HDF5/H5P API Specification

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<table border=0 width=98%>
<tr><td valign=top align=left>
<a href="H5.intro.html">Introduction to HDF5</a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="H5.user.html">HDF5 User Guide</a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="index.html">Other HDF5 documents and links</a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="Glossary.html">Glossary</a><br>
<td valign=top align=right>
And in this document, the 
<a href="RM_H5Front.html">HDF5 Reference Manual</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5.html">H5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5A.html">H5A</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5D.html">H5D</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5E.html">H5E</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5F.html">H5F</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5G.html">H5G</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5I.html">H5I</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5R.html">H5R</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5S.html">H5S</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5T.html">H5T</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5Z.html">H5Z</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="Tools.html">Tools</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="PredefDTypes.html">Datatypes</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<h1>H5P: Property List Interface</h1>
<h2>Property List API Functions</h2>

These functions manipulate property list objects to allow objects which require
many different parameters to be easily manipulated.

<strong>The C Interfaces:</strong>

<table border=0>
<tr><td valign=top>

    <i>General Property List <br> Operations</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-Create">H5Pcreate</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetClass">H5Pget_class</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-Copy">H5Pcopy</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-Close">H5Pclose</a>

    <p><i>File Creation Properties</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetVersion">H5Pget_version</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetUserblock">H5Pset_userblock</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetUserblock">H5Pget_userblock</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetSizes">H5Pset_sizes</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetSizes">H5Pget_sizes</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetSymK">H5Pset_sym_k</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetSymK">H5Pget_sym_k</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetIstoreK">H5Pset_istore_k</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetIstoreK">H5Pget_istore_k</a>

||&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Indicates functions <br> 
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;available only in the <br>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;parallel HDF5 library.</i>

</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>

    <i>File Access Properties</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplCore">H5Pset_fapl_core</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplCore">H5Pget_fapl_core</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplFamily">H5Pset_fapl_family</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplFamily">H5Pget_fapl_family</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplLog">H5Pset_fapl_log</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplMpio">H5Pset_fapl_mpio</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplMpio">H5Pget_fapl_mpio</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplMulti">H5Pset_fapl_multi</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplMulti">H5Pget_fapl_multi</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplSplit">H5Pset_fapl_split</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplSec2">H5Pset_fapl_sec2</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplStdio">H5Pset_fapl_stdio</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplStream">H5Pset_fapl_stream</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplStream">H5Pget_fapl_stream</a>
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetDriver">H5Pset_driver</a>                   -->
    <li><a href="#Property-GetDriver">H5Pget_driver</a>
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetDriverInfo">H5Pget_driver_info</a>          -->
    <li><a href="#Property-SetMetaBlockSize">H5Pset_meta_block_size</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetMetaBlockSize">H5Pget_meta_block_size</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetSieveBufSize">H5Pset_sieve_buf_size</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetSieveBufSize">H5Pget_sieve_buf_size</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetAlignment">H5Pset_alignment</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetAlignment">H5Pget_alignment</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetCache">H5Pset_cache</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetCache">H5Pget_cache</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetGCReferences">H5Pset_gc_references</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetGCReferences">H5Pget_gc_references</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplGass">H5Pset_fapl_gass</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplGass">H5Pget_fapl_gass</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplDpss">H5Pset_fapl_dpss</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplSrb">H5Pset_fapl_srb</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplSrb">H5Pget_fapl_srb</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-xxx">xxx</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-xxx">xxx</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||

</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>

    <i>Dataset Creation Properties</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetLayout">H5Pset_layout</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetLayout">H5Pget_layout</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetChunk">H5Pset_chunk</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetChunk">H5Pget_chunk</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetDeflate">H5Pset_deflate</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetDeflate">H5Pget_deflate</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetCompression">H5Pset_compression</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetCompression">H5Pget_compression</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFillValue">H5Pset_fill_value</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFillValue">H5Pget_fill_value</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFilter">H5Pset_filter</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetNFilters">H5Pget_nfilters</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFilter">H5Pget_filter</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetExternal">H5Pset_external</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetExternalCount">H5Pget_external_count</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetExternal">H5Pget_external</a>

    <p><i>Dataset Access, Memory, and <br> Transfer Properties</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetBuffer">H5Pset_buffer</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetBuffer">H5Pget_buffer</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetPreserve">H5Pset_preserve</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetPreserve">H5Pget_preserve</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetHyperCache">H5Pset_hyper_cache</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetHyperCache">H5Pget_hyper_cache</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetBTreeRatios">H5Pset_btree_ratios</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetBTreeRatios">H5Pget_btree_ratios</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetVLMemManager">H5Pset_vlen_mem_manager</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetVLMemManager">H5Pget_vlen_mem_manager</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetDxplMpio">H5Pset_dxpl_mpio</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||
    <li><a href="#Property-GetDxplMpio">H5Pget_dxpl_mpio</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||
    <li><a href="#Property-SetDxplMulti">H5Pset_dxpl_multi</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetDxplMulti">H5Pget_dxpl_multi</a>


<tr><td colspan=5 align=right>
||&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Available only in the parallel HDF5 library.</i>


<strong>The FORTRAN90 Interfaces:</strong>

<font size=-1>
<i>In general, each FORTRAN90 subroutine performs exactly the same task 
as the corresponding C function.  The links below go to the C function 
descriptions, which serve as general descriptions for both.  A button, 
under <strong>Non-C API(s)</strong> at the end of the C function description,
opens an external browser window displaying the FORTRAN90-specific 
information.  You will probably want to adjust the size and location of 
this external window so that both browser windows are visible and to 
facilitate moving easily between them.</i>

<table border=0>
<tr><td valign=top>

    <i>General Property List Operations</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-Create">h5pcreate_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetClass">h5pget_class_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-Copy">h5pcopy_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-Close">h5pclose_f</a>

    <p><i>File Creation Properties</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetVersion">h5pget_version_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetUserblock">h5pset_userblock_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetUserblock">h5pget_userblock_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetSizes">h5pset_sizes_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetSizes">h5pget_sizes_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetSymK">h5pset_sym_k_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetSymK">h5pget_sym_k_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetIstoreK">h5pset_istore_k_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetIstoreK">h5pget_istore_k_f</a>

<!--<p><i>Variable-length Datatype Properties</i>                         -->
<!--<ul>                                                                  -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetVLMemManager">h5pset_vlen_mem_manager_f</a> -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetVLMemManager">h5pget_vlen_mem_manager_f</a> -->
<!--</ul>                                                                 -->

</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>

    <i>Dataset Creation Properties</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetLayout">h5pset_layout_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetLayout">h5pget_layout_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetChunk">h5pset_chunk_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetChunk">h5pget_chunk_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetDeflate">h5pset_deflate_f</a>
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetDeflate">h5pget_deflate_f</a>               -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetCompression">h5pset_compression_f</a>       -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetCompression">h5pget_compression_f</a>       -->
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFillValue">h5pset_fill_value_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFillValue">h5pget_fill_value_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFilter">h5pset_filter_f</a>
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetNFilters">h5pget_nfilters_f</a>             -->
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFilter">h5pget_filter_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetExternal">h5pset_external_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetExternalCount">h5pget_external_count_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetExternal">h5pget_external_f</a>

||&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Available only in the parallel HDF5 library.</i>

</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>

    <i>File Access Properties</i>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetDriver">h5pget_driver_f</a>
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetStdio">h5pset_stdio_f</a>                   -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetStdio">h5pget_stdio_f</a>                   -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetSec2">h5pset_sec2_f</a>                     -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetSec2">h5pget_sec2_f</a>                     -->
    <li><a href="#Property-SetAlignment">h5pset_alignment_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetAlignment">h5pget_alignment_f</a>
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetCore">h5pset_core_f</a>                     -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetCore">h5pget_core_f</a>                     -->
    <li><a href="#Property-SetFaplMpio">h5pset_fapl_mpi_f</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||
    <li><a href="#Property-GetFaplMpio">h5pget_fapl_mpi_f</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetFamily">h5pset_family_f</a>                 -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetFamily">h5pget_family_f</a>                 -->
    <li><a href="#Property-SetCache">h5pset_cache_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetCache">h5pget_cache_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetSplit">h5pset_split_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetSplit">h5pget_split_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetGCReferences">h5pset_gc_references_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetGCReferences">h5pget_gc_references_f</a>

    <p><i>Dataset Memory and Transfer Properties</i>
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetBuffer">h5pset_buffer_f</a>                 -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetBuffer">h5pget_buffer_f</a>                 -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-SetPreserve">h5pset_preserve_f</a>             -->
<!--<li><a href="#Property-GetPreserve">h5pget_preserve_f</a>             -->
    <li><a href="#Property-SetHyperCache">h5pset_hyper_cache_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetHyperCache">h5pget_hyper_cache_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetBTreeRatios">h5pset_btree_ratios_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-GetBTreeRatios">h5pget_btree_ratios_f</a>
    <li><a href="#Property-SetDxplMpio">h5pset_dxpl_mpi_f</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|| 
    <li><a href="#Property-GetDxplMpio">h5pget_dxpl_mpi_f</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|| 


