/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
  * All rights reserved.                                                      *
  *                                                                           *
  * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
  * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
  * the files COPYING and Copyright.html.  COPYING can be found at the root   *
  * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the  *
  * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and   *
  * is linked from the top-level documents page.  It can also be found at     *
  * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html.  If you do not have     *
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  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

/* This file contains C stubs for H5T Fortran APIs */

#include "H5f90.h"

 * Name:        h5topen_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Topen to open a datatype 
 * Inputs:      loc_id - file or group identifier 
 *              name - name of the datatype within file or  group     
 *              namelen - name length
 * Outputs:     type_id - dataset identifier
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:
nh5topen_c (hid_t_f *loc_id, _fcd name, int_f *namelen, hid_t_f *type_id)
     int ret_value = -1;
     char *c_name;
     int c_namelen;
     hid_t c_type_id;
     hid_t c_loc_id;

      * Convert FORTRAN name to C name
     c_namelen = *namelen;
     c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen); 
     if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;

      * Call H5Topen function.
     c_loc_id = *loc_id;
     c_type_id = H5Topen(c_loc_id, c_name);

     if (c_type_id < 0) return ret_value;
     *type_id = (hid_t_f)c_type_id;
     ret_value = 0;
     return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tcommit_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tcommit to commit a datatype 
 * Inputs:      loc_id - file or group identifier 
 *              name - name of the datatype within file or  group     
 *              namelen - name length
 *              type_id - dataset identifier
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:
nh5tcommit_c (hid_t_f *loc_id, _fcd name, int_f *namelen, hid_t_f *type_id)
     int ret_value = -1;
     char *c_name;
     int c_namelen;
     hid_t c_type_id;
     hid_t c_loc_id;
     herr_t status;

      * Convert FORTRAN name to C name
     c_namelen = *namelen;
     c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen); 
     if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;

      * Call H5Tcommit function.
     c_loc_id = *loc_id;
     c_type_id = *type_id;
     status = H5Tcommit(c_loc_id, c_name, c_type_id);
     if (status < 0) return ret_value;
     ret_value = 0;
     return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tclose_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tclose to close the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype to be closed
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tclose_c ( hid_t_f *type_id )
  int ret_value = 0;
  hid_t c_type_id;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  if ( H5Tclose(c_type_id) < 0  ) ret_value = -1;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tcopy_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tcopy to copy a datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype to be copied 
 * Outputs:     new_type_id - identifier of the new datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tcopy_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , hid_t_f *new_type_id)
  int ret_value = 0;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  hid_t c_new_type_id;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_new_type_id = H5Tcopy(c_type_id); 
  if ( c_new_type_id < 0  ) ret_value = -1;
  *new_type_id = (hid_t_f)c_new_type_id;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tequal_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tequal to copy a datatype
 * Inputs:      type1_id - datatype identifier 
 *              type2_id - datatype identifier 
 * Outputs:     c_flag - flag; indicates if two datatypes are equal or not. 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Tuesday, February 22, 2000 
 * Modifications:

nh5tequal_c ( hid_t_f *type1_id , hid_t_f *type2_id, int_f *c_flag)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type1_id, c_type2_id;
  htri_t status;

