! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * Copyright by The HDF Group. * ! * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * ! * All rights reserved. * ! * * ! * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * ! * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * ! the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code * ! distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases. * ! If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * ! help@hdfgroup.org. * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PROGRAM test_ds IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: err CALL test_testds(err) IF(err.LT.0)THEN WRITE(*,'(5X,A)') "DIMENSION SCALES TEST *FAILED*" ENDIF END PROGRAM test_ds SUBROUTINE test_testds(err) USE HDF5 USE H5LT USE H5DS IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: RANK = 2 ! rank of DATA dataset INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DIM_DATA = 12 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DIM1_SIZE = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DIM2_SIZE = 4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DIM1 = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DIM2 = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FAILED = -1 CHARACTER(LEN=6), PARAMETER :: DSET_NAME = "Mydata" CHARACTER(LEN=5), PARAMETER :: DS_1_NAME = "Yaxis" CHARACTER(LEN=5), PARAMETER :: DS_1_NAME_A = "Yaxiz" CHARACTER(LEN=5), PARAMETER :: DS_2_NAME = "Xaxis" INTEGER(hid_t) :: fid ! file ID INTEGER(hid_t) :: did ! dataset ID INTEGER(hid_t) :: dsid ! DS dataset ID INTEGER :: rankds = 1 ! rank of DS dataset INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1:rank) :: dims = (/DIM2_SIZE,DIM1_SIZE/) ! size of DATA dataset INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:DIM_DATA) :: buf = (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12/) ! DATA of DATA dataset INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1:1) :: s1_dim = (/DIM1_SIZE/) ! size of DS 1 dataset INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1:1) :: s2_dim = (/DIM2_SIZE/) ! size of DS 2 dataset REAL, DIMENSION(1:DIM1_SIZE) :: s1_wbuf = (/10,20,30/) ! DATA of DS 1 dataset INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:DIM2_SIZE) :: s2_wbuf = (/10,20,50,100/) ! DATA of DS 2 dataset INTEGER :: err INTEGER :: num_scales INTEGER(size_t) :: name_len CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: name INTEGER(size_t) :: label_len CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: label LOGICAL :: is_attached, is_scale ! ! Initialize FORTRAN predefined datatypes. ! CALL h5open_f(err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! create a file using default properties CALL H5Fcreate_f("tstds.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, fid, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! make a dataset CALL H5LTmake_dataset_int_f(fid,DSET_NAME,rank,dims,buf, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! make a DS dataset for the first dimension CALL H5LTmake_dataset_float_f(fid,DS_1_NAME,rankds,s1_dim,s1_wbuf,err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! make a DS dataset for the second dimension CALL H5LTmake_dataset_int_f(fid,DS_2_NAME,rankds,s2_dim,s2_wbuf,err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! attach the DS_1_NAME dimension scale to DSET_NAME at dimension 1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL test_begin(' Test Attaching Dimension Scale ') ! get the dataset id for DSET_NAME CALL H5Dopen_f(fid, DSET_NAME, did, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! get the DS dataset id CALL H5Dopen_f(fid, DS_1_NAME, dsid, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! check attaching to a non-existent dimension; should fail CALL H5DSattach_scale_f(did, dsid, 20, err) IF(err.NE.-1) THEN err = FAILED ! should fail, mark as an error CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! attach the DS_1_NAME dimension scale to DSET_NAME at dimension index 1 CALL H5DSattach_scale_f(did, dsid, DIM1, err) IF(err.EQ.-1) THEN CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) CALL test_begin(' Test If Dimension Scale Attached ') CALL H5DSis_attached_f(did, dsid, DIM1, is_attached, err) IF(err.EQ.-1.OR..NOT.is_attached) THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) ! Check to see how many Dimension Scales are attached CALL test_begin(' Test Getting Number Dimension Scales ') CALL H5DSget_num_scales_f(did, DIM1, num_scales, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR.num_scales.NE.1)THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) CALL test_begin(' Test Detaching Dimension Scale ') ! Detach scale CALL H5DSdetach_scale_f(did, dsid, DIM1, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! Check to see if a dimension scale is attached, should be .false. CALL H5DSis_attached_f(did, dsid, DIM1, is_attached, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR.is_attached)THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set the DS_1_NAME dimension scale to DSET_NAME at dimension 0 !------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL test_begin(' Test Setting Dimension Scale ') CALL H5DSset_scale_f(dsid, err, "Dimension Scale Set 1") IF(err.LT.0.OR.is_attached)THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) CALL test_begin(' Test If Dimension Scale ') CALL H5DSis_scale_f(dsid, is_scale, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR..NOT.is_scale)THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) ! Get scale name; test to large character buffer CALL test_begin(' Test Getting Dimension Scale By Name ') name_len = 25 name = '' CALL H5DSget_scale_name_f(dsid, name, name_len, err) IF(err.LT.0 .OR. & name_len.NE.21 .OR. & TRIM(name).NE."Dimension Scale Set 1" .OR. & name(22:25).NE.' ')THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! Get scale name; test exact size character buffer name_len = 21 name = '' CALL H5DSget_scale_name_f(dsid, name(1:name_len), name_len, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR.name_len.NE.21.OR.TRIM(name).NE."Dimension Scale Set 1")THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! Get scale name; test to small character buffer name_len = 5 name = '' CALL H5DSget_scale_name_f(dsid, name(1:name_len), name_len, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR.name_len.NE.21.OR.TRIM(name).NE."Dimen")THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! close DS id CALL H5Dclose_f(dsid, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! attach the DS_2_NAME dimension scale to DSET_NAME !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get the DS dataset id CALL H5Dopen_f(fid, DS_2_NAME, dsid, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! attach the DS_2_NAME dimension scale to DSET_NAME as the 2nd dimension (index 2) CALL H5DSattach_scale_f(did, dsid, DIM2, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN CALL H5DSis_attached_f(did, dsid, DIM2, is_attached, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! test sending no Dimension Scale name CALL H5DSset_scale_f(dsid, err) IF(err.LT.0)THEN CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL H5DSis_scale_f(dsid, is_scale, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR..NOT.is_scale)THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! Get scale name when there is no scale name name_len = 5 name = '' CALL H5DSget_scale_name_f(dsid, name(1:name_len), name_len, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR.name_len.NE.0)THEN ! name_len is 0 if no name is found err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) CALL test_begin(' Test Setting Dimension Scale Label ') CALL H5DSset_label_f(did, DIM2, "Label12", err) IF(err.LT.0)THEN CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! Test label where character length is to small label_len = 5 label = '' CALL H5DSget_label_f(did, DIM2, label(1:label_len), label_len, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR.label(1:5).NE."Label".OR.label_len.NE.7)THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! Test label where character length is exact label_len = 7 label = '' CALL H5DSget_label_f(did, DIM2, label(1:label_len), label_len, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR.label(1:label_len).NE."Label12".OR.label_len.NE.7)THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF ! Test label where character length is to big label_len = 25 label = '' CALL H5DSget_label_f(did, DIM2, label, label_len, err) IF(err.LT.0.OR. & label(1:label_len).NE."Label12" .OR. & label_len.NE.7 .OR. & label(8:25).NE.' ')THEN err = FAILED CALL write_test_status(err) RETURN ENDIF CALL write_test_status(err) ! close DS id CALL H5Dclose_f(dsid, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN ! close file CALL H5Fclose_f(fid, err) IF(err.LT.0) RETURN END SUBROUTINE test_testds !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! test_begin !------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE test_begin(string) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: string WRITE(*, fmt = '(A)', advance = 'no') ADJUSTL(string) END SUBROUTINE test_begin !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! passed/failed !------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE write_test_status( test_result) ! Writes the results of the tests IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: test_result ! negative, failed ! 0 , passed ! Controls the output style for reporting test results CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: error_string CHARACTER(LEN=8), PARAMETER :: success = ' PASSED ' CHARACTER(LEN=8), PARAMETER :: failure = '*FAILED*' error_string = failure IF (test_result .EQ. 0) THEN error_string = success ENDIF WRITE(*, fmt = '(T34, A)') error_string END SUBROUTINE write_test_status