HDF5/H5S Draft API Specification


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<h1>H5S: Dataspace Interface</h1>

<h2>Dataspace Object API Functions</h2>

These functions create and manipulate the dataspace in which to store the
elements of a dataset.

<table border=0>
<tr><td valign=top>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-Create">H5Screate</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-CreateSimple">H5Screate_simple</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-Copy">H5Scopy</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-SelectNpoints">H5Sselect_npoints</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-SelectElements">H5Sselect_elements</a>
</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-ExtentNpoints">H5Sextent_npoints</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-ExtentNdims">H5Sextent_ndims</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-ExtentDims">H5Sextent_dims</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-GetClass">H5Sget_class</a>
</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-SetExtentSimple">H5Sset_extent_simple</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-IsSimple">H5Sis_simple</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-SelectHyperslab">H5Sselect_hyperslab</a>
    <li><a href="#Dataspace-Close">H5Sclose</a>

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-Create">H5Screate</a>
    <dd><em>hid_t</em> <code>H5Screate</code>(<em>H5S_class_t</em> <code>type</code>)
    <dd>Creates a new dataspace of a specified type.
    <dd><code>H5Screate</code> creates a new dataspace of a particular 
        The types currently supported are <code>H5S_SCALAR</code>, 
        <code>H5S_SIMPLE</code>, and <code>H5S_NONE</code>;
        others are planned to be added later.  The <code>H5S_NONE</code> 
        dataspace can only hold a selection, not an extent.
        <dt><em>H5S_class_t</em> <code>type</code>
            <dd>The type of dataspace to be created.
    <dd>Returns a dataspace identifier if successful; 
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-CreateSimple">H5Screate_simple</a>
    <dd><em>hid_t</em> <code>H5Screate_simple</code>(<em>int</em> <code>rank</code>,
        <em>const hsize_t *</em> <code>dims</code>,
        <em>const hsize_t *</em> <code>maxdims</code>
    <dd>Creates a new simple data space and opens it for access. 
    <dd><code>H5Screate_simple</code> creates a new simple data space 
        and opens it for access. The <code>rank</code> is the number of 
        dimensions used in the dataspace.  
        The <code>dims</code> argument is the size 
        of the simple dataset and the <code>maxdims</code> argument is
        the upper limit on the size of the dataset.  <code>maxdims</code> 
        may be the null pointer in which case the upper limit is the 
        same as <code>dims</code>.  If an element of <code>maxdims</code> 
        is zero then the corresponding dimension is unlimited, otherwise 
        no element of <code>maxdims</code> should be smaller than the 
        corresponding element of <code>dims</code>.  The dataspace 
        identifier returned from this function should be released with
        <code>H5Sclose</code> or resource leaks will occur.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>rank</code>
            <dd>Number of dimensions of dataspace.
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em> <code>dims</code>
            <dd>An array of the size of each dimension.
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em> <code>maxdims</code>
            <dd>An array of the maximum size of each dimension.
    <dd>Returns a dataspace identifier if successful; 
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-Copy">H5Scopy</a>
    <dd><em>hid_t </em><code>H5Scopy</code>(<em>hid_t </em><code>space_id</code>
    <dd>Creates an exact copy of a dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Scopy</code> creates a new dataspace which is an exact
        copy of the dataspace identified by <code>space_id</code>.
        The dataspace identifier returned from this function should be 
        released with <code>H5Sclose</code> or resource leaks will occur.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Identifier of dataspace to copy.
    <dd>Returns a dataspace identifier if successful; 
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-SelectElements">H5Sselect_elements</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Sselect_elements</code>(<em>hid_t </em><code>space_id</code>,
        <em>dh5s_selopt_t</em> <code>op</code>,
        <em>const size_t</em> <code>num_elements</code>,
        <em>const hssize_t *</em><code>coord</code>[ ]
    <dd>Selects array elements to be included in the selection for a dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Sselect_elements</code> selects array elements to be 
        included in the selection for the <code>space_id</code>   
        dataspace. The number of elements selected must be set with 
        the <code>num_elements</code>.  The <code>coord</code> array 
        is a two-dimensional array of size <em>dataspace rank</em>  
        by <code>num_elements</code> (ie. a list of coordinates in 
        the array).  The order of the element coordinates in the 
        <code>coord</code> array also specifies the order in which  
        the array elements are iterated through when I/O is performed.  
        Duplicate coordinate locations are not checked for.
        The selection operator <code>op</code> determines how the 
        new selection is to be combined with the previously existing
        selection for the dataspace.  Currently, only the 
        <code>H5S_SELECT_SET</code> operator is supported, which 
        replaces the existing selection with the parameters from
        this call.  When operators other than <code>H5S_SELECT_SET</code> 
        are used to combine a new selection with an existing selection,
        the selection ordering is reset to 'C' array ordering.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Identifier of the dataspace.
        <dt><em>dh5s_selopt_t</em> <code>op</code>
            <dd>operator specifying how the new selection is to be 
                combined with the existing selection for the dataspace.
        <dt><em>const size_t</em> <code>num_elements</code>
            <dd>Number of elements to be selected.
        <dt><em>const hssize_t *</em><code>coord</code>[ ]
            <dd>A 2-dimensional array specifying the coordinates of the 
                elements being selected.
    <dd>Returns SUCCEED (0) if successful; 
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-ExtentNpoints">H5Sextent_npoints</a>
    <dd><em>hsize_t</em> <code>H5Sextent_npoints</code>(<em>hid_t </em><code>space_id</code>)
    <dd>Determines the number of elements in a dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Sextent_npoints</code> determines the number of elements 
        in a dataspace.  For example, a simple 3-dimensional dataspace 
        with dimensions 2, 3, and 4 would have 24 elements.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>ID of the dataspace object to query
    <dd>Returns the number of elements in the dataspace if successful; 
        otherwise returns 0.