  c_type1_id = *type1_id;
  c_type2_id = *type2_id;
  status = H5Tequal(c_type1_id, c_type2_id); 
  if ( status < 0  ) return ret_value; 
  *c_flag = (int_f)status; 
  ret_value = 0;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_class_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_class to determine the datatype class
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     classtype - class type; possible values are:
 *              H5T_NO_CLASS_F (-1)
 *              H5T_INTEGER_F (0)
 *              H5T_FLOAT_F (1)
 *              H5T_TIME_F (2)
 *              H5T_STRING_F (3)
 *              H5T_BITFIELD_F (4)
 *              H5T_OPAQUE_F (5)
 *              H5T_COMPOUNDF (6)
 *              H5T_REFERENCE_F (7)
 *              H5T_ENUMF (8)
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_class_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f *classtype)
  int ret_value = 0;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  H5T_class_t c_classtype; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_classtype = H5Tget_class(c_type_id);
  if (c_classtype == H5T_NO_CLASS ) {
      /* *classtype = H5T_NO_CLASS_F; */
      *classtype = (int_f)H5T_NO_CLASS; 
       ret_value = -1;
       return ret_value;
  *classtype = c_classtype;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_INTEGER)   *classtype = H5T_INTEGER_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_FLOAT)     *classtype = H5T_FLOAT_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_TIME)      *classtype = H5T_TIME_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_STRING)    *classtype = H5T_STRING_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_BITFIELD)  *classtype = H5T_BITFIELD_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_OPAQUE)    *classtype = H5T_OPAQUE_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_COMPOUND)  *classtype = H5T_COMPOUND_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_REFERENCE) *classtype = H5T_REFERENCE_F;
  if (c_classtype == H5T_ENUM)      *classtype = H5T_ENUM_F;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_order_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_order to determine byte order 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     order; possible values are:
 *              H5T_ORDER_LE_F (0)
 *              H5T_ORDER_BE_F (1)
 *              H5T_ORDER_VAX_F (2)
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_order_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f *order)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  H5T_order_t c_order; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_order = H5Tget_order(c_type_id);
  if ( c_order < 0  ) return ret_value;
  *order = (int_f)c_order;
   ret_value = 0;
  if ( c_order == H5T_ORDER_LE)  *order = H5T_ORDER_LE_F;
  if ( c_order == H5T_ORDER_BE)  *order = H5T_ORDER_BE_F;
  if ( c_order == H5T_ORDER_VAX) *order = H5T_ORDER_VAX_F;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_order_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_order to set byte order 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              order; possible values are:
 *              H5T_ORDER_LE_F (0)
 *              H5T_ORDER_BE_F (1)
 *              H5T_ORDER_VAX_F (2)
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_order_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f *order)
  int ret_value = 0;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  H5T_order_t c_order; 
  herr_t status;
  c_order = (H5T_order_t)*order;
  if ( *order == H5T_ORDER_LE_F) c_order = H5T_ORDER_LE;
  if ( *order == H5T_ORDER_BE_F) c_order = H5T_ORDER_BE;
  if ( *order == H5T_ORDER_VAX_F) c_order = H5T_ORDER_VAX;
  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tset_order(c_type_id, c_order);
  if ( status < 0  ) ret_value = -1;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_size_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_size to get size of the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     size (in bytes) 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_size_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *size)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_size; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_size = H5Tget_size(c_type_id);
  if ( c_size == 0  ) return ret_value;
  *size = (size_t_f)c_size ;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_size_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_size to get size of the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     size (in bytes) 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Saturday, August 14, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_size_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *size)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_size; 
  herr_t status;

  c_size = (size_t)*size;
  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tset_size(c_type_id, c_size);
  if ( status < 0  ) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_precision_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_precision to get precision of the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     precision -  number of significant bits 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Tuesday, January 25, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_precision_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *precision)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_precision; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_precision = H5Tget_precision(c_type_id);
  if ( c_precision == 0  ) return ret_value;
  *precision = (size_t_f)c_precision ;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_precision_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_precision to set precision of the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              precision -  number of significant bits 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Tuesday, January 25, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_precision_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *precision)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_precision; 
  herr_t status;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_precision = (size_t)*precision;
  status = H5Tset_precision(c_type_id, c_precision);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_offset_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_offset to get bit offset of the first 
 *              significant bit of the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     offset - bit offset of the first significant bit  
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Tuesday, January 25, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_offset_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *offset)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_offset; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_offset = H5Tget_offset(c_type_id);
  if ( c_offset == 0  ) return ret_value;

