/* * M6.2-demo.c: This is the demo program for Milestone 6.2 - HDF5 and IO Dispatcher Container Versioning Demonstration. * This program runs on one or more compute nodes and makes calls to the HDF5 API. * The Function Shipper server should be running before this demo program is started. */ #include #include #include #include #include "mpi.h" #include "hdf5.h" #define ATTR_STR_LEN 128 #define STATUS (ret >= 0) ? "OK" : "FAILED" #define ASSERT_RET assert( ret >= 0 ) /* option flags */ int verbose = 0; // Verbose (print CV contents between every transaction) defaults to no int last_cv_only = 0; // Only print contents of last container version when file re-opened - defaults to no int abort3 = 0; // Abort transaction 3 defaults to no int workaround = 1; // Workaround to abort transaction 3 only from rank 0 to avoid (occasional) issue with object staying open int init2D = 0; // Initialize cells in 2D arrays to -1 - defaults to no /* prototypes for helper functions */ void create_string_attribute( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int, uint64_t ); void create_group( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int, uint64_t ); void create_dataset( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int, uint64_t, int ); void create_dataset2( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int, uint64_t ); void create_committed_datatype( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int, uint64_t ); void update_dataset( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, hid_t, const char*, int, uint64_t, int ); void append_dataset2( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, hid_t, const char*, int, uint64_t ); void print_container_contents( hid_t, hid_t, const char*, int ); int parse_options( int, char**, int ); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { const char file_name[]="m6.2-eff_container.h5"; int my_rank, comm_size; int provided; hid_t fapl_id; hid_t file_id; herr_t ret; uint64_t version; hid_t rc_id, rc_id0, rc_id1, rc_id2, rc_id3, rc_id4; /* Check for MPI multi-thread support */ MPI_Init_thread( &argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided ); if ( MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE != provided ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2: ERROR: MPI does not have MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE support\n" ); exit( 1 ); } MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank ); MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Number of MPI processes = %d\n", my_rank, comm_size ); /* Parse command-line options controlling behavior */ if ( parse_options( argc, argv, my_rank ) != 0 ) { exit( 1 ); } /* Initialize the EFF stack. */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Initialize EFF stack (Step 1)\n", my_rank ); EFF_init( MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL ); /* Specify that the IOD VOL plugin should be used and create H5File (EFF container) */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create the container %s (Step 2)\n", my_rank, file_name ); fapl_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_FILE_ACCESS ); assert( fapl_id >= 0 ); ret = H5Pset_fapl_iod( fapl_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; file_id = H5Fcreate_ff( file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( file_id >= 0 ); /* Acquire a read handle for container version 0 and create a read context. */ version = 0; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Acquire read context for container version %d (Step 3)\n", my_rank, (int)version ); rc_id0 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; assert( version == 0 ); /* Print container contents at this point */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 1st call to print container contents (Step 4)\n", my_rank ); if ( verbose ) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id0, "/", my_rank ); /* * Transaction 1 is created, started, updated, and committed by rank 0. * Root group attributes AA and AB are created and populated. * Groups /GA and /GB are created. * Datasets /DA and /DB are created and populated. * Dataset /DC (2-d) and attribute AC@/DC are created & initialized. * Committed datatypes /TA and /TB are created. */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { uint64_t tr_num = 1; hid_t tr_id; /* Create a local transaction for transaction number. */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create tr %d (Step 5 - begin) \n", my_rank, (int)tr_num ); tr_id = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id0, (uint64_t)tr_num ); assert( tr_id >= 0 ); /* Start transaction 1 with single transaction leader (the default) */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Start tr %d\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num ); ret = H5TRstart( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; /* Add updates to the transaction */ /* 2 Attributes */ create_string_attribute( file_id, "AA", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); create_string_attribute( file_id, "AB", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); /* 3 Datasets */ create_dataset( file_id, "DA", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num, 1 ); create_dataset( file_id, "DB", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num, 2 ); create_dataset2( file_id, "DC", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); /* 2 committed datatypes */ create_committed_datatype( file_id, "TA", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); create_committed_datatype( file_id, "TB", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); /* 2 Groups */ create_group( file_id, "GA", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); create_group( file_id, "GB", tr_id, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); /* Finish and commit transaction 1, causing the updates to appear in container version 1. */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Finish and commit tr %d (Step 5 - end)\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num ); ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; /* Close the local transaction. */ ret = H5TRclose( tr_id ); ASSERT_RET; } /* Print container contents at this point */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 2nd call to print container contents (Step 6)\n", my_rank ); if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id0, "/", my_rank ); /* Acquire a read handle for container version 1 and create a read context. */ version = 1; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Try to acquire read context for cv %d (Step 7)\n", my_rank, (int)version ); rc_id1 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); while ( rc_id1 < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Failed to acquire read context for cv %d - sleep then retry\n", my_rank, (int)version ); sleep( 1 ); version = 1; rc_id1 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); } assert( rc_id1 >= 0 ); assert ( version == 1 ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Acquired read context for cv 1\n", my_rank ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 3rd call to print container contents (Step 8)\n", my_rank ); if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id1, "/", my_rank ); ASSERT_RET; /* Release the read handle and close read context on cv 0 */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Release read handle on cv 0 (Step 9)\n", my_rank ); ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id0, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( rc_id0 ); ASSERT_RET; /* * Transaction 2 is created, started, updated, and committed by ranks 0 & 1, if 2 or more MPI processes. * Group /GA attributes AA and AB are created and populated by rank 0. * Group /GB attributes AA and AB are created and populated by rank 1. * Groups /GA/GA and /GA/GB are created by rank 0. * Groups /GB/GA and /GB/GB are created by rank 1. * Datasets /GA/DA and /GA/DB are created and populated by rank 0. * Datasets /GB/DA and /GB/DB are created and populated by rank 1. * Committed Datatypes /GA/AA and /GA/TB are created by rank 0. * Committed Datatypes /GB/AA and /GB/TB are created by rank 1. * Dataset /DC is appended to by rank 0. */ if ( (my_rank == 0) || (my_rank == 1) ) { uint64_t tr_num = 2; hid_t tr_id; hid_t trspl_id; hid_t gr_id; char gr_path[128]; /* Create a local transaction for transaction number 2. */ tr_id = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id1, tr_num ); assert( tr_id >= 0 ); /* Start transaction 2 with two transaction leaders (unless there is only 1 MPI process) */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Start tr %d (Step 10 - begin)\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num ); trspl_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_TR_START ); assert( trspl_id >= 0 ); if ( comm_size >= 2 ) { ret = H5Pset_trspl_num_peers( trspl_id, 2 ); ASSERT_RET; } else { ret = H5Pset_trspl_num_peers( trspl_id, 1 ); ASSERT_RET; } ret = H5TRstart( tr_id, trspl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; /* Add updates to the transaction */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { gr_id = H5Gopen_ff( file_id, "GA", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( gr_id >= 0 ); sprintf( gr_path, "/GA/" ); } else { gr_id = H5Gopen_ff( file_id, "GB", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( gr_id >= 0 ); sprintf( gr_path, "/GB/" ); } /* 2 Attributes in each group */ create_string_attribute( gr_id, "AA", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num ); create_string_attribute( gr_id, "AB", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num ); /* 2 1-D Datasets */ create_dataset( gr_id, "DA", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num, 1 ); create_dataset( gr_id, "DB", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num, 2 ); /* 2 committed datatypes */ create_committed_datatype( gr_id, "TA", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num ); create_committed_datatype( gr_id, "TB", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num ); /* 2 Groups */ create_group( gr_id, "GA", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num ); create_group( gr_id, "GB", tr_id, gr_path, my_rank, tr_num ); /* Append to dataset /DC */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { append_dataset2( file_id, "/DC", tr_id, rc_id1, "/", my_rank, tr_num ); } /* Close the group */ ret = H5Gclose_ff ( gr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; /* Finish and commit transaction 2, causing the updates to appear in container version 2. */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Finish and commit tr %d (Step 10 - end)\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num ); ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; /* Close the local transaction and transaction start property list. */ ret = H5TRclose( tr_id ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Pclose( trspl_id ); ASSERT_RET; } fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 4th call to print container contents (Step 11)\n", my_rank ); if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id1, "/", my_rank ); ASSERT_RET; version = 2; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Try to acquire read context for cv %d (Step 12)\n", my_rank, (int)version ); rc_id2 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); while ( rc_id2 < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Failed to acquire read context for cv 2 - sleep then retry\n", my_rank ); sleep( 1 ); version = 2; rc_id2 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); } assert( rc_id2 >= 0 ); assert( version == 2 ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Acquired read context for cv 2\n", my_rank ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 5th call to print container contents (Step 13)\n", my_rank ); if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank ); ASSERT_RET; /* Release the read handle and close read context on cv 1 */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Release read handle on cv 1 (Step 14)\n", my_rank ); ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( rc_id1 ); ASSERT_RET; /* * Transaction 4 is created and started by all MPI processes. * Transaction 3 is created and started by all MPI processes. * Updates are added to the transactions in an interleaved manner, * with the ranks progressing independent of each other, and * additional updates to transaction 14 after transaction 13 * is finished and committed. * Transaction 3 may be aborted */ { /* Bracket to localize variables, and to later make it easier to restrict ranks participating if desired. */ uint64_t tr_num3 = 3; uint64_t tr_num4 = 4; hid_t tr_id3, tr_id4; hid_t trspl_id; /* Set up transaction start property list with the number of transaction leaders */ trspl_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_TR_START ); assert( trspl_id >= 0 ); ret = H5Pset_trspl_num_peers( trspl_id, comm_size ); ASSERT_RET; /* Create & start transaction 4, based on cv 2 */ tr_id4 = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id2, tr_num4 ); assert( tr_id4 >= 0 ); ret = H5TRstart( tr_id4, trspl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Start tr %d (Step 15a - begin) - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num4, STATUS ); /* Create & start transaction 3, based on cv 2 */ tr_id3 = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id2, tr_num3 ); assert( tr_id3 >= 0 ); ret = H5TRstart( tr_id3, trspl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Start tr %d (Step 15b - begin) - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS ); /* Close the transaction start property list. */ ret = H5Pclose( trspl_id ); ASSERT_RET; /* Add updates to the transactions */ /* 1) /GA/GA/GB added to Tr 4 by rank 0 */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { create_group( file_id, "/GA/GA/GB", tr_id4, "/", my_rank, tr_num4 ); } /* 2) /GB/GB/GB added to Tr 4 by rank 1 */ if ( my_rank == 1 ) { create_group( file_id, "/GB/GB/GB", tr_id4, "/", my_rank, tr_num4 ); } /* 3) AA@/ deleted in Tr 3 by rank 0 */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { ret = H5Adelete_by_name_ff( file_id, ".", "AA", H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: delete AA @ / in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS ); } /* 4) /GA/DA deleted in Tr 3 by rank 1 */ if ( my_rank == 1 ) { ret = H5Ldelete_ff( file_id, "/GA/DA", H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: delete /GA/DA in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS); } /* 5) /GA/TB deleted in Tr 4 by rank 0 */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { ret = H5Ldelete_ff( file_id, "/GA/TB", H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id4, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: delete /GA/TB in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num4, STATUS ); } /* 6) /DB deleted in Tr 4 by rank 1 */ if ( my_rank == 1 ) { ret = H5Ldelete_ff( file_id, "/DB", H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id4, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: delete /DB in tr %d - %s \n", my_rank, (int)tr_num4, STATUS ); } /* 7) /GB/GA deleted in Tr 3 by rank 0 */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { ret = H5Ldelete_ff( file_id, "/GB/GA", H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: delete /GB/GA in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS ); } /* 8) /GA/TA deleted in Tr 3 by rank 1 */ if ( my_rank == 1 ) { ret = H5Ldelete_ff( file_id, "/GA/TA", H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: delete /GA/TA in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS ); } /* 9) /GA/GA/GA added in Tr 3 by rank 0 */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { create_group( file_id, "/GA/GA/GA", tr_id3, "/", my_rank, tr_num3 ); } /* 10) /GB/TA deleted in Tr 3 by rank 1 */ if ( my_rank == 1 ) { ret = H5Ldelete_ff( file_id, "/GB/TA", H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: delete /GB/TA in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS ); } /* 11) /GB/GB/DB added in Tr 3 by rank 1 */ if ( my_rank == 1 ) { create_dataset( file_id, "/GB/GB/DB", tr_id3, "/", my_rank, tr_num3, 2 ); } /* 12) /DA updated in Tr 3 by all ranks */ update_dataset( file_id, "/DA", tr_id3, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, tr_num3, 1 ); /* 13) /GB/DA updated in Tr 3 by rank 0 */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { update_dataset( file_id, "/GB/DA", tr_id3, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, tr_num3, 1 ); } /* 14) Append to dataset /DC in Tr 3 by rank 0 */ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { append_dataset2( file_id, "/DC", tr_id3, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, tr_num3 ); } /* Abort - one or more processes should be able to abort the Transaction with the same effect. */ if ( abort3 ) { if ( workaround && ( my_rank != 0 ) ) { /* If not rank 0 when workaround enabled, don't call H5TRabort * When it's called by all, *sometimes* objects are left open and the file close fails. * The transaction updates are discarded correctly, there's just some object that isn't getting closes properly. * Depends on order-of-execution of multiple threads, and unable to resolve before demo. */ } else { /* All ranks should be able to call without objects being left open */ ret = H5TRabort( tr_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: ABORT tr %d (Step 15b - abort) - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS ); } } /* Finish and commit transaction 3, causing the updates to appear in container version 3. */ ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id3, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Finish and commit tr %d (Step 15b - end) - %s\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num3, STATUS ); ret = H5TRclose( tr_id3 ); ASSERT_RET; /* Get read context for CV 3, then print the contents of container */ /* Limit the number of tries, because if it was aborted we'll never get it */ int max_tries = 4; int current_try = 0; version = 3; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Try to acquire read context for cv %d (Step 15c)\n", my_rank, (int)version ); rc_id3 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); while ( (rc_id3 < 0) && (current_try < max_tries) ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Failed to acquire read context for cv 3 - sleep then retry\n", my_rank ); sleep( 1 ); current_try++; version = 3; rc_id3 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); } if ( rc_id3 >= 0 ) { assert( version == 3 ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Acquired read context for cv 3\n", my_rank ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 6th call to print container contents (Step 15d)\n", my_rank ); if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id3, "/", my_rank ); ASSERT_RET; /* Release read handle & close read context for CV 3 */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Release read handle on cv 3 (Step 15e)\n", my_rank ); ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( rc_id3 ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Failed %d times to aquire read context for cv 3 - continuing\n", my_rank, max_tries ); } /* 15) /GB/GB/GA added in Tr 4 by rank 1 */ if ( my_rank == 1 ) { create_group( file_id, "/GB/GB/GA", tr_id4, "/", my_rank, tr_num4 ); } /* 16) /DA updated in Tr 4 by all ranks */ update_dataset( file_id, "/DA", tr_id4, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, tr_num4, 1 ); /* 17) Append to dataset /DC in Tr 4 by rank 0*/ if ( my_rank == 0 ) { append_dataset2( file_id, "/DC", tr_id4, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, tr_num4 ); } /* Finish and commit transaction 4, causing the updates to appear in container version 4. */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Finish and commit tr %d (Step 15a - end)\n", my_rank, (int)tr_num4 ); ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id4, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5TRclose( tr_id4 ); ASSERT_RET; /* Get read context for CV 4, then print the contents of the container */ version = 4; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Try to acquire read context for cv %d (Step 15f)\n", my_rank, (int)version ); rc_id4 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); while ( rc_id4 < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Failed to acquire read context for cv 4 - sleep then retry\n", my_rank ); sleep( 1 ); version = 4; rc_id4 