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HDF5  1.15.0.d888cf9
API Reference
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Fortran Dataspace (H5S) Interface

Detailed Description

See also
Dataspaces (H5S), C-API
Dataspaces and Partial I/O, User Guide


module  h5s
 This module contains Fortran interfaces for H5S functions.


subroutine h5screate_simple_f (rank, dims, space_id, hdferr, maxdims)
 Creates a new simple data space and opens it for access.
subroutine h5sclose_f (space_id, hdferr)
 Releases and terminates access to a dataspace.
subroutine h5screate_f (classtype, space_id, hdferr)
 Creates a new dataspace of a specified type.
subroutine h5scopy_f (space_id, new_space_id, hdferr)
 Creates an exact copy of a dataspace.
subroutine h5sget_select_hyper_nblocks_f (space_id, num_blocks, hdferr)
 Get number of hyperslab blocks.
subroutine h5sget_select_hyper_blocklist_f (space_id, startblock, num_blocks, buf, hdferr)
 Gets the list of hyperslab blocks currently selected.
subroutine h5sget_select_bounds_f (space_id, start, end, hdferr)
 Gets the bounding box containing the current selection.
subroutine h5sget_select_elem_npoints_f (space_id, num_points, hdferr)
 Gets the number of element points in the current selection.
subroutine h5sget_select_elem_pointlist_f (space_id, startpoint, num_points, buf, hdferr)
 Gets the list of element points currently selected.
subroutine h5sselect_elements_f (space_id, operator, rank, num_elements, coord, hdferr)
 Selects elements to be included in the selection for a dataspace.
subroutine h5sselect_all_f (space_id, hdferr)
 Selects the entire dataspace.
subroutine h5sselect_shape_same_f (space1_id, space2_id, same, hdferr)
 Checks if two selections are the same shape.
subroutine h5sselect_intersect_block_f (space_id, istart, iend, intersects, hdferr)
 Checks if current selection intersects with a block.
subroutine h5sselect_none_f (space_id, hdferr)
 Resets the selection region to include no elements.
subroutine h5sselect_valid_f (space_id, status, hdferr)
 Verifies that the selection is within the extent of the dataspace.
subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_npoints_f (space_id, npoints, hdferr)
 Determines the number of elements in a dataspace.
subroutine h5sget_select_npoints_f (space_id, npoints, hdferr)
 Determines the number of elements in a dataspace selection.
subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f (space_id, rank, hdferr)
 Determines the dimensionality of a dataspace.
subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f (space_id, dims, maxdims, hdferr)
 Retrieves dataspace dimension size and maximum size.
subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_type_f (space_id, classtype, hdferr)
 Determine the current class of a dataspace.
subroutine h5sset_extent_simple_f (space_id, rank, current_size, maximum_size, hdferr)
 Sets or resets the size of an existing dataspace.
subroutine h5sis_simple_f (space_id, status, hdferr)
 Determines whether a dataspace is a simple dataspace.
subroutine h5soffset_simple_f (space_id, offset, hdferr)
 Sets the offset of a simple dataspace.
subroutine h5sextent_copy_f (dest_space_id, source_space_id, hdferr)
 Copies the extent of a dataspace.
subroutine h5sset_extent_none_f (space_id, hdferr)
 Removes the extent from a dataspace.
subroutine h5sselect_hyperslab_f (space_id, operator, start, count, hdferr, stride, block)
 Selects a hyperslab region to add to the current selected region.
subroutine h5sget_select_type_f (space_id, type, hdferr)
 Retrieve the type of selection.
subroutine h5sdecode_f (buf, obj_id, hdferr)
 Decode a binary object description of data space and return a new object handle.
subroutine h5sencode_f (obj_id, buf, nalloc, hdferr, fapl_id)
 Encode a data space object description into a binary buffer.
subroutine h5sextent_equal_f (space1_id, space2_id, equal, hdferr)
 Determines whether two dataspace extents are equal.
subroutine h5sget_regular_hyperslab_f (space_id, start, stride, count, block, hdferr)
 Retrieves a regular hyperslab selection.
subroutine h5sis_regular_hyperslab_f (space_id, isregular, hdferr)
 Retrieves a regular hyperslab selection.
subroutine h5ssel_iter_close_f (sel_iter_id, hdferr)
 Closes a dataspace selection iterator.
subroutine h5ssel_iter_create_f (space_id, elmt_size, flags, ds_iter_id, hdferr)
 Creates a dataspace selection iterator for a dataspace's selection.
subroutine h5ssel_iter_get_seq_list_f (sel_iter_id, maxseq, maxbytes, nseq, nbytes, off, len, hdferr)
 Retrieves a list of offset / length sequences for the elements in an iterator.
subroutine h5ssel_iter_reset_f (sel_iter_id, space_id, hdferr)
 Resets a dataspace selection iterator back to an initial state.