  *offset = (size_t_f)c_offset ;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_offset_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_offset to set bit offset of the first 
 *              significant bit of the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              offset - bit offset of the first significant bit  
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Tuesday, January 25, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_offset_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *offset)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_offset; 
  herr_t status;

  c_offset = (size_t)*offset;
  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tset_offset(c_type_id, c_offset);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_pad_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_pad to get the padding type of the least and
 *              most-significant bit padding 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     lsbpad - padding type of the least significant bit
 *              msbpad - padding type of the least significant bit  
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_pad_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f * lsbpad, int_f * msbpad)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_pad_t c_lsb, c_msb; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tget_pad(c_type_id, &c_lsb, &c_msb);
  if ( status < 0  ) return ret_value;

  *lsbpad = (int_f) c_lsb;
  *msbpad = (int_f) c_msb;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_pad_c
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_pad to set the padding type of the least and
 *              most-significant bit padding 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              lsbpad - padding type of the least significant bit
 *              msbpad - padding type of the least significant bit  
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_pad_c ( hid_t_f *type_id, int_f * lsbpad, int_f* msbpad )
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_pad_t c_lsb, c_msb; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_lsb = (H5T_pad_t)*lsbpad;
  c_msb = (H5T_pad_t)*msbpad;
  status = H5Tset_pad(c_type_id, c_lsb, c_msb);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_sign_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_sign to get sign type for an integer type 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     sign - sign type for an integer type  
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_sign_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f *sign)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  H5T_sign_t c_sign; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_sign = H5Tget_sign(c_type_id);
  if ( c_sign == -1  ) return ret_value;
  *sign = (int_f)c_sign ;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_sign_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_sign to set sign type for an integer type 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              sign - sign type for an integer typ   
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_sign_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f* sign)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  H5T_sign_t c_sign; 
  herr_t status;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_sign = (H5T_sign_t)*sign;
  status = H5Tset_sign(c_type_id, c_sign);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_fields_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_fields to get floating point datatype 
 *              bit field information
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     epos -  exponent bit-position
 *              esize - size of exponent in bits
 *              mpos -  mantissa bit-position
 *              msize -  size of mantissa in bits
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, January 27, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_fields_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *spos, size_t_f *epos, size_t_f* esize, size_t_f* mpos, size_t_f* msize)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  size_t  c_spos, c_epos, c_esize, c_mpos, c_msize; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tget_fields(c_type_id, &c_spos, &c_epos, &c_esize, &c_mpos, &c_msize);
  if ( status < 0  ) return ret_value;
  *spos = (size_t_f) c_spos;
  *epos = (size_t_f) c_epos;
  *esize = (size_t_f) c_esize;
  *mpos = (size_t_f) c_mpos;
  *msize = (size_t_f) c_msize;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_fields_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_fields to set floating point datatype 
 *              bit field information
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              epos -  exponent bit-position
 *              esize - size of exponent in bits
 *              mpos -  mantissa bit-position
 *              msize -  size of mantissa in bits
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_fields_c ( hid_t_f *type_id, size_t_f *spos, size_t_f *epos, size_t_f* esize, size_t_f* mpos, size_t_f* msize)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  size_t  c_spos, c_epos, c_esize, c_mpos, c_msize; 

  c_spos = (size_t)*spos;
  c_epos = (size_t)*epos;
  c_esize = (size_t)*esize;
  c_mpos = (size_t)*mpos;
  c_msize = (size_t)*msize;
  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tset_fields(c_type_id, c_spos, c_epos, c_esize, c_mpos, c_msize);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_ebias_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_ebias to get  exponent bias of a 
 *              floating-point type of the datatype 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     ebias - exponent bias of a floating-point type of the datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Xiangyang Su
 *              Friday, January 27, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_ebias_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *ebias)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_ebias; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_ebias = H5Tget_ebias(c_type_id);
  if ( c_ebias == 0  ) return ret_value;

