/*  This file is part of the Pablo Performance Analysis Environment
//           (R)
//  The Pablo    Performance Analysis Environment software is NOT in
//  the public domain.  However, it is freely available without fee for
//  education, research, and non-profit purposes.  By obtaining copies
//  of this and other files that comprise the Pablo Performance Analysis
//  Environment, you, the Licensee, agree to abide by the following
//  conditions and understandings with respect to the copyrighted software:
//  1.  The software is copyrighted in the name of the Board of Trustees
//      of the University of Illinois (UI), and ownership of the software
//      remains with the UI. 
//  2.  Permission to use, copy, and modify this software and its documentation
//      for education, research, and non-profit purposes is hereby granted
//      to Licensee, provided that the copyright notice, the original author's
//      names and unit identification, and this permission notice appear on
//      all such copies, and that no charge be made for such copies.  Any
//      entity desiring permission to incorporate this software into commercial
//      products should contact:
//           Professor Daniel A. Reed                 reed@cs.uiuc.edu
//           University of Illinois
//           Department of Computer Science
//           2413 Digital Computer Laboratory
//           1304 West Springfield Avenue
//           Urbana, Illinois  61801
//           USA
//  3.  Licensee may not use the name, logo, or any other symbol of the UI
//      nor the names of any of its employees nor any adaptation thereof in
//      advertizing or publicity pertaining to the software without specific
//      prior written approval of the UI.
//  5.  The UI shall not be liable for any damages suffered by Licensee from
//      the use of this software.
//  6.  The software was developed under agreements between the UI and the
//      Federal Government which entitle the Government to certain rights.
// *************************************************************************
//  Developed by: The Pablo Research Group
//                University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
//                Department of Computer Science
//                1304 W. Springfield Avenue
//                Urbana, IL     61801
//                http://www-pablo.cs.uiuc.edu
//  Send comments to: pablo-feedback@guitar.cs.uiuc.edu
//  Copyright (c) 1987-1998
//  The University of Illinois Board of Trustees.
//       All Rights Reserved.
//  PABLO is a registered trademark of
//  The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
//  registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
//  Project Manager and Principal Investigator:
//       Daniel A. Reed (reed@cs.uiuc.edu)
// Funded in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under 
// DARPA contracts DABT63-94-C0049 (SIO Initiative), F30602-96-C-0161,
// and DABT63-96-C-0027 by the National Science Foundation under the PACI 
// program and grants NSF CDA 94-01124 and ASC 97-20202, and by the 
// Department of Energy under contracts DOE B-341494, W-7405-ENG-48, and 
// 1-B-333164.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifndef fileno
int fileno ( FILE * );
/* on ipsc/860 don't include this or you'll get multiply defined SEEK_* */
#ifndef __NX
#include <unistd.h>

#define HDFtrace3OPEN__
int HDFtrace3OPEN( const char *, int, mode_t );

#include "SDDFparam.h" 
#include "TraceParam.h"

#include "SystemDepend.h"
#include "Trace.h"

#include "IO_TraceParams.h"
#include "HDFIOTrace.h"

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0

/* mode_t is not defined on the ipsc/860 so we define it here */
#ifdef __NX
typedef unsigned int mode_t;

#define HAVE_MPIO

int *procTrace;
extern void preInitIOTrace( void ); 

#include "ProcIDs.h"
#include "HDFTrace.h"
#include "IOTrace.h"

#define	ID_HDFprocName		9996
#define	ID_malloc		9997
#define	ID_free			9998
#define	ID_timeStamp		9999
#define	DUMMY_HDF		10000

extern char HDFprocNames[][40] = {
#include "HDFentryNames.h"

void startHDFtraceEvent (int );
void endHDFtraceEvent (int , int , char *, int );