integer h5s_scalar_f
integer h5s_simple_f
integer h5s_null_f
integer h5s_select_noop_f
integer h5s_select_set_f
integer h5s_select_or_f
integer h5s_select_and_f
integer h5s_select_xor_f
integer h5s_select_notb_f
integer h5s_select_nota_f
integer h5s_select_append_f
integer h5s_select_prepend_f
integer h5s_select_invalid_f
integer h5s_sel_error_f
integer h5s_sel_none_f
integer h5s_sel_points_f
integer h5s_sel_hyperslabs_f
integer h5s_sel_all_f
integer h5s_sel_iter_get_seq_list_sorted_f
integer h5s_sel_iter_share_with_dataspace_f

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ h5sclose_f()

subroutine h5sclose_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Releases and terminates access to a dataspace.

space_idIdentifier of dataspace to release.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sclose()

◆ h5scopy_f()

subroutine h5scopy_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) new_space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Creates an exact copy of a dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
new_space_idIdentifier of dataspace's copy.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Scopy()

◆ h5screate_f()

subroutine h5screate_f ( integer, intent(in) classtype,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Creates a new dataspace of a specified type.

classtypeThe type of the dataspace to be created. Possible values are:
  • H5S_NULL_F
space_idDataspace identifier.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Screate()

◆ h5screate_simple_f()

subroutine h5screate_simple_f ( integer, intent(in) rank,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1:rank), intent(in) dims,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1:rank), intent(in), optional maxdims )

Creates a new simple data space and opens it for access.

rankNumber of dimensions.
dimsAn array of the size of each dimension.
space_idDataspace identifier.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
maxdimsAn array of the maximum size of each dimension.

See C API: H5Screate_simple()

◆ h5sdecode_f()

subroutine h5sdecode_f ( character(len=*), intent(in) buf,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) obj_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Decode a binary object description of data space and return a new object handle.

bufBuffer for the data space object to be decoded.
obj_idObject ID.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sdecode()

◆ h5sencode_f()

subroutine h5sencode_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) obj_id,
character(len=*), intent(out) buf,
integer(size_t), intent(inout) nalloc,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hid_t), intent(in), optional fapl_id )

Encode a data space object description into a binary buffer.

obj_idIdentifier of the object to be encoded.
bufBuffer for the object to be encoded into.
nallocThe size of the buffer needed.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
fapl_idFile access property list identifier.

See C API: H5Sencode2()

◆ h5sextent_copy_f()

subroutine h5sextent_copy_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) dest_space_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) source_space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Copies the extent of a dataspace.

dest_space_idThe identifier for the dataspace to which the extent is copied.
source_space_idThe identifier for the dataspace from which the extent is copied.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sextent_copy()

◆ h5sextent_equal_f()

subroutine h5sextent_equal_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space1_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) space2_id,
logical, intent(out) equal,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Determines whether two dataspace extents are equal.

space1_idFirst dataspace identifier.
space2_idSecond dataspace identifier.
Equal.TRUE. if equal, .FALSE. if unequal.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sextent_equal()

◆ h5sget_regular_hyperslab_f()

subroutine h5sget_regular_hyperslab_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out), target start,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out), target stride,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out), target count,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out), target block,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Retrieves a regular hyperslab selection.

space_idThe identifier of the dataspace.
startOffset of the start of the regular hyperslab.
strideStride of the regular hyperslab.
countNumber of blocks in the regular hyperslab.
blockSize of a block in the regular hyperslab.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_regular_hyperslab()

◆ h5sget_select_bounds_f()

subroutine h5sget_select_bounds_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out) start,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out) end,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Gets the bounding box containing the current selection.

space_idDataspace identifier.
startStarting coordinates of bounding box.
endEnding coordinates of bounding box, i.e., the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corner.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_select_bounds()

◆ h5sget_select_elem_npoints_f()

subroutine h5sget_select_elem_npoints_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hssize_t), intent(out) num_points,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Gets the number of element points in the current selection.

space_idDataspace identifier.
num_pointsNumber of element points in the current dataspace selection
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_select_elem_npoints()

◆ h5sget_select_elem_pointlist_f()

subroutine h5sget_select_elem_pointlist_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in) startpoint,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in) num_points,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out) buf,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Gets the list of element points currently selected.

space_idDataspace identifier.
startpointElement point to start with.
num_pointsNumber of element points to get.
bufBuffer with element points selected.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist()

◆ h5sget_select_hyper_blocklist_f()

subroutine h5sget_select_hyper_blocklist_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in) startblock,
integer(hsize_t), intent(in) num_blocks,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out) buf,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Gets the list of hyperslab blocks currently selected.

