************************************************************************ Building instructions for HDF5 with MPICH on Windows ************************************************************************ Preconditions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Installed MPICH for Windows. These instructions assume you have MPICH in C:\MPICH To install MPICH for Windows see http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/mpich-nt/ 2. Installed HDF5 with multi-treaded DLL support. To install HDF5 with multi-treaded DLL see /release_docs/INSTALL_Windows.txt Build HDF5 with MPICH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These instructions explain how to build the following projects that use the MPICH library in HDF5: 1. testphdf5. Tests the HDF5 interface to MPICH 2. t_mpi. Tests some MPICH functions 3. ph5diff. Runs the h5diff tool in parallel mode To run these projects in Windows do: 1. Define the following environment variable: HDF5_EXT_MPICH as mpich.lib For instructions about defining environment variables see /release_docs/INSTALL_Windows.txt 2. Open the \hdf5\windows\proj\all\all.dsw workspace. 3. Load each one of the above projects to the workspace. To load a project, right click on the root workspace icon and menu select 'Insert Project into Workspace' The projects are located in \hdf5\windows\testpar 4. Add the following additional include and library directories to the Visual Studio environment C:\MPICH\SDK\Include C:\MPICH\SDK\Lib This can be done either globally in the menu Tools/Options/Directories or for each one of the projects hdf5dll, libtestD and toolslibD only (under the C++/Preprocessor tab dialog) 5. Add dependencies of hdf5dll, libtestD to each of the following projects: testphdf5 t_mpi ph5diff For ph5diff, dependencies should also include toolslibD. 6. Before building each one of those projects, hdf5/src/h5pubconf.h has to be modified to have parallel on windows enabled. For this uncomment the following line #define H5_HAVE_PARALLEL 7. Manually build hdf5dll, libtestD, toolslibD, testphdf5, t_mpi, ph5diff Note regarding testing the projects and HDF5 multi-threaded DLL installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since the hdf5dll, libtestD, toolslibD projects were rebuild in step 7 they have to be reinstalled, that is, copied to the Windows system folder. For more details see /release_docs/INSTALL_Windows.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Need further assistance, email hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu