# # Copyright by The HDF Group. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including # terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in # the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code # distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases. # If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from # help@hdfgroup.org. # - Find SZIP library # - Derived from the FindTiff.cmake that is included with cmake # Find the native SZIP includes and library # This module defines # SZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS, where to find tiff.h, etc. # SZIP_LIBRARIES, libraries to link against to use SZIP. # SZIP_FOUND, If false, do not try to use SZIP. # also defined, but not for general use are # SZIP_LIBRARY, where to find the SZIP library. # SZIP_LIBRARY_DEBUG - Debug version of SZIP library # SZIP_LIBRARY_RELEASE - Release Version of SZIP library # message (STATUS "Finding SZIP library and headers..." ) ############################################ # # Check the existence of the libraries. # ############################################ # This macro was taken directly from the FindQt4.cmake file that is included # with the CMake distribution. This is NOT my work. All work was done by the # original authors of the FindQt4.cmake file. Only minor modifications were # made to remove references to Qt and make this file more generally applicable ######################################################################### macro (SZIP_ADJUST_LIB_VARS basename) if (${basename}_INCLUDE_DIR) # if only the release version was found, set the debug variable also to the release version if (${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE AND NOT ${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG) set (${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG ${${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) set (${basename}_LIBRARY ${${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) set (${basename}_LIBRARIES ${${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) endif () # if only the debug version was found, set the release variable also to the debug version if (${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG AND NOT ${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) set (${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE ${${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) set (${basename}_LIBRARY ${${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) set (${basename}_LIBRARIES ${${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) endif () if (${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG AND ${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) # if the generator supports configuration types then set # optimized and debug libraries, or if the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE has a value if (CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set (${basename}_LIBRARY optimized ${${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE} debug ${${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) else () # if there are no configuration types and CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE has no value # then just use the release libraries set (${basename}_LIBRARY ${${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE} ) endif () set (${basename}_LIBRARIES optimized ${${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE} debug ${${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) endif () set (${basename}_LIBRARY ${${basename}_LIBRARY} CACHE FILEPATH "The ${basename} library") if (${basename}_LIBRARY) set (${basename}_FOUND 1) endif () endif () # Make variables changeble to the advanced user MARK_AS_ADVANCED (${basename}_LIBRARY ${basename}_LIBRARY_RELEASE ${basename}_LIBRARY_DEBUG ${basename}_INCLUDE_DIR ) endmacro () # Look for the header file. set (SZIP_INCLUDE_SEARCH_DIRS $ENV{SZIP_INSTALL}/include $ENV{SZIP_INSTALL}/include/szip /usr/include /usr/include/szip ) set (SZIP_LIB_SEARCH_DIRS $ENV{SZIP_INSTALL}/lib /usr/lib ) set (SZIP_BIN_SEARCH_DIRS $ENV{SZIP_INSTALL}/bin /usr/bin ) FIND_PATH (SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES szlib.h PATHS ${SZIP_INCLUDE_SEARCH_DIRS} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) if (WIN32) set (SZIP_SEARCH_DEBUG_NAMES "sz_d;libsz_d") set (SZIP_SEARCH_RELEASE_NAMES "sz;libsz;libszip") else () set (SZIP_SEARCH_DEBUG_NAMES "sz_d") set (SZIP_SEARCH_RELEASE_NAMES "sz;szip") endif () # Look for the library. FIND_LIBRARY (SZIP_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${SZIP_SEARCH_DEBUG_NAMES} PATHS ${SZIP_LIB_SEARCH_DIRS} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) FIND_LIBRARY (SZIP_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${SZIP_SEARCH_RELEASE_NAMES} PATHS ${SZIP_LIB_SEARCH_DIRS} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) SZIP_ADJUST_LIB_VARS (SZIP) if (SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR AND SZIP_LIBRARY) set (SZIP_FOUND 1) set (SZIP_LIBRARIES ${SZIP_LIBRARY}) set (SZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS ${SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR}) if (SZIP_LIBRARY_DEBUG) get_filename_component (SZIP_LIBRARY_PATH ${SZIP_LIBRARY_DEBUG} PATH) set (SZIP_LIB_DIR ${SZIP_LIBRARY_PATH}) elseif () get_filename_component (SZIP_LIBRARY_PATH ${SZIP_LIBRARY_RELEASE} PATH) set (SZIP_LIB_DIR ${SZIP_LIBRARY_PATH}) endif () else () set (SZIP_FOUND 0) set (SZIP_LIBRARIES) set (SZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif () # Report the results. if (NOT SZIP_FOUND) set (SZIP_DIR_MESSAGE "SZip was not found. Make sure SZIP_LIBRARY and SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR are set or set the SZIP_INSTALL environment variable." ) if (NOT SZIP_FIND_QUIETLY) message (STATUS "${SZIP_DIR_MESSAGE}") else () if (SZIP_FIND_REQUIRED) message (FATAL_ERROR "SZip was NOT found and is Required by this project") endif () endif () endif () if (SZIP_FOUND) include (CheckSymbolExists) ############################################# # Find out if SZIP was build using dll's ############################################# # Save required variable set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES_SAVE ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS_SAVE ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}) # Add SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR to CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES};${SZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS}") # Restore CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES and CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS variables set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES_SAVE}) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS_SAVE}) # ############################################# endif () if (FIND_SZIP_DEBUG) message (STATUS "SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR: ${SZIP_INCLUDE_DIR}") message (STATUS "SZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS: ${SZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message (STATUS "SZIP_LIBRARY_DEBUG: ${SZIP_LIBRARY_DEBUG}") message (STATUS "SZIP_LIBRARY_RELEASE: ${SZIP_LIBRARY_RELEASE}") message (STATUS "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif ()