/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
 * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.         *
 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
 * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
 * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code       *
 * distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses.               *
 * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from     *
 * help@hdfgroup.org.                                                        *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

 * Created:     H5C.c
 *              June 1 2004
 *              John Mainzer
 * Purpose:     Functions in this file implement a generic cache for
 *              things which exist on disk, and which may be
 *              unambiguously referenced by their disk addresses.
 *		For a detailed overview of the cache, please see the
 *		header comment for H5C_t in H5Cpkg.h.

 *                To Do:
 *    Code Changes:
 *	 - Change protect/unprotect to lock/unlock.
 *     - Flush entries in increasing address order in
 *       H5C__make_space_in_cache().
 *     - Also in H5C__make_space_in_cache(), use high and low water marks
 *       to reduce the number of I/O calls.
 *     - When flushing, attempt to combine contiguous entries to reduce
 *       I/O overhead.  Can't do this just yet as some entries are not
 *       contiguous.  Do this in parallel only or in serial as well?
 *	 - Fix nodes in memory to point directly to the skip list node from
 *         the LRU list, eliminating skip list lookups when evicting objects
 *         from the cache.

/* Module Setup */

#include "H5Cmodule.h" /* This source code file is part of the H5C module */
#define H5F_FRIEND     /* suppress error about including H5Fpkg  */

/* Headers */
#include "H5private.h"   /* Generic Functions */
#include "H5Cpkg.h"      /* Cache */
#include "H5CXprivate.h" /* API Contexts */
#include "H5Eprivate.h"  /* Error handling */
#include "H5Fpkg.h"      /* Files */
#include "H5FLprivate.h" /* Free Lists */
#include "H5Iprivate.h"  /* IDs */
#include "H5MFprivate.h" /* File memory management */
#include "H5MMprivate.h" /* Memory management */
#include "H5Pprivate.h"  /* Property lists */

/* Local Macros */
#define H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE "DeadBeef"

/* Local Typedefs */

/* Alias for pointer to cache entry, for use when allocating sequences of them */
typedef H5C_cache_entry_t *H5C_cache_entry_ptr_t;

/* Local Prototypes */

static herr_t H5C__pin_entry_from_client(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr);

static herr_t H5C__unpin_entry_real(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr, hbool_t update_rp);

static herr_t H5C__unpin_entry_from_client(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr, hbool_t update_rp);

static herr_t H5C__auto_adjust_cache_size(H5F_t *f, hbool_t write_permitted);

static herr_t H5C__autoadjust__ageout(H5F_t *f, double hit_rate, enum H5C_resize_status *status_ptr,
                                      size_t *new_max_cache_size_ptr, hbool_t write_permitted);

static herr_t H5C__autoadjust__ageout__cycle_epoch_marker(H5C_t *cache_ptr);

static herr_t H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries(H5F_t *f, hbool_t write_permitted);

static herr_t H5C__autoadjust__ageout__insert_new_marker(H5C_t *cache_ptr);

static herr_t H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_all_markers(H5C_t *cache_ptr);

static herr_t H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_excess_markers(H5C_t *cache_ptr);

static herr_t H5C__flash_increase_cache_size(H5C_t *cache_ptr, size_t old_entry_size, size_t new_entry_size);

static herr_t H5C__flush_invalidate_cache(H5F_t *f, unsigned flags);

static herr_t H5C__flush_invalidate_ring(H5F_t *f, H5C_ring_t ring, unsigned flags);

static herr_t H5C__flush_ring(H5F_t *f, H5C_ring_t ring, unsigned flags);

static void *H5C__load_entry(H5F_t *f,
                             hbool_t coll_access,
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
                             const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t addr, void *udata);

static herr_t H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty(H5C_cache_entry_t *entry);

static herr_t H5C__mark_flush_dep_clean(H5C_cache_entry_t *entry);

static herr_t H5C__serialize_ring(H5F_t *f, H5C_ring_t ring);
static herr_t H5C__serialize_single_entry(H5F_t *f, H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr);
static herr_t H5C__generate_image(H5F_t *f, H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr);
static herr_t H5C__verify_len_eoa(H5F_t *f, const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t addr, size_t *len,
                                  hbool_t actual);

static hbool_t H5C__entry_in_skip_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *target_ptr);

static herr_t H5C__validate_lru_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr);
static herr_t H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr);
static herr_t H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr);

#ifndef NDEBUG
static void H5C__assert_flush_dep_nocycle(const H5C_cache_entry_t *entry,
                                          const H5C_cache_entry_t *base_entry);
#endif /* NDEBUG */

/* Package Variables */

/* Declare a free list to manage the tag info struct */

/* Library Private Variables */

/* Local Variables */

/* Declare a free list to manage the H5C_t struct */

/* Declare a free list to manage arrays of cache entries */

 * Function:    H5C_create
 * Purpose:     Allocate, initialize, and return the address of a new
 *        instance of H5C_t.
 *        In general, the max_cache_size parameter must be positive,
 *        and the min_clean_size parameter must lie in the closed
 *        interval [0, max_cache_size].
 *        The check_write_permitted parameter must either be NULL,
 *        or point to a function of type H5C_write_permitted_func_t.
 *        If it is NULL, the cache will use the write_permitted
 *        flag to determine whether writes are permitted.
 * Return:      Success:        Pointer to the new instance.
 *              Failure:        NULL
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              6/2/04
 * Modifications:
 *              JRM -- 7/20/04
 *              Updated for the addition of the hash table.
 *              JRM -- 10/5/04
 *              Added call to H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats().  Also
 *              added initialization for cache_is_full flag and for
 *              resize_ctl.
 *              JRM -- 11/12/04
 *              Added initialization for the new size_decreased field.
 *              JRM -- 11/17/04
 *              Added/updated initialization for the automatic cache
 *              size control data structures.
 *              JRM -- 6/24/05
 *              Added support for the new write_permitted field of
 *              the H5C_t structure.
 *              JRM -- 7/5/05
 *              Added the new log_flush parameter and supporting code.
 *              JRM -- 9/21/05
 *              Added the new aux_ptr parameter and supporting code.
 *              JRM -- 1/20/06
 *              Added initialization of the new prefix field in H5C_t.
 *              JRM -- 3/16/06
 *              Added initialization for the pinned entry related fields.
 *              JRM -- 5/31/06
 *              Added initialization for the trace_file_ptr field.
 *              JRM -- 8/19/06
 *              Added initialization for the flush_in_progress field.
 *              JRM -- 8/25/06
 *              Added initialization for the slist_len_increase and
 *              slist_size_increase fields.  These fields are used
 *              for sanity checking in the flush process, and are not
 *              compiled in unless H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS is TRUE.
 *              JRM -- 3/28/07
 *              Added initialization for the new is_read_only and
 *              ro_ref_count fields.
 *              JRM -- 7/27/07
 *              Added initialization for the new evictions_enabled
 *              field of H5C_t.
 *              JRM -- 12/31/07
 *              Added initialization for the new flash cache size increase
 *              related fields of H5C_t.
 *              JRM -- 11/5/08
 *              Added initialization for the new clean_index_size and
 *              dirty_index_size fields of H5C_t.
 *              Missing entries?
 *              JRM -- 4/20/20
 *              Added initialization for the slist_enabled field.  Recall
 *              that the slist is used to flush metadata cache entries
 *              in (roughly) increasing address order.  While this is
 *              needed at flush and close, it is not used elsewhere.
 *              The slist_enabled field exists to allow us to construct
 *              the slist when needed, and leave it empty otherwise -- thus
 *              avoiding the overhead of maintaining it.
 *                                               JRM -- 4/29/20
H5C_t *
H5C_create(size_t max_cache_size, size_t min_clean_size, int max_type_id,
           const H5C_class_t *const *class_table_ptr, H5C_write_permitted_func_t check_write_permitted,
           hbool_t write_permitted, H5C_log_flush_func_t log_flush, void *aux_ptr)
    int    i;
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_t *ret_value = NULL; /* Return value */


    HDassert(max_cache_size >= H5C__MIN_MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
    HDassert(max_cache_size <= H5C__MAX_MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
    HDassert(min_clean_size <= max_cache_size);

    HDassert(max_type_id >= 0);
    HDassert(max_type_id < H5C__MAX_NUM_TYPE_IDS);

    for (i = 0; i <= max_type_id; i++) {
        HDassert(HDstrlen((class_table_ptr)[i]->name) > 0);
    } /* end for */

    if (NULL == (cache_ptr = H5FL_CALLOC(H5C_t)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    if (NULL == (cache_ptr->slist_ptr = H5SL_create(H5SL_TYPE_HADDR, NULL)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTCREATE, NULL, "can't create skip list")

    if (NULL == (cache_ptr->tag_list = H5SL_create(H5SL_TYPE_HADDR, NULL)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTCREATE, NULL, "can't create skip list for tagged entry addresses")

    /* If we get this far, we should succeed.  Go ahead and initialize all
     * the fields.