  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-Create">H5Pcreate</a>
    <dd><em>hid_t </em><code>H5Pcreate</code>(<em>H5P_class_t</em> <code>type</code>
    <dd>Creates a new property as an instance of a property list class.
    <dd><code>H5Pcreate</code> creates a new property as an instance of some
        property list class.  The new property list is initialized
        with default values for the specified class. The classes are:
	    <dd>Properties for file creation.  
              See <a href="Files.html">Files</a>
              in the <cite>HDF User's Guide</cite>
	        for details about the file creation properties.
	    <dd>Properties for file access. 
              See <a href="Files.html">Files</a>
              in the <cite>HDF User's Guide</cite>
	        for details about the file creation properties.
	    <dd>Properties for dataset creation.  
              See <a href="Datasets.html">Datasets</a> 
              in the <cite>HDF User's Guide</cite>
	        for details about dataset creation properties.
	    <dd>Properties for raw data transfer.  
              See <a href="Datasets.html">Datasets</a> 
              in the <cite>HDF User's Guide</cite>
              for details about raw data transfer properties.
	    <dd>Properties for file mounting.  
              With this parameter, <code>H5Pcreate</code> 
              creates and returns a new mount property list
              initialized with default values.
      <dt><em>H5P_class_t</em> <code>type</code>
        <dd>IN: The type of property list to create.
    <dd>Returns a property list identifier (<code>plist</code>) if successful; 
        otherwise Fail (-1).
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pcreate_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-Close">H5Pclose</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pclose</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
    <dd>Terminates access to a property list.
        <dd><code>H5Pclose</code> terminates access to a property list.  
            All property lists should be closed when the application is 
            finished accessing them. 
            This frees resources used by the property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of the property list to terminate access to.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pclose_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetClass">H5Pget_class</a>
    <dd><em>H5P_class_t </em><code>H5Pget_class</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
    <dd>Returns the property list class for a property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_class</code> returns the property list class for the 
        property list identified by the <code>plist</code> parameter.
        Valid property list classes are defined in the description of
      <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
        <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to query.
    <dd>Returns a property list class if successful.
        Otherwise returns H5P_NO_CLASS (-1).
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_class_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-Copy">H5Pcopy</a>
    <dd><em>hid_t </em><code>H5Pcopy</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
    <dd>Copies an existing property list to create a new property list.
        <dd><code>H5Pcopy</code> copies an existing property list to create 
            a new property list.
            The new property list has the same properties and values 
            as the original property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to duplicate.
    <dd>Returns a property list identifier if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pcopy_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetVersion">H5Pget_version</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pget_version</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>int *</em> <code>super</code>,
            <em>int *</em> <code>freelist</code>,
            <em>int *</em> <code>stab</code>,
            <em>int *</em> <code>shhdr</code>
    <dd>Retrieves the version information of various objects for 
        a file creation property list.  
        <dd><code>H5Pget_version</code> retrieves the version information of various objects
            for a file creation property list.  Any pointer parameters which are
            passed as NULL are not queried.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of the file creation property list.
        <dt><em>int *</em> <code>super</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return super block version number.
        <dt><em>int *</em> <code>freelist</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return global freelist version number.
        <dt><em>int *</em> <code>stab</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return symbol table version number.
        <dt><em>int *</em> <code>shhdr</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return shared object header version number.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_version_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetUserblock">H5Pset_userblock</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pset_userblock</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
    <dd>Sets user block size.
        <dd><code>H5Pset_userblock</code> sets the user block size of a 
            file creation property list.  
            The default user block size is 0; it may be set to any 
            power of 2 equal to 512 or greater (512, 1024, 2048, etc.).
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to modify.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>IN: Size of the user-block in bytes.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_userblock_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetUserblock">H5Pget_userblock</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pget_userblock</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>hsize_t *</em> <code>size</code>
    <dd>Retrieves the size of a user block.
        <dd><code>H5Pget_userblock</code> retrieves the size of a user block 
            in a file creation property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for property list to query.
        <dt><em>hsize_t *</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return user-block size.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_userblock_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetSizes">H5Pset_sizes</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pset_sizes</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>size_t</em> <code>sizeof_addr</code>,
            <em>size_t</em> <code>sizeof_size</code>
    <dd>Sets the byte size of the offsets and lengths used to address objects 
        in an HDF5 file.  
        <dd><code>H5Pset_sizes</code> sets the byte size of the offsets and lengths used to
            address objects in an HDF5 file.  This function is only valid for
            file creation property lists.  Passing in a value of 0 for one of the
            sizeof parameters retains the current value.  The default value
            for both values is 4 bytes.  Valid values currently are 2, 4, 8 and
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to modify.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>sizeof_addr</code>
            <dd>IN: Size of an object offset in bytes.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>sizeof_size</code>
            <dd>IN: Size of an object length in bytes.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_sizes_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetSizes">H5Pget_sizes</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pget_sizes</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>size_t *</em> <code>sizeof_addr</code>,
            <em>size_t *</em> <code>sizeof_size</code>
    <dd>Retrieves the size of the offsets and lengths used in an HDF5 file.  
        <dd><code>H5Pget_sizes</code> retrieves the size of the offsets 
            and lengths used in an HDF5 file.  
            This function is only valid for file creation property lists.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to query.
        <dt><em>size_t *</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return offset size in bytes.
        <dt><em>size_t *</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return length size in bytes.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_sizes_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetSymK">H5Pset_sym_k</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pset_sym_k</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>int</em> <code>ik</code>,
            <em>int</em> <code>lk</code>
    <dd>Sets the size of parameters used to control the symbol table nodes.
        <dd><code>H5Pset_sym_k</code> sets the size of parameters used to 
            control the symbol table nodes.  This function is only valid 
            for file creation property lists.  Passing in a value of 0 for 
            one of the parameters retains the current value. 
            <code>ik</code> is one half the rank of a tree that stores a symbol
            table for a group.  Internal nodes of the symbol table are on
            average 75% full.  That is, the average rank of the tree is
            1.5 times the value of <code>ik</code>.
            <code>lk</code> is one half of the number of symbols that can 
            be stored in a symbol table node.  A symbol table node is the 
            leaf of a symbol table tree which is used to store a group.  
            When symbols are inserted randomly into a group, the group's
            symbol table nodes are 75% full on average.  That is, they
            contain 1.5 times the number of symbols specified by 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for property list to query.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>ik</code>
            <dd>IN: Symbol table tree rank.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>lk</code>
            <dd>IN: Symbol table node size.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_sym_k_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetSymK">H5Pget_sym_k</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pget_sym_k</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>int *</em> <code>ik</code>,
            <em>int *</em> <code>lk</code>
    <dd>Retrieves the size of the symbol table B-tree 1/2 rank 
        and the symbol table leaf node 1/2 size.
        <dd><code>H5Pget_sym_k</code> retrieves the size of the 
            symbol table B-tree 1/2 rank and the symbol table leaf 
            node 1/2 size.  This function is only valid for file creation 
            property lists.  If a parameter valued is set to NULL, that
            parameter is not retrieved.  See the description for 
            <a href="#Property-SetSymK">H5Pset_sym_k</a> for more 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Property list to query.
        <dt><em>int *</em> <code>ik</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return the symbol table's B-tree 1/2 rank.
        <dt><em>int *</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return the symbol table's leaf node 1/2 size.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_sym_k_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetIstoreK">H5Pset_istore_k</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pset_istore_k</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>int</em> <code>ik</code>
    <dd>Sets the size of the parameter used to control the
        B-trees for indexing chunked datasets.  
        <dd><code>H5Pset_istore_k</code> sets the size of the parameter 
            used to control the B-trees for indexing chunked datasets.  
            This function is only valid for file creation property lists.
            Passing in a value of 0 for one of the parameters retains 
            the current value. 
            <code>ik</code> is one half the rank of a tree that stores 
            chunked raw data.  On average, such a tree will be 75% full, 
            or have an average rank of 1.5 times the value of 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to query.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>ik</code>
            <dd>IN: 1/2 rank of chunked storage B-tree.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_istore_k_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetIstoreK">H5Pget_istore_k</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pget_istore_k</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>int *</em> <code>ik</code>
    <dd>Queries the 1/2 rank of an indexed storage B-tree.  
        <dd><code>H5Pget_istore_k</code> queries the 1/2 rank of 
            an indexed storage B-tree.  
            The argument <code>ik</code> may be the null pointer (NULL).  
            This function is only valid for file creation property lists.
            See <a href="#Property-SetIstoreK">H5Pset_istore_k</a> for details.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to query.
        <dt><em>int *</em> <code>ik</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location to return the chunked storage B-tree 1/2 rank.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_istore_k_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetLayout">H5Pset_layout</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pset_layout</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>H5D_layout_t</em> <code>layout</code>
    <dd>Sets the type of storage used store the raw data for a dataset.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_layout</code> sets the type of storage used store the 
        raw data for a dataset.  
        This function is only valid for dataset creation property lists.
        Valid parameters for <code>layout</code> are:
                <dt>H5D_COMPACT  &nbsp;&nbsp; <i><b>(Not yet implemented.)</b></i>
                    <dd>Store raw data and object header contiguously in file.
                        This should only be used for very small amounts of raw
                        data (suggested less than 1KB).
                    <dd>Store raw data separately from object header in one
                        large chunk in the file.
                    <dd>Store raw data separately from object header in one
                        large chunk in the file and store chunks of the raw
                        data in separate locations in the file.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to query.
        <dt><em>H5D_layout_t</em> <code>layout</code>
            <dd>IN: Type of storage layout for raw data.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_layout_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetLayout">H5Pget_layout</a>
    <dd><em>H5D_layout_t</em> <code>H5Pget_layout</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>)
    <dd>Returns the layout of the raw data for a dataset.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_layout</code> returns the layout of the raw data for 
        a dataset.  This function is only valid for dataset creation 
        property lists.  Valid types for <code>layout</code> are:
            <ul> <dl>
                <dt>H5D_COMPACT  &nbsp;&nbsp; <i><b>(Not yet implemented.)</b></i>
                    <dd>Raw data and object header stored contiguously in file.
                    <dd>Raw data stored separately from object header in one
                        large chunk in the file.
                    <dd>Raw data stored separately from object header in 
                        chunks in separate locations in the file.
            </dl> </ul>
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for property list to query.
    <dd>Returns the layout type of a a dataset creation property list 
        if successful.
        Otherwise returns H5D_LAYOUT_ERROR (-1).
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_layout_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetChunk">H5Pset_chunk</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Pset_chunk</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>int</em> <code>ndims</code>,
            <em>const hsize_t *</em> <code>dim</code>
    <dd>Sets the size of the chunks used to store a chunked layout dataset.  
    <dd><code>H5Pset_chunk</code> sets the size of the chunks used to 
        store a chunked layout dataset.  This function is only valid 
        for dataset creation property lists.  
        The <code>ndims</code> parameter currently must be the same size 
        as the rank of the dataset.  The values of the <code>dim</code> 
        array define the size of the chunks to store the dataset's raw data.
        As a side-effect, the layout of the dataset is changed to 
        <code>H5D_CHUNKED</code>, if it is not already.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for property list to query.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>ndims</code>
            <dd>IN: The number of dimensions of each chunk.
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em> <code>dim</code>
            <dd>IN: An array containing the size of each chunk.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_chunk_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetChunk">H5Pget_chunk</a>
    <dd><em>int </em><code>H5Pget_chunk</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
            <em>int</em> <code>max_ndims</code>,
            <em>hsize_t *</em> <code>dims</code>
    <dd>Retrieves the size of chunks for the raw data of a chunked layout dataset.  

