************************************************************************ * Build and Install HDF5 C/C++ Library with CMake * ************************************************************************ Notes: This short instruction is written for users who want to quickly build HDF5 library and tools from the HDF5 source code package using the CMake tools. More information about using CMake can be found at the KitWare site, www.cmake.org. CMake uses the command line, however the visual CMake tool is recommended for the configuration step. The steps are similiar for all the operating systems supported by CMake. NOTES: 1. CMake is being introduced in this release as early-access. While we have attempted to provide error-free files, please understand that this development with CMake has just began. The CMake specific files may change before the next release. ======================================================================== Preconditions ======================================================================== 1. We suggest you obtain the latest CMake for windows from the Kitware web site. The HDF5 1.8.x product requires CMake version 2.8.1. 2. If you plan to use Zlib or Szip, download the packages and install them in a central location. For example on Windows, create a folder extlibs and install the packages there. Windows users should also read Section V in INSTALL_Windows.txt. ======================================================================== Building HDF5 C/C++ Libraries with CMake ======================================================================== 1. Run CMake The CMake executable is named "cmake-gui.exe" on Windows and should be available in your Start menu. For Linux, UNIX, and Mac users the executable is named "cmake-gui" and can be found where CMake was installed. Specify the source and build directories. It is recommemded that you choose a build directory different then the source directory (for example on Windows, if the source is at c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5, then use c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\build or c:\MyHDFstuff\build\hdf5). 2. Configure the cache settings Click the Configure button. If this is the first time you are running cmake-gui in this directory, you will be prompted for the generator you wish to use (for example on Windows, Visual Studio 9 2008). CMake will read in the CMakeLists.txt files from the source directory and display options for the HDF5 project. After the first configure you can adjust the cache settings and/or specify locations of other programs. Any conflicts or new values will be highlighted by the configure process in red. Once you are happy with all the settings and there are no more values in red, click the Generate button to produce the appropriate build files. On Windows, if you are using a Visual Studio generator, the solution and project files will be created in the build folder. On linux, if you are using the Unix Makefiles generator, the Makefiles will be created in the build folder. 3. Build HDF5 On Windows, you can build HDF5 using either the Visual Studio Environment or the command line. The command line is used on linux, Unix, and Mac. To build from the command line, navigate to your build directory and execute the following; cmake --build . --config {Debug | Release} NOTE: "--config {Debug | Release}" may be optional on your platform. We recommend choosing either Debug or Release on Windows. 3.1 If you wish to use the Visual Studio environment, open the solution file in your build directory. Be sure to select either Debug or Release and build the solution. 4. Test HDF5. To test the build, navigate to your build directory and execute; ctest . -C {Debug | Release} NOTE: "-C {Debug | Release}" may be optional on your platform. We recommend choosing either Debug or Release to match the build step on Windows. 5. The files that support building HDF5 with CMake are all the files in the Resources folder, the CMakeLists.txt files in each source folder, and two additional files, ConfigureChecks.cmake and CTestConfig.cmake. The CTestConfig.cmake is specific to the internal testing performed by The HDF Group. It should be altered for the users installation and needs. 6. More information about using CMake can be found at the KitWare site, www.cmake.org. ************************************************************************ Need further assistance, send email to help@hdfgroup.org