VFD SWMR Punch List This document lives at [https://bitbucket.hdfgroup.org/users/dyoung/repos/vchoi_fork/browse/doc/VFD_SWMR_Punch_List.md?at=refs%2Fheads%2Ffeature%2Fvfd_swmr](https://bitbucket.hdfgroup.org/users/dyoung/repos/vchoi_fork/browse/doc/VFD_SWMR_Punch_List.md?at=refs%2Fheads%2Ffeature%2Fvfd_swmr) An [interactive tutorial](https://www.markdowntutorial.com/) on Markdown covers the basics quickly and effectively. I know I have used this [Markdown "cheat sheet"](https://commonmark.org/help/) before---it provides a nice visual guide to the syntax. 22 November 2019 1. Design optimizations in index writes. Perhaps write deltas only, with a full index every n ticks? 2. Design work for NFS and object store versions. 3. Design work for journaling variation. 4. **Vailin, complete** Add support for opening multiple files in either VFD SWMR writer or VFD SWMR writer mode. See addition of the EOT queue in section 3.2.2 of the RFC, and related changes in sections 3.3 and 3.3.2. 5. **Vailin, complete**Add the pb\_expansion\_threshold field to the H5F\_vfd\_swmr\_config\_t structure, and update H5Pset\_vfd\_swmr\_config()and H5Pget\_vfd\_swmr\_config()accordingly. 6. **Vailin, in progress**Implement end tick now API call. See section 3.1.2 of the RFC for specifications. 7. **Vailin, in progress**Implement enable / disable EOT call. See section 3.1.3 of the RFC for specifications. 8. Implement option to flush raw data as part of EOT -- write performance test to characterize the performance hit. 9. **Vailin, complete** Move VFD SWMR specific H5F code to its own file -- say H5Fvfd\_swmr.c. 10. Update the new page buffer to support the pb\_expansion\_threshold, and trigger an early end of tick if the threshold is exceeded. 11. Modify metadata file write call to allow the location of the index to float and thus be of arbitrary size. 12. Add code to remove entries from the index after they have been written to the HDF5 file, and have not been modified for at least max\_lag ticks. 13. Tidy short cuts in the initial implementation. These include: - **Vailin complete**Odd behavior in the superblock refresh routine (see comments in code). Figure out what is going on, and then either bypass the issue or fix it as seems appropriate. - **Vailin complete**Comment H5F\_vfd\_swmr\_config\_t in H5Fpublic.h properly. - Cleanup EOA hack in H5FD\_read(). - Address file open failures in SWMR tests. These appear to be cases in which the writer finishes before the reader opens -- causing the reader to fail as the metadata file no longer exists. If so, handle this more gracefully. 14. Add support for specifying the VFD that sits under the VFD SWMR reader VFD. Probably do this as part of the pluggable VFD design that Jake is working on. 15. Modify the metadata cache so that we don't allocate space for the page hash table unless the file is opened in VFD SWMR reader mode. 16. Implement the logging facility (section 3.14 RFC) 17. Test code to expose existing page buffer bugs and fix same. Note that they seem to appear primarily on Jelly. - DLL pre remove sanity check assertion failure - vfd\_swmr\_addrem\_writer: H5PB.c:2981: H5PB\_\_mark\_entry\_dirty: Assertion '(entry\_ptr)-\>delay\_write\_until \> (pb\_ptr)-\>cur\_tick' failed. 18. Flesh out designs for unit, integration and performance tests suites as outlined in the RFC. Implement same. 19. **David, complete** Fix memory leak in sparse-reader test. David found that the shadow index was leaked by VFD SWMR readers and plugged the leak. Now the sparse reader tests do not use up all of the memory on `jelly`. David fixed the bug on his branch `vfd_swmr-merge-attempt-2`, which as of 19 Nov 2019 has not been merged to `feature/vfd_swmr`. 20. **David, complete** Test John's patch that repairs the superblock flags mismatch that crashes the reader. David found that the patch fixed the demo crashes. He applied the patch to his branch `vfd_swmr-merge-attempt-2`, which has not yet been merged to `feature/vfd_swmr` as of 19 Nov 2019. 21. Investigate a potential time-of-check, time-of-use race condition involving EOA/EOF and the skip\_read variable in some of the H5PB routines. 22. Understand use of H5F\_t on branch feature/vfd\_swmr instead of H5C\_t as on develop branch. 23. *Temporarily* reserve a new superblock flag for VFD SWMR for development purposes. 24. Prior to feature merge, *permanently* reserve a new superblock flag. 25. Revisit the global heap. The global heap receives data types (a form of metadata) and variable-length (VL) data such as strings. It is translated to raw data on its way down the HDF5 software stack. If the global heap is modified/replaced as currently planned, then VFD SWMR does not have to deal with it. However, if the global heap overhaul does not take place, then we have more work to do. 26. **David, complete** Fix the expand/shrink test. The test appeared to fail because the dataset extent was enlarged before the data was written, so arbitrary data was present. If a tick snuck in between the `H5Dset_extent` and the `H5Dwrite`, then the reader read the arbitrary data. In the `gaussian` test, I have a heuristic that avoids reading arbitrary data. Replicating that in the expand/shrink test has fixed it. Essentially, the reader trails the writer by a bit. Ultimately, we should suspend ticks over the H5Dset_extent/H5Dwrite. 27. **Vailin, complete** Change the field name "vfd_swmr_writer" to "writer" in "struct H5F_vfd_swmr_config_t" and all references to it. See page 11 in the RFC. 28. **Vailin, complete** Fix bug as stated on page 9 in the RFC section 3.1.1: Given that the VFD SWMR configuration FAPL property is set, the writer field must be consistent with the flags passed in the H5Fopen() (either H5F_ACC_RDWR for the VFD SWMR writer, or H5F_ACC_RDONLY for the VFD SWMR readers). 29. **Vailin, complete** Fix the FSM bug when setting the FSM threshold to a non-default value. The problem was manifested when setting the threshold value in vfd_swmr_generator.c via H5Pset_file_space_strategy(fcpl, H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_PAGE, FALSE, 1024 * 1024 * 1024) and then run the vfd_swmr_addrem_writer.c. 30. **David, merged, needs more testing** Add a delay to the FSM so that freed regions are not reused before max_lag ticks are up.