HDF5 Examples This directory contains example programs for the installed APIs and scripts to compile and run them. Examples in the c and hl/c subdirectories are always installed, and those in fortran, hl/fortran, c++ and hl/c++ will be installed when fortran or c++ are enabled. Running the run-all-ex.sh script in this directory will run the scripts and in turn the examples in all the subdirectories where examples are installed. The scripts can also be run individually. The appropriate compile scripts in the bin directory for this install will be used by default to compile and link the example programs. Note that h5redeploy must be run if these binaries are copied or extracted in a directory other than the one where they were initially installed. Compile scripts from other locations can be used by setting an environment variable prefix to the path of the directory containing the bin directory with the compile scripts h5cc, h5fc, etc. For example, export prefix=/usr/local/hdf5 to use h5cc, h5fc, etc. in /usr/local/hdf5/bin. *************************************************************************************** Instruction for compiling and running the two VFD SWMR demo programs in this directory: credel.c: ========= To compile: h5cc -o credel credel.c nbcompat.c To run: ./credel -v (on one window) h5ls --vfd=swmr --poll=100 -r -d ./credel.h5 (on another window) vfd_swmr_gaussians.c ==================== To compile: h5cc -o gaussians ./gaussians.c ./nbcompat.c -lcurses To link as writer: ln -s gaussians wgaussians To link as reader: ln -s gaussians rgaussians To run standalone: ./gaussians To run as writer and reader: ./wgaussians (on one window) ./rgaussians (on another window)