  *ebias = (size_t_f)c_ebias;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_ebias_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_ebias to set exponent bias of a
 *              floating-point type of the datatype  
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              ebias - exponent bias of a floating-point type of the datatyp 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Xiangyang Su
 *              Friday, January 27, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_ebias_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , size_t_f *ebias)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  size_t c_ebias; 
  herr_t status;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_ebias = (size_t)*ebias;
  status = H5Tset_ebias(c_type_id, c_ebias);
  if ( status < 0  ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_norm_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_norm to get mantissa normalization
 *              of a floating-point datatype  
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     norm - mantissa normalization of a floating-point type
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Xiangyang Su
 *              Friday, January 27, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_norm_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f *norm)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  H5T_norm_t  c_norm; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_norm = H5Tget_norm(c_type_id);
  if ( c_norm == 0  ) return ret_value;

  *norm = (size_t_f)c_norm;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_norm_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_norm to set mantissa normalization of 
 *              floating-point type of the datatype  
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              norm -  mantissa normalization of a floating-point type
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Xiangyang Su
 *              Friday, January 27, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_norm_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f *norm)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  H5T_norm_t  c_norm; 
  herr_t status;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_norm = (H5T_norm_t)*norm;
  status = H5Tset_norm(c_type_id, c_norm);
  if ( status < 0  ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_inpad_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_inpad to get the padding type for
 *              unused bits in floating-point datatypes
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     padtype - padding type for
 *                        unused bits in floating-point datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_inpad_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f * padtype)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_pad_t c_padtype; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_padtype = H5Tget_inpad(c_type_id);
  if ( c_padtype == H5T_PAD_ERROR  ) return ret_value;

  *padtype = (int_f) c_padtype;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_inpad_c
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_inpad to set the padding type 
 *              unused bits in floating-point datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              padtype - padding type for unused bits
 *                        in floating-point datatypes
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_inpad_c ( hid_t_f *type_id, int_f * padtype)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_pad_t c_padtype; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_padtype = (H5T_pad_t)*padtype;
  status = H5Tset_inpad(c_type_id, c_padtype);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_cset_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_cset to get character set 
 *              type of a string datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     cset - character set type of a string datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_cset_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f * cset)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_cset_t  c_cset; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_cset = H5Tget_cset(c_type_id);
  if ( c_cset == H5T_CSET_ERROR  ) return ret_value;

  *cset = (int_f) c_cset;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_cset_c
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_cset to set character set
 *              type of a string datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              cset -  character set type of a string datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_cset_c ( hid_t_f *type_id, int_f * cset)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_cset_t c_cset; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_cset = (H5T_cset_t)*cset;
  status = H5Tset_cset(c_type_id, c_cset);

  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_strpad_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_strpad to get string padding method
 *              for a string datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     strpad - string padding method for a string datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_strpad_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f * strpad)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_str_t  c_strpad; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_strpad = H5Tget_strpad(c_type_id);
  if ( c_strpad == H5T_STR_ERROR  ) return ret_value;

  *strpad = (int_f) c_strpad;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_strpad_c
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_strpad to set string padding method
 *              for a string datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              strpad - string padding method for a string datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tset_strpad_c ( hid_t_f *type_id, int_f * strpad)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  H5T_str_t c_strpad; 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_strpad = (H5T_str_t)*strpad;
  status = H5Tset_strpad(c_type_id, c_strpad);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_nmembers_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_nmembers to get number of fields 
 *              in a compound datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     num_members - number of fields in a compound datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_nmembers_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f * num_members)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  *num_members = (int_f)H5Tget_nmembers(c_type_id);
  if (*num_members < 0  ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_member_name_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_member_name to get name  
 *              of a compound datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     member_name - name of a field of a compound datatype  
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications: Elena Pourmal
 * Added namelen parameter to return length of the name to Fortran user

nh5tget_member_name_c ( hid_t_f *type_id ,int_f* index, _fcd member_name, int_f *namelen)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  int c_index;
  char *c_name;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_index = *index;
  c_name = H5Tget_member_name(c_type_id, c_index);
  if (c_name == NULL ) return ret_value;

