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HDF5  1.15.0.d888cf9
API Reference
No Matches
Fortran Object (H5O) Interface

Detailed Description

See also
Objects (H5O), C-API
The HDF5 Objects, User Guide

h5o_token_t_f derived type


module  h5o
 This module contains Fortran interfaces for H5O functions.

Data Types

type  h5o_token_t_f


subroutine h5olink_f (object_id, new_loc_id, new_link_name, hdferr, lcpl_id, lapl_id)
 Creates a hard link to an object in an HDF5 file.
subroutine h5oopen_f (loc_id, name, obj_id, hdferr, lapl_id)
 Opens an object in an HDF5 file by location identifier and path name.
subroutine h5oopen_async_f (loc_id, name, obj_id, es_id, hdferr, lapl_id, file, func, line)
 Asynchronously opens an object in an HDF5 file by location identifier and path name.
subroutine h5oclose_f (object_id, hdferr)
 Closes an object in an HDF5 file.
subroutine h5oclose_async_f (object_id, es_id, hdferr, file, func, line)
 Asynchronously closes an object in an HDF5 file.
subroutine h5oopen_by_token_f (loc_id, token, obj_id, hdferr)
 Opens an object using its token within an HDF5 file.
subroutine h5ocopy_f (src_loc_id, src_name, dst_loc_id, dst_name, hdferr, ocpypl_id, lcpl_id)
 Copies an object in an HDF5 file.
subroutine h5ocopy_async_f (src_loc_id, src_name, dst_loc_id, dst_name, es_id, hdferr, ocpypl_id, lcpl_id, file, func, line)
 Asynchronously copies an object in an HDF5 file.
subroutine h5odecr_refcount_f (object_id, hdferr)
 Decrements an object reference count.
subroutine h5oexists_by_name_f (loc_id, name, link_exists, hdferr, lapl_id)
 Determines whether a link resolves to an actual object.
subroutine h5oget_comment_f (obj_id, comment, hdferr, bufsize)
 Retrieves comment for specified object.
subroutine h5oget_comment_by_name_f (loc_id, name, comment, hdferr, bufsize, lapl_id)
 Retrieves comment for specified object.
subroutine h5oincr_refcount_f (obj_id, hdferr)
 Increments an object reference count.
subroutine h5oopen_by_idx_f (loc_id, group_name, index_type, order, n, obj_id, hdferr, lapl_id)
 Open the nth object in a group.
subroutine h5oopen_by_idx_async_f (loc_id, group_name, index_type, order, n, obj_id, es_id, hdferr, lapl_id, file, func, line)
 Asynchronously open the nth object in a group.
subroutine h5oset_comment_f (obj_id, comment, hdferr)
 Sets comment for specified object.
subroutine h5oset_comment_by_name_f (loc_id, name, comment, hdferr, lapl_id)
 Sets comment for specified object.
subroutine h5ovisit_f (object_id, index_type, order, op, op_data, return_value, hdferr, fields)
 Recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.
subroutine h5oget_info_by_name_f (loc_id, name, object_info, hdferr, lapl_id, fields)
 Retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by location and relative name.
subroutine h5oget_info_by_name_async_f (loc_id, name, object_info, es_id, hdferr, lapl_id, fields, file, func, line)
 Asynchronously retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by location and relative name.
subroutine h5oget_info_f (object_id, object_info, hdferr, fields)
 Retrieves the metadata for an object specified by an identifier.
subroutine h5oget_info_by_idx_f (loc_id, group_name, index_field, order, n, object_info, hdferr, lapl_id, fields)
 Retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by an index position.
subroutine h5ovisit_by_name_f (loc_id, object_name, index_type, order, op, op_data, return_value, hdferr, lapl_id, fields)
 Recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.
subroutine h5otoken_cmp_f (loc_id, token1, token2, cmp_value, hdferr)
 Compare two tokens, which must be from the same file / containers.