    <dd><code>H5Pget_chunk</code> retrieves the size of chunks for the 
            raw data of a chunked layout dataset.  
            This function is only valid for dataset creation property lists. 
            At most, <code>max_ndims</code> elements of <code>dims</code> 
            will be initialized.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of property list to query.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>max_ndims</code>
            <dd>IN: Size of the <code>dims</code> array.
        <dt><em>hsize_t *</em> <code>dims</code>
            <dd>OUT: Array to store the chunk dimensions.
    <dd>Returns chunk dimensionality successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_chunk_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetAlignment">H5Pset_alignment</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_alignment</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>hsize_t</em> <code>threshold</code>,
        <em>hsize_t</em> <code>alignment</code>
    <dd>Sets alignment properties of a file access property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_alignment</code> sets the alignment properties 
        of a file access property list
        so that any file object greater than or equal in size to 
        <code>threshold</code> bytes will be aligned on an address 
        which is a multiple of <code>alignment</code>.  The addresses
        are relative to the end of the user block; the alignment is
        calculated by subtracting the user block size from the
        absolute file address and then adjusting the address to be a
        multiple of <code>alignment</code>.
        Default values for <code>threshold</code> and 
        <code>alignment</code> are one, implying
        no alignment.  Generally the default values will result in
        the best performance for single-process access to the file.
        For MPI-IO and other parallel systems, choose an alignment
        which is a multiple of the disk block size.   
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for a file access property list.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>threshold</code>
            <dd>IN: Threshold value.  
                Must be non-negative.
                Note that setting the threshold value to 0 (zero) has 
                the effect of a special case, forcing everything 
                to be aligned.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>alignment</code>
            <dd>IN: Alignment value.  
                Must be a positive value.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_alignment_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetAlignment">H5Pget_alignment</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_alignment</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>hsize_t</em> <code>*threshold</code>,
        <em>hsize_t</em> <code>*alignment</code>
    <dd>Retrieves the current settings for alignment properties from a
        file access property list.  
    <dd><code>H5Pget_alignment</code> retrieves the current settings for 
        alignment properties from a file access property list. 
        The <code>threshold</code> and/or <code>alignment</code> pointers 
        may be null pointers (NULL). 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of a file access property list.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>*threshold</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location of return threshold value.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>*alignment</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to location of return alignment value.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_alignment_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetExternal">H5Pset_external</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_external</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>const char</em> <code>*name</code>,
        <em>off_t</em> <code>offset</code>,
        <em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
    <dd>Adds an external file to the list of external files.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_external</code> adds an external file to the 
        list of external files. 
        If a dataset is split across multiple files then the files
        should be defined in order. The total size of the dataset is
        the sum of the <code>size</code> arguments for all the external files.  If
        the total size is larger than the size of a dataset then the
        dataset can be extended (provided the data space also allows
        the extending).
        The <code>size</code> argument specifies number of bytes reserved 
        for data in the external file.
        If  <code>size</code> is set to <code>H5F_UNLIMITED</code>, the 
        external file can be of unlimited size and no more files can be added to
        the external files list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of a dataset creation property list.
        <dt><em>const char</em> <code>*name</code>
            <dd>IN: Name of an external file.
        <dt><em>off_t</em> <code>offset</code>
            <dd>IN: Offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the file
                to the location in the file where the data starts.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>IN: Number of bytes reserved in the file for the data.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_external_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetExternalCount">H5Pget_external_count</a>
    <dd><em>int</em> <code>H5Pget_external_count</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
    <dd>Returns the number of external files for a dataset.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_external_count</code> returns the number of external files 
        for the specified dataset.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of a dataset creation property list.
    <dd>Returns the number of external files if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_external_count_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetExternal">H5Pget_external</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_external</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>idx</code>,
        <em>size_t</em> <code>name_size</code>,
        <em>char</em> <code>*name</code>,
        <em>off_t</em> <code>*offset</code>,
        <em>hsize_t</em> <code>*size</code>
    <dd>Returns information about an external file.  
    <dd><code>H5Pget_external</code> returns information about an external 
        file.  The external file is specified by its index, <code>idx</code>,
        which is a number from zero to N-1, where N is the value 
        returned by <code>H5Pget_external_count</code>.  
        At most <code>name_size</code> characters are copied into the 
        <code>name</code> array.  If the external file name is
        longer than <code>name_size</code> with the null terminator, the
        return value is not null terminated (similar to <code>strncpy()</code>).
        If <code>name_size</code> is zero or <code>name</code> is the 
        null pointer, the external file name is not returned.  
        If <code>offset</code> or <code>size</code> are null pointers 
        then the corresponding information is not returned.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of a dataset creation property list.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>idx</code>
            <dd>IN: External file index.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>name_size</code>
            <dd>IN: Maximum length of <code>name</code> array.
        <dt><em>char</em> <code>*name</code>
            <dd>OUT: Name of the external file.
        <dt><em>off_t</em> <code>*offset</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to a location to return an offset value.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>*size</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to a location to return the size of the 
                external file data.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_external_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFillValue">H5Pset_fill_value</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fill_value</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>,
        <em>hid_t</em> <code>type_id</code>,
        <em>const void *</em><code>value</code>
    <dd>Sets a dataset fill value.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fill_value</code> sets the fill value for a
        dataset creation property list.  
        The <code>value</code> is interpreted as being of type 
        <code>type_id</code>.  This need not be the same type 
        as the dataset, but the library must be able to convert 
        <code>value</code> to the dataset type when the dataset 
        is created. 
    <dd>If a fill value is set for a dataset (even if the 
        fill value is all zeros), the fill value will be written 
        to the file. If no fill value is set, then HDF5 relies on 
        the underlying file driver (usually a Unix file system) 
        to initialize unwritten parts of the file to zeros.
        Creating a contiguous dataset with a fill value can be a
        very expensive operation since the optimization has not 
        yet been implemented that would delay the writing of the 
        fill values until after some data has been written.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Property list identifier.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>type_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: The datatype identifier of <code>value</code>.
        <dt><em>const void *</em><code>value</code>
            <dd>IN: The fill value.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_fill_value_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFillValue">H5Pget_fill_value</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fill_value</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>,
        <em>hid_t</em> <code>type_id</code>,
        <em>void *</em><code>value</code>
    <dd>Retrieves a dataset fill value.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_fill_value</code> queries the 
        fill value property of a dataset creation property list.
        The fill value is returned through the <code>value</code>
        Memory is allocated by the caller.  
        The fill value will be converted from its current 
        data type to the type specified by <code>type_id</code>.  
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Property list identifier.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>type_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: The datatype identifier of <code>value</code>.
        <dt><em>const void *</em><code>value</code>
            <dd>IN: The fill value.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_fill_value_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFilter">H5Pset_filter</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_filter</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>H5Z_filter_t</em> <code>filter</code>,
        <em>unsigned int</em> <code>flags</code>,
        <em>size_t</em> <code>cd_nelmts</code>,
        <em>const unsigned int</em> <code>cd_values[]</code>
    <dd>Adds a filter to the filter pipeline.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_filter</code> adds the specified 
        <code>filter</code> and corresponding properties to the 
        end of an output filter pipeline.
        If <code>plist</code> is a dataset creation property list, 
        the filter is added to the permanent filter pipeline; 
        if <code>plist</code> is a dataset transfer property list, 
        the filter is added to the transient filter pipeline.
        The array <code>cd_values</code> contains
        <code>cd_nelmts</code> integers which are auxiliary data 
        for the filter.  The integer values will be stored in the 
        dataset object header as part of the filter information.
        The <code>flags</code> argument is a  bit vector with 
        the following fields specifying certain general properties 
        of the filter:  
        <table align=center width="80%">
          <tr valign=top>
            <td valign=top><code>H5Z_FLAG_OPTIONAL</code></td>
            <td valign=top>If this bit is set then the filter is 
              optional.  If the filter fails (see below) during an
              <code>H5Dwrite</code> operation then the filter is
              just excluded from the pipeline for the chunk for which
              it failed; the filter will not participate in the
              pipeline during an <code>H5Dread</code> of the chunk.
              This is commonly used for compression filters: if the
              compression result would be larger than the input then
              the compression filter returns failure and the
              uncompressed data is stored in the file.  If this bit is
              clear and a filter fails then <code>H5Dwrite</code> 
              or <code>H5Dread</code> also fails.</td>
    <dd>This function currently supports only the permanent filter
        pipeline; <code>plist_id</code> must be a dataset creation 
        property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Property list identifier.
        <dt><em>H5Z_filter_t</em> <code>filter</code>
            <dd>IN: Filter to be added to the pipeline.
        <dt><em>unsigned int</em> <code>flags</code>
            <dd>IN:  Bit vector specifying certain general properties
                of the filter.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>cd_nelmts</code>
            <dd>IN: Number of elements in <code>cd_values</code>.
        <dt><em>const unsigned int</em> <code>cd_values[]</code>
            <dd>IN: Auxiliary data for the filter.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_filter_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetNFilters">H5Pget_nfilters</a>
    <dd><em>int</em> <code>H5Pget_nfilters</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>)
    <dd>Returns the number of filters in the pipeline.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_nfilters</code> returns the number of filters 
        defined in the filter pipeline associated with the property list 
        In each pipeline, the filters are numbered from
        0 through <em>N</em>-1, where <em>N</em> is the value returned
        by this function. During output to the file, the filters are 
        applied in increasing order; during input from the file, they
        are applied in decreasing order.
        <code>H5Pget_nfilters</code> returns the number of filters 
        in the pipeline, including zero (<code>0</code>) if there 
        are none.
    <dd>This function currently supports only the permanent filter
        pipeline; <code>plist_id</code> must be a dataset creation 
        property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Property list identifier.
    <dd>Returns the number of filters in the pipeline if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_nfilters_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
  -->   <!--
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFilter">H5Pget_filter</a>
    <dd><em>H5Z_filter_t</em> <code>H5Pget_filter</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>filter_number</code>,
        <em>unsigned int *</em><code>flags</code>,
        <em>size_t *</em><code>cd_nelmts</code>,
        <em>unsigned int *</em><code>cd_values</code>,
        <em>size_t</em> <code>namelen</code>,
        <em>char</em> <code>name[]</code>
    <dd>Returns information about a filter in a pipeline.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_filter</code> returns information about a
        filter, specified by its filter number, in a filter pipeline,
        specified by the property list with which it is associated.
        If <code>plist</code> is a dataset creation property list, 
        the pipeline is a permanent filter pipeline; 
        if <code>plist</code> is a dataset transfer property list, 
        the pipeline is a transient filter pipeline.
        On input, <code>cd_nelmts</code> indicates the number of entries 
        in the <code>cd_values</code> array, as allocated by the caller;
        on return,<code>cd_nelmts</code> contains the number of values 
        defined by the filter. 
        <code>filter_number</code> is a value between zero and 
        <em>N</em>-1, as described in 
        <a href="#Property-GetNFilters"><code>H5Pget_nfilters</code></a>.
        The function will return a negative value if the filter number 
        is out of range.  
        If <code>name</code> is a pointer to an array of at least 
        <code>namelen</code> bytes, the filter name will be copied 
        into that array.  The name will be null terminated if 
        <code>namelen</code> is large enough.  The filter name returned 
        will be the name appearing in the file, the name registered
        for the filter, or an empty string.  
        The structure of the <code>flags</code> argument is discussed
        in <a href="#Property-SetFilter"><code>H5Pset_filter</code></a>.
    <dd>This function currently supports only the permanent filter
        pipeline; <code>plist</code> must be a dataset creation property 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Property list identifier.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>filter_number</code>
            <dd>IN: Sequence number within the filter pipeline of 
                the filter for which information is sought.
        <dt><em>unsigned int *</em><code>flags</code>
            <dd>OUT: Bit vector specifying certain general properties
                of the filter.
        <dt><em>size_t *</em><code>cd_nelmts</code>
            <dd>IN/OUT: Number of elements in <code>cd_values</code>.
        <dt><em>unsigned int *</em><code>cd_values</code>
            <dd>OUT: Auxiliary data for the filter.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>namelen</code>
            <dd>IN: Anticipated number of characters in <code>name</code>.
        <dt><em>char</em> <code>name[]</code>
            <dd>OUT: Name of the filter.
    <dd>Returns the filter identification number if successful.
        Otherwise returns H5Z_FILTER_ERROR (-1).
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_filter_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetMetaBlockSize">H5Pset_meta_block_size</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_meta_block_size</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
    <dd>Sets the minimum metadata block size.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_meta_block_size</code> sets the 
        minimum size, in bytes, of metadata block allocations when 
        <code>H5FD_FEAT_AGGREGATE_METADATA</code> is set by a VFL driver.
        Each <i>raw</i> metadata block is initially allocated to be of the 
        given size.  Specific metadata objects (e.g., object headers, 
        local heaps, B-trees) are then sub-allocated from this block.
        The default setting is 2048 bytes, meaning that the library 
        will attempt to aggregate metadata in at least 2K blocks in the file.
        Setting the value to <code>0</code> (zero) with this function 
        will turn off metadata aggregation, even if the VFL driver attempts 
        to use the metadata aggregation strategy.               
        Metadata aggregation reduces the number of small data objects 
        in the file that would otherwise be required for metadata.  
        The aggregated block of metadata is usually written in a 
        single write action and always in a contiguous block, 
        potentially significantly improving library and application 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>IN: Minimum size, in bytes, of metadata block allocations.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetMetaBlockSize">H5Pget_meta_block_size</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_meta_block_size</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>hsize_t *</em><code>size</code>
    <dd>Returns the current metadata block size setting.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_meta_block_size</code> returns the current 
        minimum size, in bytes, of new metadata block allocations. 
        This setting is retrieved from the file access property list
        This value is set by 
        <a href="#Property-SetMetaBlockSize">H5Pset_meta_block_size</a>
        and is retrieved from the file access property list
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>hsize_t *</em><code>size</code>
            <dd>OUT: Minimum size, in bytes, of metadata block allocations.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetSieveBufSize">H5Pset_sieve_buf_size</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_sieve_buf_size</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
    <dd>Sets the maximum size of the data sieve buffer.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_sieve_buf_size</code> sets <code>size</code>, 
        the maximum size in bytes of the data sieve buffer, which is 
        used by file drivers that are capable of using data sieving.
        The data sieve buffer is used when performing I/O on datasets 
        in the file.  Using a buffer which is large anough to hold 
        several pieces of the dataset being read in for 
        hyperslab selections boosts performance by quite a bit. 
        The default value is set to 64KB, indicating that file I/O for 
        raw data reads and writes will occur in at least 64KB blocks.  
        Setting the value to 0 with this API function will turn off the 
        data sieving, even if the VFL driver attempts to use that strategy. 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>IN: Maximum size, in bytes, of data sieve buffer.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetSieveBufSize">H5Pget_sieve_buf_size</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_sieve_buf_size</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>hsize_t *</em><code>size</code>
    <dd> Returns maximum data sieve buffer size.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_sieve_buf_size</code> retrieves, <code>size</code>,
        the current maximum size of the data sieve buffer.
        This value is set by 
        <a href="#Property-SetSieveBufSize">H5Pset_sieve_buf_size</a>
        and is retrieved from the file access property list
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>hsize_t *</em><code>size</code>
            <dd>IN: Maximum size, in bytes, of data sieve buffer.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetGCReferences">H5Pset_gc_references</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_gc_reference</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>unsigned</em> <code>gc_ref</code>
    <dd>Sets garbage collecting references flag.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_gc_references</code> sets the flag for 
        garbage collecting references for the file.  
        Dataset region references and other reference types use space 
        in an HDF5 file's global heap.  If garbage collection is on 
        and the user passes in an uninitialized value in a reference structure, 
        the heap might get corrupted.  When garbage collection is off, however,
        and the user re-uses a reference, the previous heap block will be 
        orphaned and not returned to the free heap space.  
        When garbage collection is on, the user must initialize the 
        reference structures to 0 or risk heap corruption.
        The default value for garbage collecting references is off.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>unsigned</em> <code>gc_ref</code>
            <dd>IN: Flag setting reference garbage collection to 
                on (<code>1</code>) or off (<code>0</code>).
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_gc_references_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetGCReferences">H5Pget_gc_references</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_gc_references</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>unsigned</em> *<code>gc_ref</code>
    <dd>Returns garbage collecting references setting.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_gc_references</code> returns the current setting 
        for the garbage collection references property from 
        the specified file access property list.  
        The garbage collection references property is set 
        by <a href="#Property-SetGCReferences">H5Pset_gc_references</a>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>unsigned</em> <code>gc_ref</code>
            <dd>OUT: Flag returning the state of reference garbage collection.
                A returned value of <code>1</code> indicates that 
                garbage collection is on while 
                <code>0</code> indicates that garbage collection is off.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_gc_references_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetCache">H5Pset_cache</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_cache</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>mdc_nelmts</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>rdcc_nelmts</code>,
        <em>size_t</em> <code>rdcc_nbytes</code>,
        <em>double</em> <code>rdcc_w0</code>
    <dd>Sets the meta data cache and raw data chunk cache parameters.  
    <dd><code>H5Pset_cache</code> sets 
        the number of elements (objects) in the meta data cache and 
        the number of elements, the total number of bytes, and 
        the preemption policy value in the raw data chunk cache.
	The <em>plist_id</em> is a file access property list.  
        The number of elements (objects) in the meta data cache 
	and the raw data chunk cache are <em>mdc_nelmts</em> and 
	<em>rdcc_nelmts</em>, respectively.  
        The total size of the raw data chunk cache and the preemption policy 
        are <em>rdcc_nbytes</em> and <em>rdcc_w0</em>.  
        Any (or all) of the <code>H5Pget_cache</code> pointer arguments 
        may be null pointers.
        The <em>rdcc_w0</em> value should be between 0 and 1 inclusive and
        indicates how much chunks that have been fully read are
        favored for preemption.  A value of zero means fully read
        chunks are treated no differently than other chunks (the
        preemption is strictly LRU) while a value of one means fully
        read chunks are always preempted before other chunks. 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of the file access property list.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>mdc_nelmts</code>
            <dd>IN: Number of elements (objects) in the meta data cache.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>rdcc_nelmts</code>
            <dd>IN: Number of elements (objects) in the raw data chunk cache.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>rdcc_nbytes</code>
            <dd>IN: Total size of the raw data chunk cache, in bytes.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>rdcc_w0</code>
            <dd>IN: Preemption policy.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_cache_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetCache">H5Pget_cache</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_cache</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>*mdc_nelmts</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>*rdcc_nelmts</code>,
        <em>size_t</em> <code>*rdcc_nbytes</code>,
        <em>double</em> <code>*rdcc_w0</code>
    <dd>Queries the meta data cache and raw data chunk cache parameters.  
    <dd><code>H5Pget_cache</code> retrieves the maximum possible 
        number of elements in the meta
        data cache and raw data chunk cache, the maximum possible number of 
        bytes in the raw data chunk cache, and the preemption policy value.
        Any (or all) arguments may be null pointers, in which case the 
        corresponding datum is not returned.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of the file access property list.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>*mdc_nelmts</code>
            <dd>IN/OUT: Number of elements (objects) in the meta data cache.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>*rdcc_nelmts</code>
            <dd>IN/OUT: Number of elements (objects) in the raw data chunk cache.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>*rdcc_nbytes</code>
            <dd>IN/OUT: Total size of the raw data chunk cache, in bytes.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>*rdcc_w0</code>
            <dd>IN/OUT: Preemption policy.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_cache_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetHyperCache">H5Pset_hyper_cache</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_hyper_cache</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>unsigned</em> <code>cache</code>,
        <em>unsigned</em> <code>limit</code>
    <dd>Indicates whether to cache hyperslab blocks during I/O.
    <dd>Given a dataset transfer property list, <code>H5Pset_hyper_cache</code> 
        indicates whether to cache hyperslab blocks during I/O, 
        a process which can significantly increase I/O speeds.  
        When working with hyperslab selections, it is possible to 
        significantly speed up I/O operations by retrieving an 
        entire hyperslab from the file in one operation and 
        caching it in memory.  
        The <code>cache</code> parameter specifies whether to turn 
        caching on for hyperslab I/O operations.
        If <code>cache</code> is set to <code>1</code>, 
        caching is turned on; 
        if set to <code>0</code>, caching is turned off.
        The parameter <code>limit</code> sets the maximum size of the 
        hyperslab block to cache.  If a block is smaller than that limit, 
        it may still not be cached if no memory is available. 
        Setting <code>limit</code> to <code>0</code> (zero) indicates 
        no limitation on the size of block to attempt to cache.
        The default is to cache blocks with no limit on block size 
        for serial I/O and to not cache blocks for parallel I/O.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Dataset transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>unsigned</em> <code>cache</code>
            <dd>IN: A flag indicating whether caching is to be 
                set to on (<code>1</code>) or off (<code>0</code>).
        <dt><em>unsigned</em> <code>limit</code>
            <dd>IN: Maximum size of the hyperslab block to cache. 
                <code>0</code> (zero) indicates no limit.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_hyper_cache_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetHyperCache">H5Pget_hyper_cache</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_hyper_cache</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>unsigned</em> *<code>cache</code>,
        <em>unsigned</em> *<code>limit</code>
    <dd>Returns information regarding the caching of hyperslab blocks during I/O.
    <dd>Given a dataset transfer property list, <code>H5Pget_hyper_cache</code> 
        returns instructions regarding the caching of hyperslab blocks during I/O.
        These parameters are set with the <code>H5Pset_hyper_cache</code> function.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Dataset transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>unsigned</em> *<code>cache</code>
            <dd>OUT: A flag indicating whether caching is 
                set to on (<code>1</code>) or off (<code>0</code>).
        <dt><em>unsigned</em> *<code>limit</code>
            <dd>OUT: Maximum size of the hyperslab block to cache. 
                <code>0</code> (zero) indicates no limit.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_hyper_cache_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetBTreeRatios">H5Pset_btree_ratios</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_btree_ratios</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>double</em> <code>left</code>,
        <em>double</em> <code>middle</code>,
        <em>double</em> <code>right</code>
    <dd>Sets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_btree_ratios</code> sets the B-tree split ratios 
        for a dataset transfer property list. The split ratios determine 
        what percent of children go in the first node when a node splits.  
        The ratio <code>left</code> is used when the splitting node is 
        the left-most node at its level in the tree; 
        the ratio <code>right</code> is used when the splitting node is 
        the right-most node at its level; 
        and the ratio <code>middle</code> is used for all other cases.  
        A node which is the only node at its level in the tree uses 
        the ratio <code>right</code> when it splits.  
        All ratios are real numbers between 0 and 1, inclusive. 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: The dataset transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>left</code>
            <dd>IN: The B-tree split ratio for left-most nodes.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>right</code>
            <dd>IN: The B-tree split ratio for right-most nodes and lone nodes.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>middle</code>
            <dd>IN: The B-tree split ratio for all other nodes.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_btree_ratios_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetBTreeRatios">H5Pget_btree_ratios</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_btree_ratios</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>double</em> *<code>left</code>,
        <em>double</em> *<code>middle</code>,
        <em>double</em> *<code>right</code>
    <dd>Gets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_btree_ratios</code> returns the B-tree split ratios 
        for a dataset transfer property list.
        The B-tree split ratios are returned through the non-<code>NULL</code>
        arguments <code>left</code>, <code>middle</code>, and <code>right</code>,
        as set by the <a href="#Property-SetBTreeRatios">H5Pset_btree_ratios</a> function.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: The dataset transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>left</code>
            <dd>OUT: The B-tree split ratio for left-most nodes.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>right</code>
            <dd>OUT: The B-tree split ratio for right-most nodes and lone nodes.
        <dt><em>double</em> <code>middle</code>
            <dd>OUT: The B-tree split ratio for all other nodes.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_btree_ratios_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetBuffer">H5Pset_buffer</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_buffer</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>,
        <em>void</em> <code>*tconv</code>,
        <em>void</em> <code>*bkg</code>
    <dd>Sets type conversion and background buffers.
    <dd> Given a dataset transfer property list, <code>H5Pset_buffer</code> 
         sets the maximum size
         for the type conversion buffer and background buffer and
         optionally supplies pointers to application-allocated buffers.
         If the buffer size is smaller than the entire amount of data
         being transferred between the application and the file, and a type
         conversion buffer or background buffer is required, then
         strip mining will be used.  
         Note that there are minimum size requirements for the buffer.
         Strip mining can only break the data up along the first dimension,
         so the buffer must be large enough to accommodate a complete slice 
         that encompasses all of the remaining dimensions.  
         For example, when strip mining a 100x200x300 hyperslab 
         of a simple data space, the buffer must be large enough to 
         hold 1x200x300 data elements.  
         When strip mining a 100x200x300x150 hyperslab of a simple data space, 
         the buffer must be large enough to hold 1x200x300x150 data elements.  
         If <code>tconv</code> and/or <code>bkg</code> are null pointers,
         then buffers will be allocated and freed during the data transfer.  
         The default value for the maximum buffer is 1 Mb.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset transfer property list.
        <dt><em>hsize_t</em> <code>size</code>
            <dd>IN: Size, in bytes, of the type conversion and background buffers.
        <dt><em>void</em> <code>tconv</code>
            <dd>IN: Pointer to application-allocated type conversion buffer.
        <dt><em>void</em> <code>bkg</code>
            <dd>IN: Pointer to application-allocated background buffer.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
  -->   <!--
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetBuffer">H5Pget_buffer</a>
    <dd><em>hsize_t</em> <code>H5Pget_buffer</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>void</em> <code>**tconv</code>,
        <em>void</em> <code>**bkg</code>
    <dd>Reads buffer settings.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_buffer</code> reads values previously set 
        with H5Pset_buffer.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset transfer property list.
        <dt><em>void</em> <code>**tconv</code>
            <dd>OUT: Address of the pointer to application-allocated 
                type conversion buffer.
        <dt><em>void</em> <code>**bkg</code>
            <dd>OUT: Address of the pointer to application-allocated 
                background buffer.
    <dd>Returns buffer size, in bytes, if successful;
        otherwise 0 on failure.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
  -->   <!--
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetPreserve">H5Pset_preserve</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_preserve</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>hbool_t</em> <code>status</code>
    <dd>Sets the dataset transfer property list status to TRUE or FALSE.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_preserve</code> sets the 
        dataset transfer property list status to TRUE or FALSE.
        When reading or writing compound data types and the
        destination is partially initialized and the read/write is
        intended to initialize the other members, one must set this
        property to TRUE.  Otherwise the I/O pipeline treats the
        destination datapoints as completely uninitialized.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset transfer property list.
        <dt><em>hbool_t</em> <code>status</code>
            <dd>IN: Status of for the dataset transfer property list 
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
  -->   <!--
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetPreserve">H5Pget_preserve</a>
    <dd><em>int</em> <code>H5Pget_preserve</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>)
    <dd>Checks status of the dataset transfer property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_preserve</code> checks the status of the 
        dataset transfer property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset transfer property list.
    <dd>Returns TRUE or FALSE if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
  -->   <!--
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">


