!****h* root/fortran/test/tH5S.f90 ! ! NAME ! tH5S.f90 ! ! FUNCTION ! Basic testing of Fortran H5S, Dataspace Interface, APIs. ! ! COPYRIGHT ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! Copyright by The HDF Group. * ! Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * ! All rights reserved. * ! * ! This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * ! terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * ! the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * ! of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the * ! root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and * ! is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at * ! http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * ! access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! ! NOTES ! Tests the following functionalities: ! h5screate_f, h5scopy_f, h5screate_simple_f, h5sis_simple_f, ! h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f,h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f ! h5sget_simple_extent_npoints_f, h5sget_simple_extent_type_f, ! h5sextent_copy_f, h5sset_extent_simple_f, h5sset_extent_none_f ! ! CONTAINS SUBROUTINES ! dataspace_basic_test ! !***** SUBROUTINE dataspace_basic_test(cleanup, total_error) USE HDF5 ! This module contains all necessary modules USE H5FORT_TESTS ! This module contains all test routines IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: cleanup INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: total_error CHARACTER(LEN=10), PARAMETER :: filename1 = "basicspace" ! File1 name CHARACTER(LEN=9), PARAMETER :: filename2 = "copyspace" ! File2 name CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: fix_filename1 CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: fix_filename2 CHARACTER(LEN=9), PARAMETER :: dsetname = "basicdset" ! Dataset name INTEGER(HID_T) :: file1_id, file2_id ! File identifiers INTEGER(HID_T) :: dset1_id, dset2_id ! Dataset identifiers INTEGER(HID_T) :: space1_id, space2_id ! Dataspace identifiers INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dims1 = (/4,6/) ! Dataset dimensions INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: maxdims1 = (/4,6/) ! maximum dimensions INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dims2 = (/6,6/) ! Dataset dimensions INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: maxdims2 = (/6,6/) ! maximum dimensions INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: dimsout, maxdimsout ! dimensions INTEGER(HSIZE_T) :: npoints !number of elements in the dataspace INTEGER :: rank1 = 2 ! Dataspace1 rank INTEGER :: rank2 = 2 ! Dataspace2 rank INTEGER :: classtype ! Dataspace class type INTEGER, DIMENSION(4,6) :: data1_in, data1_out ! Data input buffers INTEGER, DIMENSION(6,6) :: data2_in, data2_out ! Data output buffers INTEGER :: error ! Error flag LOGICAL :: flag !flag to test datyspace is simple or not INTEGER :: i, j !general purpose integers INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: data_dims ! ! Initialize the dset_data array. ! do i = 1, 4 do j = 1, 6 data1_in(i,j) = (i-1)*6 + j; end do end do do i = 1, 6 do j = 1, 6 data2_in(i,j) = i*6 + j; end do end do ! ! Initialize FORTRAN predefined datatypes. ! ! CALL h5init_types_f(error) ! CALL check("h5init_types_f", error, total_error) ! ! Create new files using default properties. ! CALL h5_fixname_f(filename1, fix_filename1, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) if (error .ne. 0) then write(*,*) "Cannot modify filename" stop endif CALL h5fcreate_f(fix_filename1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file1_id, error) CALL check("h5fcreate_f", error, total_error) CALL h5_fixname_f(filename2, fix_filename2, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) if (error .ne. 0) then write(*,*) "Cannot modify filename" stop endif CALL h5fcreate_f(fix_filename2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file2_id, error) CALL check("h5fcreate_f", error, total_error) ! ! Create dataspace for file1. ! CALL h5screate_simple_f(rank1, dims1, space1_id, error, maxdims1) CALL check("h5screate_simple_f", error, total_error) ! ! Copy space1_id to space2_id. ! CALL h5scopy_f(space1_id, space2_id, error) CALL check("h5scopy_f", error, total_error) ! !Check whether copied space is simple. ! CALL h5sis_simple_f(space2_id, flag, error) CALL check("h5sissimple_f", error, total_error) IF (.NOT. flag) write(*,*) "dataspace is not simple type" ! !set the copied space to none. ! CALL