    cache_ptr->magic = H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC;

    cache_ptr->flush_in_progress = FALSE;

    if (NULL == (cache_ptr->log_info = (H5C_log_info_t *)H5MM_calloc(sizeof(H5C_log_info_t))))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTALLOC, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    cache_ptr->aux_ptr = aux_ptr;

    cache_ptr->max_type_id = max_type_id;

    cache_ptr->class_table_ptr = class_table_ptr;

    cache_ptr->max_cache_size = max_cache_size;
    cache_ptr->min_clean_size = min_clean_size;

    cache_ptr->check_write_permitted = check_write_permitted;
    cache_ptr->write_permitted       = write_permitted;

    cache_ptr->log_flush = log_flush;

    cache_ptr->evictions_enabled      = TRUE;
    cache_ptr->close_warning_received = FALSE;

    cache_ptr->index_len        = 0;
    cache_ptr->index_size       = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->clean_index_size = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->dirty_index_size = (size_t)0;

    for (i = 0; i < H5C_RING_NTYPES; i++) {
        cache_ptr->index_ring_len[i]        = 0;
        cache_ptr->index_ring_size[i]       = (size_t)0;
        cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[i] = (size_t)0;
        cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[i] = (size_t)0;

        cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[i]  = 0;
        cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[i] = (size_t)0;
    } /* end for */

    for (i = 0; i < H5C__HASH_TABLE_LEN; i++)
        (cache_ptr->index)[i] = NULL;

    cache_ptr->il_len  = 0;
    cache_ptr->il_size = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->il_head = NULL;
    cache_ptr->il_tail = NULL;

    /* Tagging Field Initializations */
    cache_ptr->ignore_tags     = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->num_objs_corked = 0;

    /* slist field initializations */
    cache_ptr->slist_enabled = !H5C__SLIST_OPT_ENABLED;
    cache_ptr->slist_changed = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->slist_len     = 0;
    cache_ptr->slist_size    = (size_t)0;

    /* slist_ring_len, slist_ring_size, and
     * slist_ptr initializaed above.

    cache_ptr->slist_len_increase  = 0;
    cache_ptr->slist_size_increase = 0;
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

    cache_ptr->entries_removed_counter   = 0;
    cache_ptr->last_entry_removed_ptr    = NULL;
    cache_ptr->entry_watched_for_removal = NULL;

    cache_ptr->pl_len      = 0;
    cache_ptr->pl_size     = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr = NULL;
    cache_ptr->pl_tail_ptr = NULL;

    cache_ptr->pel_len      = 0;
    cache_ptr->pel_size     = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr = NULL;
    cache_ptr->pel_tail_ptr = NULL;

    cache_ptr->LRU_list_len  = 0;
    cache_ptr->LRU_list_size = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr  = NULL;
    cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr  = NULL;

    cache_ptr->coll_list_len   = 0;
    cache_ptr->coll_list_size  = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->coll_head_ptr   = NULL;
    cache_ptr->coll_tail_ptr   = NULL;
    cache_ptr->coll_write_list = NULL;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    cache_ptr->cLRU_list_len  = 0;
    cache_ptr->cLRU_list_size = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->cLRU_head_ptr  = NULL;
    cache_ptr->cLRU_tail_ptr  = NULL;

    cache_ptr->dLRU_list_len  = 0;
    cache_ptr->dLRU_list_size = (size_t)0;
    cache_ptr->dLRU_head_ptr  = NULL;
    cache_ptr->dLRU_tail_ptr  = NULL;

    cache_ptr->size_increase_possible        = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible  = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold = 0;
    cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible        = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->resize_enabled                = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->cache_full                    = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->size_decreased                = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->resize_in_progress            = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->msic_in_progress              = FALSE;

    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).version            = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).rpt_fcn            = NULL;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).set_initial_size   = FALSE;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).initial_size       = H5C__DEF_AR_INIT_SIZE;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_clean_fraction = H5C__DEF_AR_MIN_CLEAN_FRAC;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size           = H5C__DEF_AR_MAX_SIZE;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size           = H5C__DEF_AR_MIN_SIZE;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epoch_length       = H5C__DEF_AR_EPOCH_LENGTH;

    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).incr_mode           = H5C_incr__off;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).lower_hr_threshold  = H5C__DEF_AR_LOWER_THRESHHOLD;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).increment           = H5C__DEF_AR_INCREMENT;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_max_increment = TRUE;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_increment       = H5C__DEF_AR_MAX_INCREMENT;

    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_incr_mode = H5C_flash_incr__off;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_multiple  = 1.0;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_threshold = 0.25;

    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode              = H5C_decr__off;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).upper_hr_threshold     = H5C__DEF_AR_UPPER_THRESHHOLD;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decrement              = H5C__DEF_AR_DECREMENT;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_max_decrement    = TRUE;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_decrement          = H5C__DEF_AR_MAX_DECREMENT;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction = H5C__DEF_AR_EPCHS_B4_EVICT;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_empty_reserve    = TRUE;
    (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).empty_reserve          = H5C__DEF_AR_EMPTY_RESERVE;

    cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active = 0;

    /* no need to initialize the ring buffer itself */
    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first = 1;
    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_last  = 0;
    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size  = 0;

    /* Initialize all epoch marker entries' fields to zero/FALSE/NULL */
    HDmemset(cache_ptr->epoch_markers, 0, sizeof(cache_ptr->epoch_markers));

    /* Set non-zero/FALSE/NULL fields for epoch markers */
    for (i = 0; i < H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS; i++) {
        ((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).magic = H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC;
        ((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).addr  = (haddr_t)i;
        ((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).type  = H5AC_EPOCH_MARKER;

    /* Initialize cache image generation on file close related fields.
     * Initial value of image_ctl must match H5C__DEFAULT_CACHE_IMAGE_CTL
     * in H5Cprivate.h.
    cache_ptr->image_ctl.version            = H5C__CURR_CACHE_IMAGE_CTL_VER;
    cache_ptr->image_ctl.generate_image     = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->image_ctl.save_resize_status = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->image_ctl.entry_ageout       = -1;
    cache_ptr->image_ctl.flags              = H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS;

    cache_ptr->serialization_in_progress = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->load_image                = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->image_loaded              = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->delete_image              = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->image_addr                = HADDR_UNDEF;
    cache_ptr->image_len                 = 0;
    cache_ptr->image_data_len            = 0;

    cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter         = 0;
    cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter       = 0;
    cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter      = 0;
    cache_ptr->entry_fd_height_change_counter = 0;

    cache_ptr->num_entries_in_image = 0;
    cache_ptr->image_entries        = NULL;
    cache_ptr->image_buffer         = NULL;

    /* initialize free space manager related fields: */
    cache_ptr->rdfsm_settled = FALSE;
    cache_ptr->mdfsm_settled = FALSE;

    if (H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats(cache_ptr) < 0)
        /* this should be impossible... */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, NULL, "H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats failed")


    cache_ptr->prefix[0] = '\0'; /* empty string */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    cache_ptr->get_entry_ptr_from_addr_counter = 0;
#endif /* NDEBUG */

    /* Set return value */
    ret_value = cache_ptr;

    if (NULL == ret_value) {
        if (cache_ptr != NULL) {
            if (cache_ptr->slist_ptr != NULL)

            if (cache_ptr->tag_list != NULL)

            if (cache_ptr->log_info != NULL)

            cache_ptr->magic = 0;
            cache_ptr        = H5FL_FREE(H5C_t, cache_ptr);
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */

} /* H5C_create() */

 * Function:    H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn
 * Purpose:     Print results of a automatic cache resize.
 *        This function should only be used where HDprintf() behaves
 *        well -- i.e. not on Windows.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        10/27/04
H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn(H5C_t *cache_ptr,
#ifndef NDEBUG
                            int32_t version,
#else  /* NDEBUG */
                            int32_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED version,
#endif /* NDEBUG */
                            double hit_rate, enum H5C_resize_status status, size_t old_max_cache_size,
                            size_t new_max_cache_size, size_t old_min_clean_size, size_t new_min_clean_size)
    HDassert(cache_ptr != NULL);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(version == H5C__CURR_AUTO_RESIZE_RPT_FCN_VER);

    switch (status) {
        case in_spec:
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- no change. (hit rate = %lf)\n", cache_ptr->prefix,

        case increase:
            HDassert(hit_rate < (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).lower_hr_threshold);
            HDassert(old_max_cache_size < new_max_cache_size);

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- hit rate (%lf) out of bounds low (%6.5lf).\n",
                      cache_ptr->prefix, hit_rate, (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).lower_hr_threshold);

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%scache size increased from (%zu/%zu) to (%zu/%zu).\n", cache_ptr->prefix,
                      old_max_cache_size, old_min_clean_size, new_max_cache_size, new_min_clean_size);

        case flash_increase:
            HDassert(old_max_cache_size < new_max_cache_size);

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sflash cache resize(%d) -- size threshold = %zu.\n", cache_ptr->prefix,

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s cache size increased from (%zu/%zu) to (%zu/%zu).\n", cache_ptr->prefix,
                      old_max_cache_size, old_min_clean_size, new_max_cache_size, new_min_clean_size);

        case decrease:
            HDassert(old_max_cache_size > new_max_cache_size);

            switch ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode) {
                case H5C_decr__off:
                    HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- decrease off.  HR = %lf\n", cache_ptr->prefix,

                case H5C_decr__threshold:
                    HDassert(hit_rate > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).upper_hr_threshold);

                    HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- decrease by threshold.  HR = %lf > %6.5lf\n",
                              cache_ptr->prefix, hit_rate, (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).upper_hr_threshold);

