEST_GET_PROGRAM) if (NOT TEST_FOLDER) message ( FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_FOLDER to be defined") endif (NOT TEST_FOLDER) if (NOT TEST_HFILE) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_HFILE the hdf file to be defined") endif (NOT TEST_HFILE) if (NOT TEST_UFILE) message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_UFILE the ub file to be defined") endif (NOT TEST_UFILE) if (NOT TEST_CHECKUB) message (STATUS "Require TEST_CHECKUB - YES or NO - to be defined") endif (NOT TEST_CHECKUB) #if (NOT TEST_EXPECT) # message (STATUS "Require TEST_EXPECT to be defined") #endif (NOT TEST_EXPECT) #if (NOT TEST_OFILE) # message (FATAL_ERROR "Require TEST_OFILE the original hdf file to be defined") #endif (NOT TEST_OFILE) set (TEST_U_STRING_LEN 0) set (TEST_O_STRING_LEN 0) set (TEST_H_STRING_LEN 0) set (TEST_STRING_SIZE 0) if (TEST_CHECKUB STREQUAL "YES") # find the length of the user block to check #s1=`cat $ufile | wc -c | sed -e 's/ //g'` file (STRINGS ${TEST_FOLDER}/${TEST_UFILE} TEST_U_STRING) string (LENGTH ${TEST_U_STRING} TEST_U_STRING_LEN) # Get the size of the original user block, if any. if (TEST_OFILE) # 'tellub' calls H5Fget_user_block to get the size # of the user block #s2=`$JAM_BIN/tellub $origfile` EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${TEST_OFILE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT OUTPUT_FILE ${TEST_HFILE}.len.txt OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ) if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL "0") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The output of ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${TEST_OFILE} is: ${TEST_ERROR}") endif (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL "0") file (READ ${TEST_HFILE}.len.txt TEST_O_STRING_LEN) endif (TEST_OFILE) MATH( EXPR TEST_STRING_SIZE "${TEST_U_STRING_LEN} + ${TEST_O_STRING_LEN}" ) if (NOT TEST_O_STRING_LEN STREQUAL "0") #$JAM_BIN/getub -c $s2 $origfile > $cmpfile EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${TEST_GET_PROGRAM} -c ${TEST_O_STRING_LEN} ${TEST_OFILE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT OUTPUT_FILE ${TEST_HFILE}-ub.cmp OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) #cat $ufile >> $cmpfile file (STRINGS ${TEST_UFILE} TEST_STREAM NEWLINE_CONSUME) file (APPEND ${TEST_HFILE}-ub.cmp "${TEST_STREAM}") else (NOT TEST_O_STRING_LEN STREQUAL "0") file (STRINGS ${TEST_UFILE} TEST_STREAM NEWLINE_CONSUME) file (WRITE ${TEST_HFILE}-ub.cmp ${TEST_STREAM}) endif (NOT TEST_O_STRING_LEN STREQUAL "0") #$JAM_BIN/getub -c $size $hfile > $tfile EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${TEST_GET_PROGRAM} -c ${TEST_STRING_SIZE} ${TEST_HFILE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT OUTPUT_FILE ${TEST_HFILE}.cmp OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # now compare the outputs EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files ${TEST_HFILE}-ub.cmp ${TEST_HFILE}.cmp RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT ) message (STATUS "COMPARE Result: ${TEST_RESULT}: ${TEST_STRING_SIZE}=${TEST_U_STRING_LEN}+${TEST_O_STRING_LEN}") # if the return value is !=${TEST_EXPECT} bail out if (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL ${TEST_EXPECT}) message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The output of ${TEST_HFILE}-ub did not match ${TEST_HFILE}.\n${TEST_ERROR}") endif (NOT ${TEST_RESULT} STREQUAL ${TEST_EXPECT}) else (TEST_CHECKUB STREQUAL "YES") # call 'ubsize' to get the size of the user block #ubsize=`$JAM_BIN/tellub $hfile` EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${TEST_PROGRAM} ${TEST_HFILE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TEST_FOLDER} RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_H_STRING_LEN OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ) if (NOT TEST_H_STRING_LEN STREQUAL "0") message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed: The output of ${TEST_HFILE} was NOT empty") endif (NOT TEST_H_STRING_LEN STREQUAL "0") endif (TEST_CHECKUB STREQUAL "YES") # everything went fine... message ("Passed: The output of CHECK matched expectation")