/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
* All rights reserved.                                                      *
*                                                                           *
* This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
* the files COPYING and Copyright.html.  COPYING can be found at the root   *
* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the  *
* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and   *
* is linked from the top-level documents page.  It can also be found at     *
* http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html.  If you do not have          *
* access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "h5hltest.h"
#include "H5srcdir.h"
#include "H5TBpublic.h"

#define TEST_FILE_BE "test_table_be.h5"
#define TEST_FILE_LE "test_table_le.h5"
#define TEST_FILE_CRAY "test_table_cray.h5"

* Table API test
* Functions tested:
* H5TBmake_table
* H5TBread_table
* H5TBwrite_records
* H5TBread_records
* H5TBappend_records
* H5TBinsert_record
* H5TBdelete_record
* H5TBcombine_tables
* H5TBwrite_fields_name
* H5TBread_fields_name
* H5TBwrite_fields_index
* H5TBinsert_field
* H5TBdelete_field
* H5TBget_table_info
* H5TBget_field_info

#define TITLE           "Title"
#define NFIELDS          5
#define NRECORDS         8
#define NRECORDS_ADD     3

#define TESTING2(WHAT) {printf("%-70s", "Testing     " WHAT); fflush(stdout);}

* structure used for all tests, a particle with properties
typedef struct particle_t
    char   name[16];
    long   longi;
    float  pressure;
    double temperature;
    int    lati;
} particle_t;

* a subset of particle_t, with latitude and longitude fields
typedef struct position_t
    long   longi;
    int    lati;
} position_t;

* a subset of particle_t, with name and pressure fields
typedef struct namepressure_t
    char   name[16];
    float  pressure;
} namepressure_t;

* an extended particle, used in the insert field test
typedef struct particle2_t
    char   name[16];
    long   longi;
    float  pressure;
    double temperature;
    int    lati;
    int    new_field;
} particle2_t;

* a particle with one field less, used in the delete field test
typedef struct particle3_t
    char   name[16];
    long   longi;
    double temperature;
    int    lati;
} particle3_t;

 * a particle, used in the delete field test differing memory layout

/*  Push current alignment rule forcing 4-byte alignment boundary 
 *  to the internal stack ...
#pragma pack(push,4)
    typedef struct particle4_t {
        uint32_t   state;
        double     posx;
        double     posy;
        float      atx[3];
        float      aty[3];
        float      rro[2];
    } particle4_t;
 * ... and restore original alignment rules from stack
#pragma pack(pop)

* function to open an HDF5 file and return its file identifier
static hid_t h5file_open(const char *fname, unsigned flags)

    hid_t fid;                        /* identifier for the file */
    const char *data_file = H5_get_srcdir_filename(fname);

    /* open */
    if ((fid = H5Fopen(data_file,flags,H5P_DEFAULT))<0)
        HDfprintf(stderr,"Error: Cannot open file <%s>\n",data_file );

    return fid;

* function that compares one particle
static int cmp_par(hsize_t i, hsize_t j, particle_t *rbuf, particle_t *wbuf )
    if ( ( HDstrcmp( rbuf[i].name, wbuf[j].name ) != 0 ) ||
        rbuf[i].lati != wbuf[j].lati ||
        rbuf[i].longi != wbuf[j].longi ||
        rbuf[i].pressure != wbuf[j].pressure ||
        rbuf[i].temperature != wbuf[j].temperature )
        HDfprintf(stderr,"read and write buffers have differences\n");
        HDfprintf(stderr,"%s %ld %f %f %d\n",
        HDfprintf(stderr,"%s %ld %f %f %d\n",
        return -1;
    return 0;

* function to compare deleted records
static int compare_deleted(hsize_t rrecords, hsize_t dstart, hsize_t drecords,
                           particle_t *rbuf, particle_t *wbuf)
    hsize_t i,j;
    for( i=0; i<rrecords; i++)
        if (i<dstart)
            if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                return -1;
            if (cmp_par(i,j,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                return -1;
    return 0;