  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetCompression">H5Pset_compression</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_compression</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>H5Z_method_t</em> <code>method</code>,
        <em>unsigned int</em> <code>flags</code>,
        <em>size_t</em> <code>cd_size</code>,
        <em>const void</em> <code>*client_data</code>
    <dd>Sets compression method.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_compression</code> sets the compression method 
        in a dataset creation property list.  This is a catch-all 
        function for defining compression methods
	and is intended to be called from a wrapper such as
	<code>H5Pset_deflate</code>. The dataset creation property
	list <em>plist</em> is adjusted to use the specified
	compression method.  The <em>flags</em> is an 8-bit vector
	which is stored in the file as part of the compression message
	and passed to the compress and uncompress functions.  The
	<em>client_data</em> is a byte array of length
	<em>cd_size</em> which is copied to the file and passed to the
	compress and uncompress methods.
        The FLAGS, CD_SIZE, and CLIENT_DATA are copied to the
        property list and eventually to the file and passed to the
        compression functions.
        See <a href="Datasets.html"><cite>The Dataset Interface (H5D)</cite></a> 
        in the <cite>HDF5 User's Guide</cite> for further information 
        regarding data compression.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset creation property list.
        <dt><em>H5Z_method_t</em> <code>method</code>
            <dd>IN: Compression method, an integer from 16 to 225.
        <dt><em>unsigned int</em> <code>flags</code>
            <dd>IN: Compression flags.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>cd_size</code>
            <dd>IN: Size of the byte array <code>client_data</code>.
        <dt><em>const void</em> <code>*client_data</code>
            <dd>IN: Client data byte array passed to the compression method.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">



