!****h* root/fortran/test/tH5D.f90 ! ! NAME ! tH5D.f90 ! ! FUNCTION ! Basic testing of Fortran H5D APIs. ! ! COPYRIGHT ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! Copyright by The HDF Group. * ! All rights reserved. * ! * ! This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * ! terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * ! the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code * ! distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. * ! If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * ! help@hdfgroup.org. * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! ! NOTES ! Tests the H5D APIs functionalities of: ! h5dcreate_f, h5dopen_f, h5dclose_f, h5dget_space_f, h5dget_type_f, ! h5dread_f, and h5dwrite_f, h5dget_space_status_f ! ! ! CONTAINS SUBROUTINES ! datasettest, extenddsettest ! !***** ! MODULE TH5D USE HDF5 ! This module contains all necessary modules USE TH5_MISC USE TH5_MISC_GEN CONTAINS SUBROUTINE datasettest(cleanup, total_error) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: cleanup INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: total_error CHARACTER(LEN=5), PARAMETER :: filename = "dsetf" ! File name CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: fix_filename CHARACTER(LEN=4), PARAMETER :: dsetname = "dset" ! Dataset name CHARACTER(LEN=9), PARAMETER :: null_dsetname = "null_dset" ! Dataset name INTEGER(HID_T) :: file_id ! File identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: dset_id ! Dataset identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: null_dset ! Null dataset identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: dspace_id ! Dataspace identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: null_dspace ! Null dataspace identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: dtype_id ! Datatype identifier INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dims = (/4,6/) ! Dataset dimensions INTEGER :: rank = 2 ! Dataset rank INTEGER, DIMENSION(4,6) :: dset_data, data_out ! Data buffers INTEGER :: error ! Error flag INTEGER :: i, j !general purpose integers INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: data_dims INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: null_data_dim INTEGER :: null_dset_data = 1 ! null data INTEGER :: flag ! Space allocation status ! ! Initialize the dset_data array. ! DO i = 1, 4 DO j = 1, 6 dset_data(i,j) = (i-1)*6 + j; END DO END DO ! ! Create a new file using default properties. ! CALL h5_fixname_f(filename, fix_filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) IF (error .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Cannot modify filename" STOP ENDIF CALL h5fcreate_f(fix_filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file_id, error) CALL check("h5fcreate_f", error, total_error) ! ! Create the dataspace. ! CALL h5screate_simple_f(rank, dims, dspace_id, error) CALL check("h5screate_simple_f", error, total_error) ! ! Create null dataspace. ! CALL h5screate_f(H5S_NULL_F, null_dspace, error) CALL check("h5screate_simple_f", error, total_error) ! ! Create the dataset with default properties. ! CALL h5dcreate_f(file_id, dsetname, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, dspace_id, & dset_id, error) CALL check("h5dcreate_f", error, total_error) ! ! Create the null dataset. ! CALL h5dcreate_f(file_id, null_dsetname, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, null_dspace, null_dset, error) CALL check("h5dcreate_f", error, total_error) ! ! Write the dataset. ! data_dims(1) = 4 data_dims(2) = 6 CALL h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, dset_data, data_dims, error) CALL check("h5dwrite_f", error, total_error) ! ! Write null dataset. Nothing can be written. ! null_data_dim(1) = 1 CALL h5dwrite_f(null_dset, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, null_dset_data, null_data_dim, error) CALL check("h5dwrite_f", error, total_error) ! ! End access to the dataset and release resources used by it. ! CALL h5dclose_f(dset_id, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error) CALL h5dclose_f(null_dset, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Terminate access to the data space. ! CALL h5sclose_f(dspace_id, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error) CALL