! This file contains Fortran90 interfaces for H5A functions.
      MODULE H5A

        USE H5GLOBAL
          INTERFACE h5awrite_f

            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_scalar 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_1 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_2 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_3 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_4 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_5 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_6 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_integer_7 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_scalar 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_1 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_2 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_3 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_4 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_5 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_6 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_char_7 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_scalar
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_1
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_2
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_3
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_4
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_5
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_6
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_real_7
! Comment if on T3E
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_scalar
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_1
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_2
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_3
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_4
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_5
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_6
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5awrite_double_7
! End commnet if on T3E


          INTERFACE h5aread_f

            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_scalar
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_1 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_2 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_3 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_4 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_5 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_6 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_integer_7 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_scalar 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_1 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_2 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_3 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_4 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_5 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_6 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_char_7 
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_scalar
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_1
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_2
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_3
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_4
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_5
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_6
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_real_7
! Comment if on T3E
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_scalar
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_1
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_2
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_3
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_4
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_5
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_6
            MODULE PROCEDURE h5aread_double_7
! End commnet if on T3E


! Name:		h5acreate_f 
! Purpose: 	Creates a dataset as an attribute of a group, dataset, 
!		or named datatype 
! Inputs:  
!		obj_id		- identifier of an object (group, dataset,
!				  or named datatype) attribute is attached to
!		name		- attribute name
!		type_id		- attribute datatype identifier
!		space_id	- attribute dataspace identifier
! Outputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!		creation_prp	- creation property list identifier 			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 
          SUBROUTINE h5acreate_f(obj_id, name, type_id, space_id, attr_id, &
                                 hdferr, creation_prp) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5acreate_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id    ! Object identifier 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name    ! Attribute name
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: type_id   
                                           ! Attribute datatype identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: space_id  
                                           ! Attribute dataspace identifier
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
            INTEGER(HID_T), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: creation_prp
                                                ! Attribute creation property 
                                                ! list identifier 
            INTEGER :: creation_prp_default 
            INTEGER :: namelen
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5acreate_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5acreate_c(obj_id, name, namelen, type_id, &
                               space_id, creation_prp_default, attr_id)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5ACREATE_C'::h5acreate_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: name
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name
              INTEGER :: namelen
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: type_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: space_id
              INTEGER :: creation_prp_default
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id
              END FUNCTION h5acreate_c
            END INTERFACE

            creation_prp_default = H5P_DEFAULT_F
            namelen = LEN(NAME)
            if (present(creation_prp)) creation_prp_default = creation_prp
            hdferr = h5acreate_c(obj_id, name, namelen, type_id, space_id, &
                                 creation_prp_default, attr_id)
          END SUBROUTINE h5acreate_f

! Name:		h5aopen_name_f 
! Purpose:  	Opens an attribute specified by name. 
! Inputs:  	
!		obj_id 		- identifier of a group, dataset, or named 
!				  datatype atttribute to be attached to
!		name		- attribute name
! Outputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5aopen_name_f(obj_id, name, attr_id, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aopen_name_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id    ! Object identifier 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name    ! Attribute name
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
            INTEGER :: namelen

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aopen_name_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aopen_name_c(obj_id, name, namelen, attr_id)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AOPEN_NAME_C'::h5aopen_name_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: name
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name
              INTEGER :: namelen
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id
              END FUNCTION h5aopen_name_c
            END INTERFACE

            namelen = LEN(name)
            hdferr = h5aopen_name_c(obj_id, name, namelen, attr_id)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aopen_name_f

! Name:		h5aopen_idx_f 
! Purpose:  	Opens the attribute specified by its index.
! Inputs:  
!		obj_id		- identifier of a group, dataset, or named
!				  datatype an attribute to be attached to
!		index		- index of the attribute to open (zero-based)
! Outputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5aopen_idx_f(obj_id, index, attr_id, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aopen_idx_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id    ! Object identifier 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: index            ! Attribute index 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aopen_idx_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aopen_idx_c(obj_id, index, attr_id)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AOPEN_IDX_C'::h5aopen_idx_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: index
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id
              END FUNCTION h5aopen_idx_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aopen_idx_c(obj_id, index, attr_id)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aopen_idx_f

