<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>HDF5 Tutorial - Mounting Files </TITLE> </HEAD> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <!-- BEGIN MAIN BODY --> [ <A HREF="title.html"><I>HDF5 Tutorial Top</I></A> ] <H1> <BIG><BIG><BIG><FONT COLOR="#c101cd">Mounting Files</FONT> </BIG></BIG></BIG></H1> <hr noshade size=1> <BODY> <H2>Contents:</H2> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="#def">Mounting Files</A> <LI> Programming Example <UL> <LI> <A HREF="#desc">Description</A> <LI> <A HREF="#rem">Remarks</A> <!-- <LI> <A HREF="#fc">File Contents</A> --> </UL> </UL> <HR> <A NAME="def"> <H2>Mounting Files</H2> HDF5 allows you to combine two or more HDF5 files in memory in a manner similar to mounting files in UNIX. The group structure and metadata from one file appear as though they exist in another file. The following steps are involved: <OL> <LI>Open the files. <LI>Choose the <strong>mount point</strong> in the first file (the parent file). The mount point in HDF5 is a group, which CANNOT be the root group. <LI>Use the HDF5 routine <CODE>H5Fmount</CODE> / <CODE>h5fmount_f</CODE> to mount the second file (the child file) in the first file. <LI>Work with the objects in the second file as if they were members of the mount point group in the first file. The previous contents of the mount point group are temporarily hidden. <LI>Unmount the second file using <CODE>H5Funmount</CODE> / <CODE>h5funmount_f</CODE> when the work is done. </OL> <H2> Programming Example</H2> <A NAME="desc"> <H3><U>Description</U></H3> In the following example, we create one file containing a group and another file containing a dataset. Mounting is used to access the dataset from the second file as a member of a group in the first file. The following figures illustrate this concept. <PRE> FILE1 FILE2 -------------------- -------------------- ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! / ! ! | ! ! | ! ! | ! ! | ! ! V ! ! V ! ! -------- ! ! ---------- ! ! ! Group ! ! ! ! Dataset! ! ! --------- ! ! ---------- ! !------------------! !------------------! </PRE> After mounting <code>FILE2</code> under the group in <code>FILE1</code>, the parent file has the following structure: <PRE> FILE1 -------------------- ! ! ! / ! ! | ! ! | ! ! V ! ! -------- ! ! ! Group ! ! ! --------- ! ! | ! ! | ! ! V ! ! ----------- ! ! ! Dataset ! ! ! !---------- ! ! ! !------------------! </PRE> [ <A HREF="examples/h5_mount.c">C program</A> ] - <code>h5_mount.c</code><BR> [ <A HREF="examples/mountexample.f90">FORTRAN program</A> ] - <code>mountexample.f90</code> <P> <B>NOTE:</B> To download a tar file of the examples, including a Makefile, please go to the <A HREF="references.html">References</A> page. <A NAME="rem"> <H3><U>Remarks</U></H3> <UL> <LI> The first part of the program creates a group in one file and creates and writes a dataset to another file. <P> <LI> Both files are reopened and the second file is mounted in the first using <CODE>H5Fmount</CODE> / <CODE>h5fmount_f</CODE>. If no objects will be modified, the files can be opened with <CODE>H5F_ACC_RDONLY</CODE> (<CODE>H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F</CODE> in FORTRAN). If the data is to be modified, the files should be opened with <CODE>H5F_ACC_RDWR</CODE> (<CODE>H5F_ACC_RDWR_F</CODE> in FORTRAN). <P> <I><B>C:</B></I> <pre> herr_t H5Fmount (hid_t loc_id, const char *dsetname, hid_t file_id, hid_t access_prp) </pre> <P> <I><B>FORTRAN:</B></I> <pre> h5fmount_f (loc_id, dsetname, file_id, hdferr, access_prp) loc_id IN: INTEGER (HID_T) dsetname IN: CHARACTER (LEN=*) file_id IN: INTEGER (HID_T) hdferr OUT: INTEGER access_prp IN: INTEGER (HID_T), OPTIONAL (Default value: H5P_DEFAULT_F) </pre> <P> <UL> <LI> The <em>loc_id</em> and <em>dsetname</em> arguments specify the location of the mount point. In this example, the mount point is a group <code>/G</code> in the specified file. Since the group <code>/G</code> is in the root group of the first file, one can also use just <code>G</code> to identify it. <P> Below is a description of another scenario: <p> Suppose the group <code>G</code> were a member of the group <code>H</code> in the first file. Then the mount point <code>G</code> can be specified in two different ways: <P> <UL> <LI> <em>loc_id</em> is the file identifier for the first file.<BR> <em>dsetname</em> is <code>H/G</code>. <P> <LI> <em>loc_id</em> is the identifier for the group <code>H</code>.<BR> <em>dsetname</em> is <code>G</code>. </UL> <P> <LI> The <em>file_id</em> argument is the identifier for the file which will be mounted. Only one file can be mounted per mount point. <P> <LI> The <I>access_prp</I> argument is the identifier for the property list to be used. Currently, only the default property list, <CODE>H5P_DEFAULT</CODE>, can be used in C. In FORTRAN, this argument can be omitted or <CODE>H5P_DEFAULT_F</CODE> can be used. <P> <LI> The C function <CODE>H5Fmount</CODE> returns a non-negative value if successful and a negative value otherwise. With the FORTRAN routine, <CODE>h5fmount_f</CODE>, the return value of the call is returned in <em>hdferr</em>: 0 if successful and -1 otherwise. </UL> <P> <LI>In this example, we only read data from the dataset <code>D</code>. One can also modify data. If the dataset is modified while the file is mounted, it is modified in the original file after the file is unmounted. <P> <LI> The file is unmounted with <CODE>H5Funmount</CODE> / <CODE>h5funmount_f</CODE>: <P> <I><B>C:</B></I> <pre> herr_t H5Funmount (hid_t loc_id, const char *dsetname) </pre> <P> <I><B>FORTRAN:</B></I> <pre> h5funmount_f (loc_id, dsetname, hdferr) loc_id IN: INTEGER (HID_T) dsetname IN: CHARACTER (LEN=*) hdferr OUT: INTEGER </pre> <P> <ul> <li>The <I>loc_id</I> and <I>dsetname</I> arguments specify the location of the mount point. In our example <I>loc_id</I> is the first file's file identifier and <I>dsetname</I> is the name of group <code>/G</code>. </ul> <P> <li>Note that <CODE>H5Funmount</CODE> / <CODE>h5funmount_f</CODE> does not close files. Files are closed with the respective calls to the <CODE>H5Fclose</CODE> / <CODE>h5fclose_f</CODE> function. <P> <li>Closing the parent file automatically unmounts the child file. <P> <LI>The <code>h5dump</code> utility cannot display files in memory. Therefore, no output of <code>FILE1</code> after <code>FILE2</code> was mounted is provided. </UL> </UL> <!-- BEGIN FOOTER INFO --> <P><hr noshade size=1> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <a href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/"><img border=0 src="footer-ncsalogo.gif" width=78 height=27 alt="NCSA"><br> The National Center for Supercomputing Applications</A><br> <a href="http://www.uiuc.edu/">University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign</a><br> <br> <!-- <A HREF="helpdesk.mail.html"> --> <A HREF="mailto:hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu"> hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu</A> <br> <BR> <H6>Last Modified: June 22, 2001</H6><BR> <!-- modified by Barbara Jones - bljones@ncsa.uiuc.edu --> <!-- modified by Frank Baker - fbaker@ncsa.uiuc.edu --> </FONT> <BR> <!-- <A HREF="mailto:hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu"> --> </BODY> </HTML>