* the test program

static int test_table(hid_t fid, int do_write)
    hid_t       fid1;
    hid_t       fid2;
    hsize_t     chunk_size=10;
    int         compress=0;
    int         *fill=NULL;
    particle_t  fill1[1] = { {"no data",-1, -99.0f, -99.0, -1} };
    int         fill1_new[1] = { -100 };
    hsize_t     position;
    char        tname[20];
    hsize_t     i, j;
    /* write, read, append, delete, insert some records and fields */
    hsize_t FIELDS   = NFIELDS;
    hsize_t RECORDS  = NRECORDS;
    hsize_t start;
    hsize_t wstart;
    hsize_t rstart;
    hsize_t istart;
    hsize_t dstart;
    hsize_t nrecords;
    hsize_t rrecords;
    hsize_t wrecords;
    hsize_t arecords;
    hsize_t irecords;
    hsize_t drecords;
    hsize_t nfields;
    hsize_t rfields;
    hsize_t start1;      /* record to start reading from 1st table */
    hsize_t start2;      /* record to start writing in 2nd table */
    /* read, write, insert, append buffers */
    particle_t  rbuf[NRECORDS+4];
    particle2_t rbuf2[NRECORDS];
    particle3_t rbuf3[NRECORDS];
    particle_t  rbufc[NRECORDS*2];
    particle_t  abuf[2]={{"eight",80,8.0f,80.0,80},{"nine",90,9.0f,90.0,90}};
    particle_t  ibuf[2]={{"zero", 0, 0.0f, 0.0, 0},{"zero", 0, 0.0f, 0.0, 0}};
    particle_t  wbufd[NRECORDS];
    particle_t  wbuf[NRECORDS] = {
        {"zero", 0, 0.0f, 0.0, 0,},
        {"one",  10, 1.0f, 10.0, 10},
        {"two",  20, 2.0f, 20.0, 20},
        {"three",30, 3.0f, 30.0, 30},
        {"four", 40, 4.0f, 40.0, 40},
        {"five", 50, 5.0f, 50.0, 50},
        {"six",  60, 6.0f, 60.0, 60},
        {"seven",70, 7.0f, 70.0, 70}
    /* buffers for the field "Pressure" and "New_field" */
    float           pressure_in [NRECORDS] = { 0.0f,1.0f,2.0f,3.0f,4.0f,5.0f,6.0f,7.0f };
    float           pressure_out [NRECORDS];
    int             buf_new[NRECORDS] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 };
    /* buffers for the fields "Latitude,Longitude"  */
    position_t      position_out[NRECORDS_ADD];
    position_t      position_in[NRECORDS_ADD] = { {0,0},
    /* buffers for the fields "Name,Pressure"  */
    namepressure_t   namepre_out[NRECORDS];
    namepressure_t   namepre_in[NRECORDS] =
    { {"zero",0.0f},
    {"one",   1.0f},
    {"two",   2.0f},
    {"three", 3.0f},
    {"four",  4.0f},
    {"five",  5.0f},
    {"six",   6.0f},
    {"seven", 7.0f},

    * initialize table parameters
    * field offsets and sizes used in the fields functions

    size_t field_offset_pos[2]=
        HOFFSET( position_t, longi ),
        HOFFSET( position_t, lati )
    size_t field_offset_namepre[2]=
        HOFFSET( namepressure_t, name ),
        HOFFSET( namepressure_t, pressure )
    size_t field_sizes_pos[2]=
    size_t field_sizes_namepre[2]=
    size_t field_sizes_pre[1]=

    * query table test
    char    **names_out;
    size_t  sizes_out[NFIELDS];
    size_t  offset_out[NFIELDS];
    size_t  size_out;

    * initialize table parameters
    * field indexes (zero based) used in the fields functions
    * "Name 0","Longitude 1","Pressure 2","Temperature 3","Latitude 4"
    int    field_index_pre[1]     = { 2 };
    int    field_index_pos[2]     = { 1,4 };
    int    field_index_namepre[2] = { 0,2 };
    int    field_index[NFIELDS]   = { 0,1,2,3,4 };