! Name:		h5awrite_f 
! Purpose:  	Writes data to an attribute. 
! Inputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
!		memtype_id	- attribute memory type identifier
!		buf		- data to write
!		dims		- 1D array of size 7, stores sizes of the 
!				- buf array dimensions.
! Outputs:  
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 
!			dims parameter was added to make code portable.
!			April 4, 2001
! Comment:		This function is overloaded to write INTEGER,
!			up to 7 dimensions.	

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims       ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: buf              ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims       ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) , &
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_1

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims       ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) , &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_2

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims       ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) , &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_3

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_4

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_5

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_6

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_integer_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_integer_7

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN) :: buf                 ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN)::buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_1

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_2

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_3

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_4

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_5

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_6

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_real_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_real_7

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: buf     ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN)::buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_1

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_2

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_3

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_4

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_5

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_6

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_double_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awrite_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITE_C'::h5awrite_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awrite_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awrite_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_double_7

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: buf 
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)::buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(dims(1))::buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_1

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_2

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_3

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_4

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_5

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_6

          SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5awrite_char_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5awritec_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AWRITEC_C'::h5awritec_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5awritec_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5awritec_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5awrite_char_7

! Name:		h5aread_f 
! Purpose:  	Reads an attribute.
! Inputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
!		memtype_id	- attribute memory type identifier
!		dims		- 1D array of size 7, stores sizes of the 
!				- buf array dimensions.
! Outputs:  
!		buf		- buffer to read attribute data in
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 
!			dims parameter was added to make code portable;
!			Aprile 4, 2001
! Comment:		This function is overloaded to write INTEGER,
!			up to 7 dimensions.	

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: buf             ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)::buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_1

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_2

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_3

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_4

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_5

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_6

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_integer_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_integer_7

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: buf                ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT)::buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_1

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_2

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_3

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_4

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_5

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_6

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_real_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              REAL, INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_real_7

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT) :: buf    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT)::buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_1

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_2

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_3

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_4

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_5

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_6

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_double_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aread_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREAD_C'::h5aread_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aread_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aread_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_double_7

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_scalar(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_scalar
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: buf 
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_scalar

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_1(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_1
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_1

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_2(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_2
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_2

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_3(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_3
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_3

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_4(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_4
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_4

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_5(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_5
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_5

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_6(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_6
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_6

          SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_7(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aread_char_7
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id ! Attribute datatype 
                                                     ! identifier  (in memory)
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(7) :: dims ! Array to story buf dimension sizes 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
            DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
                                                    ! Attribute data 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5areadc_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AREADC_C'::h5areadc_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: dims   
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: memtype_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT), &
              DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3),dims(4),dims(5),dims(6),dims(7)) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5areadc_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5areadc_c(attr_id, memtype_id,  buf, dims)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aread_char_7

! Name:		h5aget_space_f 
! Purpose:  	Gets a copy of the dataspace for an attribute.
! Inputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
! Outputs:  
!		space_id	- attribite dataspace identifier
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5aget_space_f(attr_id, space_id, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aget_space_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: space_id 
                                            ! Attribute dataspace identifier
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL:: h5aget_space_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aget_space_c(attr_id, space_id)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AGET_SPACE_C'::h5aget_space_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: space_id
              END FUNCTION h5aget_space_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aget_space_c(attr_id, space_id)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aget_space_f