  HD5packFstring(c_name, _fcdtocp(member_name), strlen(c_name));  
  *namelen = (int_f)strlen(c_name);
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_member_offset_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_member_offset to get byte offset of the
 *              beginning of a field within a compound datatype with 
 *              respect to the beginning of the compound data type datum
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              member_no - Number of the field whose offset is requested
 * Outputs:     offset - byte offset of the the beginning of the field of
 *                       a compound datatype  
 * Returns:     always 0
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_member_offset_c ( hid_t_f *type_id ,int_f* member_no, size_t_f * offset)
  int ret_value = -1;
  size_t c_offset;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  int c_member_no;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_member_no = *member_no;
  c_offset = H5Tget_member_offset(c_type_id, c_member_no);
  *offset = (size_t_f)c_offset;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_member_dims_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_member_dims to get number 
 *              of dimensions of the field
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              field_idx - Field index (0-based) of the field 
 *                          dims to retrieve
 * Outputs:     dims -  number of dimensions of the field
 *              field_dims - buffer to store the dimensions of the field
 *              perm - buffer to store the permutation vector of the field
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications: WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT added for backward compatibility
 *                November 16, 2000 EP

nh5tget_member_dims_c ( hid_t_f *type_id ,int_f* field_idx, int_f * dims, size_t_f * field_dims, int_f * perm )
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  int c_dims, i;
  int* c_perm;
  size_t * c_field_dims;
  int c_field_idx;

#ifdef WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT

  c_field_dims = (size_t*)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*4);
  if(!c_field_dims) return ret_value;

  c_perm = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*4);
  if(!c_perm) return ret_value;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_field_idx = *field_idx;
  c_dims = H5Tget_member_dims(c_type_id, c_field_idx, c_field_dims, c_perm);
  if (c_dims < 0) return ret_value;

  *dims = (int_f)c_dims;
  for(i =0; i < c_dims; i++)
      field_dims[c_dims-i-1] = (size_t_f)c_field_dims[i];
      perm[c_dims-i-1] = (int_f)c_perm[i];

  ret_value = 0; 

#endif /* WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT */

  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_array_dims_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_array_dims to get  
 *              dimensions of array datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the array datatype
 * Outputs:     dims -  dimensions(sizes of dimensions) of the array
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Thursday, November 16, 2000
 * Modifications: 

nh5tget_array_dims_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , hsize_t_f * dims)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  hsize_t * c_dims;
  int rank, i;
  herr_t status;

  rank = H5Tget_array_ndims((hid_t)*type_id);
  if (rank < 0) return ret_value;
  c_dims = (hsize_t*)malloc(sizeof(hsize_t)*rank);
  if(!c_dims) return ret_value;

  c_type_id = (hid_t)*type_id;
  status = H5Tget_array_dims(c_type_id, c_dims, NULL);
  if (status < 0) {
             return ret_value;

  for(i =0; i < rank; i++)
      dims[rank-i-1] = (hsize_t_f)c_dims[i];

  ret_value = 0; 

  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_array_ndims_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_array_ndims to get number 
 *              of dimensions of array datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the array datatype
 * Outputs:     ndims -  number of dimensions of the array
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Thursday, November 16, 2000
 * Modifications: 

nh5tget_array_ndims_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , int_f * ndims)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  int c_ndims;

  c_type_id = (hid_t)*type_id;
  c_ndims = H5Tget_array_ndims(c_type_id);
  if (c_ndims < 0) return ret_value;

  *ndims = (int_f)c_ndims;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_super_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_super to get base datatype from which 
 *              datatype was derived 
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the array datatype
 * Outputs:     base_type_id - base datatype identifier 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal
 *              Thursday, November 16, 2000
 * Modifications: 

nh5tget_super_c ( hid_t_f *type_id , hid_t_f *base_type_id)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  hid_t c_base_type_id;

  c_type_id = (hid_t)*type_id;
  c_base_type_id = H5Tget_super(c_type_id);
  if (c_base_type_id < 0) return ret_value;