#undef PCF_BUILD

#ifdef PCF_BUILD
void hdfCaptureInit( const char* name, int captureType );
void hdfCaptureEnd( void );
void HDFinitTrace_RT ( const char * );
void HDFinitTrace_SDDF ( const char * );
void hinittracex_ ( char [], int *, int[], int *,unsigned * );
void hdfendtrace_ ( void ) ;
void HDFendTrace_RT (void );
void HDFendTrace_SDDF( void );
void HDFfinalTimeStamp( void );
void HDFtraceEvent_RT ( int , HDFsetInfo *, unsigned );
void HDFtraceIOEvent( int , void *, unsigned );
extern int IOtracingEnabled;
extern int suppressMPIOtrace;
char *hdfRecordPointer;

// NAME									*
//     HDFinitTrace -- initialize HDF tracing				*
// USAGE								*
//     VOID HDFinitTrace( traceFileName, out_sw )			*
//     char    *traceFileName;	IN: name of the generated trace output  *
//				    file				*
//     int     ...   		IN: indicates which routines to trace	*
//				    The list is terminated by the 	*
//				    OUTPUT_SWITCH value indicating	*
//				    whether to do RunTime or Summary	*
//				    tracing.				*
// RETURNS								*
//     None.								*
// fortran to C interface.                                              *
// This is called from hdfinittracef_                                   *
hinittracex_( char *file, 
              int *len, 
              int flags[], 
              int *nflags, 
              unsigned *out_sw )
   char *traceFileName;
   int i;
   traceFileName = (char *)malloc(*len+1);
   for ( i = 0; i < *len; ++i ) 
      traceFileName[i] = file[i];
   traceFileName[*len] = 0;
   // Allocate space for trace indicators.				*
   procTrace = ( int * ) malloc( NUM_HDF_IDS*sizeof(int) );
   if ( procTrace == NULL ) 
       fprintf(stderr,">> Error: Unable to allocate procTrace ");
       fprintf(stderr,"array in program HDFinitTrace. <<<\n");
       fprintf(stderr,">>> Exiting program! <<<\n");
       exit (-1);
   // Initialize to 0.							*
   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HDF_IDS; ++i ) 
      procTrace[i] = 0;      
   // Read in the flags indicating which procedures to trace.		*
   // The last parameter passed is an indicator of the type of 		*
   // tracing to do.  This indicator has a value larger than any   	*
   // of the flags.							*
   for ( i = 0; i < *nflags; ++i ) 
      procTrace[flags[i]] = 1;
   OUTPUT_SWITCH = *out_sw;
   // if no flags were passed, the default is to trace all of the  	*
   // procedures.							*
   if ( *nflags == 0 || procTrace[ID_ALLHDF] ) 
      for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HDF_IDS; ++i ) 
         procTrace[i] = 1;      
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   hdfCaptureInit( traceFileName, OUTPUT_SWITCH );
   suppressMPIOtrace = TRUE;
                        || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_RUNTIME_TRACE ) 
      HDFinitTrace_SDDF( traceFileName );
      IOtracingEnabled = 1;
                        || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_SUMMARY_TRACE ) 
      HDFinitTrace_RT( traceFileName );
      IOtracingEnabled = 1;
   else if ( OUTPUT_SWITCH == NO_TRACE ) 
      IOtracingEnabled = 0;
      fprintf(stderr,">> Error in HDFinitTrace: the third argument ");
      fprintf(stderr,"must have a value between %4d<<\n",RUNTIME_TRACE);
      fprintf(stderr,">> and %4d, inclusive.",NO_TRACE);
      fprintf(stderr,"  The value received was %4u.", OUTPUT_SWITCH);
      fprintf(stderr," Exiting Program.     <<\n");
      exit (-1);
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
HDFinitTrace( const char *traceFileName, int id_flag, ... )
   int i; 
   int nIDs;
   va_list ap;