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); } assert( rc_id4 >= 0 ); assert( version == 4 ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Acquired read context for cv 4\n", my_rank ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 7th call to print container contents (Step 15g)\n", my_rank ); if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id4, "/", my_rank ); ASSERT_RET; /* * Get read context for CV 3. * Should be there first time if Transaction 3 was finished & committed (because we know Transaction 4 is done) * If Transaction 3 was aborted, it will never be there. */ version = 3; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Once again, try to acquire read context for cv %d (Step 15h)\n", my_rank, (int)version ); rc_id3 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( rc_id3 < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Read context for cv 3 not available.\n", my_rank ); } else { assert( rc_id3 >= 0 ); assert( version == 3 ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Acquired read context for cv 3\n", my_rank ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: 8th call to print container contents (Step 15i)\n", my_rank ); if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id3, "/", my_rank ); ASSERT_RET; /* Release read handle & close read context for CV 3 */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Release read handle on cv 3 (Step 15j)\n", my_rank ); ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( rc_id3 ); ASSERT_RET; } /* * Note that rc_id4 was obtained in this bracketed code, but we aren't releasing it until later. * Inelegant but I want it again & don't want to have to acquire again. * Wanted to use it in print above (15f) before 2nd print of CV3 (15g), so didn't wait until * bracket closed to acquire. */ } /* Release the read handle and close read context on open CVs */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Release read handle on cv 2 (Step 16)\n", my_rank ); ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id2, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( rc_id2 ); ASSERT_RET; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Release read handle on cv 4\n", my_rank ); ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id4, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( rc_id4 ); ASSERT_RET; /* Close the file, then barrier to make sure all have closed it. */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: close the container (Step 17)\n", my_rank ); ret = H5Fclose_ff( file_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD ); /* Now, reopen file and show contents of all available CVs */ hid_t last_rc_id; uint64_t last_version, v; /* Reopen the file Read/Write */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: open the container\n", my_rank ); /* KEEP CODE IN CASE WANT TO Ask for explicit CV 4 Later */ /* file_id = H5Fopen_ff( file_name, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl_id, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( file_id >= 0 ); */ /* Get latest CV on open */ file_id = H5Fopen_ff( file_name, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl_id, &last_rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( file_id >= 0 ); H5RCget_version( last_rc_id, &last_version ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Latest CV in file is cv %d\n", my_rank, (int)last_version ); if ( last_cv_only ) { v = last_version; } else { v = 0; } for ( v; v <= last_version; v++ ) { version = v; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Try to acquire read context for cv %d\n", my_rank, (int)version ); rc_id = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( rc_id < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Failed to acquire read context for cv %d\n", my_rank, (int)v ); } else { assert ( version == v ); print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id, "/", my_rank ); ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( rc_id ); ASSERT_RET; } } /* Release the read handle and close read context on cv obtained from H5Fopen_ff */ ret = H5RCrelease( last_rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5RCclose( last_rc_id ); ASSERT_RET; /* Close 2 H5 Objects that are still open */ fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: close all h5 objects that are still open\n", my_rank ); ret = H5Fclose_ff( file_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Pclose( fapl_id ); ASSERT_RET; fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Finalize EFF stack\n", my_rank ); /* Perform wrap-up operations */ EFF_finalize(); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } /* * Helper function used to create string attribute "attr_name" * for object identified by "obj_id" * in transaction identified by "tr_id". * "obj_path" and "my_rank" and "tr_num" are used to create identifiable string value */ void create_string_attribute( hid_t obj_id, const char* attr_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, uint64_t tr_num ){ herr_t ret; hsize_t dim_cnt; hid_t space_id; hid_t dtype_id; char attr_val[ATTR_STR_LEN]; hsize_t val_size; hid_t attr_id; dim_cnt = 1; space_id = H5Screate_simple( 