                    HDfprintf(stdout, "%sout of bounds high (%6.5lf).\n", cache_ptr->prefix,

                case H5C_decr__age_out:
                    HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- decrease by ageout.  HR = %lf\n",
                              cache_ptr->prefix, hit_rate);

                case H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold:
                    HDassert(hit_rate > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).upper_hr_threshold);

                              "%sAuto cache resize -- decrease by ageout with threshold. HR = %lf > %6.5lf\n",
                              cache_ptr->prefix, hit_rate, (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).upper_hr_threshold);

                    HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- decrease by unknown mode.  HR = %lf\n",
                              cache_ptr->prefix, hit_rate);

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s    cache size decreased from (%zu/%zu) to (%zu/%zu).\n", cache_ptr->prefix,
                      old_max_cache_size, old_min_clean_size, new_max_cache_size, new_min_clean_size);

        case at_max_size:
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- hit rate (%lf) out of bounds low (%6.5lf).\n",
                      cache_ptr->prefix, hit_rate, (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).lower_hr_threshold);
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s    cache already at maximum size so no change.\n", cache_ptr->prefix);

        case at_min_size:
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- hit rate (%lf) -- can't decrease.\n", cache_ptr->prefix,
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s    cache already at minimum size.\n", cache_ptr->prefix);

        case increase_disabled:
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- increase disabled -- HR = %lf.", cache_ptr->prefix,

        case decrease_disabled:
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- decrease disabled -- HR = %lf.\n", cache_ptr->prefix,

        case not_full:
            HDassert(hit_rate < (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).lower_hr_threshold);

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- hit rate (%lf) out of bounds low (%6.5lf).\n",
                      cache_ptr->prefix, hit_rate, (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).lower_hr_threshold);
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s    cache not full so no increase in size.\n", cache_ptr->prefix);

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%sAuto cache resize -- unknown status code.\n", cache_ptr->prefix);
} /* H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn() */

 * Function:    H5C__free_tag_list_cb
 * Purpose:     Callback function to free tag nodes from the skip list.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Vailin Choi
 *        January 2014
static herr_t
H5C__free_tag_list_cb(void *_item, void H5_ATTR_UNUSED *key, void H5_ATTR_UNUSED *op_data)
    H5C_tag_info_t *tag_info = (H5C_tag_info_t *)_item;



    /* Release the item */
    tag_info = H5FL_FREE(H5C_tag_info_t, tag_info);

} /* H5C__free_tag_list_cb() */

 * Function:    H5C_prep_for_file_close
 * Purpose:     This function should be called just prior to the cache
 *        flushes at file close.  There should be no protected
 *        entries in the cache at this point.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              7/3/15
H5C_prep_for_file_close(H5F_t *f)
    H5C_t * cache_ptr;
    hbool_t image_generated = FALSE;   /* Whether a cache image was generated */
    herr_t  ret_value       = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    /* For now at least, it is possible to receive the
     * close warning more than once -- the following
     * if statement handles this.
    if (cache_ptr->close_warning_received)
    cache_ptr->close_warning_received = TRUE;

    /* Make certain there aren't any protected entries */
    HDassert(cache_ptr->pl_len == 0);

    /* Prepare cache image */
    if (H5C__prep_image_for_file_close(f, &image_generated) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "can't create cache image")

    if ((H5F_INTENT(f) & H5F_ACC_RDWR) && (!image_generated) && (cache_ptr->aux_ptr != NULL) &&
        (f->shared->fs_persist)) {
        /* If persistent free space managers are enabled, flushing the
         * metadata cache may result in the deletion, insertion, and/or
         * dirtying of entries.
         * This is a problem in PHDF5, as it breaks two invariants of
         * our management of the metadata cache across all processes:
         * 1) Entries will not be dirtied, deleted, inserted, or moved
         *    during flush in the parallel case.
         * 2) All processes contain the same set of dirty metadata
         *    entries on entry to a sync point.
         * To solve this problem for the persistent free space managers,
         * serialize the metadata cache on all processes prior to the
         * first sync point on file shutdown.  The shutdown warning is
         * a convenient location for this call.
         * This is sufficient since:
         * 1) FSM settle routines are only invoked on file close.  Since
         *    serialization make the same settle calls as flush on file
         *    close, and since the close warning is issued after all
         *    non FSM related space allocations and just before the
         *    first sync point on close, this call will leave the caches
         *    in a consistent state across the processes if they were
         *    consistent before.
         * 2) Since the FSM settle routines are only invoked once during
         *    file close, invoking them now will prevent their invocation
         *    during a flush, and thus avoid any resulting entrie dirties,
         *    deletions, insertion, or moves during the flush.
        if (H5C__serialize_cache(f) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, FAIL, "serialization of the cache failed")
    }  /* end if */
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

} /* H5C_prep_for_file_close() */

 * Function:    H5C_dest
 * Purpose:     Flush all data to disk and destroy the cache.
 *              This function fails if any object are protected since the
 *              resulting file might not be consistent.
 *        Note that *cache_ptr has been freed upon successful return.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        6/2/04
 * Modifications:
 *              JRM -- 5/15/20
 *              Updated the function to enable the slist prior to the
 *              call to H5C__flush_invalidate_cache().
 *              Arguably, it shouldn't be necessary to re-enable the
 *              slist after the call to H5C__flush_invalidate_cache(), as
 *              the metadata cache should be discarded.  However, in the
 *              test code, we make multiple calls to H5C_dest().  Thus
 *              we re-enable the slist on failure if it and the cache
 *              still exist.
H5C_dest(H5F_t *f)
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity check */
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (H5C_image_stats(cache_ptr, TRUE) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Can't display cache image stats")

    /* Enable the slist, as it is needed in the flush */
    if (H5C_set_slist_enabled(f->shared->cache, TRUE, FALSE) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "set slist enabled failed")

    /* Flush and invalidate all cache entries */
    if (H5C__flush_invalidate_cache(f, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to flush cache")

    /* Generate & write cache image if requested */
    if (cache_ptr->image_ctl.generate_image) {

        if (H5C__generate_cache_image(f, cache_ptr) < 0)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "Can't generate metadata cache image")

    /* Question: Is it possible for cache_ptr->slist be non-null at this
     *           point?  If no, shouldn't this if statement be an assert?
    if (cache_ptr->slist_ptr != NULL) {

        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_len == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_size == 0);


        cache_ptr->slist_ptr = NULL;

    } /* end if */

    if (cache_ptr->tag_list != NULL) {

        H5SL_destroy(cache_ptr->tag_list, H5C__free_tag_list_cb, NULL);

        cache_ptr->tag_list = NULL;

    } /* end if */

    if (cache_ptr->log_info != NULL) {


#ifndef NDEBUG

    if (cache_ptr->get_entry_ptr_from_addr_counter > 0) {

        HDfprintf(stdout, "*** %" PRId64 " calls to H5C_get_entry_ptr_from_add(). ***\n",
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

    cache_ptr->magic = 0;
#endif /* NDEBUG */

    cache_ptr = H5FL_FREE(H5C_t, cache_ptr);


    if ((ret_value < 0) && (cache_ptr) && (cache_ptr->slist_ptr)) {

        /* need this for test code -- see change note for details */

        if (H5C_set_slist_enabled(f->shared->cache, FALSE, FALSE) < 0)

            HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "disable slist on flush dest failure failed")


} /* H5C_dest() */

 * Function:    H5C_evict
 * Purpose:     Evict all except pinned entries in the cache
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Vailin Choi
 *        Dec 2013
 * Modifications:
 *              JRM -- 5/5/20
 *              Added code to enable the skip list prior to the call
 *              to H5C__flush_invalidate_cache(), and disable it
 *              afterwards.
H5C_evict(H5F_t *f)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity check */

    /* Enable the slist, as it is needed in the flush */
    if (H5C_set_slist_enabled(f->shared->cache, TRUE, FALSE) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "set slist enabled failed")

    /* Flush and invalidate all cache entries except the pinned entries */
    if (H5C__flush_invalidate_cache(f, H5C__EVICT_ALLOW_LAST_PINS_FLAG) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to evict entries in the cache")

    /* Disable the slist */
    if (H5C_set_slist_enabled(f->shared->cache, FALSE, TRUE) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "set slist disabled failed")

} /* H5C_evict() */

 * Function:    H5C_expunge_entry
 * Purpose:     Use this function to tell the cache to expunge an entry
 *              from the cache without writing it to disk even if it is
 *              dirty.  The entry may not be either pinned or protected.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              6/29/06
H5C_expunge_entry(H5F_t *f, const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t addr, unsigned flags)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr   = NULL;
    unsigned           flush_flags = (H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG | H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG);
    herr_t             ret_value   = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "LRU extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    /* Look for entry in cache */
    H5C__SEARCH_INDEX(cache_ptr, addr, entry_ptr, FAIL)
    if ((entry_ptr == NULL) || (entry_ptr->type != type))
        /* the target doesn't exist in the cache, so we are done. */

    HDassert(entry_ptr->addr == addr);
    HDassert(entry_ptr->type == type);

    /* Check for entry being pinned or protected */
    if (entry_ptr->is_protected)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTEXPUNGE, FAIL, "Target entry is protected")
    if (entry_ptr->is_pinned)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTEXPUNGE, FAIL, "Target entry is pinned")

    /* If we get this far, call H5C__flush_single_entry() with the
     * This will clear the entry, and then delete it from the cache.