  *base_type_id = (hid_t_f)c_base_type_id;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_member_type_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_member_type to get the identifier of a copy of
 *              the datatype of the field
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype 
 *              field_idx - Field index (0-based) of the field type to retrieve
 * Outputs:     datatype - identifier of a copy of the datatype of the field
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_member_type_c ( hid_t_f *type_id ,int_f* field_idx, hid_t_f * datatype)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  int c_field_idx;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_field_idx = *field_idx;
  *datatype = (hid_t_f)H5Tget_member_type(c_type_id, c_field_idx);
  if(*datatype < 0) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tcreate_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tcreate to create a datatype 
 * Inputs:      class - class type 
 *              size - size of the class memeber 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal 
 *              Thursday, February 17, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tcreate_c(int_f *class, size_t_f *size, hid_t_f *type_id)
  int ret_value = -1;
  H5T_class_t c_class;
  size_t c_size;

  c_size =(size_t) *size;
  c_class = (H5T_class_t) *class;

  *type_id = (hid_t_f)H5Tcreate(c_class, c_size);
  if(*type_id < 0) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tinsert_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tinsert to adds another member to the compound datatype
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype 
 *              name  - Name of the field to insert
 *              namelen - length of the name
 *              offset - Offset in memory structure of the field to insert
 *              field_id - datatype identifier of the new member
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tinsert_c(hid_t_f *type_id, _fcd name, int_f* namelen, size_t_f *offset, hid_t_f * field_id)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  hid_t c_field_id;
  char* c_name;
  int c_namelen;
  size_t c_offset;
  herr_t error;

  c_offset =(size_t) *offset;
  c_namelen = *namelen;
  c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen); 
  if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_field_id = *field_id;
  error = H5Tinsert(c_type_id, c_name, c_offset, c_field_id);
  if(error < 0) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tpack_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tpack tor ecursively remove padding from 
 *              within a compound datatype to make it more efficient 
 *              (space-wise) to store that data
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype 
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tpack_c(hid_t_f * type_id)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tpack(c_type_id);
  if (status < 0) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tinsert_array_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tinsert_array to add a new member to the 
 *              compound datatype parent_id.
 * Inputs:      parent_id - identifier of the parent compound datatype
 *              name - name of the new member
 *              namelen - length of the name
 *              offset - Offset to start of new member within compound datatype
 *              ndims - Dimensionality of new member. Valid values 
 *                      are 0 (zero) through 4 (four).
 *              dims - Size of new member array
 *              member_id - identifier of the datatype of the new member
 *              perm - Pointer to buffer to store the permutation 
 *                     vector of the field
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications: WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT added for backward compatibility
 *                November 16, 2000 EP
nh5tinsert_array_c(hid_t_f * parent_id, _fcd name, int_f* namelen, size_t_f* offset, int_f* ndims, size_t_f* dims, hid_t_f* member_id, int_f* perm )
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_parent_id;
  hid_t c_member_id;
  int c_ndims;
  herr_t status;
  size_t c_offset;
  size_t * c_dims;
  char* c_name;
  int c_namelen;
  int * c_perm, i;

#ifdef WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT
  c_offset = *offset;   
  c_dims = (size_t*)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*(*ndims));
  if(!c_dims) return ret_value;

  c_perm = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(*ndims));
  if(!c_perm) return ret_value;

   * Transpose dimension arrays because of C-FORTRAN storage order
  for (i = 0; i < *ndims ; i++) {
     c_dims[i] =  (size_t)dims[*ndims - i - 1];
     c_perm[i] = (int)perm[*ndims - i - 1]; 
  c_namelen = *namelen;
  c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen); 
  if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;
  c_parent_id = *parent_id;
  c_member_id = *member_id;
  c_ndims = *ndims;
  status = H5Tinsert_array(c_parent_id, c_name, c_offset,c_ndims, c_dims, c_perm, c_member_id);

  if(status < 0) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0;

#endif /* WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT */
  return ret_value;