    * initialize table parameters
    * size and the offsets of struct members in memory
    * define the inserted field HDF5 type and buffers
    * these are used for the insert field test
    hid_t   field_type_new = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
    size_t  dst_size2 =  sizeof( particle2_t );
    size_t  dst_offset2[NFIELDS+1] = { HOFFSET( particle2_t, name ),
        HOFFSET( particle2_t, longi ),
        HOFFSET( particle2_t, pressure ),
        HOFFSET( particle2_t, temperature ),
        HOFFSET( particle2_t, lati ),
        HOFFSET( particle2_t, new_field )};
    size_t dst_sizes2[NFIELDS+1] = { sizeof( rbuf2[0].name),
        sizeof( rbuf2[0].longi),
        sizeof( rbuf2[0].pressure),
        sizeof( rbuf2[0].temperature),
        sizeof( rbuf2[0].lati),
        sizeof( rbuf2[0].new_field)};
    * initialize table parameters
    * size and the offsets of struct members in memory
    * these are used for the delete field test
    size_t dst_size3 =  sizeof( particle3_t );
    size_t dst_offset3[NFIELDS-1] = { HOFFSET( particle3_t, name ),
        HOFFSET( particle3_t, longi ),
        HOFFSET( particle3_t, temperature ),
        HOFFSET( particle3_t, lati )};

    size_t dst_sizes3[NFIELDS-1] = { sizeof( rbuf3[0].name),
        sizeof( rbuf3[0].longi),
        sizeof( rbuf3[0].temperature),
        sizeof( rbuf3[0].lati)};

    * initialize table parameters
    * size and the offsets of struct members in memory
    * these are used for the delete field test with differing memory layout

    /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
    size_t tbl_size = sizeof(particle4_t);
    size_t tbl_offset[NFIELDS+1] = { HOFFSET(particle4_t, state),
                                   HOFFSET(particle4_t, posx),
                                   HOFFSET(particle4_t, posy),
                                   HOFFSET(particle4_t, atx),
                                   HOFFSET(particle4_t, aty),
                                   HOFFSET(particle4_t, rro)

    /* Define an array of Particles */
    particle4_t  p_data[NRECORDS] = {
        {12112, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}},
        {12113, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}},
        {12114, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}},
        {12115, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}},
        {12116, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}},
        {12117, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}},
        {12118, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}},
        {12119, 1.4, 2.5, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}, {99,100}}

    * initialize table parameters
    * 1) size and the offsets of struct members in memory
    * 2) field names
    * 3) define a HDF5 type for the fields

    size_t type_size_mem =  sizeof( particle_t );
    size_t field_offset[NFIELDS]=
        HOFFSET( particle_t, name ),
        HOFFSET( particle_t, longi ),
        HOFFSET( particle_t, pressure ),
        HOFFSET( particle_t, temperature ),
        HOFFSET( particle_t, lati )
    size_t field_size[NFIELDS] =
        sizeof( rbuf[0].name),
        sizeof( rbuf[0].longi),
        sizeof( rbuf[0].pressure),
        sizeof( rbuf[0].temperature),
        sizeof( rbuf[0].lati)

    const char *field_names4[NFIELDS+1] = 
      { "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6"};
    hid_t       field_type4[NFIELDS+1];
    particle4_t fill_data[1] = { {9999999, -9999999, 999999, {999,999,999},{999,999,999}, {999,999}} };

    hsize_t    nfields_out;
    hsize_t    nrecords_out;
    hid_t      arry3_32f;
    hid_t      arry2_32f;
    hsize_t    dims;

    const char *field_names[NFIELDS]  =
      { "Name","Longitude","Pressure","Temperature","Latitude" };
    hid_t field_type[NFIELDS];
    hid_t string_type = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );

    H5Tset_size( string_type, 16 );
    field_type[0] = string_type;
    field_type[1] = H5T_NATIVE_LONG;
    field_type[2] = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT;
    field_type[3] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
    field_type[4] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;

    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBmake_table
    * H5TBread_table
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("making table");

        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table1",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

    TESTING2("reading table");

    * read the table

    if (H5TBread_table(fid,"table1",type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,rbuf)<0)
        goto out;

    /* compare the extracted table with the original array */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
        if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
            goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBwrite_records
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("writing records");

        /* create an empty table */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table2",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        * write records, start at 0, write 8
        * pos = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        * data= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        if (H5TBwrite_records(fid,"table2",wstart,wrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
            goto out;

        /* read it back */
        if (H5TBread_table(fid,"table2",type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,rbuf)<0)
            goto out;

        /* compare  */
        for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
            if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBread_records

    TESTING2("reading records");

    * read records, start at 0, read 8
    * pos = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    * data= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    * for the read test we cannot use "table2" because it has been appended
    * we use the original "table1" instead

    if (H5TBread_records(fid,tname,rstart,rrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
        goto out;