    /* Pass along 'free file space' flag */
    flush_flags |= (flags & H5C__FREE_FILE_SPACE_FLAG);

    /* Delete the entry from the skip list on destroy */
    flush_flags |= H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG;

    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr, flush_flags) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTEXPUNGE, FAIL, "can't flush entry")

    if (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0)
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "LRU extreme sanity check failed on exit")

} /* H5C_expunge_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C_flush_cache
 * Purpose:    Flush (and possibly destroy) the entries contained in the
 *        specified cache.
 *        If the cache contains protected entries, the function will
 *        fail, as protected entries cannot be flushed.  However
 *        all unprotected entries should be flushed before the
 *        function returns failure.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *        a request to flush all items and something was protected.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        6/2/04
 * Changes:    Modified function to test for slist chamges in
 *        pre_serialize and serialize callbacks, and re-start
 *        scans through the slist when such changes occur.
 *        This has been a potential problem for some time,
 *        and there has been code in this function to deal
 *        with elements of this issue.  However the shift
 *        to the V3 cache in combination with the activities
 *        of some of the cache clients (in particular the
 *        free space manager and the fractal heap) have
 *        made this re-work necessary.
 *                        JRM -- 12/13/14
 *        Modified function to support rings.  Basic idea is that
 *        every entry in the cache is assigned to a ring.  Entries
 *        in the outermost ring are flushed first, followed by
 *        those in the next outermost ring, and so on until the
 *        innermost ring is flushed.  See header comment on
 *        H5C_ring_t in H5Cprivate.h for a more detailed
 *        discussion.
 *                        JRM -- 8/30/15
 *        Modified function to call the free space manager
 *        settling functions.
 *                        JRM -- 6/9/16
H5C_flush_cache(H5F_t *f, unsigned flags)
    int      i;
    uint32_t index_len        = 0;
    size_t   index_size       = (size_t)0;
    size_t   clean_index_size = (size_t)0;
    size_t   dirty_index_size = (size_t)0;
    size_t   slist_size       = (size_t)0;
    uint32_t slist_len        = 0;
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */
    H5C_ring_t ring;
    H5C_t *    cache_ptr;
    hbool_t    destroy;
    herr_t     ret_value = SUCCEED;


    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_len[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);

    for (i = H5C_RING_USER; i < H5C_RING_NTYPES; i++) {
        index_len += cache_ptr->index_ring_len[i];
        index_size += cache_ptr->index_ring_size[i];
        clean_index_size += cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[i];
        dirty_index_size += cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[i];

        slist_len += cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[i];
        slist_size += cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[i];
    } /* end for */

    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_len == index_len);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_size == index_size);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_size == clean_index_size);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_size == dirty_index_size);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_len == slist_len);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_size == slist_size);
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    destroy = ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) != 0);
    HDassert(!(destroy && ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_IGNORE_PROTECTED_FLAG) != 0)));

    cache_ptr->flush_in_progress = TRUE;

    if (destroy) {
        if (H5C__flush_invalidate_cache(f, flags) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "flush invalidate failed")
    } /* end if */
    else {
        /* flush each ring, starting from the outermost ring and
         * working inward.
        ring = H5C_RING_USER;
        while (ring < H5C_RING_NTYPES) {

            /* Only call the free space manager settle routines when close
             * warning has been received.
            if (cache_ptr->close_warning_received) {
                switch (ring) {
                    case H5C_RING_USER:

                    case H5C_RING_RDFSM:
                        /* Settle raw data FSM */
                        if (!cache_ptr->rdfsm_settled)
                            if (H5MF_settle_raw_data_fsm(f, &cache_ptr->rdfsm_settled) < 0)
                                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "RD FSM settle failed")

                    case H5C_RING_MDFSM:
                        /* Settle metadata FSM */
                        if (!cache_ptr->mdfsm_settled)
                            if (H5MF_settle_meta_data_fsm(f, &cache_ptr->mdfsm_settled) < 0)
                                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "MD FSM settle failed")

                    case H5C_RING_SBE:
                    case H5C_RING_SB:

                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown ring?!?!")
                } /* end switch */
            }     /* end if */

            if (H5C__flush_ring(f, ring, flags) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "flush ring failed")
        } /* end while */
    }     /* end else */

    cache_ptr->flush_in_progress = FALSE;

} /* H5C_flush_cache() */

 * Function:    H5C_flush_to_min_clean
 * Purpose:    Flush dirty entries until the caches min clean size is
 *        attained.
 *        This function is used in the implementation of the
 *        metadata cache in PHDF5.  To avoid "messages from the
 *        future", the cache on process 0 can't be allowed to
 *        flush entries until the other processes have reached
 *        the same point in the calculation.  If this constraint
 *        is not met, it is possible that the other processes will
 *        read metadata generated at a future point in the
 *        computation.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if
 *        write is not permitted.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        9/16/05
H5C_flush_to_min_clean(H5F_t *f)
    H5C_t * cache_ptr;
    hbool_t write_permitted;
    herr_t  ret_value = SUCCEED;



    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;

    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (cache_ptr->check_write_permitted != NULL) {
        if ((cache_ptr->check_write_permitted)(f, &write_permitted) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "can't get write_permitted")
    } /* end if */
        write_permitted = cache_ptr->write_permitted;

    if (!write_permitted)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "cache write is not permitted!?!")

    if (H5C__make_space_in_cache(f, (size_t)0, write_permitted) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C__make_space_in_cache failed")

} /* H5C_flush_to_min_clean() */

 * Function:    H5C_insert_entry
 * Purpose:     Adds the specified thing to the cache.  The thing need not
 *              exist on disk yet, but it must have an address and disk
 *              space reserved.
 *        Observe that this function cannot occasion a read.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        6/2/04
H5C_insert_entry(H5F_t *f, const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t addr, void *thing, unsigned int flags)
    H5C_t *     cache_ptr;
    H5AC_ring_t ring = H5C_RING_UNDEFINED;
    hbool_t     insert_pinned;
    hbool_t     flush_last;
    hbool_t coll_access = FALSE; /* whether access to the cache entry is done collectively */
#endif                           /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    hbool_t            set_flush_marker;
    hbool_t            write_permitted = TRUE;
    size_t             empty_space;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *test_entry_ptr;
    hbool_t            entry_tagged = FALSE;
    herr_t             ret_value    = SUCCEED; /* Return value */



    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;

    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(type->mem_type == cache_ptr->class_table_ptr[type->id]->mem_type);

    /* no need to verify that entry is not already in the index as */
    /* we already make that check below.                           */
    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    set_flush_marker = ((flags & H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG) != 0);
    insert_pinned    = ((flags & H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG) != 0);
    flush_last       = ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_LAST_FLAG) != 0);

    /* Get the ring type from the API context */
    ring = H5CX_get_ring();

    entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing;

    /* verify that the new entry isn't already in the hash table -- scream
     * and die if it is.

    H5C__SEARCH_INDEX(cache_ptr, addr, test_entry_ptr, FAIL)

    if (test_entry_ptr != NULL) {
        if (test_entry_ptr == entry_ptr)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTINS, FAIL, "entry already in cache")
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTINS, FAIL, "duplicate entry in cache")
    } /* end if */

    entry_ptr->magic     = H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC;
    entry_ptr->cache_ptr = cache_ptr;
    entry_ptr->addr      = addr;
    entry_ptr->type      = type;

    entry_ptr->image_ptr        = NULL;
    entry_ptr->image_up_to_date = FALSE;

    entry_ptr->is_protected = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->is_read_only = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->ro_ref_count = 0;

    entry_ptr->is_pinned          = insert_pinned;
    entry_ptr->pinned_from_client = insert_pinned;
    entry_ptr->pinned_from_cache  = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->flush_me_last      = flush_last;

    /* newly inserted entries are assumed to be dirty */
    entry_ptr->is_dirty = TRUE;

    /* not protected, so can't be dirtied */
    entry_ptr->dirtied = FALSE;

    /* Retrieve the size of the thing */
    if ((type->image_len)(thing, &(entry_ptr->size)) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTGETSIZE, FAIL, "can't get size of thing")
    HDassert(entry_ptr->size > 0 && entry_ptr->size < H5C_MAX_ENTRY_SIZE);

    entry_ptr->in_slist = FALSE;

    entry_ptr->clear_on_unprotect = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->flush_immediately  = FALSE;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    entry_ptr->flush_in_progress   = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->destroy_in_progress = FALSE;

    entry_ptr->ring = ring;