space_idDataspace identifier.
startblockHyperslab block to start with.
num_blocksNumber of blocks to get.
bufBuffer to hold block list.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_select_hyper_blocklist()

◆ h5sget_select_hyper_nblocks_f()

subroutine h5sget_select_hyper_nblocks_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hssize_t), intent(out) num_blocks,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Get number of hyperslab blocks.

space_idDataspace identifier.
num_blocksNumber of hyperslab blocks in the current hyperslab selection.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_select_hyper_nblocks()

◆ h5sget_select_npoints_f()

subroutine h5sget_select_npoints_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hssize_t), intent(out) npoints,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Determines the number of elements in a dataspace selection.

space_idDataspace identifier.
npointsNumber of points in the dataspace selection.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_select_npoints()

◆ h5sget_select_type_f()

subroutine h5sget_select_type_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(inout) space_id,
integer, intent(out) type,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Retrieve the type of selection.

space_idDataspace identifier with selection.
typeSelection type flag, valid values are:
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_select_type()

◆ h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f()

subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out) dims,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out) maxdims,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Retrieves dataspace dimension size and maximum size.

space_idDataspace identifier.
dimsArray to store size of each dimension.
maxdimsArray to store maximum size of each dimension.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_simple_extent_dims()

◆ h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f()

subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(out) rank,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Determines the dimensionality of a dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
rankNumber of dataspace dimensions.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims()

◆ h5sget_simple_extent_npoints_f()

subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_npoints_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hsize_t), intent(out) npoints,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Determines the number of elements in a dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
npointsNumber of elements in the dataspace.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints()

◆ h5sget_simple_extent_type_f()

subroutine h5sget_simple_extent_type_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(out) classtype,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Determine the current class of a dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
classtypeClass type, possible values are:
  • H5S_NULL_F
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sget_simple_extent_type()

◆ h5sis_regular_hyperslab_f()

subroutine h5sis_regular_hyperslab_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
logical isregular,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Retrieves a regular hyperslab selection.

space_idThe identifier of the dataspace.
IsRegularTRUE or FALSE for hyperslab selection if successful.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sis_regular_hyperslab()

◆ h5sis_simple_f()

subroutine h5sis_simple_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
logical, intent(out) status,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Determines whether a dataspace is a simple dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
statusFlag to indicate if dataspace is simple or not (TRUE or FALSE).
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sis_simple()

◆ h5soffset_simple_f()

subroutine h5soffset_simple_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hssize_t), dimension(*), intent(in) offset,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Sets the offset of a simple dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
offsetThe offset at which to position the selection.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Soffset_simple()

◆ h5ssel_iter_close_f()

subroutine h5ssel_iter_close_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) sel_iter_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Closes a dataspace selection iterator.

sel_iter_idDataspace selection iterator identifier
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Ssel_iter_close()

◆ h5ssel_iter_create_f()

subroutine h5ssel_iter_create_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(size_t), intent(in) elmt_size,
integer, intent(in) flags,
integer(hid_t), intent(out) ds_iter_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Creates a dataspace selection iterator for a dataspace's selection.

space_idDataspace identifier
elmt_sizeSize of element in the selection
flagsSelection iterator flag, valid values are:
ds_iter_idDataspace selection iterator identifier
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Ssel_iter_create()

◆ h5ssel_iter_get_seq_list_f()

subroutine h5ssel_iter_get_seq_list_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) sel_iter_id,
integer(size_t), intent(in) maxseq,
integer(size_t), intent(in) maxbytes,
integer(size_t), intent(out) nseq,
integer(size_t), intent(out) nbytes,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(out) off,
integer(size_t), dimension(*), intent(out) len,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Retrieves a list of offset / length sequences for the elements in an iterator.

sel_iter_idDataspace selection iterator identifier
maxseqMaximum number of sequences to retrieve
maxbytesMaximum number of bytes to retrieve in sequences
nseqNumber of sequences retrieved
nbytesNumber of bytes retrieved, in all sequences
offArray of sequence offsets
lenArray of sequence lengths
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Ssel_iter_get_seq_list()

◆ h5ssel_iter_reset_f()

subroutine h5ssel_iter_reset_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) sel_iter_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Resets a dataspace selection iterator back to an initial state.

sel_iter_idIdentifier of the dataspace selection iterator to reset
space_idIdentifier of the dataspace with selection to iterate over
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Ssel_iter_reset()

◆ h5sselect_all_f()

subroutine h5sselect_all_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Selects the entire dataspace.

space_idIdentifier for the dataspace in which selection being made.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sselect_all()

