INTRODUCTION ============ This purpose of this document is to contain entries that can be used to quickly produce a release newsletter. When something is added to the library that is "newsletter worthy" (i.e., new feature, CVE fix, etc.) a summary note should be added here. The format should look like this: * SUMMARY OF NEWSLETTER-WORTHY THING Here is where you describe the summary. Summarize the feature, fix, or change in general language. Remember, RELEASE.txt is for communicating technical specifics. Text entered here is more like advertising. (GitHub #123, #125) The GitHub #s could be relevant issues or PRs. They will probably not appear in the final newsletter, but are so that the person writing the newsletter has easy access to context if they have questions. Every entry in RELEASE.txt does NOT require an entry here. The newsletter is for communicating major changes that are of interest to anyone. Minor bugfixes, memory leak fixes, etc. do not require entries.