   // Allocate space for trace indicators.				*
   procTrace = ( int * ) malloc( NUM_HDF_IDS*sizeof(int) );
   if ( procTrace == NULL ) 
      fprintf(stderr,">> Error: Unable to allocate procTrace ");
      fprintf(stderr,"array in program HDFinitTrace. <<<\n");
      fprintf(stderr,">>> Exiting program! <<<\n");
      exit (-1);
   // Initialize to 0.							*
   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HDF_IDS; ++i ) 
      procTrace[i] = 0;      
   // Read in the flags indicating which procedures to trace.		*
   // The last parameter passed is an indicator of the type of 		*
   // tracing to do.  This indicator has a value larger than any   	*
   // of the flags.							*
   nIDs = 0;
   va_start( ap, id_flag );
   while ( id_flag > LAST_TRACE_TYPE ) 
      procTrace[id_flag] = 1;
      id_flag = va_arg ( ap, int );
   OUTPUT_SWITCH = id_flag;
   // if no flags were passed, the default is to trace all of the  	*
   // procedures.							*
   if ( nIDs == 0 || procTrace[ID_ALLHDF] ) 
      for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HDF_IDS; ++i ) 
         procTrace[i] = 1;      
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   hdfCaptureInit( traceFileName, OUTPUT_SWITCH );
   suppressMPIOtrace = TRUE;
                        || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_RUNTIME_TRACE ) 
      HDFinitTrace_SDDF( traceFileName );
      IOtracingEnabled = 1;
                        || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_SUMMARY_TRACE ) 
      HDFinitTrace_RT( traceFileName );
      IOtracingEnabled = 1;
   else if ( OUTPUT_SWITCH == NO_TRACE ) 
       IOtracingEnabled = 0;
       fprintf(stderr,">> Error in HDFinitTrace: the third argument ");
       fprintf(stderr,"must have a value between %4d<<\n",RUNTIME_TRACE);
       fprintf(stderr,">> and %4d, inclusive.",NO_TRACE);
       fprintf(stderr,"  The value received was %4u.", OUTPUT_SWITCH);
       fprintf(stderr," Exiting Program.     <<\n");
       exit (-1);
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
// NAME									*
//     HDFendTrace -- end HDF tracing					*
// USAGE								*
//     VOID HDFendTrace(VOID)						*
// RETURNS								*
//     None.								*
void hdfendtrace_( void ) 
   HDFendTrace ();
void HDFendTrace(void)
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
                     || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_RUNTIME_TRACE ) 
      HDFendTrace_SDDF( );
                  || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_SUMMARY_TRACE ) 
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
void startHDFtraceEvent(int eventID)
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   traceHDFentryEvent( eventID ) ;
	                     || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_RUNTIME_TRACE ) 
      traceEvent( eventID, NULL, 0 ) ;
      HDFtraceEvent_RT( eventID, NULL, 0 ) ;
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
void endHDFtraceEvent(int eventID, int setID, char *setName, int IDtype )
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   traceHDFexitEvent( eventID );
   HDFsetInfo info;
   info.setID = setID;
   info.setName = setName;
	                     || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_RUNTIME_TRACE ) 
      traceEvent( eventID, (char *)&info, 0 ) ;
	                     || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_SUMMARY_TRACE ) 
      HDFtraceEvent_RT( eventID, &info, 0 ) ;
   else if ( OUTPUT_SWITCH != NO_TRACE ) 
      fprintf(stderr,"endHDFtraceEvent: ");
      fprintf(stderr,"invalid OUTPUT_SWITCH %d, IDtype = %d\n",
                                                  OUTPUT_SWITCH, IDtype ) ;
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
hdfCaptureInit( const char* name, int captureType )
   int procNum;
   HDF_get_NodeNum( &procNum );
   basePerformanceInit( name, procNum );
   genericBaseInit( captureType, procNum );
   unixIObaseInit( captureType, procNum );
#ifdef HAVE_MPIO
   mpiIObaseInit( captureType, procNum );
   hdfBaseInit( captureType,
                HDFprocNames );
hdfCaptureEnd( void )
   int i;
   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HDF_IDS; ++i )
      procTrace[i] = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_MPIO
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
/* The HDFtraceXXXX routines are substitutes for the standard I/O routines.  */
/* When libhdf5-inst.a is compiled, macros in HDFTrace.h substitute the name */
/* HDFtraceWrite for write, HDFtraceRead for Read, etc.  These routines are  */
/* then called when standard I/O is done.				     */
/*+	Open routines      	   	                                    +*/
/*+     -------------            				            +*/
/*+	                                                                    +*/
/*+ Routine:  FILE *HDFtraceFOPEN( const char *filename, const char *type ) +*/
/*+		  substitute for fopen()                                    +*/
/*+     	  generates fopenBeginID, fopenEndID		            +*/
/*+		  record Open (fopenBegin)                                  +*/
/*+			Mode = -1                                           +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceFOPEN( const char *filename, const char *type )
   FILE *fp;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   fp = (FILE *)traceFOPEN( filename, type );
   int fd, id;
   int flags = 0;
   struct open_args openArgs;
   size_t typeLen;
   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      strcpy( openArgs.filename, filename );
      /* check for 'b' - usually if 2 chars, second is '+' */
      typeLen = strlen( type );
      if ( ( typeLen == 2 ) && ( type [1] == 'b' ) ) 
         typeLen = 1;

