************************************************************************ *HDF5 Build and Install Instructions for Windows XP with INTEL Compiler* * (Short Version) * ************************************************************************ Notes: This short instruction is written for users who want to quickly build HDF5 library and tools from the HDF5 source code package with Intel Fortran 9.1 Compiler with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET or 2005 but do not want to know HDF5 building and installation details on Windows XP. For detailed HDF5 build and install information, or if you have trouble following any steps in the instructions, please refer to INSTALL_Windows.txt for further information. For users who would like to build and test HDF5 package from the command line, please refer to INSATLL_Windows_From_Command_Line.txt. We no longer support the Intel C compiler, Intel Fortran 7.x or 8.x. However, if you would still like to use one of these compilers, documentation is available online at http://hdfgroup.org/windows/docs/hdf518/dep/Install_Windows_Dep_Intel.txt WARNINGS: Please read CAREFULLY about HDF5 build and install preconditions and notes in INSTALL_Windows.txt before starting reading this instruction. ======================================================================== Extra Preconditions and Notes ======================================================================== a. Setup Szip Library for Intel Compiler. Intel compilers use different Szip library from other compilers. Szip source codes or binaries for Intel compiler can be downloaded from the following address: ftp://ftp.hdfgroup.org/lib-external/szip/2.0/bin/windows. b. Set up path for external libraries and headers Skip this part if you don't want to use ANY compression features provided by HDF5. Instead, read Section V of Install_Windowx.txt. You have to read this part even if you want to use only Zlib or Szip. You also need to read Section V of Install_Windowx.txt. Invoke Microsoft Visual C++ .Net 2003 or 2005. From the main menu, Go to Tools > Options > Intel(R) Fortran. In the right panel, make sure your "Selected Compiler" is Intel Fortran 9.1. Click the right-most box for "Libraries", Add Zlib and Szip Library Path (c:\zlib123\lib, c:\szip\dll for example) Click rightmost box for "Includes", Add Zlib and Szip header path (c:\zlib123\include c:\szip\include, for example). Then click "OK". ======================================================================== Part I. Build with Intel Fortran Compiler 9.1 under MSVS C++ .Net 2003 / 2005 Environment ======================================================================== Note: This step will build HDF5 Static and DLL C and C++ Library using .Net 2003 or Visual Studio 2005 Compiler as well as HDF5 Static and High Level Fortran Library using Intel Fortran 9.1 Compiler. 1.1 Open all.dsw and Convert Project Files (.dsp) to Visual C++ .Net Format (.vcproj) Invoke Microsoft Visual C++ .Net or 2005. From the main menu, go to "File" and select "Open Solution". In the "Open Solution" window, Change "Files of type" to "All Project Files". Choose "all.dsw" under the directory c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\windows\proj\all. In the pop up window, choose "Yes To All" to convert all project files to Visual C++ .Net project format. 1.2 Extract Compaq Fortran Project Files a. Select project "flush1_fortran" in the Solution Explorer window. In the Project menu, select "Extract Compaq Visual Fortran Project". Do the same thing for the following project files, but for now, skip the projects labelled "**SKIP**": flush1_fortrandll flush2_fortran flush2_fortrandll hdf5_fortran hdf5_fortrandll **SKIP** libtest_fortran libtest_fortrandll testhdf5_fortran testhdf5_fortrandll **SKIP** hdf5_hl_fortran hdf5_hl_fortrandll hl_test_image_fortran hl_test_image_fortrandll hl_test_lite_fortran hl_test_lite_fortrandll hl_test_table_fortran hl_test_table_fortrandll b. Select project "libtest_fortran" in the Solution Explorer window. In the Project menu, select "Extract Compaq Visual Fortran Project". Since Project file "libtest_fortran" contain both C and Fortran code, you will be asked to specify which project, either Fortran or C/C++, will serve as the main project for this mixed language projects. Choose "The Intel Fortran project" as the the main project and click "OK". Do the same thing for hdf5_hl_fortran. 