h5sclose_f(null_dspace, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Close the file. ! CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error) CALL check("h5fclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Open the existing file. ! CALL h5fopen_f (fix_filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, file_id, error) CALL check("h5fopen_f", error, total_error) ! ! Open the existing dataset. ! CALL h5dopen_f(file_id, dsetname, dset_id, error) CALL check("h5dopen_f", error, total_error) CALL h5dopen_f(file_id, null_dsetname, null_dset, error) CALL check("h5dopen_f", error, total_error) ! Test whether space has been allocated for a dataset CALL h5dget_space_status_f(dset_id, flag, error) CALL check("h5dget_space_status_f",error, total_error) CALL VERIFY("h5dget_space_status_f", flag, H5D_SPACE_STS_ALLOCATED_F, total_error) CALL h5dget_space_status_f(null_dset, flag, error) CALL check("h5dget_space_status_f",error, total_error) CALL VERIFY("h5dget_space_status_f", flag, H5D_SPACE_STS_NOT_ALLOCATED_F, total_error) ! ! Get the dataset type. ! CALL h5dget_type_f(dset_id, dtype_id, error) CALL check("h5dget_type_f", error, total_error) ! ! Get the data space. ! CALL h5dget_space_f(dset_id, dspace_id, error) CALL check("h5dget_space_f", error, total_error) ! ! Read the dataset. ! CALL h5dread_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data_out, data_dims, error) CALL check("h5dread_f", error, total_error) ! ! Read the null dataset. Nothing should be read. ! CALL h5dread_f(null_dset, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, null_dset_data, null_data_dim, error) CALL check("h5dread_f", error, total_error) ! !Compare the data. ! DO i = 1, 4 DO j = 1, 6 IF (data_out(i,j) .NE. dset_data(i, j)) THEN WRITE(*, *) "dataset test error occurred" WRITE(*,*) "data read is not the same as the data written" END IF END DO END DO ! ! Check if no change to null_dset_data ! IF (null_dset_data .NE. 1) THEN WRITE(*, *) "null dataset test error occurred" END IF ! ! End access to the dataset and release resources used by it. ! CALL h5dclose_f(dset_id, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error) CALL h5dclose_f(null_dset, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Terminate access to the data space. ! CALL h5sclose_f(dspace_id, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Terminate access to the data type. ! CALL h5tclose_f(dtype_id, error) CALL check("h5tclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Close the file. ! CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error) CALL check("h5fclose_f", error, total_error) IF(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error) RETURN END SUBROUTINE datasettest ! !the following subroutine tests h5dextend_f functionality ! SUBROUTINE extenddsettest(cleanup, total_error) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: cleanup INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: total_error ! !the dataset is stored in file "extf.h5" ! CHARACTER(LEN=4), PARAMETER :: filename = "extf" CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: fix_filename ! !dataset name is "ExtendibleArray" ! CHARACTER(LEN=15), PARAMETER :: dsetname = "ExtendibleArray" ! !dataset rank is 2 ! INTEGER :: RANK = 2 INTEGER(HID_T) :: file_id ! File identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: dset_id ! Dataset identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: dataspace ! Dataspace identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: memspace ! memory Dataspace identifier INTEGER(HID_T) :: crp_list ! dataset creation property identifier ! !dataset dimensions at creation time ! INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dims = (/3,3/) ! !data dimensions ! INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dims1 = (/10,3/) ! !Maximum dimensions ! INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: maxdims ! !data arrays for reading and writing ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(10,3) :: data_in, data_out ! !Size of data in the file ! INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: size ! !general purpose integer ! INTEGER :: i, j INTEGER(HSIZE_T) :: ih, jh ! !flag to check operation success ! INTEGER :: error ! !Variables used in reading data back ! INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dimsr, maxdimsr INTEGER :: rankr INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: data_dims ! !data initialization ! DO i = 1, 10 DO j = 1, 3 data_in(i,j) = 2 END DO END DO ! !Initialize FORTRAN predefined datatypes ! ! CALL h5init_types_f(error) ! CALL check("h5init_types_f",error,total_error) ! !Create a new file using default properties. ! CALL h5_fixname_f(filename, fix_filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) IF (error .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Cannot modify filename" STOP ENDIF CALL h5fcreate_f(fix_filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file_id, error) CALL check("h5fcreate_f",error,total_error) ! !Create the data space with unlimited dimensions. ! maxdims = (/H5S_UNLIMITED_F, H5S_UNLIMITED_F/) CALL h5screate_simple_f(RANK, dims, dataspace, error, maxdims) CALL check("h5screate_simple_f",error,total_error) ! !Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking ! CALL h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, crp_list, error) CALL check("h5pcreate_f",error,total_error) CALL h5pset_chunk_f(crp_list, RANK, dims1, error) CALL check("h5pset_chunk_f",error,total_error) ! !Create a dataset with 3X3 dimensions using cparms creation properties. ! CALL h5dcreate_f(file_id, dsetname, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, dataspace, dset_id, error, crp_list ) CALL check("h5dcreate_f",error,total_error) ! !Extend the dataset. This call assures that dataset is 3 x 3. ! SIZE(1) = 3 SIZE(2) = 3 CALL h5dextend_f(dset_id, size, error) CALL check("h5dextend_f",error,total_error) ! !Extend the dataset. Dataset becomes 10 x 3. ! SIZE(1) = 10; SIZE(2) = 3; CALL h5dextend_f(dset_id, size, error) CALL check("h5dextend_f",error,total_error) ! !Write the data of size 10X3 to the extended dataset. ! data_dims(1) = 10 data_dims(2) = 3 CALL H5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data_in, data_dims, error) CALL check("h5dwrite_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the dataspace for the dataset. ! CALL h5sclose_f(dataspace, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the property list. ! CALL h5pclose_f(crp_list, error) CALL check("h5pclose_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the dataset. ! CALL h5dclose_f(dset_id, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the file. ! CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error) CALL check("h5fclose_f",error,total_error) ! !read the data back ! !Open the file. ! CALL h5fopen_f (fix_filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, error) CALL check("hfopen_f",error,total_error) ! !Open the dataset. ! CALL h5dopen_f(file_id, dsetname, dset_id, error) CALL check("h5dopen_f",error,total_error) ! !Get dataset's dataspace handle. ! CALL h5dget_space_f(dset_id, dataspace, error) CALL check("h5dget_space_f",error,total_error) ! !Get dataspace's rank. ! CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dataspace, rankr, error) CALL check("h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f",error,total_error) IF (rankr .NE. RANK) THEN WRITE(*,*) "dataset rank error occurred" STOP END IF ! !Get dataspace's dimensinons. ! CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dataspace, dimsr, maxdimsr, error) CALL check("h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f",error,total_error) IF ((dimsr(1) .NE. dims1(1)) .OR. (dimsr(2) .NE. dims1(2))) THEN WRITE(*,*) "dataset dimensions error occurred" STOP END IF ! !Get creation property list. ! CALL h5dget_create_plist_f(dset_id, crp_list, error) CALL check("h5dget_create_plist_f",error,total_error) ! !create memory dataspace. ! CALL h5screate_simple_f(rankr, dimsr, memspace, error) CALL check("h5screate_simple_f",error,total_error) ! !Read data ! CALL H5dread_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data_out, data_dims, error, memspace, dataspace) CALL check("h5dread_f",error,total_error) ! !Compare the data. ! DO ih = 1, dims1(1) DO jh = 1, dims1(2) IF (data_out(ih,jh) .NE. data_in(ih, jh)) THEN WRITE(*, *) "extend dataset test error occurred" WRITE(*, *) "read value is not the same as the written values" END IF END DO END DO ! !Close the dataspace for the dataset. ! CALL