  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetCompression">H5Pget_compression</a>
    <dd><em>H5Z_method_t</em> <code>H5Pget_compression</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>unsigned int</em> <code>*flags</code>,
        <em>size_t</em> <code>*cd_size</code>,
        <em>void</em> <code>*client_data</code>
    <dd>Gets compression method.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_compression</code> gets the compression method 
        information from a dataset creation property list.  
        The <code>client_data</code> buffer is initially 
        <code>cd_size</code> bytes.  On return, <code>client_data</code>
        will be initialized with at most that many bytes, and 
        <code>cd_size</code> will contain the actual size of the 
        client data, which might be larger than its original value.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset creation property list.
        <dt><em>unsigned int</em> <code>*flags</code>
            <dd>OUT: Compression flags.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>*cd_size</code>
            <dd>IN/OUT: Size of the <code>client_data</code> array.
        <dt><em>void</em> <code>*client_data</code>
            <dd>OUT: Byte array for the client data.
    <dd>Returns compression method if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">


  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetDeflate">H5Pset_deflate</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_deflate</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>level</code>
    <dd>Sets compression method and compression level. 
    <dd><code>H5Pset_deflate</code> sets the compression method for a 
        dataset creation property list to <code>H5D_COMPRESS_DEFLATE</code>
        and the compression level to <code>level</code>, which should 
        be a value from zero to nine, inclusive.  
        Lower compression levels are faster but result in less compression.  
        This is the same algorithm as used by the GNU gzip program.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset creation property list.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>level</code>
            <dd>IN: Compression level.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_deflate_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">


  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetDeflate">H5Pget_deflate</a>
    <dd><em>int</em> <code>H5Pget_deflate</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
    <dd>Returns the deflate compression level from a dataset creation
        property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_deflate</code> returns the deflate compression level 
        from a dataset creation property list that uses that method.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset creation property list.
    <dd>Returns compression level, a value between 0 and 9, if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">


