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API Reference
Fortran High Level Images (H5IM) Interface

Detailed Description

See also
HDF5 Images API (H5IM), C-HL API
The HDF5 High Level Images, User Guide


subroutine h5immake_image_8bit_f (loc_id, dset_name, width, height, buf, errcode)
 Creates and writes an image an 8 bit image. More...
subroutine h5imread_image_f (loc_id, dset_name, buf, errcode)
 Reads image data from disk. More...
subroutine h5immake_image_24bit_f (loc_id, dset_name, width, height, il, buf, errcode)
 Creates and writes an image a 24 bit image. More...
subroutine h5imget_image_info_f (loc_id, dset_name, width, height, planes, interlace, npals, errcode)
 Gets information about an image dataset (dimensions, interlace mode and number of associated palettes). More...
integer function h5imis_image_f (loc_id, dset_name)
 Inquires if a dataset is an image. More...
subroutine h5immake_palette_f (loc_id, pal_name, pal_dims, pal_data, errcode)
 Creates and writes a palette. More...
subroutine h5imlink_palette_f (loc_id, image_name, pal_name, errcode)
 This function attaches a palette to an existing image dataset. More...
subroutine h5imunlink_palette_f (loc_id, image_name, pal_name, errcode)
 This function detaches a palette to an existing image dataset. More...
subroutine h5imget_npalettes_f (loc_id, image_name, npals, errcode)
 Gets the number of palettes associated to an image. More...
subroutine h5imget_palette_info_f (loc_id, image_name, pal_number, pal_dims, errcode)
 Gets information about a palette dataset (dimensions). More...
subroutine h5imget_palette_f (loc_id, image_name, pal_number, pal_data, errcode)
 Gets the palette dataset. More...
integer function h5imis_palette_f (loc_id, dset_name)
 Inquires if a dataset is a palette. Returns zero (false), a positive (true) or a negative (failure) value. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ h5imget_image_info_f()

subroutine h5im::h5imget_image_info_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  dset_name,
integer(hsize_t), intent(inout)  width,
integer(hsize_t), intent(inout)  height,
integer(hsize_t), intent(inout)  planes,
character(len=*), intent(inout)  interlace,
integer(hsize_t), intent(inout)  npals,
integer  errcode 

Gets information about an image dataset (dimensions, interlace mode and number of associated palettes).

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
dset_nameThe name of the dataset.
widthThe width of the image.
heightThe height of the image.
planesThe number of color planes of the image.
interlaceThe interlace mode of the image.
npalsThe number of palettes associated to the image.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMget_image_info()

◆ h5imget_npalettes_f()

subroutine h5im::h5imget_npalettes_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  image_name,
integer(hsize_t), intent(inout)  npals,
integer  errcode 

Gets the number of palettes associated to an image.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
image_nameThe name of the image dataset.
npalsThe number of palettes.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMget_npalettes()

◆ h5imget_palette_f()

subroutine h5im::h5imget_palette_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  image_name,
integer, intent(in)  pal_number,
integer, dimension(*), intent(inout)  pal_data,
integer  errcode 

Gets the palette dataset.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
image_nameThe name of the image dataset.
pal_numberThe zero based index that identifies the palette.
pal_dataThe palette dataset.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMget_palette_info()

◆ h5imget_palette_info_f()

subroutine h5im::h5imget_palette_info_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  image_name,
integer, intent(in)  pal_number,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(inout)  pal_dims,
integer  errcode 

Gets information about a palette dataset (dimensions).

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
image_nameThe name of the image dataset.
pal_numberThe zero based index that identifies the palette.
pal_dimsThe dimensions of the palette dataset.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMget_palette_info()

◆ h5imis_image_f()

integer function h5im::h5imis_image_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  dset_name 

Inquires if a dataset is an image.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
dset_nameThe name of the dataset.

See C API: H5IMis_image()

◆ h5imis_palette_f()

integer function h5im::h5imis_palette_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  dset_name 

Inquires if a dataset is a palette. Returns zero (false), a positive (true) or a negative (failure) value.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
dset_nameThe name of the dataset.

See C API: H5IMis_palette()

◆ h5imlink_palette_f()

subroutine h5im::h5imlink_palette_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  image_name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  pal_name,
integer  errcode 

This function attaches a palette to an existing image dataset.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
image_nameThe name of the dataset to attach the palette to.
pal_nameThe name of the palette.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMlink_palette()

◆ h5immake_image_24bit_f()

subroutine h5im::h5immake_image_24bit_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  dset_name,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in)  width,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in)  height,
character(len=*), intent(in)  il,
integer, dimension(*), intent(in)  buf,
integer  errcode 

Creates and writes an image a 24 bit image.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
dset_nameThe name of the dataset to create.
widthThe width of the image.
heightThe height of the image.
ilString defining the interlace mode.
bufBuffer with data to be written to the dataset.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMmake_image_24bit()

◆ h5immake_image_8bit_f()

subroutine h5im::h5immake_image_8bit_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  dset_name,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in)  width,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in)  height,
integer, dimension(*), intent(in)  buf,
integer  errcode 

Creates and writes an image an 8 bit image.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
dset_nameThe name of the dataset to create.
widthThe width of the image.
heightThe height of the image
bufBuffer with data to be written to the dataset
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMmake_image_8bit()

◆ h5immake_palette_f()

subroutine h5im::h5immake_palette_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  pal_name,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(in)  pal_dims,
integer, dimension(*), intent(in)  pal_data,
integer  errcode 

Creates and writes a palette.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
pal_nameThe name of the palette.
pal_dimsAn array of the size of the palette dimensions.
pal_dataBuffer with data to be written to the dataset.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMmake_palette()

◆ h5imread_image_f()

subroutine h5im::h5imread_image_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  dset_name,
integer, dimension(*), intent(inout)  buf,
integer  errcode 

Reads image data from disk.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
dset_nameThe name of the dataset to create.
bufBuffer with data to store the image.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMread_image()

◆ h5imunlink_palette_f()

subroutine h5im::h5imunlink_palette_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in)  loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in)  image_name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  pal_name,
integer  errcode 

This function detaches a palette to an existing image dataset.

loc_idLocation identifier. The identifier may be that of a file or group.
image_nameThe name of the image dataset.
pal_nameThe name of the palette.
errcodeReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5IMunlink_palette()