h5sclose_f(dataspace, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the memspace for the dataset. ! CALL h5sclose_f(memspace, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the property list. ! CALL h5pclose_f(crp_list, error) CALL check("h5pclose_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the dataset. ! CALL h5dclose_f(dset_id, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f",error,total_error) ! !Close the file. ! CALL h5fclose_f(file_id, error) CALL check("h5fclose_f",error,total_error) IF(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error) RETURN END SUBROUTINE extenddsettest ! ! The following subroutine tests h5dget_offset_f functionality ! SUBROUTINE test_userblock_offset(cleanup, total_error) USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: cleanup INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: total_error ! !the dataset is stored in file "offset.h5" ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dset_dim1=2, dset_dim2=10 CHARACTER(LEN=6), PARAMETER :: filename = "offset" CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: fix_filename INTEGER(hid_t) :: file, fcpl, dataset, space INTEGER :: i, j, n, ios INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1:2) :: dims INTEGER(haddr_t) :: offset INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:dset_dim1,1:dset_dim2), TARGET :: rdata, data_in INTEGER :: error TYPE(C_PTR) :: f_ptr ! !Create a new file using default properties. ! CALL h5_fixname_f(filename, fix_filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) IF (error .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Cannot modify filename" STOP ENDIF CALL h5pcreate_f(H5P_FILE_CREATE_F, fcpl, error) CALL check("h5pcreate_f",error,total_error) ! Initialize the dataset n = 0 DO i = 1, dset_dim1 DO j = 1, dset_dim2 n = n + 1 data_in(i,j) = n END DO END DO CALL h5fcreate_f(fix_filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file, error, fcpl) CALL check("h5fcreate_f",error,total_error) ! Create the data space dims(1:2) = (/dset_dim1,dset_dim2/) CALL h5screate_simple_f(2, dims, space, error) CALL check("h5screate_simple_f",error,total_error) ! Create the dataset CALL h5dcreate_f(file, "dset1", H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, space, dataset, error) CALL check("h5dcreate_f", error, total_error) ! Test dataset address. Should be undefined. CALL h5dget_offset_f(dataset, offset, error) CALL VERIFY("h5dget_offset_f",offset, HADDR_UNDEF_F, total_error) ! Write the data to the dataset f_ptr = C_LOC(data_in(1,1)) CALL h5dwrite_f(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, f_ptr, error) CALL check("h5dwrite_f", error, total_error) ! Test dataset address in file. Open the same file as a C file, seek ! the data position as H5Dget_offset points to, read the dataset, and ! compare it with the data written in. CALL h5dget_offset_f(dataset, offset, error) CALL check("h5dget_offset_f", error, total_error) IF(offset.EQ.HADDR_UNDEF_F)THEN total_error = total_error + 1 ENDIF CALL h5dclose_f(dataset, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error) CALL h5fclose_f(file, error) CALL check("h5fclose_f", error, total_error) IF(total_error.NE.0) RETURN OPEN(10,FILE=fix_filename, ACCESS="STREAM", IOSTAT=ios) IF(ios.NE.0)THEN WRITE(*,'(A)') "Failed to open file "//TRIM(fix_filename) total_error = total_error + 1 RETURN ENDIF ! The pos= specifier illustrates that positions are in bytes, ! starting from byte 1 (as opposed to C, where they start from byte 0) READ(10, POS=offset+1, IOSTAT=ios) rdata IF(ios.NE.0)THEN WRITE(*,'(A)') "Failed to read data from stream I/O " total_error = total_error + 1 CLOSE(10) RETURN ENDIF ! Check that the values read are the same as the values written DO i = 1, dset_dim1 DO j = 1, dset_dim2 CALL VERIFY("h5dget_offset_f",rdata(i,j), data_in(i,j), total_error) IF(total_error.NE.0)THEN WRITE(*,'(A)') " Read different values than written." WRITE(*,'(2(A,I0))') " At index ",i,",",j CLOSE(10) RETURN ENDIF END DO END DO CLOSE(10) IF(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(fix_filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error) IF(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(filename, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error) END SUBROUTINE test_userblock_offset END MODULE TH5D