    /* compare */
    for( i = rstart; i < rrecords; i++)
        if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
            goto out;

    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBappend_records
    * H5TBread_records
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("appending records");

        * append 2 records
        * pos = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
        * data= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
        if (H5TBappend_records(fid,"table2",arecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,abuf)<0)
            return 1;

        if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table2",&rfields,&rrecords)<0)
            return 1;

        rstart=0; rrecords=NRECORDS+arecords;
        if (H5TBread_records(fid,"table2",rstart,rrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
            return 1;

        /* compare */
        for( i = rstart; i< wrecords; i++)
            if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                goto out;
        for( i = wrecords, j = 0; i < rrecords; i++,j++)
            if (cmp_par(i,j,rbuf,abuf)<0)
                goto out;

    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBinsert_record
    * H5TBread_records
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("inserting records");

        * insert 2 records
        * pos = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
        * data= 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  9
        istart=1; irecords=2;
        if (H5TBinsert_record(fid,"table2",istart,irecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,ibuf)<0)
            return 1;

        if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table2",&rfields,&rrecords)<0)
            return 1;

        if (H5TBread_records(fid,"table2",rstart,rrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
            return 1;

        /* compare */
        for( i = 0; i < 12; i++)
            if (i < istart)
                if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;
            else if (i >= istart && i < istart + irecords)
                j = i - istart;
                if (cmp_par(i,j,rbuf,ibuf)<0)
                    goto out;
            else if ( i >= istart + irecords && i < 10 )
                j = i - irecords;
                if (cmp_par(i,j,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;
                j = i - 10;
                if (cmp_par(i,j,rbuf,abuf)<0)
                    goto out;

    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBdelete_record
    * H5TBread_records
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("deleting records");

        * Create a table
        * pos = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        * data= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

        for( i=0; i<NRECORDS; i++)
            wbufd[i].lati = wbuf[i].lati;
            wbufd[i].longi = wbuf[i].longi;
            wbufd[i].pressure = wbuf[i].pressure;
            wbufd[i].temperature = wbuf[i].temperature;
            HDstrcpy(wbufd[i].name, wbuf[i].name );


        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table3",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        * Delete records, start at 2, delete 3
        * pos = 0 1 2 3 4
        * data= 0 1 5 6 7
        dstart=2; drecords=3;
        if (H5TBdelete_record(fid,"table3",dstart,drecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table3",&rfields,&rrecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBread_records(fid,"table3",rstart,rrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
            goto out;

        /* compare */
        assert(rrecords == nrecords-drecords);
        if (compare_deleted(rrecords,dstart,drecords,rbuf,wbufd)<0)
            goto out;

        * reset compare buffer
        for( i=0; i<nrecords; i++)
            wbufd[i] = rbuf[i];

        * Delete records, start at 0, delete 2
        * pos = 0 1 2
        * data= 5 6 7
        dstart=0; drecords=2;
        if (H5TBdelete_record(fid,"table3",dstart,drecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table3",&rfields,&rrecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBread_records(fid,"table3",rstart,rrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
            goto out;

        /* Compare */
        assert(rrecords == nrecords-drecords);
        if (compare_deleted(rrecords,dstart,drecords,rbuf,wbufd)<0)
            goto out;

        * reset compare buffer
        for( i=0; i<nrecords; i++)
            wbufd[i] = rbuf[i];

        * Delete records, start at 1, delete 1
        * pos = 0 1
        * data= 5 7
        dstart=1; drecords=1;
        if (H5TBdelete_record(fid,"table3",dstart,drecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table3",&rfields,&rrecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBread_records(fid,"table3",rstart,rrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
            goto out;

        /* Compare */
        assert(rrecords == nrecords-drecords);
        if (compare_deleted(rrecords,dstart,drecords,rbuf,wbufd)<0)
            goto out;

        * reset compare buffer
        for( i=0; i<nrecords; i++)
            wbufd[i] = rbuf[i];

        * Delete records, start at 0, delete 1
        * pos = 0
        * data= 7
        dstart=0; drecords=1;
        if (H5TBdelete_record(fid,"table3",dstart,drecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table3",&rfields,&rrecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBread_records(fid,"table3",rstart,rrecords,type_size_mem,field_offset,
            goto out;