1, &dim_cnt, NULL ); assert( space_id >= 0 ); dtype_id = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 ); assert( dtype_id >= 0 ); val_size = sprintf( attr_val, "%s @ %s by rank %d in tr %d", attr_name, obj_path, my_rank, (int)tr_num ); assert( val_size < ATTR_STR_LEN ); ret = H5Tset_size( dtype_id, ATTR_STR_LEN ); ASSERT_RET; attr_id = H5Acreate_ff( obj_id, attr_name, dtype_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( attr_id >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s with value %s - %s\n", my_rank, attr_name, attr_val, "OK" ); ret = H5Awrite_ff( attr_id, dtype_id, attr_val, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ret = H5Aclose_ff( attr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s with value %s - %s\n", my_rank, attr_name, attr_val, "FAILED" ); } ret = H5Tclose( dtype_id ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Sclose( space_id ); ASSERT_RET; return; } /* * Helper function used to create group "group_name" * in object identified by "obj_id" * in transaction identified by "tr_id". * "obj_path" and "my_rank" and "tr_num" are used in the status output. */ void create_group( hid_t obj_id, const char* group_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, uint64_t tr_num ){ herr_t ret; hid_t group_id; group_id = H5Gcreate_ff( obj_id, group_name, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( group_id >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, group_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "OK" ); ret = H5Gclose_ff( group_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, group_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" ); } return; } /* * Helper function used to create and initialize dataset "dset_name" * in object identified by "obj_id" * in transaction identified by "tr_id". * All datasets are 1D Arrays, start with 4 elements, and have a max of 10 elements. * "obj_path" and "my_rank" and "tr_num" and "ordinal" are used in the status output. * Cell values are computed using the formula: * data[i] = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + i; * where ordinal can be set by the calling function to denote where the creation of this dataset occurs relative * to the creation of other datasets in "obj_id". It is used solely to generate identifiable cell values. */ void create_dataset( hid_t obj_id, const char* dset_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, uint64_t tr_num, int ordinal ){ herr_t ret; hsize_t current_size = 4; hsize_t max_size = 10; int data[4]; /* sized to accomodate current_size elements */ hid_t space_id; hid_t dtype_id; hid_t dset_id; int i; /* Set cell values */ for ( i = 0; i < current_size; i++ ) { data[i] = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + i; } space_id = H5Screate_simple( 1, ¤t_size, &max_size ); assert( space_id >= 0 ); dtype_id = H5Tcopy( H5T_NATIVE_INT ); assert( dtype_id >= 0 ); dset_id = H5Dcreate_ff( obj_id, dset_name, dtype_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( dset_id >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d; ordinal is %d; data values are %d %d %d %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, ordinal, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], "OK" ); ret = H5Dwrite_ff( dset_id, dtype_id, space_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d; ordinal is %d; data values are %d %d %d %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, ordinal, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], "FAILED" ); } ret = H5Tclose( dtype_id ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Sclose( space_id ); ASSERT_RET; return; } /* * Helper function used to create 6x4 2D dataset "dset_name" * in object identified by "obj_id" * in transaction identified by "tr_id". * "obj_path" and "my_rank" and "tr_num" are used in the status output. */ void create_dataset2( hid_t obj_id, const char* dset_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, uint64_t tr_num ){ herr_t ret; hsize_t current_sizes[2] = {6, 4}; hsize_t max_sizes[2] = {6, 4}; hid_t space_id; hid_t dset_id; space_id = H5Screate_simple( 2, current_sizes, max_sizes ); assert( space_id >= 0 ); dset_id = H5Dcreate_ff( obj_id, dset_name, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( dset_id >= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "OK" ); if ( init2D ) { int data[24]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 24; i++ ) { data[i] = -1; } ret = H5Dwrite_ff( dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" ); } ret = H5Sclose( space_id ); ASSERT_RET; return; } /* * Helper function used to create committed datatype "type_name" * in group identified by "obj_id" * in transaction identified by "tr_id". * "obj_path" and "my_rank" and "tr_num" are used in the status output. */ void create_committed_datatype( hid_t obj_id, const char* type_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, uint64_t tr_num ){ herr_t ret; hid_t dtype_id; dtype_id = H5Tcopy( H5T_NATIVE_INT ); assert( dtype_id >= 0 ); ret = H5Tcommit_ff( obj_id, type_name, dtype_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Create CDT %s in %s tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, type_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, STATUS ); ret = H5Tclose( dtype_id ); ASSERT_RET; return; } /* * Helper function used to update raw data in dataset "dset_name" * in object identified by "obj_id" * in transaction identified by "tr_id". * "rc_id" for "tr_id" passed in explicitly for now - later add H5 function to extract it from tr_id. * cell[my_rank] will be updated, using the formula * value = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + my_rank; * "obj_path" and "my_rank" and "tr_num" and "ordinal" are used in the status output. */ void update_dataset( hid_t obj_id, const char* dset_name, hid_t tr_id, hid_t rc_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, uint64_t tr_num, int ordinal ){ herr_t ret; hid_t dset_id; /* Open the dataset, confirm number of dimensions, get current & max size */ dset_id = H5Dopen_ff( obj_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( dset_id >= 0 ) { hid_t filespace_id; int nDims; hsize_t current_size, max_size; filespace_id = H5Dget_space( dset_id ); assert ( filespace_id >= 0 ); nDims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( filespace_id, ¤t_size, &max_size ); assert( nDims == 1 ); if ( my_rank < current_size ) { int cell_data; /* sized to hold data for a single cell in the dataset*/ hsize_t mem_size = 1; hid_t memspace_id; /* set data value, create memory data space, then select the element to update */ cell_data = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + my_rank; memspace_id = H5Screate_simple( 1, &mem_size, &mem_size ); assert( memspace_id >= 0 ); hsize_t start, stride, count, block; start = (hsize_t)my_rank; stride = count = block = 1; ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab( filespace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, &start, &stride, &count, &block ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Dwrite_ff( dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, &cell_data, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Update %s[%d] in %s in tr %d to have value %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, my_rank, obj_path, (int)tr_num, cell_data, STATUS ); ret = H5Sclose( memspace_id ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: No update to %s in %s in tr %d for this rank.\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num ); } ret = H5Sclose( filespace_id ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Update %s[%d] in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, my_rank, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" ); } return; } /* * Helper function used to append data at end of 2D dataset "dset_name" * in object identified by "obj_id" * in transaction identified by "tr_id". * "rc_id" for "tr_id" passed in explicitly for now - later add H5 function to extract it from tr_id. * cell[tr_num][my_rank] will be updated, using the formula * value = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + my_rank; * "obj_path" and "my_rank" and "tr_num" are used in the status output. */ void append_dataset2( hid_t obj_id, const char* dset_name, hid_t tr_id, hid_t rc_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, uint64_t tr_num ){ herr_t ret; hid_t dset_id; /* Open the dataset, confirm number of dimensions, get current & max size */ dset_id = H5Dopen_ff( obj_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( dset_id >= 0 ) { hid_t filespace_id; int nDims; hsize_t current_size[2]; hsize_t max_size[2]; filespace_id = H5Dget_space( dset_id ); assert ( filespace_id >= 0 ); nDims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( filespace_id, current_size, max_size ); assert( nDims == 2 ); if ( (int)tr_num < current_size[0] ) { hsize_t nCols; int* data; int i; hid_t memspace_id; nCols = current_size[1]; data = (int *)calloc( nCols, sizeof(int) ); // Write 1 column /* set data value, create memory data space, then select the element to update */ for ( i = 0; i < nCols; i++ ) { data[i] = 10*tr_num + i; } memspace_id = H5Screate_simple( 1, &nCols, &nCols ); assert( memspace_id >= 0 ); hsize_t start[2], stride[2], count[2], block[2]; start[0] = tr_num; start[1] = 0; stride[0] = 1; stride[1] = 1; count[0] = 1; count[1] = nCols; block[0] = 1; block[1] = 1; ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab( filespace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride, count, block ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Dwrite_ff( dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Update %s[%d][*] in %s in tr %d to have values %d %d %d %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, (int)tr_num, obj_path, (int)tr_num, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], STATUS ); ret = H5Sclose( memspace_id ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: No update to %s in %s in tr %d for this rank.