    /* Initialize flush dependency fields */
    entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent          = NULL;
    entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents        = 0;
    entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent_nalloc   = 0;
    entry_ptr->flush_dep_nchildren       = 0;
    entry_ptr->flush_dep_ndirty_children = 0;
    entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children = 0;

    entry_ptr->ht_next = NULL;
    entry_ptr->ht_prev = NULL;
    entry_ptr->il_next = NULL;
    entry_ptr->il_prev = NULL;

    entry_ptr->next = NULL;
    entry_ptr->prev = NULL;

    entry_ptr->aux_next = NULL;
    entry_ptr->aux_prev = NULL;

    entry_ptr->coll_next = NULL;
    entry_ptr->coll_prev = NULL;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    /* initialize cache image related fields */
    entry_ptr->include_in_image     = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->lru_rank             = 0;
    entry_ptr->image_dirty          = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->fd_parent_count      = 0;
    entry_ptr->fd_parent_addrs      = NULL;
    entry_ptr->fd_child_count       = 0;
    entry_ptr->fd_dirty_child_count = 0;
    entry_ptr->image_fd_height      = 0;
    entry_ptr->prefetched           = FALSE;
    entry_ptr->prefetch_type_id     = 0;
    entry_ptr->age                  = 0;
    entry_ptr->prefetched_dirty     = FALSE;
#ifndef NDEBUG /* debugging field */
    entry_ptr->serialization_count = 0;
#endif /* NDEBUG */

    entry_ptr->tl_next  = NULL;
    entry_ptr->tl_prev  = NULL;
    entry_ptr->tag_info = NULL;

    /* Apply tag to newly inserted entry */
    if (H5C__tag_entry(cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTTAG, FAIL, "Cannot tag metadata entry")
    entry_tagged = TRUE;


    if (cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible &&
        (entry_ptr->size > cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold))
        if (H5C__flash_increase_cache_size(cache_ptr, 0, entry_ptr->size) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTINS, FAIL, "H5C__flash_increase_cache_size failed")

    if (cache_ptr->index_size >= cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
        empty_space = 0;
        empty_space = cache_ptr->max_cache_size - cache_ptr->index_size;

    if (cache_ptr->evictions_enabled &&
        (((cache_ptr->index_size + entry_ptr->size) > cache_ptr->max_cache_size) ||
         (((empty_space + cache_ptr->clean_index_size) < cache_ptr->min_clean_size)))) {
        size_t space_needed;

        if (empty_space <= entry_ptr->size)
            cache_ptr->cache_full = TRUE;

        if (cache_ptr->check_write_permitted != NULL) {
            if ((cache_ptr->check_write_permitted)(f, &write_permitted) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTINS, FAIL, "Can't get write_permitted")
        } /* end if */
            write_permitted = cache_ptr->write_permitted;

        HDassert(entry_ptr->size <= H5C_MAX_ENTRY_SIZE);
        space_needed = entry_ptr->size;
        if (space_needed > cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
            space_needed = cache_ptr->max_cache_size;

        /* Note that space_needed is just the amount of space that
         * needed to insert the new entry without exceeding the cache
         * size limit.  The subsequent call to H5C__make_space_in_cache()
         * may evict the entries required to free more or less space
         * depending on conditions.  It MAY be less if the cache is
         * currently undersized, or more if the cache is oversized.
         * The cache can exceed its maximum size limit via the following
         * mechanisms:
         * First, it is possible for the cache to grow without
         * bound as long as entries are protected and not unprotected.
         * Second, when writes are not permitted it is also possible
         * for the cache to grow without bound.
         * Finally, we usually don't check to see if the cache is
         * oversized at the end of an unprotect.  As a result, it is
         * possible to have a vastly oversized cache with no protected
         * entries as long as all the protects preceed the unprotects.
         * Since items 1 and 2 are not changing any time soon, I see
         * no point in worrying about the third.

        if (H5C__make_space_in_cache(f, space_needed, write_permitted) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTINS, FAIL, "H5C__make_space_in_cache failed")
    } /* end if */

    H5C__INSERT_IN_INDEX(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

    /* New entries are presumed to be dirty */
    entry_ptr->flush_marker = set_flush_marker;
    H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)
    H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_INSERTION(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed just before done")

    /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a 'after insertion'
     * notice now that the entry is fully integrated into the cache.
    if (entry_ptr->type->notify && (entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_AFTER_INSERT, entry_ptr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "can't notify client about entry inserted into cache")

    H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_INSERTION(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

        coll_access = H5CX_get_coll_metadata_read();

    entry_ptr->coll_access = coll_access;
    if (coll_access) {
        H5C__INSERT_IN_COLL_LIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        /* Make sure the size of the collective entries in the cache remain in check */
        if (cache_ptr->max_cache_size * 80 < cache_ptr->coll_list_size * 100)
            if (H5C_clear_coll_entries(cache_ptr, TRUE) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "can't clear collective metadata entries")
    } /* end if */

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on exit")

    if (ret_value < 0 && entry_tagged)
        if (H5C__untag_entry(cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
            HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, FAIL, "can't remove entry from tag list")

} /* H5C_insert_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C_mark_entry_dirty
 * Purpose:    Mark a pinned or protected entry as dirty.  The target entry
 *         MUST be either pinned or protected, and MAY be both.
 *         In the protected case, this call is the functional
 *         equivalent of setting the H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG on an unprotect
 *         call.
 *         In the pinned but not protected case, if the entry is not
 *         already dirty, the function places function marks the entry
 *         dirty and places it on the skip list.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              5/15/06
 *         JRM -- 11/5/08
 *         Added call to H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_ENTRY_DIRTY() to
 *         update the new clean_index_size and dirty_index_size
 *         fields of H5C_t in the case that the entry was clean
 *         prior to this call, and is pinned and not protected.
H5C_mark_entry_dirty(void *thing)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    cache_ptr = entry_ptr->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (entry_ptr->is_protected) {

        /* set the dirtied flag */
        entry_ptr->dirtied = TRUE;

        /* reset image_up_to_date */
        if (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date) {
            entry_ptr->image_up_to_date = FALSE;

            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized(entry_ptr) < 0)
                                "Can't propagate serialization status to fd parents")
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */
    else if (entry_ptr->is_pinned) {
        hbool_t was_clean; /* Whether the entry was previously clean */
        hbool_t image_was_up_to_date;

        /* Remember previous dirty status */
        was_clean = !entry_ptr->is_dirty;

        /* Check if image is up to date */
        image_was_up_to_date = entry_ptr->image_up_to_date;

        /* Mark the entry as dirty if it isn't already */
        entry_ptr->is_dirty         = TRUE;
        entry_ptr->image_up_to_date = FALSE;

        /* Modify cache data structures */
        if (was_clean)
            H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_ENTRY_DIRTY(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)
        if (!entry_ptr->in_slist)
            H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        /* Update stats for entry being marked dirty */
        H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_DIRTY_PIN(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

        /* Check for entry changing status and do notifications, etc. */
        if (was_clean) {
            /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a 'entry dirtied'
             * notice now that the entry is fully integrated into the cache.
            if (entry_ptr->type->notify &&
                (entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_DIRTIED, entry_ptr) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "can't notify client about entry dirty flag set")

            /* Propagate the dirty flag up the flush dependency chain if appropriate */
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty(entry_ptr) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKDIRTY, FAIL, "Can't propagate flush dep dirty flag")
        } /* end if */
        if (image_was_up_to_date)
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized(entry_ptr) < 0)
                                "Can't propagate serialization status to fd parents")
    } /* end if */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKDIRTY, FAIL, "Entry is neither pinned nor protected??")

} /* H5C_mark_entry_dirty() */

 * Function:    H5C_mark_entry_clean
 * Purpose:    Mark a pinned entry as clean.  The target entry MUST be pinned.
 *         If the entry is not
 *         already clean, the function places function marks the entry
 *         clean and removes it from the skip list.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              7/23/16
H5C_mark_entry_clean(void *_thing)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)_thing;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    cache_ptr = entry_ptr->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    /* Operate on pinned entry */
    if (entry_ptr->is_protected)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKCLEAN, FAIL, "entry is protected")
    else if (entry_ptr->is_pinned) {
        hbool_t was_dirty; /* Whether the entry was previously dirty */

        /* Remember previous dirty status */
        was_dirty = entry_ptr->is_dirty;

        /* Mark the entry as clean if it isn't already */
        entry_ptr->is_dirty = FALSE;

        /* Also reset the 'flush_marker' flag, since the entry shouldn't be flushed now */
        entry_ptr->flush_marker = FALSE;

        /* Modify cache data structures */
        if (was_dirty)
            H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_ENTRY_CLEAN(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)
        if (entry_ptr->in_slist)
            H5C__REMOVE_ENTRY_FROM_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FALSE)

        /* Update stats for entry being marked clean */
        H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_CLEAR(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

        /* Check for entry changing status and do notifications, etc. */
        if (was_dirty) {
            /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a 'entry cleaned'
             * notice now that the entry is fully integrated into the cache.
            if (entry_ptr->type->notify &&
                (entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_CLEANED, entry_ptr) < 0)
                            "can't notify client about entry dirty flag cleared")

            /* Propagate the clean up the flush dependency chain, if appropriate */
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_clean(entry_ptr) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKCLEAN, FAIL, "Can't propagate flush dep clean")
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKCLEAN, FAIL, "Entry is not pinned??")

} /* H5C_mark_entry_clean() */

 * Function:    H5C_mark_entry_unserialized
 * Purpose:    Mark a pinned or protected entry as unserialized.  The target
 *             entry MUST be either pinned or protected, and MAY be both.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              12/23/16
H5C_mark_entry_unserialized(void *thing)
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry     = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */

    if (entry->is_protected || entry->is_pinned) {

        /* Reset image_up_to_date */
        if (entry->image_up_to_date) {
            entry->image_up_to_date = FALSE;

            if (entry->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized(entry) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL,
                                "Can't propagate serialization status to fd parents")
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */
                    "Entry to unserialize is neither pinned nor protected??")

