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API Reference
Java Plugin (H5PL) Interface

Detailed Description

See also
Dynamically-loaded Plugins (H5PL), C-API
The HDF5 Plugins, User Guide


static synchronized native void H5PLset_loading_state (int plugin_flags) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native int H5PLget_loading_state () throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5PLappend (String plugin_path) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5PLprepend (String plugin_path) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5PLreplace (String plugin_path, int index) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5PLinsert (String plugin_path, int index) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5PLremove (int index) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native String H5PLget (int index) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native int H5PLsize () throws HDF5LibraryException

Function Documentation

◆ H5PLappend()

static synchronized native void H5PLappend ( String  plugin_path) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLappend inserts the plugin path at the end of the table.

plugin_pathIN: Path for location of filter plugin libraries.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLget()

static synchronized native String H5PLget ( int  index) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLget retrieves the plugin path at the specified index.

indexIN: The table index (0-based).
the current path at the index in plugin path table
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLget_loading_state()

static synchronized native int H5PLget_loading_state ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLget_loading_state retrieves the state of the dynamic plugins flag, plugin_flags..

the list of dynamic plugin types that are enabled or disabled. A plugin bit set to 0 (zero) indicates that that dynamic plugin is disabled. A plugin bit set to 1 (one) indicates that that dynamic plugin is enabled. If the value of plugin_flags is negative, all dynamic plugins are enabled. If the value of plugin_flags is 0 (zero), all dynamic plugins are disabled.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLinsert()

static synchronized native void H5PLinsert ( String  plugin_path,
int  index 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLinsert inserts the plugin path at the specified index.

plugin_pathIN: Path for location of filter plugin libraries.
indexIN: The table index (0-based).
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLprepend()

static synchronized native void H5PLprepend ( String  plugin_path) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLprepend inserts the plugin path at the beginning of the table.

plugin_pathIN: Path for location of filter plugin libraries.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLremove()

static synchronized native void H5PLremove ( int  index) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLremove removes the plugin path at the specified index.

indexIN: The table index (0-based).
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLreplace()

static synchronized native void H5PLreplace ( String  plugin_path,
int  index 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLreplace replaces the plugin path at the specified index.

plugin_pathIN: Path for location of filter plugin libraries.
indexIN: The table index (0-based).
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLset_loading_state()

static synchronized native void H5PLset_loading_state ( int  plugin_flags) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLset_loading_state uses one argument to enable or disable individual plugins. The plugin_flags parameter is an encoded integer in which each bit controls a specific plugin or class of plugins. A plugin bit set to 0 (zero) prevents the use of the dynamic plugin corresponding to that bit position. A plugin bit set to 1 (one) allows the use of that dynamic plugin. All dynamic plugins can be enabled by setting plugin_flags to a negative value. A value of 0 (zero) will disable all dynamic plugins.

H5PLset_loading_state inspects the HDF5_PLUGIN_PRELOAD environment variable every time it is called. If the environment variable is set to the special :: string, all dynamic plugins will be disabled.

plugin_flagsIN: The list of dynamic plugin types to enable or disable. A plugin bit set to 0 (zero) prevents use of that dynamic plugin. A plugin bit set to 1 (one) enables use of that dynamic plugin. Setting plugin_flags to a negative value enables all dynamic plugins. Setting plugin_flags to 0 (zero) disables all dynamic plugins.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5PLsize()

static synchronized native int H5PLsize ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5PLsize retrieves the size of the current list of plugin paths.

the current number of paths in the plugin path table
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.