  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetVLMemManager">H5Pset_vlen_mem_manager</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_vlen_mem_manager</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>H5MM_allocate_t</em> <code>alloc</code>,
        <em>void</em> *<code>alloc_info</code>,
        <em>H5MM_free_t</em> <code>free</code>,
        <em>void</em> *<code>free_info</code>
    <dd>Sets the memory manager for variable-length datatype allocation in 
        <code>H5Dread</code> and <code>H5Dvlen_reclaim</code>.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_vlen_mem_manager</code> sets the memory manager for 
        variable-length datatype allocation in <code>H5Dread</code> 
        and free in <code>H5Dvlen_reclaim</code>.
        The <code>alloc</code> and <code>free</code> parameters 
        identify the memory management routines to be used.
        If the user has defined custom memory management routines,
        <code>alloc</code> and/or <code>free</code> should be set to make 
        those routine calls (i.e., the name of the routine is used as 
        the value of the parameter);  
        if the user prefers to use the system's <code> malloc</code>
        and/or <code>free</code>, the <code>alloc</code> and 
        <code>free</code> parameters, respectively, should be set to 
        <code> NULL</code>
        The prototypes for these user-defined functions would appear as follows:
            <em>typedef void</em> *(*<code>H5MM_allocate_t</code>)(<em>size_t</em> <code>size</code>, 
                <em>void</em> *<code>alloc_info</code>) ;
            <em>typedef void</em> (*<code>H5MM_free_t</code>)(<em>void</em> *<code>mem</code>, 
                <em>void</em> *<code>free_info</code>) ;
        The <code>alloc_info</code> and <code>free_info</code> parameters 
        can be used to pass along any required information to 
        the user's memory management routines.
        In summary, if the user has defined custom memory management 
        routines, the name(s) of the routines are passed in the 
        <code>alloc</code> and <code>free</code> parameters and the 
        custom routines' parameters are passed in the 
        <code>alloc_info</code> and <code>free_info</code> parameters.
        If the user wishes to use the system <code> malloc</code> and 
        <code>free</code> functions, the <code>alloc</code> and/or 
        <code>free</code> parameters are set to <code> NULL</code> 
        and the  <code>alloc_info</code> and <code>free_info</code> 
        parameters are ignored.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset transfer property list.
        <dt><em>H5MM_allocate_t</em> <code>alloc</code>
            <dd>IN: User's allocate routine, or &nbsp; <code> NULL</code> 
                for system &nbsp; <code> malloc</code>. 
        <dt><em>void</em> *<code>alloc_info</code>
            <dd>IN: Extra parameter for user's allocation routine.  
                Contents are ignored if preceding parameter is &nbsp; 
                <code> NULL</code>.
        <dt><em>H5MM_free_t</em> <code>free</code>
            <dd>IN: User's free routine, or &nbsp; <code> NULL</code> 
                for system <code>free</code>. 
        <dt><em>void</em> *<code>free_info</code>
            <dd>IN: Extra parameter for user's free routine.  
                Contents are ignored if preceding parameter is &nbsp; 
                <code> NULL</code>.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
  -->   <!--
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetVLMemManager">H5Pget_vlen_mem_manager</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_vlen_mem_manager</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>,
        <em>H5MM_allocate_t</em> *<code>alloc</code>,
        <em>void</em> **<code>alloc_info</code>,
        <em>H5MM_free_t</em> *<code>free</code>,
        <em>void</em> **<code>free_info</code>
    <dd>Gets the memory manager for variable-length datatype allocation in 
        <code>H5Dread</code> and <code>H5Dvlen_reclaim</code>.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_vlen_mem_manager</code> is the companion function to
        <code>H5Pset_vlen_mem_manager</code>, returning the parameters
        set by that function.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier for the dataset transfer property list.
        <dt><em>H5MM_allocate_t</em> <code>alloc</code>
            <dd>OUT: User's allocate routine, or &nbsp; <code> NULL</code> 
                for system &nbsp; <code> malloc</code>. 
        <dt><em>void</em> *<code>alloc_info</code>
            <dd>OUT: Extra parameter for user's allocation routine.  
                Contents are ignored if preceding parameter is &nbsp; 
                <code> NULL</code>.
        <dt><em>H5MM_free_t</em> <code>free</code>
            <dd>OUT: User's free routine, or &nbsp; <code> NULL</code> for 
                system <code>free</code>. 
        <dt><em>void</em> *<code>free_info</code>
            <dd>OUT: Extra parameter for user's free routine.  
                Contents are ignored if preceding parameter is &nbsp; 
                <code> NULL</code>.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful;
        otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
  -->   <!--
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

<!--                                            -->
<!--     The new *fapl* functions with R1.4     -->
<!--                                            -->

