============================================================================== Process for Creating PDF Versions of the HDF5 RM and UG from HTML Source Files ============================================================================== Last modified: 24 Sep 2004 PDF versions of the HDF5 Reference Manual (RM) and the new HDF5 User's Guide (UG) are created from the HTML source at each release of the HDF5 Library. The process is managed through two application environments, Macromedia DreamWeaver (an HTML editing environment) and HTML doc (a conversion tool). This document describes the process in detail for the RM; the process for the UG is very similar and will be described in a subsequent update. The HDF5 Reference Manual ------------------------- 1. Using Macromedia Dreamweaver, define a site that contains all the documents within doc/html, including html, image, DreamWeaver library and .book files. 2. In the ed_libs directory: a) Assuming you have your libraries set up for electronic viewing (to verify, check that there is nothing more than a commented note and an ' ' in the 3 aforementioned _Null libraries) drop the code from the actual library into it's respective Null lib, replacing the  . (EXAMPLE: Take all the code from Footer.lbi and insert it into Footer_Null.lbi, taking care not to remove the commented note.) b) In the now empty library file, add an  . c) Save the libraries and thier respective Null files. d) With a library still open (not a Null one) choose Modify>Library>Update Pages... Look in: Entire Site Check 'Library Items' in the 'Update:' selection. Hit start. 3. In RM_H5P.html: a) RM_H5P.html contains two versions of the 'C Interfaces' function list. One is for print use and one is for electronic use. One should be visible and one should be commented out. Make sure that the section labelled with is commented out. (by removing the >s). 4. Using HTMLdoc: a) Open PDF_RM_body.book b) The Input tab: Document Type: Web Page Input Files: RM_H5Front.html RM_H5.html RM_H5A.html RM_H5D.html RM_H5E.html RM_H5F.html RM_H5G.html RM_H5I.html RM_H5P.html RM_H5R.html RM_H5S.html RM_H5T.html RM_H5Z.html Tools.html PredefDTypes.html Glossary.html Logo Image: none Title File/Image: none c) The Output tab: Output To: File Output Path: H5_RM_body.pdf Output Format: PDF Output Options: JPEG Big Images Compression (not critical, change at will): Slider right above 'Fast' JPEG Quality (not critical, change at will): 60 d) The Page tab: Page Size: Letter, 2-Sided Top: 0.50in, Left: 1.00in, Right: 0.50in, Bottom: 0.50in Header: Blank, Blank, Blank Footer: Blank, Blank, 1,2,3,... Number Up: 1 e) The Colors tab: Everything Blank Link Style: Plain f) The Fonts tab: Base Font Size: 11.0 Line Spacing: 1.2 Body Typeface: Times Heading Typeface: Helvetica Header/Footer Size: 10.0 Header/Footer Font: Helvetica Character Set: iso-8859-1 Options: Do Not Check 'Embed Fonts' g) The PDF tab: PDF Version: 1.3 Page Mode: Document Page Layout: Single Page Effect: None Options: Check 'Include Links' h) The Security tab: Encryption: No i) The Options tab: HTML Editor: Point to Dreamweaver (recommended) Browser Width: 680 GUI Option: Check all 3 j) Save the book file. k) Verify that the output file (H5_RM_body.pdf) is not open. l) Generate the document. 5. Open H5_RM_body.pdf a) Scan through the document page by page to verify that there are no elements that should have been eliminated via javascripts or swapped library contents. b) Scan through again looking only for places where page breaks need to be added, removed, or relocated. I have found that re-generating the document after every pagination correction actually saves time in the long run. This is because some pagination corrections that must be made may create other problems further down in the document. Re-generating the document ensures that every problem you focus on won't have to be re-done. c) When you are sure all the pagination is correct (don't forget to start each of the sections included in the Table of Contents on a recto) note page numbers for the beginning of each section in the TOC. 6. Open RM_TOC.html a) Edit page numbers accordingly. (Note: Assuming the general format of RM_H5Front remains the same, the 'Overview' listing in the TOC should always be on pg. 1, and the 'Fortran90 and C++ APIs' listing should be on pg. 2, an exepction to the recto-rule.) b) Save. 7. Using HTMLdoc: a) Open PDF_RM_front.book b) The Input tab: Document Type: Web Page Input Files: RM_Title.html Copyright.html RM_TOC.html Logo Image: none Title File/Image: none c) The Output tab: Output To: File Output Path: H5_RM_front.pdf Output Format: PDF Output Options: JPEG Big Images Compression (not critical, change at will): Slider right above 'Fast' JPEG Quality (not critical, change at will): 60 d) The Page tab: Page Size: Letter, 2-Sided Top: 0.50in, Left: 1.00in, Right: 0.50in, Bottom: 0.50in Header: Blank, Blank, Blank Footer: Blank, Blank, Blank Number Up: 1 e) The Colors tab: Everything Blank Link Style: Plain f) The Fonts tab: Base Font Size: 11.0 Line Spacing: 1.2 Body Typeface: Times Heading Typeface: Helvetica Header/Footer Size: 10.0 Header/Footer Font: Helvetica Character Set: iso-8859-1 Options: Do Not Check 'Embed Fonts' g) The PDF tab: PDF Version: 1.3 Page Mode: Document Page Layout: Single Page Effect: None Options: Check 'Include Links' h) The Security tab: Encryption: No i) The Options tab: HTML Editor: Point to Dreamweaver (recommended) Browser Width: 680 GUI Options: Check all 3 j) Save the book file. k) Verify that the output file (H5_RM_front.pdf) is not open. l) Generate the document.