} /* H5C_mark_entry_unserialized() */

 * Function:    H5C_mark_entry_serialized
 * Purpose:    Mark a pinned entry as serialized.  The target entry MUST be
 *             pinned.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              12/23/16
H5C_mark_entry_serialized(void *_thing)
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry     = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)_thing;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */

    /* Operate on pinned entry */
    if (entry->is_protected)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKSERIALIZED, FAIL, "entry is protected")
    else if (entry->is_pinned) {
        /* Check for entry changing status and do notifications, etc. */
        if (!entry->image_up_to_date) {
            /* Set the image_up_to_date flag */
            entry->image_up_to_date = TRUE;

            /* Propagate the serialize up the flush dependency chain, if appropriate */
            if (entry->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_serialized(entry) < 0)
                                "Can't propagate flush dep serialize")
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKSERIALIZED, FAIL, "Entry is not pinned??")

} /* H5C_mark_entry_serialized() */

 * Function:    H5C_move_entry
 * Purpose:     Use this function to notify the cache that an entry's
 *              file address changed.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              6/2/04
H5C_move_entry(H5C_t *cache_ptr, const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t old_addr, haddr_t new_addr)
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr      = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *test_entry_ptr = NULL;
    herr_t             ret_value      = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(H5F_addr_ne(old_addr, new_addr));

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    H5C__SEARCH_INDEX(cache_ptr, old_addr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

    if (entry_ptr == NULL || entry_ptr->type != type)
        /* the old item doesn't exist in the cache, so we are done. */

    HDassert(entry_ptr->addr == old_addr);
    HDassert(entry_ptr->type == type);

    /* Check for R/W status, otherwise error */
    /* (Moving a R/O entry would mark it dirty, which shouldn't
     *  happen. QAK - 2016/12/02)
    if (entry_ptr->is_read_only)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMOVE, FAIL, "can't move R/O entry")

    H5C__SEARCH_INDEX(cache_ptr, new_addr, test_entry_ptr, FAIL)

    if (test_entry_ptr != NULL) { /* we are hosed */
        if (test_entry_ptr->type == type)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMOVE, FAIL, "target already moved & reinserted???")
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMOVE, FAIL, "new address already in use?")
    } /* end if */

    /* If we get this far we have work to do.  Remove *entry_ptr from
     * the hash table (and skip list if necessary), change its address to the
     * new address, mark it as dirty (if it isn't already) and then re-insert.
     * Update the replacement policy for a hit to avoid an eviction before
     * the moved entry is touched.  Update stats for a move.
     * Note that we do not check the size of the cache, or evict anything.
     * Since this is a simple re-name, cache size should be unaffected.
     * Check to see if the target entry is in the process of being destroyed
     * before we delete from the index, etc.  If it is, all we do is
     * change the addr.  If the entry is only in the process of being flushed,
     * don't mark it as dirty either, lest we confuse the flush call back.
    if (!entry_ptr->destroy_in_progress) {
        H5C__DELETE_FROM_INDEX(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        if (entry_ptr->in_slist) {
            H5C__REMOVE_ENTRY_FROM_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FALSE)
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */

    entry_ptr->addr = new_addr;

    if (!entry_ptr->destroy_in_progress) {
        hbool_t was_dirty; /* Whether the entry was previously dirty */

        /* Remember previous dirty status */
        was_dirty = entry_ptr->is_dirty;

        /* Mark the entry as dirty if it isn't already */
        entry_ptr->is_dirty = TRUE;

        /* This shouldn't be needed, but it keeps the test code happy */
        if (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date) {
            entry_ptr->image_up_to_date = FALSE;
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized(entry_ptr) < 0)
                                "Can't propagate serialization status to fd parents")
        } /* end if */

        /* Modify cache data structures */
        H5C__INSERT_IN_INDEX(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)
        H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        /* Skip some actions if we're in the middle of flushing the entry */
        if (!entry_ptr->flush_in_progress) {
            /* Update the replacement policy for the entry */
            H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_MOVE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, was_dirty, FAIL)

            /* Check for entry changing status and do notifications, etc. */
            if (!was_dirty) {
                /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a 'entry dirtied'
                 * notice now that the entry is fully integrated into the cache.
                if (entry_ptr->type->notify &&
                    (entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_DIRTIED, entry_ptr) < 0)
                                "can't notify client about entry dirty flag set")

                /* Propagate the dirty flag up the flush dependency chain if appropriate */
                if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                    if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty(entry_ptr) < 0)
                                    "Can't propagate flush dep dirty flag")
            } /* end if */
        }     /* end if */
    }         /* end if */

    H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_MOVE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on exit")

} /* H5C_move_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C_resize_entry
 * Purpose:    Resize a pinned or protected entry.
 *         Resizing an entry dirties it, so if the entry is not
 *         already dirty, the function places the entry on the
 *         skip list.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              7/5/06
H5C_resize_entry(void *thing, size_t new_size)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    cache_ptr = entry_ptr->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    /* Check for usage errors */
    if (new_size <= 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "New size is non-positive")
    if (!(entry_ptr->is_pinned || entry_ptr->is_protected))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "Entry isn't pinned or protected??")

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    /* update for change in entry size if necessary */
    if (entry_ptr->size != new_size) {
        hbool_t was_clean;

        /* make note of whether the entry was clean to begin with */
        was_clean = !entry_ptr->is_dirty;

        /* mark the entry as dirty if it isn't already */
        entry_ptr->is_dirty = TRUE;

        /* Reset the image up-to-date status */
        if (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date) {
            entry_ptr->image_up_to_date = FALSE;
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized(entry_ptr) < 0)
                                "Can't propagate serialization status to fd parents")
        } /* end if */

        /* Release the current image */
        if (entry_ptr->image_ptr)
            entry_ptr->image_ptr = H5MM_xfree(entry_ptr->image_ptr);

        /* do a flash cache size increase if appropriate */
        if (cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible) {

            if (new_size > entry_ptr->size) {
                size_t size_increase;

                size_increase = new_size - entry_ptr->size;

                if (size_increase >= cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold) {
                    if (H5C__flash_increase_cache_size(cache_ptr, entry_ptr->size, new_size) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTRESIZE, FAIL, "flash cache increase failed")

        /* update the pinned and/or protected entry list */
        if (entry_ptr->is_pinned) {
            H5C__DLL_UPDATE_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE((cache_ptr->pel_len), (cache_ptr->pel_size), (entry_ptr->size),
        } /* end if */
        if (entry_ptr->is_protected) {
            H5C__DLL_UPDATE_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE((cache_ptr->pl_len), (cache_ptr->pl_size), (entry_ptr->size),
        } /* end if */

        if (entry_ptr->coll_access) {
            H5C__DLL_UPDATE_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE((cache_ptr->coll_list_len), (cache_ptr->coll_list_size),
                                            (entry_ptr->size), (new_size))
        } /* end if */
#endif    /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

        /* update statistics just before changing the entry size */
        H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_ENTRY_SIZE_CHANGE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, new_size);

        /* update the hash table */
        H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr->size, new_size, entry_ptr, was_clean);

        /* if the entry is in the skip list, update that too */
        if (entry_ptr->in_slist)
            H5C__UPDATE_SLIST_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr->size, new_size);

        /* finally, update the entry size proper */
        entry_ptr->size = new_size;

        if (!entry_ptr->in_slist)
            H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        if (entry_ptr->is_pinned)
            H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_DIRTY_PIN(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

        /* Check for entry changing status and do notifications, etc. */
        if (was_clean) {
            /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a 'entry dirtied'
             * notice now that the entry is fully integrated into the cache.
            if (entry_ptr->type->notify &&
                (entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_DIRTIED, entry_ptr) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "can't notify client about entry dirty flag set")

            /* Propagate the dirty flag up the flush dependency chain if appropriate */
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty(entry_ptr) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKDIRTY, FAIL, "Can't propagate flush dep dirty flag")
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on exit")

} /* H5C_resize_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C_pin_protected_entry()
 * Purpose:    Pin a protected cache entry.  The entry must be protected
 *             at the time of call, and must be unpinned.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              4/26/06
 * Changes:    Added extreme sanity checks on entry and exit.
 *                                          JRM -- 4/26/14
H5C_pin_protected_entry(void *thing)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing; /* Pointer to entry to pin */
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED;                    /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    cache_ptr = entry_ptr->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    /* Only protected entries can be pinned */
    if (!entry_ptr->is_protected)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPIN, FAIL, "Entry isn't protected")

    /* Pin the entry from a client */
    if (H5C__pin_entry_from_client(cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPIN, FAIL, "Can't pin entry by client")

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on exit")

