[ HDF5 Tutorial Top ]

Obtaining HDF5 Software

If you will be compiling in:
You will need the HDF5 library. We provide pre-compiled binaries for the platforms on which we tested at:

If using the pre-compiled binaries you must also obtain the GZIP library, as they were compiled with GZIP included, but do not include this library. We provide the GZIP library for the platforms on which we tested at:

You can build the HDF5 library yourself, if need be. The source code can be obtained from:

For further information regarding HDF5, check the HDF5 home page:

With HDF5-1.4.0, support for Fortran 90 is included as part of the installation of the HDF5 library. The pre-compiled binaries include the Fortran library. If you need to build from source, download the HDF5-1.4.0 source code and compile it with the --enable-fortran flag. Read the instructions in the RELEASE.txt file for further details.

You will need the JHI5 code. Go to the Java HDF5 web page for information on the Java-HDF5 software. The Java Tutorial examples are included with this tutorial:

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Last Modified: June 22, 2001