        /* Compare */
        assert(rrecords == nrecords-drecords);
        if (compare_deleted(rrecords,dstart,drecords,rbuf,wbufd)<0)
            goto out;

        * reset compare buffer
        for( i=0; i<nrecords; i++)
            wbufd[i] = rbuf[i];

        /* Read complete table */
        if (H5TBread_table(fid,"table3",type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,rbuf)<0)
            goto out;

        /* Compare */
        for( i=0; i<rrecords; i++)
            if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbufd)<0)
                goto out;

        * Delete records, start at 0, delete 1
        * pos = 0
        * data= empty
        dstart=0; drecords=1;
        if (H5TBdelete_record(fid,"table3",dstart,drecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table3",&rfields,&rrecords)<0)
            goto out;

        if (rrecords)
            goto out;


     * Functions tested:
     * H5TBdelete_record -- With differing memory layout from machine memory 
     *                      layout. HDFFV-8055
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("deleting records (differing memory layout)");

	dims = 3;
	arry3_32f = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,  1, &dims); 

	dims = 2;
	arry2_32f = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,  1, &dims); 

	/* Initialize the field field_type */
	field_type4[0] = H5T_NATIVE_UINT32;
	field_type4[1] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
	field_type4[2] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
	field_type4[3] = arry3_32f;
	field_type4[4] = arry3_32f;
	field_type4[5] = arry2_32f;

	/* Make the table */
	if (H5TBmake_table("Table Title",fid,"table",NFIELDS+1,(hsize_t)NRECORDS,
                          tbl_size, field_names4, tbl_offset, field_type4,
                          chunk_size, fill_data, compress, p_data)<0)
	  goto out;
	/* Delete records */
	start    = 3;
	nrecords = 3;
	if (H5TBdelete_record(fid, "table", start, nrecords)<0)
	  goto out;;
	/* Get table info */
	if (H5TBget_table_info(fid,"table", &nfields_out, &nrecords_out)<0)
	  goto out;
	/* check */
	if( (int)nfields_out != (int)NFIELDS+1)
	  goto out;
	if( (int)nrecords_out != (int)NRECORDS-3)
	  goto out;
	/* close type */


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBadd_records_from
    * H5TBread_records

    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("adding records");

        /* create 2 tables */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table4",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table5",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* add the records from "table4" to "table5"  */
        start1    = 3;
        nrecords  = 2;
        start2    = 6;
        if ( H5TBadd_records_from(fid,"table4",start1,nrecords,"table5",start2)<0)
            goto out;

        /* read final table */
        if (H5TBread_table(fid,"table5",type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,rbuf)<0)
            goto out;

        /* compare */
        for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS+2; i++ )
            if ( i < start2 )
                if (cmp_par(i,i,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;
            else if ( i < start2 + nrecords )
                j = i - start1;
                if (cmp_par(i,j,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;
                j = i - nrecords;
                if (cmp_par(i,j,rbuf,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBcombine_tables
    * H5TBread_table

    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("combining tables");

        /* create 2 tables */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table6",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table7",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* combine the two tables into a third  */
        if ( H5TBcombine_tables(fid,"table6",fid,"table7","table8")<0)
            goto out;

        /* read merged table */
        if (H5TBread_table(fid,"table8",type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,rbufc)<0)
            goto out;

        /* compare  */
        for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS*2; i++ )
            if ( i < NRECORDS )
                if (cmp_par(i,i,rbufc,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;
                if (cmp_par(i,i-NRECORDS,rbufc,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;

        * multi file test

        /* create 2 files using default properties. */
        fid1 = H5Fcreate("combine_tables1.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT);
        fid2 = H5Fcreate("combine_tables2.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT);

        /* create 2 tables, one in each file */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid1,"table1",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid2,"table2",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* combine the two tables into a third  */
        if ( H5TBcombine_tables(fid1,"table1",fid2,"table2","table3")<0)
            goto out;

        /* read merged table */
        if (H5TBread_table(fid1,"table3",type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,rbufc)<0)
            goto out;

        /* compare  */
        for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS*2; i++ )
            if ( i < NRECORDS )
                if (cmp_par(i,i,rbufc,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;
                if (cmp_par(i,i-NRECORDS,rbufc,wbuf)<0)
                    goto out;

        /* close files */


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBwrite_fields_name
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("writing fields by name");