} /* H5C_pin_protected_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C_protect
 * Purpose:     If the target entry is not in the cache, load it.  If
 *        necessary, attempt to evict one or more entries to keep
 *        the cache within its maximum size.
 *        Mark the target entry as protected, and return its address
 *        to the caller.  The caller must call H5C_unprotect() when
 *        finished with the entry.
 *        While it is protected, the entry may not be either evicted
 *        or flushed -- nor may it be accessed by another call to
 *        H5C_protect.  Any attempt to do so will result in a failure.
 * Return:      Success:        Ptr to the desired entry
 *              Failure:        NULL
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer -  6/2/04
void *
H5C_protect(H5F_t *f, const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t addr, void *udata, unsigned flags)
    H5C_t *     cache_ptr;
    H5AC_ring_t ring = H5C_RING_UNDEFINED;
    hbool_t     hit;
    hbool_t     have_write_permitted = FALSE;
    hbool_t     read_only            = FALSE;
    hbool_t     flush_last;
    hbool_t coll_access = FALSE; /* whether access to the cache entry is done collectively */
#endif                           /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    hbool_t            write_permitted = FALSE;
    hbool_t            was_loaded      = FALSE; /* Whether the entry was loaded as a result of the protect */
    size_t             empty_space;
    void *             thing;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr;
    void *             ret_value = NULL; /* Return value */


    /* check args */

    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;

    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(type->mem_type == cache_ptr->class_table_ptr[type->id]->mem_type);

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, NULL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    /* Load the cache image, if requested */
    if (cache_ptr->load_image) {
        cache_ptr->load_image = FALSE;
        if (H5C__load_cache_image(f) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "Can't load cache image")
    } /* end if */

    read_only  = ((flags & H5C__READ_ONLY_FLAG) != 0);
    flush_last = ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_LAST_FLAG) != 0);

    /* Get the ring type from the API context */
    ring = H5CX_get_ring();

        coll_access = H5CX_get_coll_metadata_read();
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    /* first check to see if the target is in cache */
    H5C__SEARCH_INDEX(cache_ptr, addr, entry_ptr, NULL)

    if (entry_ptr != NULL) {
        if (entry_ptr->ring != ring)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, NULL, "ring type mismatch occurred for cache entry")

        HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

        if (entry_ptr->prefetched) {
            /* This call removes the prefetched entry from the cache,
             * and replaces it with an entry deserialized from the
             * image of the prefetched entry.
            if (H5C__deserialize_prefetched_entry(f, cache_ptr, &entry_ptr, type, addr, udata) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "can't deserialize prefetched entry")

            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            HDassert(entry_ptr->addr == addr);
        } /* end if */

        /* Check for trying to load the wrong type of entry from an address */
        if (entry_ptr->type != type)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADTYPE, NULL, "incorrect cache entry type")

            /* if this is a collective metadata read, the entry is not
               marked as collective, and is clean, it is possible that
               other processes will not have it in its cache and will
               expect a bcast of the entry from process 0. So process 0
               will bcast the entry to all other ranks. Ranks that _do_ have
               the entry in their cache still have to participate in the
               bcast. */
        if (coll_access) {
            if (!(entry_ptr->is_dirty) && !(entry_ptr->coll_access)) {
                MPI_Comm comm;     /* File MPI Communicator */
                int      mpi_code; /* MPI error code */
                int      buf_size;

                if (MPI_COMM_NULL == (comm = H5F_mpi_get_comm(f)))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "get_comm request failed")

                if (entry_ptr->image_ptr == NULL) {
                    int mpi_rank;

                    if ((mpi_rank = H5F_mpi_get_rank(f)) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "Can't get MPI rank")

                    if (NULL == (entry_ptr->image_ptr = H5MM_malloc(entry_ptr->size + H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE)))
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTALLOC, NULL,
                                    "memory allocation failed for on disk image buffer")
                    H5MM_memcpy(((uint8_t *)entry_ptr->image_ptr) + entry_ptr->size, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE,
                    if (0 == mpi_rank)
                        if (H5C__generate_image(f, cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "can't generate entry's image")
                } /* end if */

                H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(buf_size, int, entry_ptr->size, size_t);
                if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Bcast(entry_ptr->image_ptr, buf_size, MPI_BYTE, 0, comm)))
                    HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(NULL, "MPI_Bcast failed", mpi_code)

                /* Mark the entry as collective and insert into the collective list */
                entry_ptr->coll_access = TRUE;
                H5C__INSERT_IN_COLL_LIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, NULL)
            } /* end if */
            else if (entry_ptr->coll_access) {
                H5C__MOVE_TO_TOP_IN_COLL_LIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, NULL)
            } /* end else-if */
        }     /* end if */
#endif        /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

            /* Verify tag value */
            if (cache_ptr->ignore_tags != TRUE) {
                haddr_t tag; /* Tag value */

                /* The entry is already in the cache, but make sure that the tag value
                 * is still legal. This will ensure that had the entry NOT been in the
                 * cache, tagging was still set up correctly and it would have received
                 * a legal tag value after getting loaded from disk.

                /* Get the tag */
                tag = H5CX_get_tag();

                if (H5C_verify_tag(entry_ptr->type->id, tag) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "tag verification failed")
            } /* end if */

        hit   = TRUE;
        thing = (void *)entry_ptr;
    else {

        /* must try to load the entry from disk. */

        hit = FALSE;

        if (NULL == (thing = H5C__load_entry(f,
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
                                             type, addr, udata)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "can't load entry")

        entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing;

        entry_ptr->ring = ring;
        if (H5F_HAS_FEATURE(f, H5FD_FEAT_HAS_MPI) && entry_ptr->coll_access)
            H5C__INSERT_IN_COLL_LIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, NULL)
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

        /* Apply tag to newly protected entry */
        if (H5C__tag_entry(cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTTAG, NULL, "Cannot tag metadata entry")

        /* If the entry is very large, and we are configured to allow it,
         * we may wish to perform a flash cache size increase.
        if ((cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible) &&
            (entry_ptr->size > cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold)) {

            if (H5C__flash_increase_cache_size(cache_ptr, 0, entry_ptr->size) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, NULL, "H5C__flash_increase_cache_size failed")

        if (cache_ptr->index_size >= cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
            empty_space = 0;
            empty_space = cache_ptr->max_cache_size - cache_ptr->index_size;

        /* try to free up if necceary and if evictions are permitted.  Note
         * that if evictions are enabled, we will call H5C__make_space_in_cache()
         * regardless if the min_free_space requirement is not met.
        if ((cache_ptr->evictions_enabled) &&
            (((cache_ptr->index_size + entry_ptr->size) > cache_ptr->max_cache_size) ||
             ((empty_space + cache_ptr->clean_index_size) < cache_ptr->min_clean_size))) {

            size_t space_needed;

            if (empty_space <= entry_ptr->size)
                cache_ptr->cache_full = TRUE;

            if (cache_ptr->check_write_permitted != NULL) {
                if ((cache_ptr->check_write_permitted)(f, &write_permitted) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, NULL, "Can't get write_permitted 1")
                    have_write_permitted = TRUE;
            } /* end if */
            else {
                write_permitted      = cache_ptr->write_permitted;
                have_write_permitted = TRUE;
            } /* end else */

            HDassert(entry_ptr->size <= H5C_MAX_ENTRY_SIZE);
            space_needed = entry_ptr->size;
            if (space_needed > cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
                space_needed = cache_ptr->max_cache_size;

            /* Note that space_needed is just the amount of space that
             * needed to insert the new entry without exceeding the cache
             * size limit.  The subsequent call to H5C__make_space_in_cache()
             * may evict the entries required to free more or less space
             * depending on conditions.  It MAY be less if the cache is
             * currently undersized, or more if the cache is oversized.
             * The cache can exceed its maximum size limit via the following
             * mechanisms:
             * First, it is possible for the cache to grow without
             * bound as long as entries are protected and not unprotected.
             * Second, when writes are not permitted it is also possible
             * for the cache to grow without bound.
             * Third, the user may choose to disable evictions -- causing
             * the cache to grow without bound until evictions are
             * re-enabled.
             * Finally, we usually don't check to see if the cache is
             * oversized at the end of an unprotect.  As a result, it is
             * possible to have a vastly oversized cache with no protected
             * entries as long as all the protects preceed the unprotects.
             * Since items 1, 2, and 3 are not changing any time soon, I
             * see no point in worrying about the fourth.

            if (H5C__make_space_in_cache(f, space_needed, write_permitted) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, NULL, "H5C__make_space_in_cache failed")
        } /* end if */

        /* Insert the entry in the hash table.  It can't be dirty yet, so
         * we don't even check to see if it should go in the skip list.
         * This is no longer true -- due to a bug fix, we may modify
         * data on load to repair a file.
         *   *******************************************
         * Set the flush_last field
         * of the newly loaded entry before inserting it into the
         * index.  Must do this, as the index tracked the number of
         * entries with the flush_last field set, but assumes that
         * the field will not change after insertion into the index.
         * Note that this means that the H5C__FLUSH_LAST_FLAG flag
         * is ignored if the entry is already in cache.
        entry_ptr->flush_me_last = flush_last;

        H5C__INSERT_IN_INDEX(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, NULL)

        if ((entry_ptr->is_dirty) && (!(entry_ptr->in_slist))) {

            H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, NULL)

        /* insert the entry in the data structures used by the replacement
         * policy.  We are just going to take it out again when we update
         * the replacement policy for a protect, but this simplifies the
         * code.  If we do this often enough, we may want to optimize this.
        H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_INSERTION(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, NULL)

        /* Record that the entry was loaded, to trigger a notify callback later */
        /* (After the entry is fully added to the cache) */
        was_loaded = TRUE;
    } /* end else */