integer(c_int8_t), dimension(1:h5o_token_buf_lentoken
integer h5o_copy_shallow_hierarchy_f
integer h5o_copy_expand_soft_link_f
integer h5o_copy_expand_ext_link_f
integer h5o_copy_expand_reference_f
integer h5o_copy_without_attr_flag_f
integer h5o_copy_preserve_null_flag_f
integer h5o_copy_all_f
integer h5o_shmesg_none_flag_f
integer h5o_shmesg_sdspace_flag_f
integer h5o_shmesg_dtype_flag_f
integer h5o_shmesg_fill_flag_f
integer h5o_shmesg_pline_flag_f
integer h5o_shmesg_attr_flag_f
integer h5o_shmesg_all_flag_f
integer h5o_hdr_chunk0_size_f
integer h5o_hdr_attr_crt_order_track_f
integer h5o_hdr_attr_crt_order_index_f
integer h5o_hdr_attr_store_phase_cha_f
integer h5o_hdr_store_times_f
integer h5o_hdr_all_flags_f
integer h5o_shmesg_max_nindexes_f
integer h5o_shmesg_max_list_size_f
integer h5o_type_unknown_f
integer h5o_type_group_f
integer h5o_type_dataset_f
integer h5o_type_named_datatype_f
integer h5o_type_ntypes_f
integer h5o_info_all_f
integer h5o_info_basic_f
integer h5o_info_time_f
integer h5o_info_num_attrs_f
integer h5o_info_hdr_f
integer h5o_info_meta_size_f

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ h5oclose_async_f()

subroutine h5oclose_async_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) object_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) es_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional file,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional func,
integer, intent(in), optional line )

Asynchronously closes an object in an HDF5 file.

object_idObject identifier
es_idEvent set identifier
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
filePointer to filename the async subroutine is being called from, filename must be null character terminated
funcPointer to function name the async subroutine is being called in, func must be null character terminated
lineLine number the async subroutine is being called at

See C API: H5Oclose_async()

◆ h5oclose_f()

subroutine h5oclose_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) object_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Closes an object in an HDF5 file.

object_idObject identifier.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Oclose()

◆ h5ocopy_async_f()

subroutine h5ocopy_async_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) src_loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) src_name,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) dst_loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) dst_name,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) es_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional ocpypl_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lcpl_id,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional file,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional func,
integer, intent(in), optional line )

Asynchronously copies an object in an HDF5 file.

src_loc_idObject identifier indicating the location of the source object to be copied.
src_nameName of the source object to be copied.
dst_loc_idLocation identifier specifying the destination.
dst_nameName to be assigned to the new copy.
ocpypl_idObject copy property list.
lcpl_idLink creation property list for the new hard link.
es_idEvent set identifier
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
filePointer to filename the async subroutine is being called from, filename must be null character terminated
funcPointer to function name the async subroutine is being called in, func must be null character terminated
lineLine number the async subroutine is being called at

See C API: H5Ocopy_async()

◆ h5ocopy_f()

subroutine h5ocopy_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) src_loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) src_name,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) dst_loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) dst_name,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional ocpypl_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lcpl_id )

Copies an object in an HDF5 file.

src_loc_idObject identifier indicating the location of the source object to be copied.
src_nameName of the source object to be copied.
dst_loc_idLocation identifier specifying the destination.
dst_nameName to be assigned to the new copy.
ocpypl_idObject copy property list.
lcpl_idLink creation property list for the new hard link.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Ocopy()

◆ h5odecr_refcount_f()

subroutine h5odecr_refcount_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) object_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Decrements an object reference count.

object_idObject identifier.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Odecr_refcount()

◆ h5oexists_by_name_f()

subroutine h5oexists_by_name_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) name,
logical, intent(out) link_exists,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id )

Determines whether a link resolves to an actual object.

loc_idIdeIdentifier of the file or group to query.
nameTheThe name of the link to check.
lapl_idLink access property list identifier.
link_existsExisting link resolves to an object.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Oexists_by_name()

◆ h5oget_comment_by_name_f()

subroutine h5oget_comment_by_name_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) name,
character(len=*), intent(out) comment,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(size_t), intent(out), optional bufsize,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id )

Retrieves comment for specified object.

loc_idIdentifier of a file, group, dataset, or named datatype.
nameName of the object whose comment is to be retrieved, specified as a path relative to loc_id.
commentThe comment.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
bufsizeSize of the comment buffer.
lapl_idFile access property list identifier.