        /* make an empty table with fill values */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table9",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* write the pressure field starting at record 2 */
        start    = 2;
        nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
        if (H5TBwrite_fields_name(fid,"table9","Pressure",start,nrecords,sizeof(float),
            goto out;

        /* write the new longitude and latitude information starting at record 2 */
        start    = 2;
        nrecords = 3;
        if (H5TBwrite_fields_name(fid,"table9","Latitude,Longitude",start,nrecords,sizeof(position_t),
            goto out;

        /* read back the all table */
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS;
        if (H5TBread_table(fid,"table9",type_size_mem,field_offset,field_size,rbuf)<0)
            goto out;


            /* compare the read values with the initial values */
            for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
                if ( i >= 2 && i <= 4 )
                    if ( rbuf[i].lati        != position_in[i-NRECORDS_ADD+1].lati ||
                        rbuf[i].longi       != position_in[i-NRECORDS_ADD+1].longi ||
                        rbuf[i].pressure    != pressure_in[i-NRECORDS_ADD+1] )
                        HDfprintf(stderr,"%ld %f %d\n",
                        HDfprintf(stderr,"%ld %f %d\n",
                        goto out;

    } /*write*/

    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBread_fields_name
    TESTING2("reading fields by name");

    * write and read the "Pressure" field
    if (do_write)
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table10",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* write the pressure field to all the records */
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_name(fid,"table10","Pressure",start,nrecords,
            sizeof( float ),0,field_sizes_pre,pressure_in)<0)
            goto out;

    start    = 0;
    nrecords = NRECORDS;

    /* read an invalid field, should fail */
    if ( H5TBread_fields_name(fid,"table10","DoesNotExist",start,nrecords,
        sizeof(float),0,field_sizes_pre,pressure_out) >=0)
      goto out;
    /* read the "Pressure" field */
    if ( H5TBread_fields_name(fid,"table10","Pressure",start,nrecords,
        goto out;

    /* Compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
        if ( pressure_out[i] != pressure_in[i] ) {
            goto out;

    * Write and read the "Latitude,Longitude" fields
    if (do_write)
        /* Write the new longitude and latitude information to all the records */
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_name(fid,"table10", "Latitude,Longitude", start, nrecords,
            sizeof( position_t ), field_offset_pos, field_sizes_pos, position_in  ) < 0 )
            goto out;

    /* Read the "Latitude,Longitude" fields */
    start    = 0;
    nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
    if ( H5TBread_fields_name( fid, "table10", "Latitude,Longitude",
        start, nrecords, sizeof(position_t), field_offset_pos, field_sizes_pos, position_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS_ADD; i++ )
        if ( position_out[i].lati  != position_in[i].lati ||
            position_out[i].longi != position_in[i].longi )
            goto out;

    * Write and read the "Name,Pressure" fields
    if (do_write)
        /* Write the new name and pressure information to all the records */
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_name( fid, "table10", "Name,Pressure", start, nrecords,
            sizeof( namepressure_t ), field_offset_namepre, field_sizes_namepre, namepre_in  ) < 0 )
            goto out;

    /* Read the "Name,Pressure" fields */
    start    = 0;
    nrecords = NRECORDS;
    if ( H5TBread_fields_name( fid, "table10", "Name,Pressure",
        start, nrecords, sizeof(namepressure_t), field_offset_namepre, field_sizes_namepre,
        namepre_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
        if ( ( HDstrcmp( namepre_out[i].name,  namepre_in[i].name ) != 0 ) ||
            namepre_out[i].pressure != namepre_in[i].pressure ) {
                goto out;

    /* reset buffer */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
        HDstrcpy( namepre_out[i].name,  "\0" );
        namepre_out[i].pressure = -1;

    * read only 3 records of the "Name,Pressure" fields, starting at record 2
    start    = 2;
    nrecords = 3;
    if ( H5TBread_fields_name( fid, "table10", "Name,Pressure",
        start, nrecords, sizeof(namepressure_t), field_offset_namepre,
        field_sizes_namepre, namepre_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* Compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        hsize_t iistart = start;
        if ( ( HDstrcmp( namepre_out[i].name,  namepre_in[iistart+i].name ) != 0 ) ||
            namepre_out[i].pressure != namepre_in[iistart+i].pressure ) {
                goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBwrite_fields_index
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("writing fields by index");

