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HDF5 - A New Generation of HDF
The Hierarchical Data Format

HDF Links at The HDF Group

HDF Support

HDF Newsletters
  • News about HDF and HDF5

HDF5 Downloads
  • HDF5 download site

HDF5 Presentations, Papers, Etc.
  • Overview of HDF5 library and development effort (slide show)
  • Other HDF5-related papers and presentations

High Level HDF5 APIs
  • High level APIs for easier HDF5 application development
  • Image, Table, and HDF5 Lite

Parallel HDF5
  • HDF5 in parallel computing environments
  • Installation, tutorial, Q&A, design notes

XML and HDF5
  • XML tools and standard XML DTD for HDF5

Printer-friendly and
Searchable Docs
  • PDF versions of selected HDF5 documents are available from the HDF5 website approximately one week after each release.

HDF5 Doc Development
  • Snapshots of future releases
  • Related document sets not part of standard release
  • Errata, bugfixes, and updates for this release (if available)

HDF5 User Documentation
Release 1.6.6, April 2007

An Introduction to HDF5
  • An overview of design goals behind the HDF5 library and file format
  • An introduction to HDF5 programming
HDF5 Tutorial
  • A tutorial introduction to HDF5
    (Served from the HDF5 website)
HDF5 User's Guide
  • A new user's guide, first published with HDF5 Release 1.6.0
  • The HDF5 Release 1.4.5 User's Guide remains available, though it has not been updated for the current release
HDF5 Reference Manuals
HDF5 and “Foreign Languages”
HDF5 Glossary
  • A glossary of terms as they are used in HDF5
HDF5 Application Developer's Guide

HDF5 Tools

HDF5 Tools
  • HDF5 tools, including Java-based tools
  • HDFView, h5dump, h5ls, h5toh4, etc.

HDF5 Library Development Documentation

HDF5 File Format Specification
  • The complete specification of the HDF5 file format
HDF5 C++ API Design Specification
  • First draft of the design specification for the HDF5 C++ APIs
    (Served from the HDF5 website)
HDF5 Technical Notes
  • Technical notes for HDF5 library and driver developers
(Internet links)
(Local links, unless otherwise noted)

THG Help Desk:
Last modified: 28 March 2007
Describes HDF5 Release 1.6.6, April 2007
Copyright by The HDF Group and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
All rights reserved. See full copyright notice.
The HDF Group (THG) [Logo]