SUBROUTINE h5pclose_f(prp_id, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pclose_f
SUBROUTINE h5pcopy_f(prp_id, new_prp_id, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: new_prp_id ! Identifier of property list ! copy INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pcopy_f
SUBROUTINE h5pcreate_f(classtype, prp_id, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: classtype ! The type of the property list ! to be created. Possible values ! are: ! H5P_FILE_CREATE_F ! H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F ! H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F ! H5P_DATASET_XFER_F ! H5P_MOUNT_F INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pcreate_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_chunk_f(prp_id, ndims, dims, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndims ! Number of chunk dimensions to ! to return INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(ndims), INTENT(OUT) :: dims ! Array containing sizes of ! chunk dimensions INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! chunk rank on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pget_chunk_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_class_f(prp_id, classtype, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: classtype ! The type of the property list ! to be created. Possible values ! are: ! H5P_NO_CLASS ! H5P_FILE_CREATE_F ! H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F ! H5PE_DATASET_CREATE_F ! H5P_DATASET_XFER_F ! H5P_MOUNT_F INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pget_class_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_fill_value_f(prp_id, type_id, fillvalue, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: type_id ! Datatype identifier of ! of fillvalue datatype ! (in memory) TYPE(VOID), INTENT(IN) :: fillvalue ! Fillvalue INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pget_fill_value_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_chunk_f(prp_id, ndims, dims, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndims ! Number of chunk dimensions INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(ndims), INTENT(IN) :: dims ! Array containing sizes of ! chunk dimensions INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pset_chunk_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_deflate_f(prp_id, level, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: leveli ! Compression level INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pset_deflate_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_fill_value_f(prp_id, type_id, fillvalue, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: type_id ! Datatype identifier of ! of fillvalue datatype ! (in memory) TYPE(VOID), INTENT(IN) :: fillvalue ! Fillvalue INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code ! 0 on success and -1 on failure END SUBROUTINE h5pset_fill_value_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_version_f(prp_id, boot, freelist, & stab, shhdr, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: boot !array to put boot !block version number INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: freelist !array to put global !freelist version number INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: stab !array to put symbol !table version number INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: shhdr !array to put shared !object header version number INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_version_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_userblock_f (prp_id, size, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: size !Size of the user-block in bytes INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_userblock_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_userblock_f(prp_id, block_size, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: block_size !Size of the !user-block in bytes INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_userblock_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_sizes_f (prp_id, sizeof_addr, sizeof_size, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: sizeof_addr !Size of an object !offset in bytes INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: sizeof_size !Size of an object !length in bytes INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_sizes_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_sizes_f(prp_id, sizeof_addr, sizeof_size, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(SIZE_T), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: sizeof_addr !Size of an object !offset in bytes INTEGER(SIZE_T), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: sizeof_size !Size of an object !length in bytes INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_sizes_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_sym_k_f (prp_id, ik, lk, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ik ! Symbol table tree rank INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lk ! Symbol table node size INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_sym_k_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_sym_k_f(prp_id, ik, lk, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ik !Symbol table tree rank INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: lk !Symbol table node size INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_sym_k_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_istore_k_f (prp_id, ik, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ik ! 1/2 rank of chunked storage B-tree INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_istore_k_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_istore_k_f(prp_id, ik, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ik !1/2 rank of chunked storage B-tree INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_istore_k_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_driver_f(prp_id, driver, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: driver !low-level file driver identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_driver_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_stdio_f (prp_id, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_stdio_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_stdio_f (prp_id, io, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: io ! value indicates that the file !access property list is set to !the stdio driver INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_stdio_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_sec2_f (prp_id, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_sec2_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_sec2_f (prp_id, sec2, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sec2 ! value indicates whether the file !driver uses the functions declared !in the unistd.h file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_sec2_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_alignment_f(prp_id, threshold, alignment, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: threshold ! Threshold value INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: alignment ! alignment value INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_alignment_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_alignment_f(prp_id, threshold, alignment, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: threshold ! Threshold value INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: alignment ! alignment value INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_alignment_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_core_f(prp_id, increment, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: increment ! File block size in bytes. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_core_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_core_f(prp_id, increment, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: increment ! File block size in bytes. END SUBROUTINE h5pget_core_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_family_f(prp_id, memb_size, memb_plist , hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: memb_size ! Logical size, in bytes, !of each family member INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memb_plist !Identifier of the file !access property list for !each member of the family INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_family_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_family_f(prp_id, memb_size, memb_plist , hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: memb_size ! Logical size, in bytes, !of each family member INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: memb_plist !Identifier of the file !access property list for !each member of the family INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_family_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_cache_f(prp_id, mdc_nelmts,rdcc_nelmts, rdcc_nbytes, rdcc_w0, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mdc_nelmts !Number of elements (objects) ! in the meta data cache INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: rdcc_nelmts !Number of elements (objects) ! in the meta data cache INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: rdcc_nbytes !Total size of the raw data !chunk cache, in bytes REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rdcc_w0 !Preemption policy INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_cache_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_cache_f(prp_id, mdc_nelmts, rdcc_nelmts, rdcc_nbytes, rdcc_w0, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: mdc_nelmts !Number of elements (objects) ! in the meta data cache INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: rdcc_nelmts !Number of elements (objects) ! in the meta data cache INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: rdcc_nbytes !Total size of the raw data !chunk cache, in bytes REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: rdcc_w0 !Preemption policy INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_cache_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_split_f(prp_id, meta_ext, meta_plist, raw_ext, raw_plist, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: meta_ext !Name of the extension for !the metafile filename INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: meta_plist ! Identifier of the meta file ! access property list CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: raw_ext !Name extension for the raw file filename INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: raw_plist !Identifier of the raw file !access property list INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_split_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_split_f(prp_id, meta_ext_size, meta_ext, meta_plist,raw_ext_size,& raw_ext, raw_plist, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: meta_ext_size ! Number of characters of the meta ! file extension to be copied to the ! meta_ext buffer CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: meta_ext !Name of the extension for !the metafile filename INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: meta_plist ! Identifier of the meta file ! access property list INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: raw_ext_size ! Number of characters of the raw ! file extension to be copied to the ! raw_ext buffer CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: raw_ext !Name extension for the raw file filename INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: raw_plist !Identifier of the raw file !access property list INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_split_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_gc_references_f (prp_id, gc_reference, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: gc_reference !the flag for garbage collecting ! references for the file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_gc_references_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_gc_references_f (prp_id, gc_reference, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: gc_reference !the flag for garbage collecting ! references for the file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_gc_references_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_layout_f (prp_id, layout, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: layout !Type of storage layout for raw data !possible values are: !H5D_COMPACT_F(0) !H5D_CONTIGUOUS_F(1) !H5D_CHUNKED_F(2) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_layout_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_layout_f (prp_id, layout, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: layout !Type of storage layout for raw data !possible values are: !H5D_COMPACT_F(0) !H5D_CONTIGUOUS_F(1) !H5D_CHUNKED_F(2) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code
SUBROUTINE h5pset_filter_f(prp_id, filter, flags, cd_nelmts, cd_values, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: filter !Filter to be added to the pipeline. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: flags !Bit vector specifying certain general !properties of the filter. INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: cd_nelmts !Number of elements in cd_values. INTEGER, DIMENSION(*), INTENT(IN) :: cd_values !Auxiliary data for the filter. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_filter_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_filter_f(prp_id, filter_number, flags, cd_nelmts, cd_values, namelen, name, filter_id, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: filter_number !Sequence number within the filter !pipeline of the filter for which !information is sought INTEGER, DIMENSION(*), INTENT(OUT) :: cd_values !Auxiliary data for the filter. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: flags !Bit vector specifying certain general !properties of the filter. INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(INOUT) :: cd_nelmts !Number of elements in cd_values. INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: namelen !Anticipated number of characters in name. CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: name !Name of the filter INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: filter_id ! filter identification number INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_filter_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_external_f(prp_id, name, offset,bytes, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name !Name of an external file INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: offset !Offset, in bytes, from the beginning !of the file to the location in the file !where the data starts. INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: bytes ! Number of bytes reserved in the !file for the data INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_external_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_external_count_f (prp_id, count, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: count !number of external files for the !specified dataset INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_external_count_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_external_f(prp_id, idx, name_size, name, offset,bytes, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idx !External file index. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: name_size !Maximum length of name array CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: name !Name of an external file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: offset !Offset, in bytes, from the beginning !of the file to the location in the file !where the data starts. INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: bytes ! Number of bytes reserved in the !file for the data INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_external_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_hyper_cache_f(prp_id, cache, limit, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: cache ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: limit ! Maximum size of the hyperslab block to !cache. 0 (zero) indicates no limit. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_hyper_cache_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_hyper_cache_f(prp_id, cache, limit, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: cache ! INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: limit ! Maximum size of the hyperslab block to !cache. 0 (zero) indicates no limit. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_hyper_cache_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_btree_ratios_f(prp_id, left, middle, right, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier REAL, INTENT(IN) :: left !The B-tree split ratio for left-most nodes. REAL, INTENT(IN) :: middle !The B-tree split ratio for all other nodes REAL, INTENT(IN) :: right !The B-tree split ratio for right-most !nodes and lone nodes. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_btree_ratios_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_btree_ratios_f(prp_id, left, middle, right, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: left !The B-tree split ratio for left-most nodes. REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: middle !The B-tree split ratio for all other nodes REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: right !The B-tree split ratio for right-most !nodes and lone nodes. INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_btree_ratios_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_mpi_f(prp_id, comm, info, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: comm ! MPI communicator to be used for file open ! as defined in MPI_FILE_OPEN of MPI-2 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: info ! MPI info object to be used for file open ! as defined in MPI_FILE_OPEN of MPI-2 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_mpi_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_mpi_f(prp_id, comm, info, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: comm ! buffer to return communicator INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: info ! buffer to return info object ! as defined in MPI_FILE_OPEN of MPI-2 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_mpi_f
SUBROUTINE h5pset_xfer_f(prp_id, data_xfer_mode, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: data_xfer_mode ! Data transfer mode. Possible values are: ! H5D_XFER_INDEPENDENT_F (0) ! H5D_XFER_COLLECTIVE_F (1) ! H5D_XFER_DFLT_F (2) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pset_xfer_f
SUBROUTINE h5pget_xfer_f(prp_id, data_xfer_mode, hdferr) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: prp_id ! Property list identifier INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: data_xfer_mode ! Data transfer mode. Possible values are: ! H5D_XFER_INDEPENDENT_F (0) ! H5D_XFER_COLLECTIVE_F (1) ! H5D_XFER_DFLT_F (2) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code END SUBROUTINE h5pget_xfer_f