HDF5 Build and Install Instructions for Windows XP with MSVS 6.0

(Short Version)


This short instruction is written for users who want to quickly build HDF5 library and tools from the HDF5 source code package with Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 but do not want to know HDF5 building and installation details on Windows XP.

For detailed HDF5 build and install information, or if you have trouble following any steps in the instructions, please refer to INSTALL_Windows.html for further information.

For users who would like to build and test HDF5 package from the command line, please refer to INSATLL_Windows_From_Command_Line.html.

Warnings: Please read CAREFULLY about HDF5 build and install preconditions and notes in INSTALL_Windows.html before starting below procedures.

STEP 1: Building HDF5 Libraries and Tools

STEP 2: Testing HDF5 Libraries and Tools

HDF5 libraries and tools should be tested to make sure that they were built correctly.

HDF5 libraries and tools can be tested with hdf5check.bat batch file in c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5 directory.

hdf5check.bat has four options:

Options Illustration


test HDF5 C library and tools only

hdf5check enablecpp

test HDF5 C/C++ libraries and tools.

hdf5check enablefortran

test HDF5 C/FORTRAN libraries and tools

hdf5check enableall

test HDF5 C/C++/FORTRAN libraries and tools

Invoke a command prompt window and run hdf5check with appropriate options.

Test results are saved into file:

Check check_results.txt and there should be no failures at all.

If you want to test HDF5 libraries and tools one by one, please refer to Section II, step 2 in INSTALL_Windows.html.

STEP 3: Installing HDF5 Libraries

Run the batch file c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\installhdf5lib.bat to install all HDF5 libraries and tools into c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\hdf5lib directory.

STEP 4: Building HDF5 Examples (Optional)

Please read section II, step 4 in INSTALL_Windows.html.

Need further assistance? email to help@hdfgroup.org or go to http://hdfgroup.org/windows/questions.html to get help on windows

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