#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright by The HDF Group. # Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including # terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in # the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root # of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the # root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and # is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at # http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have # access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. # # # Generates an ASCII and Excel-importable file of tables representing # the output of running the "pio_perf" command. The name of the input # file is important. The name should reflect the command-line options # used in the performance test. It needs to be of the form: # # f#[GMK].i#.d#.X#[GMK].x#[GMK]..* # # For example: # # PIO_output_f1G.i2.d1.X2M.x128K.frost # # for a 1GB sized file ran for 2 iterations with 1 dataset from xfer # buffer size of 128KB to 2MB on the frost machine. # # The output file will have the same name as the input, but will append # ".ascii" for the ASCII file and ".excel" for the Excel-importable # file. # # The data structure used in this program looks like: # # %results = { # num_proc => ( # %xfer_size => ( # %posix = { # 'write-only' => ##, # 'write-close' => ##, # 'read-only' => ##, # 'read-close' => ## # }, # %mpio = { # 'write-only' => ##, # 'write-close' => ##, # 'read-only' => ##, # 'read-close' => ## # }, # %phdf = { # 'write-only' => ##, # 'write-close' => ##, # 'read-only' => ##, # 'read-close' => ## # } # ) # ) # } if ($#ARGV != 0) { print "gen_report.pl [FILE]\n"; exit 1; } my ($ascii_output, $excel_output); foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg !~ /^-/) { $arg =~ /f([0-9]+.)\.i([0-9]+)\.d([0-9]+)\.X([0-9]+.)\.x([0-9]+.)\.(.*)/; my $output = "result_f" . $1 . ".X" . $4 . ".x" . $5 . "." . $6; $ascii_output = $output . ".ascii"; $excel_output = $output . ".excel"; open(INPUT, "<$arg") or die "error: cannot open file $arg: $!\n"; open(ASCII_OUTPUT, ">$ascii_output") or die "error: cannot open file $ascii_output: $!\n"; open(EXCEL_OUTPUT, ">$excel_output") or die "error: cannot open file $excel_output: $!\n"; } else { die "error: unrecognized option: $arg\n"; } } my %results; my $num_procs = 0; my ($xfer_size, $avg_type, $type); my $posix = 0, $mpio = 1, $phdf5 = 2; ##"==== End of Parameters ====" while () { if (/Number of processors = ([0-9]+)/) { $num_procs = $1; } if (/Transfer Buffer Size: ([0-9]+)/) { $xfer_size = $1; } $type = $posix if /POSIX/; $type = $mpio if /MPIO/; $type = $phdf5 if /PHDF5/; if (/Write Open/) { $avg_type = "write-close"; } elsif (/Write/) { $avg_type = "write-only"; } elsif (/Read Open/) { $avg_type = "read-close"; } elsif (/Read/) { $avg_type = "read-only"; } if (/Maximum Throughput: ( ?[0-9]+\.[0-9]{2}) MB\/s/) { $results{$num_procs}{$xfer_size}[$type]{$avg_type} = $1; } } sub create_excel_output_header { my $output_header; my $kb = 1024; my $mb = $kb * $kb; foreach my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$num_procs}})) { if ($key < $mb) { $key /= $kb; $output_header .= "\t". $key . "K"; } else { $key /= $mb; $output_header .= "\t". $key . "M"; } } $output_header; } sub create_excel_output_string { my ($t) = @_; my $output_content = ""; foreach my $procs (sort { $b <=> $a } keys(%results)) { $output_content .= "\n$procs Procs"; $output_content .= "\n" . create_excel_output_header; $output_content .= "\n POSIX"; foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { $output_content .= "\t$results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t}"; } $output_content .= "\n MPIO"; foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { $output_content .= "\t$results{$procs}{$xfer}[1]{$t}"; } $output_content .= "\n PHDF5"; foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { $output_content .= "\t$results{$procs}{$xfer}[2]{$t}"; } $output_content .= "\n"; } $output_content; } sub is_defined { my ($t) = @_; my $def = 1; foreach my $procs (sort { $b <=> $a } keys(%results)) { foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { if (!defined($results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t})) { $def = 0; } } foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { if (!defined($results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t})) { $def = 0; } } foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { if (!defined($results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t})) { $def = 0; } } } $def; } sub write_excel_file { print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nWrite-Only\n"; print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("write-only"); print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nWrite-Close\n"; print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("write-close"); if (is_defined("read-only")) { print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nRead-Only\n"; print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("read-only"); print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nRead-Close\n"; print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("read-close"); } } sub create_ascii_output_header { my $output_header = " " x 12 . "|"; my $kb = 1024; my $mb = $kb * $kb; foreach my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$num_procs}})) { if ($key < $mb) { $key /= $kb; $output_header = sprintf("$output_header %-4s |", $key . "K"); } else { $key /= $mb; $output_header = sprintf("$output_header %-4s |", $key . "M"); } } $output_header; } sub create_ascii_output_string { my ($t) = @_; my $output_content = ""; my $output_header = create_ascii_output_header; foreach my $procs (sort { $b <=> $a } keys(%results)) { $output_content .= "\n$procs Procs"; $output_content .= "\n$output_header\n"; $output_content .= "-" x length($output_header); $output_content .= "\n POSIX |"; foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { $output_content = sprintf("$output_content %-6s |", $results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t}); } $output_content .= "\n "; $output_content .= "-" x (length($output_header) - 4); $output_content .= "\n MPI/IO |"; foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { $output_content = sprintf("$output_content %-6s |", $results{$procs}{$xfer}[1]{$t}); } $output_content .= "\n "; $output_content .= "-" x (length($output_header) - 4); $output_content .= "\n PHDF5 |"; foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) { $output_content = sprintf("$output_content %-6s |", $results{$procs}{$xfer}[2]{$t}); } $output_content .= "\n"; $output_content .= "=" x length($output_header); $output_content .= "\n"; } $output_content; } sub write_ascii_file { print ASCII_OUTPUT "\nWrite-Only"; print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n----------\n"; print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("write-only"); print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n\nWrite-Close"; print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n-----------\n"; print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("write-close"); if (is_defined("read-only")) { print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n\nRead-Only"; print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n---------\n"; print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("read-only"); print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n\nRead-Close"; print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n----------\n"; print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("read-close"); } } write_excel_file; write_ascii_file;