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-SelectNpoints">H5Sselect_npoints</a>
    <dd><em>hsize_t</em> <code>H5Sselect_npoints</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>)
    <dd>Determines the number of elements in a dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Sselect_npoints</code> determines the number of elements 
        in the current selection of a dataspace.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Dataspace identifier.
    <dd>Returns a dataspace identifier if successful; 
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-ExtentNdims">H5Sextent_ndims</a>
    <dd><em>int</em> <code>H5Sextent_ndims</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>)
    <dd>Determines the dimensionality of a dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Sextent_ndims</code> determines the dimensionality (or rank) 
        of a dataspace.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Identifier of the dataspace
    <dd>Returns the number of dimensions in the dataspace if successful;
        otherwise FAIL (-1)

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-ExtentDims">H5Sextent_dims</a>
    <dd><em>int</em> <code>H5Sextent_dims</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>,
        <em>hsize_t *</em><code>dims</code>,
        <em>hsize_t *</em><code>maxdims</code>
    <dd>Retrieves dataspace dimension size and maximum size.
    <dd><code>H5Sextent_dims</code> returns the size and maximum sizes 
        of each dimension of a dataspace through the <code>dims</code> 
        and <code>maxdims</code> parameters.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of the dataspace object to query
        <dt><em>hsize_t *</em><code>dims</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to array to store the size of each dimension.
        <dt><em>hsize_t *</em><code>maxdims</code>
            <dd>OUT: Pointer to array to store the maximum size of each dimension.
    <dd>Returns the number of dimensions in the dataspace if successful;
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-SetExtentSimple">H5Sset_extent_simple</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5S_set_extent_simple</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>,
        <em>int</em> <code>rank</code>,
        <em>const hsize_t *</em><code>current_size</code>,
        <em>const hsize_t *</em><code>maximum_size</code>
    <dd>Sets or resets the size of an existing dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5S_set_extent_simple</code> sets or resets the size of 
        an existing dataspace.
        <code>rank</code> is the dimensionality, or number of 
        dimensions, of the dataspace.
        <code>current_size</code> is an array of size <code>rank</code> 
        which contains the new size of each dimension in the dataspace.  
        <code>maximum_size</code> is an array of size <code>rank</code> 
        which contains the maximum size of each dimension in the 
        Any previous extent is removed from the dataspace, the dataspace 
        type is set to <code>H5S_SIMPLE</code>, and the extent is set as 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Dataspace identifier.
        <dt><em>int</em> <code>rank</code>
            <dd>Rank, or dimensionality, of the dataspace.
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em><code>current_size</code>
            <dd>Array containing current size of dataspace.
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em><code>maximum_size</code>
            <dd>Array containing maximum size of dataspace.
    <dd>Returns a dataspace identifier if successful; 
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-IsSimple">H5Sis_simple</a>
    <dd><em>hbool_t </em><code>H5Sis_simple</code>(<em>hid_t </em><code>space_id</code>)
    <dd>Determines whether a dataspace is a simple dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Sis_simple</code> determines whether a dataspace is 
        a simple dataspace.  [Currently, all dataspace objects are simple
        dataspaces, complex dataspace support will be added in the future]
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Identifier of the dataspace to query
    <dd>Returns TRUE or FALSE if Successful;
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-GetClass">H5Sget_class</a>
    <dd><em>H5S_class_t</em> <code>H5Sget_class</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>)
    <dd>Determine the current class of a dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Sget_class</code> queries a dataspace to determine the 
        current class of a dataspace.  