        /* make an empty table */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table11",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* write the pressure field starting at record 2 */
        nfields  = 1;
        start    = 2;
        nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_index(fid, "table11", nfields, field_index_pre, start, nrecords,
            sizeof( float ), 0, field_sizes_pre, pressure_in  ) < 0 )
            goto out;

        /* write the new longitude and latitude information starting at record 2  */
        nfields  = 2;
        start    = 2;
        nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_index(fid, "table11", nfields, field_index_pos, start, nrecords,
            sizeof( position_t ), field_offset_pos, field_sizes_pos, position_in  ) < 0 )
            goto out;

        /* read back the all table */
        nfields  = 5;
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS;
        if ( H5TBread_fields_index(fid, "table11", nfields, field_index,
            start, nrecords, type_size_mem, field_offset, field_size, rbuf ) < 0 )
            goto out;

        /* Compare the extracted table with the initial values */
        for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
            if ( i >= 2 && i <= 4 )
                if ( rbuf[i].lati        != position_in[i-NRECORDS_ADD+1].lati ||
                    rbuf[i].longi       != position_in[i-NRECORDS_ADD+1].longi ||
                    rbuf[i].pressure    != pressure_in[i-NRECORDS_ADD+1] )
                    goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBread_fields_index

    TESTING2("reading fields by index");

    if (do_write)
        /* make an empty table */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table12",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        * write and read the "Pressure" field

        /* write the pressure field to all the records */
        nfields  = 1;
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_index(fid, "table12", nfields, field_index_pre, start, nrecords,
            sizeof( float ), 0, field_sizes_pre, pressure_in  ) < 0 )
            goto out;

    /* read the "Pressure" field */
    nfields  = 1;
    start    = 0;
    nrecords = NRECORDS;
    if ( H5TBread_fields_index(fid, "table12", nfields, field_index_pre,
        start, nrecords, sizeof(float), 0, field_sizes_pre, pressure_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
        if ( pressure_out[i] != pressure_in[i] ) {
            goto out;

    * write and read the "Latitude,Longitude" fields
    if (do_write)
        /* write the new longitude and latitude information to all the records */
        nfields = 2;
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_index(fid, "table12", nfields, field_index_pos, start, nrecords,
            sizeof( position_t ), field_offset_pos, field_sizes_pos, position_in  ) < 0 )
            goto out;
    } /*write*/

    /* read the "Latitude,Longitude" fields */
    nfields = 2;
    start    = 0;
    nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
    if ( H5TBread_fields_index(fid, "table12", nfields, field_index_pos,
        start, nrecords, sizeof(position_t), field_offset_pos, field_sizes_pos, position_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS_ADD; i++ )
        if ( position_out[i].lati  != position_in[i].lati ||
            position_out[i].longi != position_in[i].longi ) {
                goto out;

    * write and read the "Name,Pressure" fields

    if (do_write)
        /* write the new name and pressure information to all the records */
        nfields = 2;
        start    = 0;
        nrecords = NRECORDS;
        if ( H5TBwrite_fields_index(fid, "table12", nfields, field_index_namepre, start, nrecords,
            sizeof( namepressure_t ), field_offset_namepre, field_sizes_namepre, namepre_in  ) < 0 )
            goto out;

    /* read the "Name,Pressure" fields */
    nfields = 2;
    start    = 0;
    nrecords = NRECORDS;
    if ( H5TBread_fields_index(fid, "table12", nfields, field_index_namepre,
        start, nrecords, sizeof(namepressure_t), field_offset_namepre,
        field_sizes_namepre, namepre_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
        if ( ( HDstrcmp( namepre_out[i].name,  namepre_in[i].name ) != 0 ) ||
            namepre_out[i].pressure != namepre_in[i].pressure ) {
                goto out;

    /* reset buffer */
    for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
        HDstrcpy( namepre_out[i].name,  "\0" );
        namepre_out[i].pressure = -1;

    * read only 3 records of the "Name,Pressure" fields, starting at record 2

    /* write the new name and pressure information to all the records */
    nfields  = 2;
    start    = 2;
    nrecords = 3;
    if ( H5TBread_fields_index(fid, "table12", nfields, field_index_namepre,
        start, nrecords, sizeof(namepressure_t), field_offset_namepre,
        field_sizes_namepre, namepre_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    /* compare the extracted table with the initial values */
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        int iistart = (int) start;
        if ( ( HDstrcmp( namepre_out[i].name,  wbuf[iistart+i].name ) != 0 ) ||
            namepre_out[i].pressure != wbuf[iistart+i].pressure ) {
                goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBinsert_field