See C API: H5Oget_comment_by_name()

◆ h5oget_comment_f()

subroutine h5oget_comment_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) obj_id,
character(len=*), intent(out) comment,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hssize_t), intent(out), optional bufsize )

Retrieves comment for specified object.

obj_idIdentifier for the target object.
bufsizeSize of the comment buffer.
commentThe comment.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Oget_comment()

◆ h5oget_info_by_idx_f()

subroutine h5oget_info_by_idx_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) group_name,
integer, intent(in) index_field,
integer, intent(in) order,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in) n,
type(h5o_info_t), intent(out), target object_info,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id,
integer, intent(in), optional fields )

Retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by an index position.

loc_idFile or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located.
group_nameName of group in which object is located.
index_fieldIndex or field that determines the order.
orderOrder within field or index.
nObject for which information is to be returned.
object_infoBuffer in which to return object information.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idLink access property list. (Not currently used.).
fieldsFlags specifying the fields to include in object_info.

See C API: H5Oget_info_by_idx3()

◆ h5oget_info_by_name_async_f()

subroutine h5oget_info_by_name_async_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) name,
type(c_ptr), intent(in) object_info,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) es_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id,
integer, intent(in), optional fields,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional file,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional func,
integer, intent(in), optional line )

Asynchronously retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by location and relative name.

loc_idFile or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located.
nameName of group, relative to loc_id.
object_infoPointer to buffer returning object information, points to variable of datatype TYPE(C_H5O_INFO_T).
es_idEvent set identifier
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idLink access property list.
fieldsFlags specifying the fields to include in object_info.
filePointer to filename the async subroutine is being called from, filename must be null character terminated
funcPointer to function name the async subroutine is being called in, func must be null character terminated
lineLine number the async subroutine is being called at

See C API: H5Oget_info_by_name_async()

◆ h5oget_info_by_name_f()

subroutine h5oget_info_by_name_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) name,
type(h5o_info_t), intent(out), target object_info,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id,
integer, intent(in), optional fields )

Retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by location and relative name.

loc_idFile or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located.
nameName of group, relative to loc_id.
object_infoBuffer in which to return object information.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idLink access property list.
fieldsFlags specifying the fields to include in object_info.

See C API: H5Oget_info_by_name3()

◆ h5oget_info_f()

subroutine h5oget_info_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) object_id,
type(h5o_info_t), intent(out), target object_info,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer, intent(in), optional fields )

Retrieves the metadata for an object specified by an identifier.

object_idIdentifier for target object.
object_infoBuffer in which to return object information.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
fieldsFlags specifying the fields to include in object_info.

See C API: H5Oget_info3()

◆ h5oincr_refcount_f()

subroutine h5oincr_refcount_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) obj_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Increments an object reference count.

obj_idObject identifier.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Oincr_refcount()

◆ h5olink_f()

subroutine h5olink_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) object_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) new_loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) new_link_name,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lcpl_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id )

Creates a hard link to an object in an HDF5 file.

object_idObject to be linked.
new_loc_idFile or group identifier specifying location at which object is to be linked.
new_link_nameName of link to be created, relative to new_loc_id.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lcpl_idLink creation property list identifier.
lapl_idLink access property list identifier.

