H5F_ACC_RDWR: Allow read and write access to file. H5F_ACC_RDONLY: Allow read-only access to file. H5F_ACC_TRUNC: Truncate file, if it already exists, erasing all data previously stored in the file. H5F_ACC_EXCL: Fail if file already exists. H5F_ACC_DEBUG: Print debug information. H5P_DEFAULT: Apply default file access and creation properties.
An object reference points to an entire object in the current HDF5 file by storing the relative file address (OID) of the object header for the object pointed to. The relative file address of an object header is constant for the life of the object. An object reference is of a fixed size in the file.
Reference to a specific dataset region.
A dataset region reference points to a region of a dataset in the current HDF5 file by storing the OID of the dataset and the global heap offset of the region referenced. The region referenced is located by retrieving the coordinates of the areas in the region from the global heap. A dataset region reference is of a variable size in the file.
These properties mean that the TSHDF5 library will not interfere with an application's use of threads. A TSHDF5 library is the same library as regular HDF-5 library, with additional code to synchronize access to the HDF-5 library's internal data structures.