1.3 Add project dependencies To check the project dependencies: Right click the selected project, you should see "Project Dependencies" on the menu, click "Project Dependencies", You should see a "Project Dependencies" panel, with the selected project and the projects it depends on checked under "Depends on" list. Each of the following projects will need libtest_fortran_lib added to its list of dependencies: libtest_fortran flush1_fortran flush2_fortran testhdf5_fortran Each of the following projects will need hdf5_hl_fortran_lib added to its list of dependencies: hdf5_hl_fortran hl_test_image_fortran hl_test_lite_fortran hl_test_table_fortran 1.4 Change Project Output Right click on the project "hdf5_hl_fortran" and select "Properties". At the top left of the Property Pages, select "Debug" for the Configuration. Then, in the left pane, go to Librarian > General. Change the Output File from "$(OutDir)/$(ProjectName).lib" to "$(OutDir)/$(ProjectName)d.lib". Then click Ok. Similarly, right-click on "hdf5_hl_fortran_lib", and select "Properties". At the top left of the Property Pages, select "Debug" for the Configuration. Then, in the left pane, go to Librarian > General. Change the Output File from "..\..\..\proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\Debug\hdf5_hl_fortrand.lib" to ..\..\..\proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\Debug\hdf5_hl_fortrand_lib.lib". Then, in the top left corner again, change the Configuration to "Release". Inside of Librarian > General, change the Output File from ".\..\..\..\proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\Release\hdf5_hl_fortran.lib" to ".\..\..\..\proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\Release\hdf5_hl_fortran_lib.lib". 1.5 Building HDF5 C/C++/Fortran Libraries and Tools Select "Build", then Select "Configuration Manager". Select "Debug" or "Release" Disable ttsafedll Select "ok". Select "Build" -> "Build" or "Rebuild All" to build Debug or Release version of HDF5 C, C++, fortran Library using Intel Fortran 9.1 Compiler with .Net 2003 or 2005. ======================================================================== Part II. Test HDF5 Static and High Level Fortran Library ======================================================================== We provide 2 options for users to test HDF5 libraries and tools. Option 1: Automatic testings HDF5 comes with various test suites, all of which can be tested with hdf5check.bat batch file in c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5 directory. hdf5check batch file can used to test HDF libraries with Fortran with the following options: hdf5check enablefortran test HDF5 C/FORTRAN libraries and tools hdf5check enableall test HDF5 C/C++/FORTRAN libraries and tools To use this option, HDF5 C++ and Fortran libraries must have been built. Invoke a command prompt window and run hdf5check with appropriate option. Test results are saved in two files: c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\check_results.txt c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\tests_results.txt. In general, you only need to check tests_results.txt. If all the tests passed, then you do not have to check check_results.txt. If some tests failed, check check_results.txt can help you figure out what was wrong. Option 2: Step-by-step HDF5 libraries and tools testings Note: This section provides step-by-step instructions for testing the Fortran librariy and tools only. To test the rest of the HDF5 library and tools, please see Section II, Step 2 of Install_Windowx.txt. a. Test HDF5 Static Fortran Library Go to directory c:\myHDFstuff\hdf5\fortran\test, Run batch file testhdf5_fortran.bat with the following two options to test fortran static library testhdf5_fortran release >> "Your output file name" testhdf5_fortran debug >> "Your output file name" Check your output files, there should be no "failures" at all. b. Test HDF5 High Level Fortran Library Go to directory c:\myHDFstuff\hdf5\hl\fortran\test, Run batch file testhdf5_fortran.bat with the following two options to test fortran static library test_hdf5_hl_fortran release >> "Your output file name" test_hdf5_hl_fortran debug >> "Your output file name" Check your output files, there should be no "failures" at all. ======================================================================== Part III. (Optional) Build HDF5 Fortan and HL Fortran Examples ======================================================================== Note: This section only covers building Fortran and HL Fortran examples. For other examples, please see Section III of Install_Windowx.txt. To build and test HDF5 Fortran example: --------------------------------------- 1. Invoke the Intel Fortran Compiler 9.1 or above under Microsoft Visual Studio development environment, go to "File" and select the "Open Workspace" option. Then open the workspace c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\windows\fortran\examples\allf90examples\allf90examples.dsw. 2. Select "Build", then Select "Set Active Configuration". 