\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num ); } ret = H5Sclose( filespace_id ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } else { fprintf( stderr, "M6.2-r%d: Update %s[%d] in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, my_rank, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" ); } return; } /* * Helper function used to recursively print container contents * for container identified by "file_id" * in read context identified by "rc_id" * with path to current level in "grp_path" * and "my_rank" used to identify the process doing the reading / printing. */ void print_container_contents( hid_t file_id, hid_t rc_id, const char* grp_path, int my_rank ) { herr_t ret; uint64_t cv; hbool_t exists; char path_to_object[1024]; hid_t obj_id; char name[3]; int i; static int lvl = 0; /* level in recursion - used to format printing */ char preface[128]; char line[1024]; /* Get the container version for the read context */ ret = H5RCget_version( rc_id, &cv ); ASSERT_RET; /* Set up the preface and adding version number */ sprintf( preface, "M6.2-r%d: cv %d: ", my_rank, (int)cv ); /* Start the printing */ if ( lvl == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s ----- Container Contents ------------\n", preface ); } /* Attributes */ for ( i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( i == 1 ) { strcpy( name, "AA" ); } else { strcpy( name, "AB" ); } ret = H5Aexists_by_name_ff( file_id, grp_path, name, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; if ( exists ) { hid_t attr_id, atype_id; char attr_val[ATTR_STR_LEN]; attr_id = H5Aopen_by_name_ff( file_id, grp_path, name, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( attr_id >= 0 ); atype_id = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 ); assert( atype_id >= 0 ); ret = H5Tset_size( atype_id, ATTR_STR_LEN ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Aread_ff( attr_id, atype_id, attr_val, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; fprintf( stderr, "%s %s%s value: %s\n", preface, grp_path, name, attr_val ); ret = H5Tclose( atype_id ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Aclose_ff( attr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; } } /* Datasets */ for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( i == 1 ) { strcpy( name, "DA" ); } else if ( i == 2 ){ strcpy( name, "DB" ); } else { strcpy( name, "DC" ); } sprintf( path_to_object, "%s%s", grp_path, name ); ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( exists ) { hid_t dset_id; hid_t space_id; int nDims; hsize_t current_size[2]; hsize_t max_size[2]; hsize_t totalSize; int *data; int i; dset_id = H5Dopen_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( dset_id >= 0 ); space_id = H5Dget_space( dset_id ); assert ( space_id >= 0 ); nDims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( space_id, current_size, max_size ); assert( ( nDims == 1 ) || ( nDims == 2 ) ); if ( nDims == 1 ) { totalSize = current_size[0]; } else { totalSize = current_size[0] * current_size[1]; } data = (int *)calloc( totalSize, sizeof(int) ); ret = H5Dread_ff( dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; sprintf( line, "%s %s values: ", preface, path_to_object ); if ( nDims == 1 ) { for ( i = 0; i < totalSize; i++ ) { sprintf( line, "%s%d ", line, data[i] ); } } else { int r, c; i = 0; for ( r = 0; r < current_size[0]; r++ ) { sprintf( line, "%sr%d: ", line, r ); for ( c = 0; c < current_size[1]; c++ ) { sprintf( line, "%s%d ", line, data[i] ); i++; } } } fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", line ); free( data ); ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; ret = H5Sclose( space_id ); ASSERT_RET; } } /* Committed datatypes */ for ( i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( i == 1 ) { strcpy( name, "TA" ); } else { strcpy( name, "TB" ); } sprintf( path_to_object, "%s%s", grp_path, name ); ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( exists ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s %s\n", preface, path_to_object ); } } /* Groups - if found, descend */ for ( i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( i == 1 ) { strcpy( name, "GA" ); } else { strcpy( name, "GB" ); } sprintf( path_to_object, "%s%s/", grp_path, name ); ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); if ( exists ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s %s\n", preface, path_to_object ); lvl++; print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id, path_to_object, my_rank ); lvl--; } } /* End printing */ if ( lvl == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -----------------\n", preface ); } return; } /* * parse_options - helper function to parse the command line options. */ int parse_options( int argc, char** argv, int my_rank ) { int i, n; while ( --argc ) { if ( **(++argv) != '-' ) { break; } else { switch( *(*argv+1) ) { case 'a': abort3 = 1; break; case 'i': init2D = 1; break; case 'l': last_cv_only = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'w': workaround = 0; break; default: if ( my_rank == 0 ) { printf( "Usage: h5ff_client_M6.2_demo [-aivw]\n" ); printf( "\ta: abort transaction 3\n" ); printf( "\ti: initialize cells in 2D arrays to -1\n" ); printf( "\tl: last container version contents are the only ones printed on reopen\n" ); printf( "\tv: verbose printing\n" ); printf( "\tw: disable workaround that forces abort to be done by rank 0, not all ranks\n" ); } return( 1 ); } } } return( 0 ); }