See C API: H5Olink()

◆ h5oopen_async_f()

subroutine h5oopen_async_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) name,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) obj_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) es_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional file,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional func,
integer, intent(in), optional line )

Asynchronously opens an object in an HDF5 file by location identifier and path name.

loc_idFile or group identifier.
namePath to the object, relative to loc_id.
obj_idObject identifier for the opened object.
es_idEvent set identifier
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idAccess property list identifier for the link pointing to the object.
filePointer to filename the async subroutine is being called from, filename must be null character terminated
funcPointer to function name the async subroutine is being called in, func must be null character terminated
lineLine number the async subroutine is being called at

See C API: H5Oopen_async()

◆ h5oopen_by_idx_async_f()

subroutine h5oopen_by_idx_async_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) group_name,
integer, intent(in) index_type,
integer, intent(in) order,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in) n,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) obj_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) es_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional file,
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional func,
integer, intent(in), optional line )

Asynchronously open the nth object in a group.

loc_idA file or group identifier.
group_nameName of group, relative to loc_id, in which object is located.
index_typeType of index by which objects are ordered.
orderOrder of iteration within index, NOTE: zero-based.
nObject to open.
obj_idAn object identifier for the opened object.
es_idEvent set identifier
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idLink access property list.
filePointer to filename the async subroutine is being called from, filename must be null character terminated
funcPointer to function name the async subroutine is being called in, func must be null character terminated
lineLine number the async subroutine is being called at

See C API: H5Oopen_by_idx_async()

◆ h5oopen_by_idx_f()

subroutine h5oopen_by_idx_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) group_name,
integer, intent(in) index_type,
integer, intent(in) order,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in) n,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) obj_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id )

Open the nth object in a group.

loc_idA file or group identifier.
group_nameName of group, relative to loc_id, in which object is located.
index_typeType of index by which objects are ordered.
orderOrder of iteration within index, NOTE: zero-based.
nObject to open.
obj_idAn object identifier for the opened object.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idLink access property list.

See C API: H5Oopen_by_idx()

◆ h5oopen_by_token_f()

subroutine h5oopen_by_token_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
type(h5o_token_t_f), intent(in) token,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) obj_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Opens an object using its token within an HDF5 file.

loc_idFile or group identifier.
tokenObject's token in the file.
obj_idObject identifier for the opened object.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Oopen_by_token()

◆ h5oopen_f()

subroutine h5oopen_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) name,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) obj_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id )

Opens an object in an HDF5 file by location identifier and path name.

loc_idFile or group identifier.
namePath to the object, relative to loc_id.
obj_idObject identifier for the opened object.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idAccess property list identifier for the link pointing to the object.

See C API: H5Oopen()

◆ h5oset_comment_by_name_f()

subroutine h5oset_comment_by_name_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) name,
character(len=*), intent(in) comment,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id )

Sets comment for specified object.

loc_idIdentifier of a file, group, dataset, or named datatype.
nameName of the object whose comment is to be set or reset, specified as a path relative to loc_id.
commentThe new comment.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idLink access property list identifier.

See C API: H5Oset_comment_by_name()

◆ h5oset_comment_f()

subroutine h5oset_comment_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) obj_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) comment,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Sets comment for specified object.

obj_idIdentifier of the target object.
commentThe new comment.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Oset_comment()

◆ h5otoken_cmp_f()

subroutine h5otoken_cmp_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
type(h5o_token_t_f), intent(in) token1,
type(h5o_token_t_f), intent(in) token2,
integer, intent(out) cmp_value,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Compare two tokens, which must be from the same file / containers.

loc_idIdentifier of an object in the file / container.
token1The first token to compare.
token2The second token to compare.
cmp_valueReturns 0 if tokens are equal, non-zero for unequal tokens.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Otoken_cmp()

◆ h5ovisit_by_name_f()

subroutine h5ovisit_by_name_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) loc_id,
character(len=*), intent(in) object_name,
integer, intent(in) index_type,
integer, intent(in) order,
type(c_funptr), intent(in) op,
type(c_ptr), intent(inout) op_data,
integer, intent(out) return_value,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional lapl_id,
integer, intent(in), optional fields )

Recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.

loc_idIdentifier of a file or group.
object_nameName of the object, generally relative to loc_id, that will serve as root of the iteration.
index_typeType of index; valid values include:
orderOrder in which index is traversed; valid values include:
opCallback function passing data regarding the group to the calling application.
op_dataUser-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the group.
return_valueReturns the return value of the first operator that returns a positive value, or zero if all members were processed with no operator returning non-zero.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
lapl_idLink access property list identifier.
fieldsFlags specifying the fields to include in object_info.