    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("inserting fields");

        /* make a table */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table13",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* insert the new field at the end of the field list */
        position = NFIELDS;
        if ( H5TBinsert_field( fid, "table13", "New Field", field_type_new, position,
            fill1_new, buf_new ) < 0 )
            goto out;

        /* read the table */
        if ( H5TBread_table( fid, "table13", dst_size2, dst_offset2, dst_sizes2, rbuf2 ) < 0 )
            goto out;

        /* compare the extracted table with the original array */
        for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
            if ( ( HDstrcmp( rbuf2[i].name,  wbuf[i].name ) != 0 ) ||
                rbuf2[i].lati          != wbuf[i].lati ||
                rbuf2[i].longi         != wbuf[i].longi ||
                rbuf2[i].pressure      != wbuf[i].pressure ||
                rbuf2[i].temperature   != wbuf[i].temperature ||
                rbuf2[i].new_field     != buf_new[i] ) {
                    goto out;

    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBdelete_field
    if (do_write)
        TESTING2("deleting fields");

        /* make a table */
        if (H5TBmake_table(TITLE,fid,"table14",FIELDS,RECORDS,type_size_mem,
            goto out;

        /* delete the field */
        if ( H5TBdelete_field(fid, "table14", "Pressure" ) < 0 )
            goto out;

        /* read the table */
        if ( H5TBread_table(fid, "table14", dst_size3, dst_offset3, dst_sizes3, rbuf3 ) < 0 )
            goto out;

        /* compare the extracted table with the original array */
        for( i = 0; i < NRECORDS; i++ )
            if ( ( HDstrcmp( rbuf3[i].name, wbuf[i].name ) != 0 ) ||
                rbuf3[i].lati != wbuf[i].lati ||
                rbuf3[i].longi != wbuf[i].longi ||
                rbuf3[i].temperature != wbuf[i].temperature ) {
                    goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBget_table_info
    * H5TBget_field_info

    TESTING2("getting table info");

    /* get table info  */
    if ( H5TBget_table_info (fid, "table1", &rfields, &rrecords ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    if ( NFIELDS != rfields || rrecords != NRECORDS  ) {
        goto out;


    * Functions tested:
    * H5TBget_field_info

    TESTING2("getting field info");

    /* alocate */
    names_out = (char**) HDmalloc( sizeof(char*) * (size_t)NFIELDS );
    for ( i = 0; i < NFIELDS; i++)
        names_out[i] = (char*) HDmalloc( sizeof(char) * 255 );

    /* Get field info */
    if ( H5TBget_field_info(fid, "table1", names_out, sizes_out, offset_out, &size_out ) < 0 )
        goto out;

    for ( i = 0; i < NFIELDS; i++)
        if ( (HDstrcmp( field_names[i], names_out[i] ) != 0)) {
            goto out;

    /* release */
    for ( i = 0; i < NFIELDS; i++)
        HDfree ( names_out[i] );
    HDfree ( names_out );


    * end
    return 0;
    return -1;

* the main program

int main(void)
    hid_t    fid;  /* identifier for the file */
    unsigned flags=H5F_ACC_RDONLY;

    * test1: create a file for the write/read test

    /* create a file using default properties */

    HDputs("Testing table with file creation mode (read/write in native architecture):");

    /* test, do write */
    if (test_table(fid,1)<0)
        goto out;

    /* close */

    * test2: open a file written in test1 on a big-endian machine
    HDputs("Testing table with file open mode (read big-endian data):");


    /* test, do not write */
    if (test_table(fid,0)<0)
        goto out;

    /* close */

    * test3: open a file written in test1 on a little-endian machine
    HDputs("Testing table with file open mode (read little-endian data):");


    /* test, do not write */
    if (test_table(fid,0)<0)
        goto out;

    /* close */

    * test4: open a file written in test1 on the Cray T3 machine
    HDputs("Testing table with file open mode (read Cray data):");


    /* test, do not write */
    if (test_table(fid,0)<0)
        goto out;

    /* close */

    return 0;
    return 1;