◆ h5sselect_elements_f()

subroutine h5sselect_elements_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(in) operator,
integer, intent(in) rank,
integer(size_t), intent(in) num_elements,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(rank,num_elements), intent(in) coord,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Selects elements to be included in the selection for a dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
operatorFlag, valid values are:
rankNumber of dataspace dimensions.
num_elementsNumber of elements to be selected.
coord2D (rank x num_elements) array with the elements coordinates ( 1-based); in C the array is stored in 2D as (num_element x rank).
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sselect_elements()

◆ h5sselect_hyperslab_f()

subroutine h5sselect_hyperslab_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(in) operator,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(in) start,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(in) count,
integer, intent(out) hdferr,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(:), intent(in), optional stride,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(:), intent(in), optional block )

Selects a hyperslab region to add to the current selected region.

space_idDataspace identifier.
operatorFlag, valid values are:
startArray with hyperslab offsets, 0-based indices.
countNumber of blocks included in the hyperslab.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.
strideArray with hyperslab strides.
blockArray with hyperslab block sizes.

See C API: H5Sselect_hyperslab()

◆ h5sselect_intersect_block_f()

subroutine h5sselect_intersect_block_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(in) istart,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(*), intent(in) iend,
logical, intent(out) intersects,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Checks if current selection intersects with a block.

space_idDataspace identifier
istartStarting coordinate of the block
iendOpposite ("ending") coordinate of the block
intersectsDataspace intersects with the block specified
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sselect_intersect_block()

◆ h5sselect_none_f()

subroutine h5sselect_none_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Resets the selection region to include no elements.

space_idThe identifier for the dataspace in which the selection is being reset.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sselect_none()

◆ h5sselect_shape_same_f()

subroutine h5sselect_shape_same_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space1_id,
integer(hid_t), intent(in) space2_id,
logical, intent(out) same,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Checks if two selections are the same shape.

space1_idDataspace identifier
space2_idDataspace identifier
sameValue of check
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sselect_shape_same()

◆ h5sselect_valid_f()

subroutine h5sselect_valid_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
logical, intent(out) status,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Verifies that the selection is within the extent of the dataspace.

space_idIdentifier for the dataspace for which selection is verified
statusTRUE if the selection is contained within the extent, FALSE otherwise.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sselect_valid()

◆ h5sset_extent_none_f()

subroutine h5sset_extent_none_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Removes the extent from a dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sset_extent_none()

◆ h5sset_extent_simple_f()

subroutine h5sset_extent_simple_f ( integer(hid_t), intent(in) space_id,
integer, intent(in) rank,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(rank), intent(in) current_size,
integer(hsize_t), dimension(rank), intent(in) maximum_size,
integer, intent(out) hdferr )

Sets or resets the size of an existing dataspace.

space_idDataspace identifier.
rankDataspace number of dimensions.
current_sizeArray with the new sizes of dimensions.
maximum_sizeArray with the new maximum sizes of dimensions.
hdferrReturns 0 if successful and -1 if it fails.

See C API: H5Sset_extent_simple()

Variable Documentation

◆ h5s_all_f

integer(hid_t) h5s_all_f


◆ h5s_block_f

integer(hid_t) h5s_block_f


◆ h5s_null_f

integer h5s_null_f


◆ h5s_plist_f

integer(hid_t) h5s_plist_f


◆ h5s_scalar_f

integer h5s_scalar_f


◆ h5s_sel_all_f

integer h5s_sel_all_f


◆ h5s_sel_error_f

integer h5s_sel_error_f


◆ h5s_sel_hyperslabs_f

integer h5s_sel_hyperslabs_f


◆ h5s_sel_iter_get_seq_list_sorted_f

integer h5s_sel_iter_get_seq_list_sorted_f


◆ h5s_sel_iter_share_with_dataspace_f

integer h5s_sel_iter_share_with_dataspace_f


◆ h5s_sel_none_f

integer h5s_sel_none_f


◆ h5s_sel_points_f

integer h5s_sel_points_f


◆ h5s_select_and_f

integer h5s_select_and_f


◆ h5s_select_append_f

integer h5s_select_append_f


◆ h5s_select_invalid_f

integer h5s_select_invalid_f


◆ h5s_select_noop_f

integer h5s_select_noop_f


◆ h5s_select_nota_f

integer h5s_select_nota_f


◆ h5s_select_notb_f

integer h5s_select_notb_f


◆ h5s_select_or_f

integer h5s_select_or_f


◆ h5s_select_prepend_f

integer h5s_select_prepend_f


◆ h5s_select_set_f

integer h5s_select_set_f


◆ h5s_select_xor_f

integer h5s_select_xor_f


◆ h5s_simple_f

integer h5s_simple_f


◆ h5s_unlimited_f

integer(hsize_t) h5s_unlimited_f