h5sset_extent_none_f(space2_id, error) CALL check("h5sset_extent_none_f", error, total_error) ! !copy the extent of space1_id to space2_id. ! CALL h5sextent_copy_f(space2_id, space1_id, error) CALL check("h5sextent_copy_f", error, total_error) ! !get the copied space's dimensions. ! CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(space2_id, dimsout, maxdimsout, error) CALL check("h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f", error, total_error) IF ((dimsout(1) .NE. dims1(1)) .OR. (dimsout(2) .NE. dims1(2)) ) THEN write(*,*)"error occured, copied dims not same" END IF ! !get the copied space's rank. ! CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(space2_id, rank2, error) CALL check("h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f", error, total_error) IF (rank2 .NE. rank1) write(*,*)"error occured, copied ranks not same" ! !get the copied space's number of elements. ! CALL h5sget_simple_extent_npoints_f(space2_id, npoints, error) CALL check("h5sget_simple_extent_npoints_f", error, total_error) IF (npoints .NE. 24) write(*,*)"error occured, number of elements not correct" ! !get the copied space's class type. ! CALL h5sget_simple_extent_type_f(space2_id, classtype, error) CALL check("h5sget_simple_extent_type_f", error, total_error) IF (classtype .NE. 1) write(*,*)"class type not H5S_SIMPLE_f" ! !set the copied space to none before extend the dimensions. ! CALL h5sset_extent_none_f(space2_id, error) CALL check("h5sset_extent_none_f", error, total_error) ! !set the copied space to dim2 size. ! CALL h5sset_extent_simple_f(space2_id, rank2, dims2, maxdims2, error) CALL check("h5sset_extent_simple_f", error, total_error) ! !get the copied space's dimensions. ! CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(space2_id, dimsout, maxdimsout, error) CALL check("h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f", error, total_error) IF ((dimsout(1) .NE. dims2(1)) .OR. (dimsout(2) .NE. dims2(2)) ) THEN write(*,*)"error occured, copied dims not same" END IF ! ! Create the datasets with default properties in two files. ! CALL h5dcreate_f(file1_id, dsetname, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, space1_id, & dset1_id, error) CALL check("h5dcreate_f", error, total_error) CALL h5dcreate_f(file2_id, dsetname, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, space2_id, & dset2_id, error) CALL check("h5dcreate_f", error, total_error) ! ! Write the datasets. ! data_dims(1) = 4 data_dims(2) = 6 CALL h5dwrite_f(dset1_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data1_in, data_dims, error) CALL check("h5dwrite_f", error, total_error) data_dims(1) = 6 data_dims(2) = 6 CALL h5dwrite_f(dset2_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data2_in, data_dims, error) CALL check("h5dwrite_f", error, total_error) ! ! Read the first dataset. ! data_dims(1) = 4 data_dims(2) = 6 CALL h5dread_f(dset1_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data1_out, data_dims, error) CALL check("h5dread_f", error, total_error) ! !Compare the data. ! do i = 1, 4 do j = 1, 6 IF (data1_out(i,j) .NE. data1_in(i, j)) THEN write(*, *) "dataset test error occured" write(*,*) "data read is not the same as the data writen" END IF end do end do ! ! Read the second dataset. ! data_dims(1) = 6 data_dims(2) = 6 CALL h5dread_f(dset2_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data2_out, data_dims, error) CALL check("h5dread_f", error, total_error) ! !Compare the data. ! do i = 1, 6 do j = 1, 6 IF (data2_out(i,j) .NE. data2_in(i, j)) THEN write(*, *) "dataset test error occured" write(*,*) "data read is not the same as the data writen" END IF end do end do ! !Close the datasets. ! CALL h5dclose_f(dset1_id, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error) CALL h5dclose_f(dset2_id, error) CALL check("h5dclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Terminate access to the data spaces. ! CALL h5sclose_f(space1_id, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error) CALL h5sclose_f(space2_id, error) CALL check("h5sclose_f", error, total_error) ! ! Close the files. ! CALL h5fclose_f(file1_id, error) CALL check("h5fclose_f", error, total_error) CALL h5fclose_f(file2_id, error) CALL check("h5fclose_f", error, total_error) if(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(filename1, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error) if(cleanup) CALL h5_cleanup_f(filename2, H5P_DEFAULT_F, error) CALL check("h5_cleanup_f", error, total_error) RETURN END SUBROUTINE dataspace_basic_test