 * Name:        h5tinsert_array_c2
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tinsert_array to add a new member to the 
 *              compound datatype parent_id.
 *              the difference between this function and h5tinsert_array_c
 *              is that this one doesn't take perm array as input 
 * Inputs:      parent_id - identifier of the parent compound datatype
 *              name - name of the new member
 *              namelen - length of the name
 *              offset - Offset to start of new member within compound datatype
 *              ndims - Dimensionality of new member. Valid values 
 *                      are 0 (zero) through 4 (four).
 *              dims - Size of new member array
 *              member_id - identifier of the datatype of the new member
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications: WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT added for backward compatibility
 *                November 16, 2000 EP
nh5tinsert_array_c2(hid_t_f * parent_id, _fcd name, int_f* namelen, size_t_f* offset, int_f* ndims, size_t_f* dims, hid_t_f* member_id )
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_parent_id;
  hid_t c_member_id;
  int c_ndims;
  herr_t status;
  size_t c_offset;
  size_t * c_dims;
  char* c_name;
  int c_namelen;
  int i;

#ifdef WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT

  c_offset = *offset;   
  c_dims = (size_t*)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*(*ndims));
  if(!c_dims) return ret_value;

   * Transpose dimension arrays because of C-FORTRAN storage order
  for (i = 0; i < *ndims ; i++) {
     c_dims[i] =  (size_t)dims[*ndims - i - 1];
  c_namelen = *namelen;
  c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen); 
  if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;
  c_parent_id = *parent_id;
  c_member_id = *member_id;
  c_ndims = *ndims;
  status = H5Tinsert_array(c_parent_id, c_name, c_offset, c_ndims, c_dims, NULL, c_member_id);
  if(status < 0) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0;

#endif /* WANT_H5_V1_2_COMPAT */

  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tarray_create_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tarray_create to create array datatype
 * Inputs:      base_id - identifier of array base datatype
 *              rank - array's rank
 *              dims - Size of new member array
 *              type_id - identifier of the array datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Elena Pourmal 
 *              Thursday, November 16, 2000
 * Modifications: 
nh5tarray_create_c(hid_t_f * base_id, int_f *rank, hsize_t_f* dims, hid_t_f* type_id)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_base_id;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  int c_rank;
  herr_t status;
  hsize_t *c_dims;
  int i;

  c_dims = (hsize_t*)malloc(sizeof(hsize_t)*(*rank));
  if(!c_dims) return ret_value;

   * Transpose dimension arrays because of C-FORTRAN storage order
  for (i = 0; i < *rank ; i++) {
     c_dims[i] =  (hsize_t)dims[*rank - i - 1];
  c_base_id = (hid_t)*base_id;
  c_rank = (int)*rank;
  c_type_id = H5Tarray_create(c_base_id, c_rank, c_dims, NULL);

  if(c_type_id < 0) {
          return ret_value;

  *type_id = (hid_t_f)c_type_id;
  ret_value = 0;
  return ret_value;


 * Name:        h5tenum_create_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tenum_create to create a new enumeration datatype
 * Inputs:      parent_id - Datatype identifier for the base datatype 
 * Outputs:     new_type_id - datatype identifier for the new 
 *                            enumeration datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  Xiangyang Su
 *              Tuesday, February 15, 1999
 * Modifications:

nh5tenum_create_c ( hid_t_f *parent_id , hid_t_f *new_type_id)
  int ret_value = 0;
  hid_t c_parent_id;
  hid_t c_new_type_id;

  c_parent_id = *parent_id;
  c_new_type_id = H5Tenum_create(c_parent_id); 
  if ( c_new_type_id < 0  ) ret_value = -1;

