Instructions for Building the HDF5 Library, Tests, and Tools 
with the Metrowerks Code Warrior Compiler

The HDF5 library is supported under the Metrowerks Code Warrior version 8.0 compiler.
The Code Warrior port of the HDF5 library has been tested only on the
Windows NT platform.
The following instructions assume we will be using the path D:\hdf5 for installing the library.

Pre conditions: 
Both the ZLIB and SZIP libraries are needed to link with HDF5.
The Code Warrior project file settings assumes ZLIB is intalled in D:\zlib\zlib.lib  and SZIP is installed in 
These precompiled libraries can be obtained from the HDF web site, please see for
downloading instructions.


1. Unpack the file located in d:\hdf5\windows to d:\. This file contains
the Windows specific files of HDF5.

To build the HDF5 library with Code Warrior:
1. Open the project file hdf5.mcp (located in d:\hdf5\proj\codewarrior\).
2. To build the library:
	Select the 'hdf5' target and build (menu Projects-> Make or F7 key).
3. To build all the targets (HDF5 library, test, and tools):
	Select the 'all' target and build.
4. To run the tests in a command line window:
	In the command line window, change directory to d:\hdf5\test\. 
	    Hdf5test debug
	or, to redirect the output to a file called myfile.txt,
	    Hdf5test debug > myfile.txt
   The test and tools files are generated in the same directory as 
   the those compiled with the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler.
5. Enjoy.

The HDF Group would like to thank Ron Liechty of Metrowerks technical 
support for all the help provided during the development of this project.