! Name:		h5aget_type_f 
! Purpose:  	Gets an attribute datatype.
! Inputs:  
!		attr_id 	- attribute identifier
! Outputs:  
!		type_id		- attribute datatype identifier
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5aget_type_f(attr_id, type_id, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aget_type_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: type_id 
                                              ! Attribute datatype identifier
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr    ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aget_type_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aget_type_c(attr_id, type_id)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AGET_TYPE_C'::h5aget_type_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: type_id
              END FUNCTION h5aget_type_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aget_type_c(attr_id, type_id)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aget_type_f

! Name:		h5aget_name_f 
! Purpose: 	Gets an attribute name.  
! Inputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
!		size		- size of a buffer to read name in
! Outputs:  
!		buf		- buffer to read name in
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5aget_name_f(attr_id, size, buf, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aget_name_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: size            ! Buffer size 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: buf   
                                               ! Buffer to hold attribute name
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code:
                                                   ! name length is successful,
                                                   ! -1 if fail
!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aget_name_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aget_name_c(attr_id, size, buf)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AGET_NAME_C'::h5aget_name_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: buf
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: size
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: buf
              END FUNCTION h5aget_name_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aget_name_c(attr_id, size, buf)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aget_name_f

! Name:		h5aget_num_attrs_f 
! Purpose:  	Determines the number of attributes attached to an object.
! Inputs:  
!		obj_id		- object (group, dataset, or named datatype)
!				  identifier
! Outputs:  
!		attr_num	- number of attributes attached to the object
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5aget_num_attrs_f(obj_id, attr_num, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aget_num_attrs_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id  ! Object identifier 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: attr_num      ! Number of attributes of the
                                                  ! object
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aget_num_attrs_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aget_num_attrs_c(obj_id, attr_num)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5AGET_NUM_ATTRS_C'::h5aget_num_attrs_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id
              INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: attr_num
              END FUNCTION h5aget_num_attrs_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aget_num_attrs_c(obj_id, attr_num)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aget_num_attrs_f

! Name:		h5adelete_f 
! Purpose:  	Deletes an attribute of an object (group, dataset or
!		named datatype)
! Inputs:  
!		obj_id		- object identifier
!		name		- attribute name
! Outputs:  
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5adelete_f(obj_id, name, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5adelete_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id    ! Object identifier 
            CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name    ! Attribute name
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code
            INTEGER :: namelen

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL ::  h5adelete_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5adelete_c(obj_id, name, namelen) 
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5ADELETE_C'::h5adelete_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              !DEC$ATTRIBUTES reference :: name
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id
              CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name
              INTEGER :: namelen
              END FUNCTION h5adelete_c
            END INTERFACE

            namelen = LEN(name)
            hdferr = h5adelete_c(obj_id, name, namelen)
          END SUBROUTINE h5adelete_f

! Name:		h5aclose_f 
! Purpose:  	Closes the specified attribute.
! Inputs:  
!		attr_id		- attribute identifier
! Outputs:  
!		hdferr:		- error code		
!				 	Success:  0
!				 	Failure: -1   
! Optional parameters:
!				NONE			
! Programmer:	Elena Pourmal
!		August 12, 1999	
! Modifications: 	Explicit Fortran interfaces are added for 
!			called C functions (it is needed for Windows
!			port).  February 27, 2001 

          SUBROUTINE h5aclose_f(attr_id, hdferr) 
!This definition is needed for Windows DLLs
!DEC$if defined(BUILD_HDF5_DLL)
!DEC$attributes dllexport :: h5aclose_f
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
            INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code:

!            INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: h5aclose_c
!  MS FORTRAN needs explicit interface for C functions called here.
              INTEGER FUNCTION h5aclose_c(attr_id)
              USE H5GLOBAL
              !DEC$ IF DEFINED(HDF5F90_WINDOWS)
              !MS$ATTRIBUTES C,reference,alias:'_H5ACLOSE_C'::h5aclose_c
              !DEC$ ENDIF
              INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id
              END FUNCTION h5aclose_c
            END INTERFACE

            hdferr = h5aclose_c(attr_id)
          END SUBROUTINE h5aclose_f