2.1 To build debug versions of Fortran examples. In "Project configurations", select "allf90examples -- Win32 Debug", select "ok". Select "Build" -> "Build" or "Rebuild All" to build debug version of project "allf90examples". 2.2 To build release versions of Fortran examples. In "Project configurations", select "allf90examples -- Win32 Release", select "ok". Select "Build" -> "Build" or "Rebuild All" to build release version of project "allf90examples". When the debug build or release build is done, there should be the following subdirectories in c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\fortran\examples\ attreexampletest attreexampletestdll compoundtest compoundtestdll dsetexampletest dsetexampletestdll fileexampletest fileexampletestdll groupexampletest groupexampletestdll grpdsetexampletest grpdsetexampletestdll grpittest grpittestdll grpsexampletest grpsexampletestdll hyperslabtest hyperslabtestdll mountexampletest mountexampletest refobjexampletest refobjexampletestdll refregexampletest refregexampletestdll rwdsetexampletest rwdsetexampletestdll selecteletest selecteletestdll 3. Invoke a command prompt window and run the batch file Installf90Examples.bat which resides in the top level directory (c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5). This file creates 4 new directories, f90examplesREL, f90examplesRELDLL, f90examplesDBG, and f90examplesDBGDLL, in the c:\MyHDFstuff\fortran\examples directory and places all the executables in it. Both the release and debug versions of the examples should be built before this step is done. To build and test HDF5 High Level Fortran examples: --------------------------------------------------- 1. Invoke Compaq Visual Fortran 9.1, open the workspace c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\windows\hl\fortran\examples\ (continue next line) allhlf90examples\allhlf90examples.dsw 2. Select "Build", then Select "Set Active Configuration". 2.1 To build debug versions of High Level Fortran examples. In "Project configurations", select "allhlf90examples -- Win32 Debug", select "ok". Select "Build" -> "Build" or "Rebuild All" to build debug version of project "allhlf90examples". 2.2 To build release versions of Fortran examples. In "Project configurations", select "allhlf90examples -- Win32 Release", select "ok". Select "Build" -> "Build" or "Rebuild All" to build release version of project "allhlf90examples". When the debug build or release build is done, there should be the following subdirectories in c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\hl\fortran\examples ex_lite ex_litedll 3. Invoke a command prompt window and run the batch file Install_hlf90examples.bat which resides in the top level directory (c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5). This file creates 4 new directories, HLf90examplesRELEASE, HLf90examplesRELEASEDLL, HLf90examplesDEBUG, and HLf90examplesDEBUGDLL, in the c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\hl\fortran\examples directory and places all the executables in it. Both the release and debug versions of the examples should be built before this step is done. 4. We provide a batch file named test_hl_f90examples.bat in c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\hl\fortran\examples directory for you to test HDF5 high level fortran examples. test_hl_f90examples.bat batch file has 4 options: Options purpose test_hl_f90examples release -- for release version test_hl_f90examples release dll -- for release DLL version test_hl_f90examples debug -- for debug version test_hl_f90examples debug dll -- for debug DLL version Invoke a command prompt window and run test_hl_f90examples with appropriate options. When you run "test_hl_f90examples release", the output will look like: release version of High Level Fortran examples PASSED Similar messages should be generated with another three options If the high level Fortran examples are built successfully. *********************************************************************** Please send email to help@hdfgroup.org for further assistance.