 * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
 * Scientific Data Technologies                                             *
 * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
 * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
 * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
 *                                                                          *
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
 * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
 *                                                                          *

#ifndef _H5TB_H
#define _H5TB_H

#if 0
#define H5_TB_DEBUG

#include "H5LT.h"

#define HLTB_MAX_FIELD_LEN 255

#if !defined(MAX)
#define MAX(X,Y) ((X)>(Y)?(X):(Y))

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Create functions

herr_t H5TBmake_table( const char *table_title,
                       hid_t loc_id, 
                       const char *dset_name,
                       hsize_t nfields,
                       hsize_t nrecords,
                       size_t type_size,
                       const char *field_names[],
                       const size_t *field_offset,
                       const hid_t *field_types,
                       hsize_t chunk_size,
                       void *fill_data,
                       int compress,
                       const void *data );

 * Write functions

herr_t H5TBappend_records( hid_t loc_id, 
                           const char *dset_name,
                           hsize_t nrecords,
                           size_t type_size,
                           const size_t *field_offset,
                           const size_t *dst_sizes,
                           const void *data );

herr_t H5TBwrite_records( hid_t loc_id, 
                          const char *dset_name,
                          hsize_t start,
                          hsize_t nrecords,
                          size_t type_size,
                          const size_t *field_offset,
                          const size_t *dst_sizes,
                          const void *data );

herr_t H5TBwrite_fields_name( hid_t loc_id, 
                              const char *dset_name,
                              const char *field_names,
                              hsize_t start,
                              hsize_t nrecords,
                              size_t type_size,
                              const size_t *field_offset,
                              const size_t *dst_sizes,
                              const void *data );

herr_t H5TBwrite_fields_index( hid_t loc_id, 
                               const char *dset_name,
                               hsize_t nfields,
                               const int *field_index,
                               hsize_t start,
                               hsize_t nrecords,
                               size_t type_size,
                               const size_t *field_offset,
                               const size_t *dst_sizes,
                               const void *data );

 * Read functions

herr_t H5TBread_table( hid_t loc_id, 
                       const char *dset_name,
                       size_t dst_size, 
                       const size_t *dst_offset, 
                       const size_t *dst_sizes,
                       void *dst_buf ); 

herr_t H5TBread_fields_name( hid_t loc_id, 
                             const char *dset_name,
                             const char *field_names,
                             hsize_t start,
                             hsize_t nrecords,
                             size_t type_size,
                             const size_t *field_offset,
                             const size_t *dst_sizes,
                             void *data );

herr_t H5TBread_fields_index( hid_t loc_id, 
                              const char *dset_name,
                              hsize_t nfields,
                              const int *field_index,
                              hsize_t start,
                              hsize_t nrecords,
                              size_t type_size,
                              const size_t *field_offset,
                              const size_t *dst_sizes,
                              void *data );

herr_t H5TBread_records( hid_t loc_id, 
                         const char *dset_name,
                         hsize_t start,
                         hsize_t nrecords,
                         size_t type_size,
                         const size_t *dst_offset,
                         const size_t *dst_sizes,
                         void *data );

 * Inquiry functions

herr_t H5TBget_table_info ( hid_t loc_id, 
                            const char *dset_name,
                            hsize_t *nfields,
                            hsize_t *nrecords );

herr_t H5TBget_field_info( hid_t loc_id, 
                           const char *dset_name,
                           char *field_names[],
                           size_t *field_sizes,
                           size_t *field_offsets,
                           size_t *type_size );

 * Manipulation functions

herr_t H5TBdelete_record( hid_t loc_id, 
                          const char *dset_name,
                          hsize_t start,
                          hsize_t nrecords );

herr_t H5TBinsert_record( hid_t loc_id, 
                          const char *dset_name,
                          hsize_t start,
                          hsize_t nrecords,
                          size_t dst_size,
                          const size_t *dst_offset,
                          const size_t *dst_sizes,
                          void *data );

herr_t H5TBadd_records_from( hid_t loc_id, 
                             const char *dset_name1,
                             hsize_t start1,
                             hsize_t nrecords,
                             const char *dset_name2,
                             hsize_t start2 );

herr_t H5TBcombine_tables( hid_t loc_id1, 
                           const char *dset_name1,
                           hid_t loc_id2,
                           const char *dset_name2,
                           const char *dset_name3 );

herr_t H5TBinsert_field( hid_t loc_id, 
                         const char *dset_name,
                         const char *field_name,
                         hid_t field_type,
                         hsize_t position,
                         const void *fill_data,
                         const void *data );

herr_t H5TBdelete_field( hid_t loc_id, 
                         const char *dset_name,
                         const char *field_name );

 * Table attribute functions

herr_t H5TBAget_title( hid_t loc_id, 
                       char *table_title );

herr_t H5TBAget_fill( hid_t loc_id, 
                      const char *dset_name,
                      hid_t dset_id,
                      unsigned char *dst_buf );

#ifdef __cplusplus