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplFamily">H5Pset_fapl_family</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_family</code> (
                        <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                        <em> hsize_t</em> <code>memb_size</code>,
                        <em>hid_t</em> <code>memb_fapl_id</code>
    <dd>Sets the file access property list to use the family driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_family</code> sets the file access property list 
        identifier, <code>fapl_id</code>, to use the family driver.
        <code>memb_size</code> is the size in bytes of each file member 
        and is used only when creating a new file.
        <code>memb_fapl_id</code> is the identifier of the 
        file access property list to be used for each family member. 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em> hsize_t</em> <code>memb_size</code>
            <dd>IN: Size in bytes of each file member.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>memb_fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of file access property list for each 
                    family member.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFaplFamily">H5Pget_fapl_family</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fapl_family</code> (
                        <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                        <em>hsize_t *</em><code>memb_size</code>,
                        <em>hid_t *</em><code>memb_fapl_id</code>
    <dd>Returns file access property list information.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_fapl_family</code> returns file access property list 
        for use with the family driver.
        This information is returned through the output parameters.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em> hsize_t *</em><code>memb_size</code>
            <dd>OUT: Size in bytes of each file member.
        <dt><em>hid_t *</em><code>memb_fapl_id</code>
            <dd>OUT: Identifier of file access property list for each 
                    family member.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplLog">H5Pset_fapl_log</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_log</code>(
                        <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                        <em>char *</em><code>logfile</code>,
                        <em>int</em> <code>verbosity</code>
    <dd>Sets up the use of the logging driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_log</code> modifies the 
        file access property list to use the logging driver 
        There are no driver-specific properties.
        <code>logfile</code> is the name of the file in which the 
        logging entries are to be recorded.
        <code>verbosity</code> indicates the extent of the logging 
        activity intended.  Valid values are as follows:
        <table width=75%>
        <tr valign=top align=left><td>
            Performs no logging.
        <tr valign=top align=left><td>
            Records where writes and reads occur in the file.
        <tr valign=top align=left><td>
            Records where writes and reads occur in the file and what 
            kind of data is written at each location: raw data or any of 
            several types of metadata (object headers, superblock,
            B-tree data, local headers, or global headers).
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>char *</em><code>logfile</code>
            <dd>IN: Name of the log file.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>verbosity</code>
            <dd>IN: The extent of logging activity intended.
    <dd>Returns non-negative if successful.
        Otherwise returns negative.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplMpio">H5Pset_fapl_mpio</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_mpio</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>MPI_Comm</em> <code>comm</code>,
                     <em>MPI_Info</em> <code>info</code>
    <dd>Stores MPI IO communicator information to the file access property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_mpio</code> stores the user-supplied 
        MPI IO parameters <code>comm</code>, for communicator, and 
        <code>info</code>, for information, in
        the file access property list <code>fapl_id</code>. 
        That property list can then be used to create and/or open the file.  
        <code>H5Pset_fapl_mpio</code> is available only in the 
        parallel HDF5 library and is not a collective function.
        <code>comm</code> is the MPI communicator to be used for 
        file open as defined in <code>MPI_FILE_OPEN</code> of MPI-2. 
        This function does not create a duplicated communicator. 
        Modifications to <code>comm</code> after this function call 
        returns may have an undetermined effect on the access property list. 
        Users should not modify the communicator while it is defined 
        in a property list.
        <code>info</code> is the MPI info object to be used for 
        file open as defined in <code>MPI_FILE_OPEN</code> of MPI-2. 
        This function does not create a duplicated info object. 
        Any modification to the info object after this function call 
        returns may have an undetermined effect on the access property list. 
        Users should not modify the info while it is defined 
        in a property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>MPI_Comm</em> <code>comm</code>
            <dd>IN: MPI-2 communicator.
        <dt><em>MPI_Info</em> <code>info</code>
            <dd>IN: MPI-2 info object.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_fapl_mpi_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFaplMpio">H5Pget_fapl_mpio</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fapl_mpio</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>MPI_Comm *</em><code>comm</code>,
                     <em>MPI_Info *</em><code>info</code>
    <dd> Returns MPI communicator information.
    <dd>If the file access property list is set to the <code>H5FD_MPIO</code> 
        driver, <code>H5Pget_fapl_mpio</code> returns the MPI communicator and 
        information through the <code>comm</code> and <code>info</code>
        pointers, if those values are non-null.
        Neither <code>comm</code> nor <code>info</code> is copied, 
        so they are valid only until the file access property list 
        is either modified or closed.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>MPI_Comm *</em><code>comm</code>
            <dd>OUT: MPI-2 communicator.
        <dt><em>MPI_Info *</em><code>info</code>
            <dd>OUT: MPI-2 info object.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_fapl_mpi_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetDxplMpio">H5Pset_dxpl_mpio</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_dxpl_mpio</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>,
                     <em>H5FD_mpio_xfer_t</em> <code>xfer_mode</code>
    <dd>Sets data transfer mode.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_dxpl_mpio</code> sets the data transfer property list 
        <code>dxpl_id</code> to use transfer mode <code>xfer_mode</code>. 
        The property list can then be used to control the I/O transfer mode 
        during data I/O operations. 
        Valid transfer modes are as follows:
            <dd>Use independent I/O access (default).
            <dd>Use collective I/O access.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Data transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>H5FD_mpio_xfer_t</em> <code>xfer_mode</code>
            <dd>IN: Transfer mode.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pset_dxpl_mpi_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetDxplMpio">H5Pget_dxpl_mpio</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_dxpl_mpio</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>,
                     <em>H5FD_mpio_xfer_t *</em><code>xfer_mode</code>
    <dd>Returns the data transfer mode.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_dxpl_mpio</code> queries the data transfer mode 
        currently set in the data transfer property list <code>dxpl_id</code>. 
        Upon return, <code>xfer_mode</code> contains the data transfer mode, 
        if it is non-null.        
        <code>H5Pget_dxpl_mpio</code> is not a collective function.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Data transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>H5FD_mpio_xfer_t *</em><code>xfer_mode</code>
            <dd>OUT: Data transfer mode.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pget_dxpl_mpi_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplMulti">H5Pset_fapl_multi</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_multi</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>const H5FD_mem_t *</em><code>memb_map</code>,
                     <em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_fapl</code>,
                     <em>const char **</em><code>memb_name</code>,
                     <em>const haddr_t *</em><code>memb_addr</code>,
                     <em>hbool_t</em> <code>relax</code>
    <dd>Sets up use of the multi-file driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_multi</code> sets the file access property list 
        <code>fapl_id</code> to use the multi-file driver. 
        The multi-file driver enables different types of HDF5 data and 
        metadata to be written to separate files.  These files are viewed 
        by the HDF5 library and the application as a single virtual HDF5 file
        with a single HDF5 file address space.
        The types of data that can be broken out into separate file include 
        raw data, the superblock, B-tree data, global heap data, 
        local heap data, and object headers.
        At the programmer's discretion, two or more types of data can be 
        written the same file while other types of data are written to 
        separate files.
        The array <code>memb_map</code> maps memory usage types to other
        memory usage types and is the mechanism that allows the caller 
        to specify how many files are created. 
        The array contains <code>H5FD_MEM_NTYPES</code> entries, 
        which are either the value <code>H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT</code>
        or a memory usage type.
        The number of unique values determines the number of files 
        that are opened.  
        The array <code>memb_fapl</code> contains a property list
        for each memory usage type that will be associated with a file. 
        The array <code>memb_name</code> should be a name generator 
        (a printf-style format with a %s which will be replaced with the
        name passed to <code>H5FDopen</code>, usually from 
        <code>H5Fcreate</code> or <code>H5Fopen</code>).
        The array <code>memb_addr</code> specifies the offsets within the 
        virtual address space, from <code>0</code> (zero) to 
        <code>HADDR_MAX</code>, at wihch each type of data storage begins.
        If <code>relax</code> is set to <code>TRUE</code> (or <code>1</code>),
        then opening an existing file for read-only access will not fail 
        if some file members are missing.  
        This allows a file to be accessed in a limited sense if just the
        meta data is available.
        Default values for each of the optional arguments are as follows:
            <dd>The default member map contains the value
              <code>H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT</code> for each element.
            <dd>The default value is <code>H5P_DEFAULT</code> for each element.
            <dd>The default string is &nbsp; <code>%s-<i>X</i>.h5</code> &nbsp;
              where &nbsp; <code><i>X</i></code> &nbsp; is one of the 
              following letters:
                  <code>s</code> &nbsp;&nbsp; for <code>H5FD_MEM_SUPER</code>
                  <code>b</code> &nbsp;&nbsp; for <code>H5FD_MEM_BTREE</code>
                  <code>r</code> &nbsp;&nbsp; for <code>H5FD_MEM_DRAW</code>
                  <code>g</code> &nbsp;&nbsp; for <code>H5FD_MEM_GHEAP</code>
                  <code>l</code> &nbsp;&nbsp; for <code>H5FD_MEM_LHEAP</code>
                  <code>o</code> &nbsp;&nbsp; for <code>H5FD_MEM_OHDR</code>
            <dd>The default value is <code>HADDR_UNDEF</code> for each element.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>const H5FD_mem_t *</em><code>memb_map</code>
            <dd>IN: Maps memory usage types to other memory usage types.
        <dt><em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_fapl</code>
            <dd>IN: Property list for each memory usage type.
        <dt><em>const char **</em><code>memb_name</code>
            <dd>IN: Name generator for names of member files.
        <dt><em>const haddr_t *</em><code>memb_addr</code>
            <dd>IN: The offsets within the virtual address space, 
                from <code>0</code> (zero) to <code>HADDR_MAX</code>, 
                at wihch each type of data storage begins.
        <dt><em>hbool_t</em> <code>relax</code>
            <dd>IN: Allows read-only access to incomplete file sets 
                when <code>TRUE</code>.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
    <dd>The following code sample sets up a multi-file access property list 
        that partitions data into meta and raw files, each being 
        one-half of the address:
                  H5FD_mem_t mt, memb_map[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
                  hid_t memb_fapl[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
                  const char *memb[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
                  haddr_t memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
                  // The mapping...
                  for (mt=0; mt&lt;H5FD_MEM_NTYPES; mt++) {
                     memb_map[mt] = H5FD_MEM_SUPER;
                  memb_map[H5FD_MEM_DRAW] = H5FD_MEM_DRAW;
                  // Member information
                  memb_fapl[H5FD_MEM_SUPER] = H5P_DEFAULT;
                  memb_name[H5FD_MEM_SUPER] = "%s.meta";
                  memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_SUPER] = 0;
                  memb_fapl[H5FD_MEM_DRAW] = H5P_DEFAULT;
                  memb_name[H5FD_MEM_DRAW] = "%s.raw";
                  memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_DRAW] = HADDR_MAX/2;
                  hid_t fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
                  H5Pset_fapl_multi(fapl, memb_map, memb_fapl,
                                  memb_name, memb_addr, TRUE);
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFaplMulti">H5Pget_fapl_multi</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fapl_multi</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>const H5FD_mem_t *</em><code>memb_map</code>,
                     <em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_fapl</code>,
                     <em>const char **</em><code>memb_name</code>,
                     <em>const haddr_t *</em><code>memb_addr</code>,
                     <em>hbool_t *</em><code>relax</code>
    <dd>Returns information about the multi-file access property list.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_fapl_multi</code> returns information about the 
        multi-file access property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>const H5FD_mem_t *</em><code>memb_map</code>
            <dd>OUT: Maps memory usage types to other memory usage types.
        <dt><em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_fapl</code>
            <dd>OUT: Property list for each memory usage type.
        <dt><em>const char **</em><code>memb_name</code>
            <dd>OUT: Name generator for names of member files.
        <dt><em>const haddr_t *</em><code>memb_addr</code>
        <dt><em>hbool_t *</em><code>relax</code>
            <dd>OUT: Allows read-only access to incomplete file sets 
                when <code>TRUE</code>.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetDxplMulti">H5Pset_dxpl_multi</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_dxpl_multi</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>,
                     <em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_dxpl</code>
    <dd>Sets the data transfer property list for the multi-file driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_dxpl_multi</code> sets the data transfer property list 
        <code>dxpl_id</code> to use the multi-file driver for each 
        memory usage type <code>memb_dxpl[]</code>.
        <code>H5Pset_dxpl_multi</code> can only be used after 
        the member map has been set with <code>H5Pset_fapl_multi</code>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: Data transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_dxpl</code>
            <dd>IN: Array of data access property lists.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetDxplMulti">H5Pget_dxpl_multi</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_dxpl_multi</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>,
                     <em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_dxpl</code>
    <dd>Returns multi-file data transfer property list information.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_dxpl_multi</code> returns the data transfer property list
        information for the multi-file driver.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>dxpl_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: Data transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>const hid_t *</em><code>memb_dxpl</code>
            <dd>OUT: Array of data access property lists.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplSplit">H5Pset_fapl_split</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_split</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>const char *</em><code>meta_ext</code>,
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>meta_plist_id</code>,
                     <em>const char *</em><code>raw_ext</code>,
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>raw_plist_id</code>
    <dd>Emulates the old split file driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_split</code> is a compatability function that
        enables the multi-file driver to emulate the split driver from 
        HDF5 Releases 1.0 and 1.2. 
        The split file driver stored metadata and raw data in separate files
        but provide no mechanism for separating types of metadata.
        <code>fapl_id</code> is a file access property list identifier.
        <code>meta_ext</code> is the filename extension for the metadata file.
	The extension is appended to the name passed to <code>H5FDopen</code>,
	usually from <code>H5Fcreate</code> or <code>H5Fopen</code>,
	to form the name of the metadata file.
	If the string %s is used in the extension, it works like the
	name generator as in <code>H5Pset_fapl_multi</code>.
        <code>meta_plist_id</code> is the file access property list identifier 
        for the metadata file.
        <code>raw_ext</code> is the filename extension for the raw data file.
	The extension is appended to the name passed to <code>H5FDopen</code>,
	usually from <code>H5Fcreate</code> or <code>H5Fopen</code>,
	to form the name of the rawdata file.
	If the string %s is used in the extension, it works like the
	name generator as in <code>H5Pset_fapl_multi</code>.
        <code>raw_plist_id</code> is the file access property list identifier 
        for the raw data file.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>const char *</em><code>meta_ext</code>,
            <dd>IN: Metadata filename extension.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>meta_plist_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier for the metadata file.
        <dt><em>const char *</em><code>raw_ext</code>,
            <dd>IN: Raw data filename extension.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>raw_plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier for the raw data file.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
/* Example 1: Both metadata and rawdata files are in the same  */
/*    directory.   Use Station1-m.h5 and Station1-r.h5 as      */
/*    the metadata and rawdata files.                          */
hid_t fapl, fid;
fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
H5Pset_fapl_split(fapl, "-m.h5", H5P_DEFAULT, "-r.h5", H5P_DEFAULT);

/* Example 2: metadata and rawdata files are in different      */
/*    directories.  Use PointA-m.h5 and /pfs/PointA-r.h5 as    */
/*    the metadata and rawdata files.                          */
hid_t fapl, fid;
fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
H5Pset_fapl_split(fapl, "-m.h5", H5P_DEFAULT, "/pfs/%s-r.h5", H5P_DEFAULT);
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplSec2">H5Pset_fapl_sec2</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_sec2</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
    <dd>Sets the sec2 driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_sec2</code> modifies the file access property list 
        to use the <code>H5FD_SEC2</code> driver.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplStdio">H5Pset_fapl_stdio</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_stdio</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
    <dd>Sets the standard I/O driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_stdio</code> modifies the file access property list 
        to use the standard I/O driver, <code>H5FD_STDIO</code>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplStream">H5Pset_fapl_stream</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_stream</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>H5FD_stream_fapl_t *</em><code>fapl</code>
    <dd>Sets up the use of the streaming I/O driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_stream</code> sets up the use of the 
        streaming I/O driver.
        <code>fapl_id</code> is the identifier for the 
        file access property list currently in use.
        <code>fapl</code> is the file access property list.
        The <code>H5FD_stream_fapl_t</code> struct contains the following 
            <table border=0>
              <tr align=left>
              <tr align=left>
                <td><em><font size=-1>H5FD_STREAM_SOCKET_TYPE</font></em></td>
              <tr align=left>
              <tr align=left>
                <td><em>unsigned int</em></td>
              <tr align=left>
                <td><em><font size=-1>H5FD</font>_stream_broadcast_t</em></td>
              <tr align=left>
                <td><em>void *</em></td>
            <li><code>increment</code> specifies how much memory to allocate
              each time additional memory is required.  
            <li><code>socket</code> is an external socket descriptor;
              if a valid socket argument is provided, that socket will be used.
            <li><code>do_socket_io</code> is a boolean value specifying whether
              to perform I/O on <code>socket</code>.
            <li><code>backlog</code> is the argument for the 
              <code>listen</code> call.
            <li><code>broadcast_fn</code> is the broadcast callback function.
            <li><code>broadcast_arg</code> is the user argument to 
              the broadcast callback function.
        <code>H5Pset_fapl_stream</code> and <code>H5Pget_fapl_stream</code> 
        are not intended for use in a parallel environment.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>H5FD_stream_fapl_t *</em><code>fapl</code>
            <dd>IN: The streaming I/O file access property list.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFaplStream">H5Pget_fapl_stream</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fapl_stream</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>H5FD_stream_fapl_t *</em><code>fapl</code>
    <dd>Returns the streaming I/O driver settings.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_fapl_stream</code> returns the file access properties 
        set for the use of the streaming I/O driver.
        <code>H5Pset_fapl_stream</code> and <code>H5Pget_fapl_stream</code> 
        are not intended for use in a parallel environment.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>H5FD_stream_fapl_t *</em><code>fapl</code>
            <dd>OUT: The streaming I/O file access property list.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

