#! /bin/sh # # Copyright by The HDF Group. # Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including # terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in # the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root # of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the # root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and # is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at # http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have # access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. # # Tests for the h5fc compiler tool # Created: Albert Cheng, 2007/3/14 # # Modification: # srcdir=@srcdir@ # Initializations TESTNAME=h5fc EXIT_SUCCESS=0 EXIT_FAILURE=1 # Where the tool is installed. prefix="${prefix:-@prefix@}" PARALLEL=@PARALLEL@ # Am I in parallel mode? AR="@AR@" RANLIB="@RANLIB@" if [ "$PARALLEL" = no ]; then H5TOOL="h5fc" # The tool name else H5TOOL="h5pfc" # The tool name fi H5TOOL_BIN="${prefix}/bin/${H5TOOL}" # The path of the tool binary CMP='cmp -s' DIFF='diff -c' nerrors=$EXIT_SUCCESS verbose=yes # setup my machine information. myos=`uname -s` myhostnama=`uname -n` # Generate some source files and library for tests. suffix=f90 # source file suffix hdf5main=${H5TOOL}_hdf5main.$suffix hdf5main_o=${H5TOOL}_hdf5main.o appmain=${H5TOOL}_appmain.$suffix appmain_o=${H5TOOL}_appmain.o prog1=${H5TOOL}_prog1.$suffix prog1_o=${H5TOOL}_prog1.o prog2=${H5TOOL}_prog2.$suffix prog2_o=${H5TOOL}_prog2.o applib=libapp${H5TOOL}.a # short hands # Caution: if some *.h5 files must be cleaned here, list them by names. # Don't use the wildcard form of *.h5 as it will wipe out even *.h5 generated # by otehr test programs. This will cause a racing condition error when # parallel make (e.g., gmake -j 4) is used. temp_SRC="$hdf5main $appmain $prog1 $prog2" temp_OBJ=`echo $temp_SRC | sed -e "s/\.${suffix}/.o/g"` temp_FILES="a.out $applib" # Generate appmain: # An application Main that calls hdf5 and application's own functions. cat > $appmain <<EOF PROGRAM FILEEXAMPLE USE HDF5 ! This module contains all necessary modules IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=8), PARAMETER :: filename = "apptmp.h5" ! File name INTEGER(HID_T) :: file_id ! File identifier INTEGER :: error ! Error flag CALL sub1 CALL h5open_f (error) CALL h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file_id, error) CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error) CALL h5close_f(error) CALL sub2 END PROGRAM FILEEXAMPLE EOF # generate prog1 cat > $prog1 <<EOF subroutine sub1 print *, "in sub1" end EOF # generate prog2 cat > $prog2 <<EOF subroutine sub2 print *, "in sub2" end EOF # Generate HDF5 Main Program: # An HDF5 sample program that calls hdf5 functions. cat > $hdf5main <<EOF PROGRAM FILEEXAMPLE USE HDF5 ! This module contains all necessary modules IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=8), PARAMETER :: filename = "apptmp.h5" ! File name INTEGER(HID_T) :: file_id ! File identifier INTEGER :: error ! Error flag CALL h5open_f (error) CALL h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file_id, error) CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error) CALL h5close_f(error) END PROGRAM FILEEXAMPLE EOF # Parse option # None # Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters # beginning with the word "Testing". # TESTING() { SPACES=" " echo "Testing $* $SPACES" | cut -c1-70 | tr -d '\012' } # Debug printing # Change : to echo to print the debug statement DPRINT() { : $* } # Run a test and print PASS or *FAIL*. If a test fails then increment # the `nerrors' global variable and (if $verbose is set) display the # failed output. The actual output is not removed if $HDF5_NOCLEANUP is # defined. # TOOLTEST() { out=test_$H5TOOL_$$.out err=test_$H5TOOL_$$.err # Run test. TESTING $H5TOOL $@ $H5TOOL_BIN $@ > $out 2>&1 result=$? if [ $result = 0 ]; then echo " PASSED" else echo "*FAILED*" nerrors="`expr $nerrors + 1`" test yes = "$verbose" && \ ( echo "========== results ==========="; cat $out; echo "===============================================") |sed 's/^/ /' fi # Clean up output file if test -z "$HDF5_NOCLEANUP"; then rm -f $out fi } # Print a "SKIP" message SKIPTEST() { TESTING $H5TOOL $@ echo " -SKIP-" } ############################################################################## ### T H E T E S T S ### ############################################################################## # # HDF5 program that calls HDF5 APIs. echo "***"Simple Compile and Link in one step. TOOLTEST $hdf5main # Application program that calls HDF5 and its own functions. TOOLTEST $appmain $prog1 $prog2 # Compile, then link. echo "***"Compile and Link in two steps. TOOLTEST -c $hdf5main TOOLTEST $hdf5main_o TOOLTEST -c $appmain $prog1 $prog2 TOOLTEST $appmain_o $prog1_o $prog2_o # Build external library, then link with it. echo "***"Build external library and link with it. TOOLTEST -c $prog1 $prog2 $AR cru $applib $prog1_o $prog2_o $RANLIB $applib TOOLTEST $appmain $applib TOOLTEST $appmain_o $applib # No preprocess test since -E is not a common option for Fortran compilers. ############################################################################## # END ############################################################################## # Clean up file if test -z "$HDF5_NOCLEANUP"; then rm -f $temp_SRC $temp_OBJ $temp_FILES fi if test $nerrors -eq 0 ; then echo "All $TESTNAME tests passed." exit $EXIT_SUCCESS else echo "$TESTNAME tests failed with $nerrors errors." exit $EXIT_FAILURE fi