        The function returns a class name, one of the following: 
            <code>H5S_SIMPLE</code>, or 
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Dataspace identifier.
    <dd>Returns a dataspace class name if successful; 
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-SelectHyperslab">H5Sselect_hyperslab</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t</em> <code>H5Sselect_hyperslab</code>(<em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>,
        <em>const hssize_t *</em><code>start</code>,
        <em>const hsize_t *</em><code>stride</code>
        <em>const hsize_t *</em><code>count</code>,
        <em>const hsize_t *</em><code>block</code>
    <dd>Selects a hyperslab region to add to the current selected region.
    <dd><code>H5Sselect_hyperslab</code> selects a hyperslab region 
        to add to the current selected region for the dataspace 
        specified by <code>space_id</code>.  
        The <code>start</code>, <code>stride</code>, <code>count</code>,
        and <code>block</code> arrays must be the same size as the rank 
        of the dataspace.  
        The selection operator <code>op</code> determines how the new 
        selection is to be combined with the already existing selection 
        for the dataspace.  
        Currently, only the <code>H5S_SELECT_SET</code> operator is 
        supported; it replaces the existing selection with the 
        parameters from this call.  Overlapping blocks are not
        supported with the <code>H5S_SELECT_SET</code> operator.
The <code>start</code> array determines the starting coordinates 
of the hyperslab
to select.  
The <code>stride</code> array chooses array locations 
from the dataspace
with each value in the <code>stride</code> array determining how 
many elements to move
in each dimension.  Setting a value in the <code>stride</code> 
array to 1 moves to
each element in that dimension of the dataspace; setting a value of 2 in a
location in the <code>stride</code> array moves to every other 
element in that
dimension of the dataspace.  In other words, the <code>stride</code> 
determines the
number of elements to move from the <code>start</code> location 
in each dimension.
Stride values of 0 are not allowed.  If the <code>stride</code> 
parameter is <code>NULL</code>,
a contiguous hyperslab is selected (as if each value in the 
<code>stride</code> array
was set to all 1's).  
The <code>count</code> array determines how many blocks to
select from the dataspace, in each dimension.
The <code>block</code> array determines
the size of the element block selected from the dataspace.  
If the <code>block</code>
parameter is set to <code>NULL</code>, the block size defaults 
to a single element
in each dimension (as if the <code>block</code> array was set to all 1's).
For example, in a 2-dimensional dataspace, setting 
<code>start</code> to [1,1],
<code>stride</code> to [4,4], <code>count</code> to [3,7], and 
<code>block</code> to [2,2] selects
21 2x2 blocks of array elements starting with location (1,1) and selecting
blocks at locations (1,1), (5,1), (9,1), (1,5), (5,5), etc.
Regions selected with this function call default to C order iteration when
I/O is performed.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>IN: Identifier of dataspace selection to modify
        <dt><em>H5S_seloper_t</em> <code>op</code>
            <dd>IN: Operation to perform on current selection.
        <dt><em>const hssize_t *</em><code>start</code>
            <dd>IN: Offset of start of hyperslab
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em><code>count</code>
            <dd>IN: Number of blocks included in hyperslab.
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em><code>stride</code>
            <dd>IN: Hyperslab stride.
        <dt><em>const hsize_t *</em><code>block</code>
            <dd>IN: Size of block in hyperslab.
    <dd>Returns SUCCEED (0) if successful;
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

<dt><strong>Name:</strong> <a name="Dataspace-Close">H5Sclose</a>
    <dd><em>herr_t </em><code>H5Sclose</code>(<em>hid_t </em><code>space_id</code>
    <dd>Releases and terminates access to a dataspace.
    <dd><code>H5Sclose</code> releases a dataspace.  
        Further access through the dataspace identifier is illegal.  
        Failure to release a dataspace with this call will
        result in resource leaks.
        <dt><em>hid_t</em> <code>space_id</code>
            <dd>Identifier of dataspace to release.
    <dd>Returns SUCCEED (0) if successful;
        otherwise FAIL (-1).

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Last modified:  14 July 1998