      if ( typeLen == 1 ) 
         switch( type[0] ) 
            case 'r':
               flags = flags | O_RDONLY;
            case 'w':
               flags = O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY;
            case 'a':
               flags = flags | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY;
         switch( type[0] ) 
            case 'r':
               flags = O_RDWR;
            case 'w':
               flags = O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR;
            case 'a':
               flags = O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_RDWR;
      openArgs.flags = flags;
      openArgs.mode= -1;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( fopenBeginID, (void *)&openArgs, sizeof(openArgs) );

   fp = fopen( filename, type );
   if ( fp != NULL ) 
      fd = fileno( fp );
      id = set_c_mappedID( fd );
      id = -1;

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
     HDFtraceIOEvent( fopenEndID, (void *) &id, int_SIZE );   
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
   return( fp );

/*+	Routine:  int HDFtraceCREAT( const char *path, mode_t mode )        +*/
/*+		  substitute for creat()                                    +*/
/*+     	  generates openBeginID, openEndID		            +*/
/*+		  record Open (openBeginID)                                 +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceCREAT( const char *path, mode_t mode )
    int fd;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
    fd = traceCREAT( path, mode );
    struct open_args openArgs;
    int id;

    if ( IOtracingEnabled ) {
        strcpy( openArgs.filename, path );
        openArgs.flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
        openArgs.mode = (int) mode;

        HDFtraceIOEvent( openBeginID, (void *)&openArgs, sizeof(openArgs) );

    fd = creat( path, mode );
    id = set_c_mappedID( fd );

    if ( IOtracingEnabled ) {
        HDFtraceIOEvent( openEndID, (void *) &id, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
    return( fd );

/*+	Flush routines				                            +*/
/*+     --------------				                            +*/
/*+	                                                                    +*/
/*+	Routine:  int HDFtraceFFLUSH( FILE *stream )                        +*/
/*+		  substitute for fflush()                                   +*/
/*+               generates fflushBeginID, fflushEndID                      +*/
/*+	          record Flush (fflushBeginID)                              +*/
/*+		   							    +*/
HDFtraceFFLUSH( FILE *stream )
   int ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
    ret = traceFFLUSH( stream );
   int id;
   int fd;

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
       * If stream is NULL, all files open for write are flushed.
       * We show this with a -2 in the trace record as too much overhead
       * to try and tell what files those are and generate individual
       * trace records.
      if ( stream == NULL ) 
         id = -2;
         fd = fileno( stream );
         id = c_mappedID( fd );
         HDFtraceIOEvent( fflushBeginID, (void *) 0, int_SIZE );

   ret = fflush( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      HDFtraceIOEvent( fflushEndID, (void *) &id, 0 );