See C API: H5Ovisit_by_name3()

◆ h5ovisit_f()

subroutine h5ovisit_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) object_id,
integer, intent(in) index_type,
integer, intent(in) order,
type(c_funptr), intent(in) op,
type(c_ptr), intent(inout) op_data,
integer, intent(out) return_value,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer, intent(in), optional fields )

Recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.

object_idIdentifier of the object at which the recursive iteration begins.
index_typeType of index; valid values include:
orderOrder in which index is traversed; valid values include:
opCallback function passing data regarding the group to the calling application.
op_dataUser-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the group.
return_valueReturns the return value of the first operator that returns a positive value, or zero if all members were processed with no operator returning non-zero.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
fieldsFlags specifying the fields to include in object_info.

See C API: H5Ovisit3()

Variable Documentation

◆ h5o_copy_all_f

integer h5o_copy_all_f


◆ h5o_copy_expand_ext_link_f

integer h5o_copy_expand_ext_link_f


◆ h5o_copy_expand_reference_f

integer h5o_copy_expand_reference_f


◆ h5o_copy_expand_soft_link_f

integer h5o_copy_expand_soft_link_f


◆ h5o_copy_preserve_null_flag_f

integer h5o_copy_preserve_null_flag_f


◆ h5o_copy_shallow_hierarchy_f

integer h5o_copy_shallow_hierarchy_f


◆ h5o_copy_without_attr_flag_f

integer h5o_copy_without_attr_flag_f


◆ h5o_hdr_all_flags_f

integer h5o_hdr_all_flags_f


◆ h5o_hdr_attr_crt_order_index_f

integer h5o_hdr_attr_crt_order_index_f

◆ h5o_hdr_attr_crt_order_track_f

integer h5o_hdr_attr_crt_order_track_f

◆ h5o_hdr_attr_store_phase_cha_f

integer h5o_hdr_attr_store_phase_cha_f

◆ h5o_hdr_chunk0_size_f

integer h5o_hdr_chunk0_size_f


◆ h5o_hdr_store_times_f

integer h5o_hdr_store_times_f


◆ h5o_info_all_f

integer h5o_info_all_f


◆ h5o_info_basic_f

integer h5o_info_basic_f


◆ h5o_info_hdr_f

integer h5o_info_hdr_f


◆ h5o_info_meta_size_f

integer h5o_info_meta_size_f


◆ h5o_info_num_attrs_f

integer h5o_info_num_attrs_f


◆ h5o_info_time_f

integer h5o_info_time_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_all_flag_f

integer h5o_shmesg_all_flag_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_attr_flag_f

integer h5o_shmesg_attr_flag_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_dtype_flag_f

integer h5o_shmesg_dtype_flag_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_fill_flag_f

integer h5o_shmesg_fill_flag_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_max_list_size_f

integer h5o_shmesg_max_list_size_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_max_nindexes_f

integer h5o_shmesg_max_nindexes_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_none_flag_f

integer h5o_shmesg_none_flag_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_pline_flag_f

integer h5o_shmesg_pline_flag_f


◆ h5o_shmesg_sdspace_flag_f

integer h5o_shmesg_sdspace_flag_f


◆ h5o_type_dataset_f

integer h5o_type_dataset_f


◆ h5o_type_group_f

integer h5o_type_group_f


◆ h5o_type_named_datatype_f

integer h5o_type_named_datatype_f


◆ h5o_type_ntypes_f

integer h5o_type_ntypes_f


◆ h5o_type_unknown_f

integer h5o_type_unknown_f


◆ token

integer(c_int8_t), dimension(1:h5o_token_buf_len) token