=============================================================================== HDF5 Fortran90 Library Build and Testing Instructions for Windows NNT/2000 with DEC Visual Fortran V6.0 =============================================================================== Preconditions 1. These instructions are for users who wish to build the C and Fortran90 libraries. If you are interested only in the C library, see INSTAll_Windows.txt or INSTAll_codewarrior.txt. 2. MS VC++ V 6.0, DEC Visual Fortran V6.0, and WinZip must be installed prior to building the HDF5 library. 3. Download the hdf5-1.* distribution archive and run WinZip to unpack the source code. The code will be unpacked into the hdf5\ directory. 4. GNU zlib and szlib library should be installed on the machine. Note: Only static libraries are built for this release. Building the HDF5 Fortran and C libraries 1. Unpack all_withf90.zip, found in the hdf5\ directory, into the hdf5\ directory. 2. Set up library and include directories to point to zlib and szlib libraries on your system. 3. Go to the hdf5\proj\ directory and click on the file all.dsw. This will invoke MS VC++. 4. Select "Build", then select "Set Active Configuration". "all -- Win32 Debug" to build debug versions of single-threaded static libraries and tests. "all -- Win32 Release" to build release versions of single-threaded static libraries and tests. When the debug or release build is completed, the directories listed below will contain the following files: hdf5\proj\hdf5\debug - hdf5\proj\hdf5\release - hdf5.lib- the F90 and C hdf5 libraries Testing libraries and tools 1. See the file INSTALL_Windows.txt (STEP 2) for how for instruction on testing the C HDF5 library and tools. 2. To test Fortran HDF5 Library, run testhdf5_fortran.bat in the hdf5\fortran\test directory