=============================================================================== HDF5 C++ Library Build and Testing Instructions for Windows NT/98 with Microsoft Visual C++ V 6.0 =============================================================================== This is applicable to the development version of HDF5 libraries. Preconditions ------------- 1. These instructions are for users who wish to build the C and C++ libraries. If you are interested only in the C library, refer to INSTAll_Windows.txt or INSTAll_codewarrior.txt. 2. MicroSoft Developer Studio, Visual C++ 6.0 and WinZip must be installed prior to building the HDF5 library. 3. Set up a directory structure to unpack the library. For example: c:\ (any drive of your choice) MyHDFstuff\ (any folder name) 4. Download the hdf5xxx distribution archive and use WinZip to extract the hdf5 package into c:\MyHDFstuff. This creates a directory called 'hdf5xxx' under MyHDFstuff which contains several files and directories. Rename "hdf5xxx" to "hdf5". 5. HDF5 uses zlib library, but it is not distributed with the HDF5 library. You will need to install your own. Please refer to INSTAll_Windows.txt for instructions regarding zlib library. 6. HDF5 also uses the szlib (szip) library, which is distributed with the HDF5 library. Please refer to INSTAll_Windows.txt for instructions regarding szlib library. Building the HDF5 C and C++ libraries (both static and shared) ------------------------------------- 1. Unpack all.zip, found in the c:\MyHDFstuff\hdf5\windows directory, into c:\MyHDFstuff. 2. Go to the hdf5\proj\all directory and double-click on the file all.dsw. This will invoke MS VC++. 3. Make sure that "all" is "Set as Active Project" by selecting "Project"/"Set Active Project", or right-clicking on "all" then selecting "Set as Active Project." 4. Select "Project"/"Dependencies", then enable the desired projects: hdf5_cpp: to build the C++ API static library dsets_cpp: to build the test dsets.cpp, must also select hdf5_cpp testhdf5_cpp: to build the test testhdf5.cpp, must also select hdf5_cpp hdf5_cppdll: to build the C++ API dynamic-linked library dsets_cppdll: to build the DLL dsets test, must also select hdf5_cppdll testhdf5_cppdll: to build the DLL testhdf5 test, must also select hdf5_cppdll 5. Select "Build", then select "Set Active Configuration". "all -- Win32 Debug" to build debug versions of single-threaded static libraries, debug multithreaded DLLs, and tests. "all -- Win32 Release" to build release versions of single-threaded static libraries, multithreaded DLLs, and tests. NOTE: "all" is a dummy target, "all.exe" is never created. When the debug or release build is completed, the directories listed below will contain the following files: hdf5\proj\hdf5\debug - hdf5\proj\hdf5\release - hdf5.lib- the C hdf5 static library hdf5\proj\hdf5dll\debug - hdf5ddll.dll- the C hdf5 library hdf5ddll.lib- the dll export library hdf5\proj\hdf5dll\release - hdf5dll.dll- the C hdf5 library hdf5dll.lib- the dll export library hdf5\proj\hdf5_cpp\debug - hdf5\proj\hdf5_cpp\release - hdf5_cpp.lib- the hdf5 C++ API static library hdf5\proj\hdf5_cppdll\debug - hdf5_cppddll.dll- the hdf5 C++ API dll library hdf5_cppddll.lib- the C++ API dll export library hdf5\proj\hdf5_cppdll\release - hdf5_cppdll.dll- the hdf5 C++ API dll library hdf5_cppdll.lib- the C++ API dll export library Testing libraries and tools --------------------------- 1. See the file INSTALL_Windows.txt (Section II) for instruction on testing the C HDF5 library and non-hdf4-related tools. 2. To test C++ HDF5 Library, you first need to copy the DLL files listed above, and to copy test library DLLs from the hdf5\test\libtestD\Debug\ and hdf5\test\libtestD\Release directories to the Windows system directory. The system directory can usually be found under the path C:\WINNT\system or C:\WINDOWS\system You can now run hdf5cpptest.bat in the hdf5\c++\test directory at the command prompt as below: hdf5cpptest release hdf5cpptest release dll hdf5cpptest debug hdf5cpptest debug dll Please send mail to hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu for further assistance.