    * Note that if fflush called on stream open for reading, the file pointer
    * is moved to EOF if it isn't there already.  We don't account for that
    * in our file positioning information.
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
   return( ret );

/*+	Close routines				                            +*/
/*+     --------------				                            +*/
/*+	                                                                    +*/
/*+	Routine:  int HDFtraceFCLOSE( FILE *stream )                        +*/
/*+		  substitute for fclose()                                   +*/
/*+               generates fcloseBeginID, fcloseEndID                      +*/
/*+	          record Close (fcloseBeginID)                              +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceFCLOSE( FILE *stream )
   int ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
    ret = traceFCLOSE( stream );
   int id;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      id = c_mappedID( fd );
      HDFtraceIOEvent( fcloseBeginID, (void *) &id, int_SIZE );

   ret = fclose( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      HDFtraceIOEvent( fcloseEndID, (void *) 0, 0 );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );

/*+     Routine:  int HDFtrace3OPEN( char *path, int flags, mode_t mode )   +*/
/*+               substitute for open() when called with 3 arguments        +*/
/*+               generates openBeginID, openEndID                          +*/
/*+               record Open (openBeginID)                                 +*/
/*+                                                                         +*/
HDFtrace3OPEN( const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode )
   int fd;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   fd = trace3OPEN( path, flags, mode );
   struct open_args openArgs;
   int id;

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      strcpy( openArgs.filename, path );
      openArgs.flags = flags;
      openArgs.mode = (int) mode;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( openBeginID, (char *)&openArgs, sizeof(openArgs) );

   fd = open( path, flags, mode );
   id = set_c_mappedID( fd );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      HDFtraceIOEvent( openEndID, (char *) &id, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( fd );

/*+	Routine:  int HDFtraceCLOSE( int fd )	                            +*/
/*+		  substitute for close()              			    +*/
/*+               generates closeBeginID, closeEndID 		            +*/
/*+		  record Close (closeBeginID)                               +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceCLOSE( int fd )
   int ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceCLOSE( fd );
   int id;

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      id = c_mappedID( fd );
      HDFtraceIOEvent( closeBeginID, (void *) &id, int_SIZE );

   ret = close( fd );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      HDFtraceIOEvent( closeEndID, (void *) 0, 0 );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );

/*+	Read routines	            			                    +*/
/*+     -------------			            	                    +*/
/*+	                                                                    +*/
/*+	Routine:  int HDFtraceREAD( int fd, char *buf, int nbyte )          +*/
/*+		  substitute for read()                                     +*/
/*+               generates readBeginID, readEndID                          +*/
/*+	          record Read (readBeginID)                                 +*/
/*+                      Number Variables = 1                               +*/
/*+			 Cause = -1                                         +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceREAD( int fd, void *buf, size_t nbyte )
   ssize_t ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
    ret = traceREAD( fd, buf, nbyte );
   struct read_write_args readArgs;  
   int bytes;

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      readArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      readArgs.numVariables = 1;
      readArgs.cause = -1;   

      HDFtraceIOEvent( readBeginID, (void *) &readArgs, sizeof(readArgs) );

   ret = read( fd, buf, nbyte );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      if ( ret > 0 ) 
         bytes = (int)ret;
         bytes = 0;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( readEndID, (void *) &bytes, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );
/*+	Routine:  int HDFtraceFREAD( char *ptr, int size, int nitems,       +*/
/*+			          FILE *stream)                             +*/
/*+		  substitute for fread()                                    +*/
/*+               generates freadBeginID, freadEndID                        +*/
/*+	          record Read (freadBeginID)                                +*/
/*+                      Number Variables = nitems                          +*/
/*+			 Cause = -1                                         +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceFREAD( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream )
   size_t ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceFREAD( ptr, size, nitems, stream );
   struct read_write_args readArgs;  
   int nbytes;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      readArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      readArgs.numVariables = (int)nitems;
      readArgs.cause = -1;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( freadBeginID, (void *) &readArgs, sizeof(readArgs) );