<!--      ********** MOVED TO TechNotes/VFLfunc.html **********

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetDriver">H5Pset_driver</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_driver</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>,
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>driver_id</code>,
                     <em>const void *</em> <code>driver_info</code>
    <dd>Sets the file driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_driver</code> sets the file driver, 
        <code>driver_id</code>, for a file access or data transfer 
        property list, <code>plist_id</code>, and supplies an 
        optional struct containing the driver-specific properites, 
        <font color=red><b><i>Need <code>driver_info</code> struct definition.</i></b></font>
        The driver properties will be copied into the property list 
        and the reference count on the driver will be incremented, 
        allowing the caller to close the driver identifier but still use 
        the property list.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access or data transfer property list identifier.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>driver_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Driver indentifier.
        <dt><em>const void *</em> <code>driver_info</code>
            <dd>IN: Optional struct containing driver properties.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">


  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetDriver">H5Pget_driver</a>
    <dd><em>H5F_driver_t</em> <code>H5Pget_driver</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
    <dd>Returns low-lever driver identifier.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_driver</code> returns the identifier of the 
        low-level file driver associated with the file access property list 
        or data transfer propert list <code>plist_id</code>.
        The returned driver identifier is only valid as long as the 
        file driver remains registered.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access or data transfer property list identifier.
    <dd>Returns a vaild low-level driver identifier if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

<!--      ********** MOVED TO TechNotes/VFLfunc.html **********

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetDriverInfo">H5Pget_driver_info</a>
    <dd><em>void *</em><code>H5Pget_driver_info</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
    <dd>Returns a pointer to file driver information.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_driver_info</code> returns a pointer to 
        file driver-specific information for the low-level driver 
        associated with the file access or data transfer property list

        <font color=red><b><i>Need more on "a pointer" or on what 
        is "pointed to."  Might this be the <code>driver_info</code> 
        struct definition in <code>H5Pset_driver</code>?</i></b></font>
        If  no driver-specific properties have been registered, 
        <code>H5Pget_driver_info</code> returns <code>NULL</code>. 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>plist_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access or data transfer property list identifier.
    <dd>Returns a pointer to the struct containing 
        low-level driver information. 
        Otherwise returns <code>NULL</code>.
        <code>NULL</code> is also returned if no driver-specific properties
        have been registered.  
        No error is pushed on the stack in this case.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">


  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplGass">H5Pset_fapl_gass</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_gass</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>GASS_Info</em> <code>info</code>
    <dd>Stores user-supplied GASS information.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_gass</code> stores user-supplied GASS information,
        the <em>GASS_Info</em> struct data as passed in <code>info</code>, 
        to the file access property list <code>fapl_id</code>.
        <code>fapl_id</code> can then be used to create and/or open the file. 
        The <em>GASS_Info</em> object, <code>info</code>, is used for 
        file open operations when using GASS in the Globus environment. 
        Any modification to <code>info</code> after this function call 
        returns may have undetermined effect to the access property list.  
        Users must call <code>H5Pset_fapl_gass</code> again to setup 
        the property list.   
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_gass</code> is an experimental function.
        It is designed for use only when accessing files via the 
        GASS facility of the Globus environment. 
        For further information, see 
        <a href="http://www.globus.org/">http//www.globus.org/</a>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>GASS_Info</em> <code>info</code>
            <dd>IN: Pointer to the GASS information structure.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFaplGass">H5Pget_fapl_gass</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fapl_gass</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>GASS_Info *</em><code>info</code>
    <dd>Retrieves GASS information.
    <dd>If the file access property list <code>fapl_id</code> is set 
        for use of the <code>H5FD_GASS</code> driver, 
        <code>H5Pget_fapl_gass</code> returns the <em>GASS_Info</em>
        object through the <code>info</code> pointer.
        The <em>GASS_Info</em> information is copied, so it is valid 
        only until the file access property list is modified or closed.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_fapl_gass</code> is an experimental function.
        It is designed for use only when accessing files via the 
        GASS facility of the Globus environment. 
        For further information, see 
        <a href="http://www.globus.org/">http//www.globus.org/</a>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>GASS_Info *</em><code>info</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to the GASS information structure.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplDpss">H5Pset_fapl_dpss</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_dpss</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
    <dd>Sets use of the DPSS I/O driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_dpss</code> modifies the file access property list
        <code>fapl_id</code> to use the DPSS I/O driver in a
        Globus evnvironment.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_fapl_dpss</code> is an experimental function.
        It is designed for use only when accessing files via the 
        DPSS facility of the Globus environment. 
        For further information, see 
        <a href="http://www.globus.org/">http//www.globus.org/</a>.
        As of HDF5 Release 1.4 Beta, the Globus project has deprecated 
        the DPSS facility in favor of an FTP-based facility that is still 
        under development.
        While the DPSS functionality is still available, 
        users must be aware that it was implemented purely for research purposes
        and may be unavailable in future Globus releases.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplSrb">H5Pset_fapl_srb</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_srb</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>SRB_Info</em> <code>info</code>
    <dd>Saves SRB connection handler and sets SRB settings.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_srb</code> stores the SRB client-to-server 
        connection handler <code>SRB_CONN</code> after the connection
        is established and other user-supplied SRB information.
        The  user-supplied SRB information is contained in the 
        <em>SRB_Info</em> struct pointed to by <code>info</code>
        and is stored in the file access property list <code>fapl_id</code>.
        This information can then be used to create or open a file.           
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_gass</code> is an experimental function.
        It is designed for use only when accessing files via the 
        Storage Resource Broker (SRB).  For further information, see 
        <a href="http://www.npaci.edu/Research/DI/srb/">http//www.npaci.edu/Research/DI/srb/</a>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>SRB_Info</em> <code>info</code>
            <dd>IN: Pointer to the SRB information structure.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFaplSrb">H5Pget_fapl_srb</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fapl_srb</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>SRB_Info *</em><code>info</code>
    <dd>Retrieves SRB information.
    <dd>If the file access property list <code>fapl_id</code> is set 
        for use of the <code>H5FD_SRB</code> driver, 
        <code>H5Pget_fapl_srb</code> returns the <em>SRB_Info</em>
        object through the <code>info</code> pointer.
        The <em>SRB_Info</em> information is copied, so it is valid 
        only until the file access property list is modified or closed.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_gass</code> is an experimental function.
        It is designed for use only when accessing files via the 
        Storage Resource Broker (SRB).  For further information, see 
        <a href="http://www.npaci.edu/Research/DI/srb/">http//www.npaci.edu/Research/DI/srb/</a>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>SRB_Info *</em><code>info</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to the SRB information structure.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SetFaplCore">H5Pset_fapl_core</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pset_fapl_core</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>size_t</em> <code>increment</code>,
                     <em>hbool_t</em> <code>backing_store</code>
    <dd>Modifies the file access property list to use the 
        <code>H5FD_CORE</code> driver.
    <dd><code>H5Pset_fapl_core</code> modifies the file access property list 
        to use the <code>H5FD_CORE</code> driver.  
        The <code>H5FD_CORE</code> driver enables an application to work
        with a file in memory, speeding reads and writes as no disk access 
        is made.  File contents are stored only in memory until the file
        is closed.  The <code>backing_store</code> parameter determines 
        whether file contents are ever written to disk.
        <code>increment</code> specifies the increment by which allocated 
        memory is to be increased each time more memory is required.
        If <code>backing_store</code> is set to <code>1</code> 
        (<code>TRUE</code>), the file contents are flushed to a file 
        with the same name as this core file when the file is closed 
        or access to the file is terminated in memory.
    <dd>There is currently no means for reading a file from disk then
        using the <code>H5FD_CORE</code> driver to manipulate the file.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> <code>increment</code>
            <dd>IN: Size, in bytes, of memory increments.
        <dt><em>hbool_t</em> <code>backing_store</code>
            <dd>IN: Boolean flag indicating whether to write the file
                contents to disk when the file is closed.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-GetFaplCore">H5Pget_fapl_core</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Pget_fapl_core</code>(
                     <em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>,
                     <em>size_t</em> *<code>increment</code>,
                     <em>hbool_t</em> *<code>backing_store</code>
    <dd>Queries core file driver properties.
    <dd><code>H5Pget_fapl_core</code> queries the <code>H5FD_CORE</code> 
    driver properties as set by <code>H5Pset_fapl_core</code>.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>fapl_id</code>
            <dd>IN: File access property list identifier.
        <dt><em>size_t</em> *<code>increment</code>
            <dd>OUT: Size, in bytes, of memory increments.
        <dt><em>hbool_t</em> *<code>backing_store</code>
            <dd>OUT: Boolean flag indicating whether to write the file
                contents to disk when the file is closed.
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

<!--  ***** TEMPLATE *****

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-SGetFaplxxx">H5Psget_fapl_xxx</a>
    <dd><em>xxx</em> <code>H5Psget_fapl_xxx</code>(
                     <em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>,
                     <em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>,
                     <em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>
        <dt><em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>
    <dd>Returns a non-negative value if successful.
        Otherwise returns a negative value.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

<!--    ***** TEMPLATE *****

  <dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Property-xxx">xxx</a>
    <dd><em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>(
                     <em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>,
                     <em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>,
                     <em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>
        <dt><em>xxx</em> <code>xxx</code>
    <dd>Returns xxx if successful.
        Otherwise returns xxx.
  <dt><strong>Non-C API(s):</strong>
    <dd><a href="fortran/h5p_FORTRAN.html#h5pxxx_f" 
        target="FortranWin"><img src="Graphics/FORTRAN.gif" border=0></a>
        <img src="Graphics/Java.gif"> 
        <img src="Graphics/C++.gif">

<table border=0 width=98%>
<tr><td valign=top align=left>
<a href="H5.intro.html">Introduction to HDF5</a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="H5.user.html">HDF5 User Guide</a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="index.html">Other HDF5 documents and links</a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="Glossary.html">Glossary</a><br>
<td valign=top align=right>
And in this document, the 
<a href="RM_H5Front.html">HDF5 Reference Manual</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5.html">H5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5A.html">H5A</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5D.html">H5D</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5E.html">H5E</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5F.html">H5F</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5G.html">H5G</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5I.html">H5I</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5R.html">H5R</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5S.html">H5S</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5T.html">H5T</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="RM_H5Z.html">H5Z</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="Tools.html">Tools</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="PredefDTypes.html">Datatypes</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<a href="mailto:hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu">HDF Help Desk</a> 

Last modified:  2 April 2001
Describes HDF5 Release 1.5, Unreleased Development Branch