  *new_type_id = (hid_t_f)c_new_type_id;
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tenum_insert_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tenum_insert to insert a new enumeration datatype member.
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype 
 *              name  - Name of  the new member
 *              namelen - length of the name
 *              value - value of the new member
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tenum_insert_c(hid_t_f *type_id, _fcd name, int_f* namelen, int_f* value)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  char* c_name;
  int c_namelen;
  int c_value;
  herr_t error;

  c_namelen = *namelen;
  c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen); 
  if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;
  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_value = *value;
  error = H5Tenum_insert(c_type_id, c_name, (void*)c_value);
  if(error < 0) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tenum_nameof_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tenum_nameof to find the symbol name that corresponds to
 *              the specified value of the enumeration datatype type
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype 
 *              namelen - length of the name
 *              value - value of the enumeration datatype
 * Output:      name  - Name of  the enumeration datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tenum_nameof_c(hid_t_f *type_id, int_f* value, _fcd name, size_t_f* namelen)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  char* c_name;
  size_t c_namelen;
  herr_t error;
  int c_value;
  c_value = *value;
  c_namelen = (size_t)*namelen;
  c_name = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*c_namelen);
  c_type_id = *type_id;
  error = H5Tenum_nameof(c_type_id, &c_value, c_name, c_namelen);
  HD5packFstring(c_name, _fcdtocp(name), strlen(c_name));  

  if(error < 0) return ret_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tenum_valueof_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tenum_valueof to find the value of that corresponds to
 *              the specified name of the enumeration datatype type
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype 
 *              name - Name of  the enumeration datatype
 *              namelen - length of name 
 * Output:      value  - value of the enumeration datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tenum_valueof_c(hid_t_f *type_id, _fcd name, int_f* namelen, int_f* value)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  char* c_name;
  int c_namelen;
  int c_value;
  herr_t error;
  c_namelen = *namelen;
  c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(name, c_namelen); 
  if (c_name == NULL) return ret_value;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  error = H5Tenum_valueof(c_type_id, c_name, &c_value);
  if(error < 0) return ret_value;
  *value = (int_f)c_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_member_value_c
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tget_member_value to get the value of an 
 *              enumeration datatype member
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the datatype 
 *              member_no - Number of the enumeration datatype member.
 * Output:      value  - value of the enumeration datatype
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Thursday, February 3, 2000
 * Modifications:

nh5tget_member_value_c(hid_t_f *type_id, int_f* member_no, int_f* value)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  int c_member_no;
  int c_value;
  herr_t error;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_member_no = *member_no;
  error = H5Tget_member_value(c_type_id, c_member_no, &c_value);
  if(error < 0) return ret_value;

  *value = (int_f)c_value;
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tset_tag_c
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_tag to set an opaque datatype tag
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 *              tag -  Unique ASCII string with which the opaque 
 *                     datatype is to be tagged
 *              namelen - length of tag
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:
nh5tset_tag_c(hid_t_f* type_id, _fcd tag, int_f* namelen)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  herr_t status;
  char* c_tag;
  int c_namelen;

  c_namelen = *namelen; 
  c_tag = (char *)HD5f2cstring(tag, c_namelen); 

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  status = H5Tset_tag(c_type_id, c_tag);
  if ( status < 0 ) return ret_value;

  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;

 * Name:        h5tget_tag_c
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Purpose:     Call H5Tset_tag to set an opaque datatype tag
 * Inputs:      type_id - identifier of the dataspace 
 * Outputs:     tag -  Unique ASCII string with which the opaque 
 *                     datatype is to be tagged
 *              taglen - length of tag
 * Returns:     0 on success, -1 on failure
 * Programmer:  XIANGYANG SU
 *              Wednesday, January 26, 2000
 * Modifications:
nh5tget_tag_c(hid_t_f* type_id, _fcd tag, int_f* taglen)
  int ret_value = -1;
  hid_t c_type_id;
  char *c_tag;

  c_type_id = *type_id;
  c_tag = H5Tget_tag(c_type_id);
  if (c_tag == NULL ) return ret_value;

  HD5packFstring(c_tag, _fcdtocp(tag), strlen(c_tag));  
  *taglen = strlen(c_tag);
  ret_value = 0; 
  return ret_value;