   ret = fread( ptr, size, nitems, stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      if ( ret > 0 ) 
         nbytes = (int)(ret * size) ;
         nbytes = 0;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( freadEndID, (void *) &nbytes, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );
/*+	Seek routines            			                    +*/
/*+     -------------			            	                    +*/
/*+	                                                                    +*/
/*+	Routine:  off_t HDFtraceLSEEK( int fd, off_t offset, int whence )   +*/
/*+		  substitute for lseek()                                    +*/
/*+               generates lseekBeginID, lseekEndID                        +*/
/*+	          record Seek (lseekBeginID)                                +*/
/*+									     +*/
HDFtraceLSEEK( int fd, off_t offset, int whence )
   off_t ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceLSEEK( fd, offset, whence );
   struct seek_args seekArgs;
   long  arg;

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      seekArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      seekArgs.offset = (int) offset;
      seekArgs.whence = whence;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( lseekBeginID, (void *) &seekArgs, sizeof(seekArgs) );

   ret = lseek( fd, offset, whence );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      arg = (long) ret;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( lseekEndID, (void *)&arg, long_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );

/*+ routine:  int HDF traceFSEEK( FILE *stream, long offset, int whence )   +*/
/*+		  substitute for fseek()                                    +*/
/*+               generates fseekBeginID, fseekEndID                        +*/
/*+	          record Seek (fseekBeginID)                                +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceFSEEK( FILE *stream, long offset, int whence )
   int ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceFSEEK( stream, offset, whence );
   struct seek_args seekArgs;
   long arg;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      seekArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );;
      seekArgs.offset = (int) offset;
      seekArgs.whence = whence;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( fseekBeginID, (void *) &seekArgs, sizeof(seekArgs) );

   ret = fseek( stream, offset, whence );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      arg = ftell( stream );
      HDFtraceIOEvent( fseekEndID, (void *)&arg, long_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );

#ifdef fpos_t
/*+ Routine:  int HDFtraceFSETPOS( FILE *stream, const fpos_t *position )   +*/
/*+		  substitute for fsetpos()                                  +*/
/*+               generates fsetposBeginID, fsetposEndID                    +*/
/*+	          record Seek (fsetposBeginID)                              +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceFSETPOS( FILE stream, const fpos_t *position )
   int ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceFSETPOS( stream, position );
   struct seek_args seekArgs;
   long arg;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      seekArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );;
      seekArgs.offset = (int) *position;
      seekArgs.whence = SEEK_SET;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( fsetposBeginID, (void *) &seekArgs, sizeof(seekArgs) );

   ret = fsetpos( stream, position );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      arg = (long) *position;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( fsetposEndID, (void *)&arg, long_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );
#endif /* fpos_t */

/*+	Routine:  void HDFtraceREWIND ( FILE *stream )                      +*/
/*+		  substitute for rewind()                                   +*/
/*+               generates rewindBeginID, rewindEndID                      +*/
/*+	          record Seek (rewindBeginID)                               +*/
/*+                    	 Offset = 0                                         +*/
/*+			 Whence = SEEK_SET                                  +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceREWIND( FILE *stream )
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
    traceREWIND( stream );
   long arg;
   struct seek_args seekArgs;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      seekArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      seekArgs.offset = 0;
      seekArgs.whence = SEEK_SET;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( rewindBeginID, (void *) &seekArgs, sizeof(seekArgs) );

   rewind( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      arg = 0;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( rewindEndID, (void *)&arg, long_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */


/*+	Write routines            			                    +*/
/*+     --------------			            	                    +*/
/*+	                                                                    +*/
/*+  Routine:  int HDFtraceWRITE( int fd, char *buf, int nbyte )            +*/
/*+		  substitute for write()                                    +*/
/*+               generates writeBeginID, writeEndID                        +*/
/*+	          record Write (writeBeginID)                               +*/
/*+                    	 Number Variables = 1                               +*/
/*+			 Cause = -1                                         +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceWRITE( int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte )
   ssize_t ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceWRITE( fd, buf, nbyte );
   struct read_write_args writeArgs;
   int bytes;

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      writeArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      writeArgs.numVariables = 1;
      writeArgs.cause = -1;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( writeBeginID, (void *) &writeArgs, sizeof(writeArgs) );

   ret = write( fd, buf, nbyte );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      if ( ret > 0 ) 
         bytes =  (int)ret;
         bytes = 0;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( writeEndID, (void *) &bytes, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
   return( ret );

/*+  Routine:  size_t HDFtraceFWRITE( const char *ptr, int size, int nitems,+*/
/*+                                FILE *stream )                           +*/
/*+		  substitute for fwrite()                                   +*/
/*+               generates fwriteBeginID, fwriteEndID                      +*/
/*+	          record Write (fwriteBeginID)                              +*/
/*+                    	 Number Variables = nitems                          +*/
/*+			 Cause = -1                                         +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceFWRITE(const void *ptr,size_t size,size_t nitems,FILE *stream )

   size_t ret;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceFWRITE( ptr, size, nitems, stream );
   struct read_write_args writeArgs;
   int nbytes;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      writeArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      writeArgs.numVariables = (int)nitems;
      writeArgs.cause = -1;

      HDFtraceIOEvent(fwriteBeginID, (void *)&writeArgs, sizeof(writeArgs));

   ret = fwrite( ptr, size, nitems, stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      if ( ret > 0 ) 
         nbytes = (int)(ret * size) ;
         nbytes = 0;
      HDFtraceIOEvent( fwriteEndID, (void *) &nbytes, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );
/*+  Routine:  int HDFtracePUTS( char *s )                                  +*/
/*+               substitute for puts()                                     +*/
/*+               generates fwriteBeginID, fwriteEndID                      +*/
/*+               record Write (fwriteBeginID)                              +*/
/*+                      Number Variables = 1                               +*/
/*+                      Cause = -1                                         +*/
/*+                                                                         +*/
HDFtracePUTS( const char *s )
   int ret;
   int fd = fileno( stdout );
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   tracePUTS( s );
   struct read_write_args writeArgs;
   if ( IOtracingEnabled )
      writeArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      writeArgs.numVariables = 1;
      writeArgs.cause = -1;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( fwriteBeginID, (void *) &writeArgs, sizeof(writeArgs) );

   ret = puts( s );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled )
      HDFtraceIOEvent( fwriteEndID, (void *) &ret, int_SIZE );

   return( ret );

/*+	Routine:  int HDFtraceFPUTC( int c, FILE *stream )                  +*/
/*+		  substitute for fputc()                                    +*/
/*+               generates fwriteBeginID, fwriteEndID                      +*/
/*+	          record Write (fwriteBeginID)                              +*/
/*+                    	 Number Variables = 1                               +*/
/*+			 Cause = -1                                         +*/
/*+									    +*/
HDFtraceFPUTC( int c, FILE *stream )
   int ret; 
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
    ret = traceFPUTC( c, stream );
   struct read_write_args writeArgs;
   int nbytes = char_SIZE;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      writeArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
      writeArgs.numVariables = 1;
      writeArgs.cause = -1;

      HDFtraceIOEvent( fwriteBeginID, (void *) &writeArgs, sizeof(writeArgs) );

   ret = fputc( c, stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      if ( ret == EOF ) 
         nbytes = 0;
         HDFtraceIOEvent( fwriteEndID, (void *) &nbytes, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
   return( ret );
/*+  Routine:  int HDFtraceFPUTS( char *s, FILE *stream )                   +*/
/*+               substitute for fputs()                                    +*/
/*+               generates fwriteBeginID, fwriteEndID                      +*/
/*+               record Write (fwriteBeginID)                              +*/
/*+                      Number Variables = 1                               +*/
/*+                      Cause = -1                                         +*/
/*+                                                                         +*/
int HDFtraceFPUTS( const char *s, FILE *stream )
   int ret;
   int fd = fileno( stream );

#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ret = traceFPUTS( s, stream );
   struct read_write_args writeArgs;
   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
       writeArgs.fileID = c_mappedID( fd );
       writeArgs.numVariables = 1;
       writeArgs.cause = -1;

       HDFtraceIOEvent(fwriteBeginID, (void *)&writeArgs, sizeof(writeArgs));

   ret = fputs( s, stream );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
       HDFtraceIOEvent( fwriteEndID, (void *) &ret, int_SIZE );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */

   return( ret );

HDFtraceMALLOC(size_t bytes )
   void *ptr;
#ifdef PCF_BUILD
   ptr = (void *)traceMALLOC( bytes );
   int byte_req;
   byte_req = (int)bytes;
   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      HDFtraceIOEvent ( ID_malloc, NULL, 0 );
   ptr = malloc( bytes );

   if ( IOtracingEnabled ) 
      HDFtraceIOEvent ( -ID_malloc, &byte_req, sizeof(int) );
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */
   return ptr ;

#ifndef PCF_BUILD
HDFtraceIOEvent( int eventType, void *dataPtr, unsigned dataLen )
	              || OUTPUT_SWITCH == MPI_RUNTIME_TRACE ) 
      traceEvent( eventType, dataPtr, dataLen );
      HDFtraceEvent_RT( eventType, (HDFsetInfo *)dataPtr, dataLen );
// record the final time stamp                                          *
HDFfinalTimeStamp( void )
        CLOCK   currentTime;
        double  seconds;
        struct {
                int packetLength,
                double Seconds;
                int eventID,
        } Packet;

        currentTime = getClock();
        seconds = clockToSeconds( currentTime );

        Packet.packetLength = sizeof(Packet);
        Packet.packetType   = PKT_DATA;
        Packet.packetTag    = FAMILY_EXTERNAL | RECORD_TRACE;
        Packet.timeDim      = 0;        /* use fp time stamp only */
        Packet.Seconds      = seconds;  /* fp time stamp          */
        Packet.eventID      = ID_timeStamp;
        Packet.node         = TRgetNode();
        Packet.dataLen      = 0;
        putBytes( (void *)&Packet , sizeof(Packet) );
// This Program is called to specify which routines are to be traced.	*
// On first entry, the program allocates storage for and initializes a  *
// global array procTrace.  The array has one element for each possible *
// HDF procedure and HDF library file.  If a procedure or all of the  *
// procedure in an HDF file are to be traced, then the elemen in the 	*
// array corresponding to the procedure or file is turned on.  This is  *
// used by the macros TRACE_ON and TRACE_OFF to enable tracing.  If     *
// this procedure is not called prior to initialization, then all of    *
// the elements of procTrace corresponding to HDF files will be 	*
// turned on, in which case all HDF procedures will be traced.	*
PabloHDFTrace( int ID ) 
	int i;
	if ( procTrace == NULL ) {
	   procTrace = ( int * ) malloc( NUM_HDF_IDS*sizeof(int) );
	   if ( procTrace == NULL ) {
              fprintf(stderr,">> Error: Unable to allocate procTrace ");
              fprintf(stderr,"array in program PabloHDFTrace. <<<\n");
              fprintf(stderr," Exiting program.                  <<<\n");
              exit (-1);
	   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_HDF_IDS; ++i ) {
	       procTrace[i] = 0;      
	if ( ID >= 0 && ID < NUM_HDF_IDS ) {
	   procTrace[ID] = 1;      
	} else {
           fprintf(stderr,">> Error: Value passed to PabloHDFTrace, ");
           fprintf(stderr,"%d, is out of range. <<<\n",ID);
           fprintf(stderr," Exiting program.                  <<<\n");
           exit (-1);
#endif /* PCF_BUILD */