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HDF5  1.15.0.d888cf9
API Reference
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H5Z_class1_t Struct Reference

#include <src/H5Zdevelop.h>

Detailed Description

The filter table maps filter identification numbers to structs that contain a pointers to the filter function and timing statistics.

Data Fields

H5Z_filter_t id
const char * name
H5Z_can_apply_func_t can_apply
H5Z_set_local_func_t set_local
H5Z_func_t filter

Field Documentation

◆ can_apply

The "can apply" callback for a filter

◆ filter

H5Z_func_t filter

The actual filter function

◆ id

Filter ID number

◆ name

const char* name

Comment for debugging

◆ set_local

The "set local" callback for a filter

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: