HDF5 Build and Install Instructions for Windows XP (Full Version)


The following instructions assume that the HDF5 source code package from HDF website (http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu) is used.

Table of Contents:


Section I    :  What do we build and install

Section II   :  How to build and test HDF5 libraries and tools

Section III  :  How to build an application using the HDF5 library or DLL

Section IV  :  Helpful pointers

Section V   :  How to disable Gzip(Zlib)/Szip compression

Section VI  :  How to build HDF5 in VS 7.0(.NET)

Section VII :  How to build HDF5 with INTEL Compiler

Section VIII:  How to build Multi-threaded version of HDF5 library

Section IX  :  How to build and test HDF5 snapshot release

Section X   :  Misc.


Please read CAREFULLY about the following preconditions and notes first.

1. Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or Intel C compiler and WinZip.

Installed Compaq Visual Fortran compiler(6.0 or higher version), or Intel Fortran compiler if you want to build HDF5 Fortran libraries.


By default, WinZip will convert the Unix end of line format when extracting .tar file. This conversion will cause "false" failure in some HDF5 tools testings. Please uncheck the "TAR file smart CR/LF conversion" option in your WinZip to prevent the conversion when extracting .tar file. To uncheck the "TAR file smart CR/LF conversion" option: Invoke WinZip, go to "Options", select "Configuration..." Click the "Miscellaneous" tab and uncheck "TAR file smart CR/LF conversion" option, then click OK.

2. Set up a directory structure to unpack the library.

For example:

c:\ (any drive)

MyHDFstuff\ (any folder name)

3. Download the hdf5-1.8.x source code package

Use WinZip to extract the HDF5 package into c:\MyHDFstuff. This creates a directory called 'hdf5-1.8.x' under MyHDFstuff which contains several files and directories. Rename "hdf5-1.8.x" to "hdf5".

4. HDF5 provide options to do in-memory compress within HDF5 library.

Currently, two external compression libraries Zlib and Szip can be used with HDF5.

5. Define the following environment variables:

In this section, Zlib and Szip compression packages are assumed to be used. Please read Section V as well as this section if you do not want to use compression feature inside HDF5.

To define these environment variables:

Click "Start", click "Control Panel", and then double-click "System". On the "Advanced" tab, click "Environment Variables". If you are logged on as administrator to the local computer AND want to let all other users use these two environment variables, click "New" under "System Variables" box; otherwise, click "New" under "User Variables" box. In the New Variable window, set "Variable name" as HDF5_EXT_ZLIB and "Variable value" as zdll.lib, then click OK.

Similarly, you can set:

HDF5_EXT_SZIP environment variable as szlibdll.lib


6. Set up path for external libraries and headers

Skip this part if you don't want to use ANY compression features provided by HDF5. Please do read Section V.

You have to read this part even if you want to only use Zlib or Szip. You also need to read Section V.

Invoke Microsoft Visual C++ and go to "Tools" and select "Options", find "Directories";


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Section I: What do we build and install?

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Section II: How to build and test HDF5 libraries and tools

STEP 1: Building HDF5 libraries and tools

STEP 2: Testing HDF5 libraries and tools

HDF5 libraries and tools should be tested to make sure that they were built correctly.

We provide 2 options for users to test HDF5 libraries and tools.

Option 1: Automatic Testings

HDF5 comes with various test suites, all of which can be tested with hdf5check.bat batch file in c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5 directory.

hdf5check batch file can be run with one of the following four options:

Options Illustration


test HDF5 C library and tools only

hdf5check enablecpp

test HDF5 C/C++ libraries and tools.

To use this option, HDF5 C++ libraries must have been built in step I.

hdf5check enablefortran

test HDF5 C/FORTRAN libraries and tools

To use this option, HDF5 Fortran libraries must have been built in step I.

hdf5check enableall

test HDF5 C/C++/FORTRAN libraries and tools

To use this option, HDF5 C++ and Fortran libraries must have been built in step I.

Invoke a command prompt window and run hdf5check with appropriate option.

Test results are saved in two files:



In general, you only need to check tests_results.txt. If all the tests passed, then you do not have to check check_results.txt. If some tests failed, check check_results.txt can help you figure out what was wrong.

Option 2: Step-by-step HDF5 libraries and tools testings

You can also test HDF5 libraries and tools one by one. There are possibly four versions of HDF5 libraries and tools testings. They are:

We strongly suggest you to redirect your testing results into an output file so that you can easily check the testing results. You may use either Notepad or WordPad or whatever other windows word processor to check the results. For the purpose of printing, please choose font less than 14 for better alignment of the text.

DLLs listed below should be placed into the Windows system directory. A batch file named install_dll.bat is included in c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5 directory. Run this batch file and the following HDF5 DLLs will be copied to the system directory.

STEP 3: Installing HDF5 Libraries

We provide a batch file for users to relocate all HDF5 libraries in one folder (C++ and Fortran libraries will also be copied into this folder if they have been built in step I). The file is called installhdf5lib.bat under c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5 directory. Run the batch file, you may see a folder called hdf5lib under c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5.

The <release> layout of <hdf5lib> should be:

You may also find the similar layout for the <debug>.

STEP 4: Building HDF5 C/C++/Fortran and High Level C Examples (Optional)

Simple examples have been provided for users to test HDF5 C/C++/Fortran library and tools.


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Section III: Building an application using the HDF5 library or DLL


The instructions below will only describe how to build an application using the release version of the HDF5 library or DLL. To use the debug version of the HDF5 library or DLL, you need to substitute the release version of the HDF5 library or DLL with the debug version.

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Here are some notes that may be of help if you are not familiar with using the Visual C++ Development Environment.

Project name and location issues:

If you must install all.dsw and all.dsp in another directory, relative to hdf5 directory, you will be asked to locate the sub-project files, when you open the project all.dsw.

If you want to rename all (the entire project), you will need to modify two files all.dsw and all.dsp as text (contrary to the explicit warnings in the files).

You can also modify all.dsw and all.dsp as text, to allow these two files to be installed in another directory.

Settings... details:

If you create your own project, the necessary settings can be read from the all.dsp file(as text), or from the Project Settings in the Developer Studio project settings dialog.





                Code Generation

                    Use run-time Library

These are all set to use Single-Threaded

DLL... hints:

If you want to use DLL versions of HDF5 library in your application, you should

  1. Put HDF5 DLL into windows system directory

  2. Add HDF5 DLL export library into your project

  3. Follow "Settings... details" into the last line: change Single-Threaded into Multithreaded DLL or Debug Multithreaded DLL

  4. Follow "Settings.. details" into PreProcessor:






    Find PreProcessor definations and Add _HDF5USEDLL_ at the end of the PreProcessor definitions to use HDF5 C DLL.

  5. (optional) Repeat 4), add HDF5CPP_USEDLL at the end of the PreProcessor definitions to use HDF5 C++ DLL.

  6. (optional) Follow Project->Settings->Fortran->Category->General->Predefined Preprocess or Symbols, and add "HDF5F90_WINDOWS" to use HDF5 Fortran DLL.

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Section V: How to disable Gzip(Zlib)/Szip compression


When you modify the H5pubconf.h file as described below, DO NOT just change the values of these macros from 1 to 0. Please DO remove(or comment out) appropriate lines.

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Section VI: How to build HDF5 in Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003

We just briefly introduce you how to build HDF5 in VS 7.1(.NET)2003;