    HDassert(entry_ptr->addr == addr);
    HDassert(entry_ptr->type == type);

    if (entry_ptr->is_protected) {
        if (read_only && entry_ptr->is_read_only) {
            HDassert(entry_ptr->ro_ref_count > 0);
        } /* end if */
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, NULL, "Target already protected & not read only?!?")
    } /* end if */
    else {
        H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_PROTECT(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, NULL)

        entry_ptr->is_protected = TRUE;

        if (read_only) {
            entry_ptr->is_read_only = TRUE;
            entry_ptr->ro_ref_count = 1;
        } /* end if */

        entry_ptr->dirtied = FALSE;
    } /* end else */

    H5C__UPDATE_CACHE_HIT_RATE_STATS(cache_ptr, hit)

    H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_PROTECT(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, hit)

    ret_value = thing;

    if ((cache_ptr->evictions_enabled) &&
        ((cache_ptr->size_decreased) ||
         ((cache_ptr->resize_enabled) &&
          (cache_ptr->cache_accesses >= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epoch_length)))) {

        if (!have_write_permitted) {

            if (cache_ptr->check_write_permitted != NULL) {
                if ((cache_ptr->check_write_permitted)(f, &write_permitted) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, NULL, "Can't get write_permitted")
                    have_write_permitted = TRUE;
            else {

                write_permitted = cache_ptr->write_permitted;

                have_write_permitted = TRUE;

        if (cache_ptr->resize_enabled &&
            (cache_ptr->cache_accesses >= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epoch_length)) {

            if (H5C__auto_adjust_cache_size(f, write_permitted) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, NULL, "Cache auto-resize failed")
        } /* end if */

        if (cache_ptr->size_decreased) {
            cache_ptr->size_decreased = FALSE;

            /* check to see if the cache is now oversized due to the cache
             * size reduction.  If it is, try to evict enough entries to
             * bring the cache size down to the current maximum cache size.
             * Also, if the min_clean_size requirement is not met, we
             * should also call H5C__make_space_in_cache() to bring us
             * into complience.

            if (cache_ptr->index_size >= cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
                empty_space = 0;
                empty_space = cache_ptr->max_cache_size - cache_ptr->index_size;

            if ((cache_ptr->index_size > cache_ptr->max_cache_size) ||
                ((empty_space + cache_ptr->clean_index_size) < cache_ptr->min_clean_size)) {

                if (cache_ptr->index_size > cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
                    cache_ptr->cache_full = TRUE;

                if (H5C__make_space_in_cache(f, (size_t)0, write_permitted) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPROTECT, NULL, "H5C__make_space_in_cache failed")
        } /* end if */

    /* If we loaded the entry and the entry's type has a 'notify' callback, send
     * an 'after load' notice now that the entry is fully integrated into
     * the cache and protected.  We must wait until it is protected so it is not
     * evicted during the notify callback.
    if (was_loaded) {
        /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a 'after load'
         * notice now that the entry is fully integrated into the cache.
        if (entry_ptr->type->notify && (entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_AFTER_LOAD, entry_ptr) < 0)
                        "can't notify client about entry inserted into cache")
    } /* end if */

    /* Make sure the size of the collective entries in the cache remain in check */
    if (coll_access)
        if (cache_ptr->max_cache_size * 80 < cache_ptr->coll_list_size * 100)
            if (H5C_clear_coll_entries(cache_ptr, TRUE) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, NULL, "can't clear collective metadata entries")
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, NULL, "an extreme sanity check failed on exit")

} /* H5C_protect() */

 * Function:    H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats()
 * Purpose:     Reset the cache hit rate computation fields.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success, and FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 10/5/04
H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    if ((cache_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad cache_ptr on entry")

    cache_ptr->cache_hits     = 0;
    cache_ptr->cache_accesses = 0;

} /* H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats() */

 * Function:    H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config
 * Purpose:    Set the cache automatic resize configuration to the
 *        provided values if they are in range, and fail if they
 *        are not.
 *        If the new configuration enables automatic cache resizing,
 *        coerce the cache max size and min clean size into agreement
 *        with the new policy and re-set the full cache hit rate
 *        stats.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success, and FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        10/8/04
H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_auto_size_ctl_t *config_ptr)
    size_t new_max_cache_size;
    size_t new_min_clean_size;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    if ((cache_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad cache_ptr on entry")
    if (config_ptr == NULL)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "NULL config_ptr on entry")
    if (config_ptr->version != H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "unknown config version")

    /* check general configuration section of the config: */
    if (H5C_validate_resize_config(config_ptr, H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_GENERAL) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "error in general configuration fields of new config")

    /* check size increase control fields of the config: */
    if (H5C_validate_resize_config(config_ptr, H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_INCREMENT) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "error in the size increase control fields of new config")

    /* check size decrease control fields of the config: */
    if (H5C_validate_resize_config(config_ptr, H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_DECREMENT) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "error in the size decrease control fields of new config")

    /* check for conflicts between size increase and size decrease controls: */
    if (H5C_validate_resize_config(config_ptr, H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_INTERACTIONS) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "conflicting threshold fields in new config")

    /* will set the increase possible fields to FALSE later if needed */
    cache_ptr->size_increase_possible       = TRUE;
    cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible = TRUE;
    cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible       = TRUE;

    switch (config_ptr->incr_mode) {
        case H5C_incr__off:
            cache_ptr->size_increase_possible = FALSE;

        case H5C_incr__threshold:
            if ((config_ptr->lower_hr_threshold <= 0.0) || (config_ptr->increment <= 1.0) ||
                ((config_ptr->apply_max_increment) && (config_ptr->max_increment <= 0)))
                cache_ptr->size_increase_possible = FALSE;

        default: /* should be unreachable */
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown incr_mode?!?!?")
    } /* end switch */

    /* logically, this is were configuration for flash cache size increases
     * should go.  However, this configuration depends on max_cache_size, so
     * we wait until the end of the function, when this field is set.

    switch (config_ptr->decr_mode) {
        case H5C_decr__off:
            cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible = FALSE;

        case H5C_decr__threshold:
            if ((config_ptr->upper_hr_threshold >= 1.0) || (config_ptr->decrement >= 1.0) ||
                ((config_ptr->apply_max_decrement) && (config_ptr->max_decrement <= 0)))
                cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible = FALSE;

        case H5C_decr__age_out:
            if (((config_ptr->apply_empty_reserve) && (config_ptr->empty_reserve >= 1.0)) ||
                ((config_ptr->apply_max_decrement) && (config_ptr->max_decrement <= 0)))
                cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible = FALSE;

        case H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold:
            if (((config_ptr->apply_empty_reserve) && (config_ptr->empty_reserve >= 1.0)) ||
                ((config_ptr->apply_max_decrement) && (config_ptr->max_decrement <= 0)) ||
                (config_ptr->upper_hr_threshold >= 1.0))
                cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible = FALSE;

        default: /* should be unreachable */
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown decr_mode?!?!?")
    } /* end switch */

    if (config_ptr->max_size == config_ptr->min_size) {
        cache_ptr->size_increase_possible       = FALSE;
        cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible = FALSE;
        cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible       = FALSE;
    } /* end if */

    /* flash_size_increase_possible is intentionally omitted from the
     * following:
    cache_ptr->resize_enabled = cache_ptr->size_increase_possible || cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible;

    cache_ptr->resize_ctl = *config_ptr;

    /* Resize the cache to the supplied initial value if requested, or as
     * necessary to force it within the bounds of the current automatic
     * cache resizing configuration.
     * Note that the min_clean_fraction may have changed, so we
     * go through the exercise even if the current size is within
     * range and an initial size has not been provided.
    if (cache_ptr->resize_ctl.set_initial_size)
        new_max_cache_size = cache_ptr->resize_ctl.initial_size;
    else if (cache_ptr->max_cache_size > cache_ptr->resize_ctl.max_size)
        new_max_cache_size = cache_ptr->resize_ctl.max_size;
    else if (cache_ptr->max_cache_size < cache_ptr->resize_ctl.min_size)
        new_max_cache_size = cache_ptr->resize_ctl.min_size;
        new_max_cache_size = cache_ptr->max_cache_size;

    new_min_clean_size = (size_t)((double)new_max_cache_size * ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_clean_fraction));

    /* since new_min_clean_size is of type size_t, we have
     *     ( 0 <= new_min_clean_size )
     * by definition.
    HDassert(new_min_clean_size <= new_max_cache_size);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->resize_ctl.min_size <= new_max_cache_size);
    HDassert(new_max_cache_size <= cache_ptr->resize_ctl.max_size);

    if (new_max_cache_size < cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
        cache_ptr->size_decreased = TRUE;

    cache_ptr->max_cache_size = new_max_cache_size;
    cache_ptr->min_clean_size = new_min_clean_size;

    if (H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats(cache_ptr) < 0)
        /* this should be impossible... */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats failed")

    /* remove excess epoch markers if any */
    if ((config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold) ||
        (config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out)) {
        if (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active > cache_ptr->resize_ctl.epochs_before_eviction)
            if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_excess_markers(cache_ptr) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "can't remove excess epoch markers")
    } /* end if */
    else if (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active > 0) {
        if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_all_markers(cache_ptr) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "error removing all epoch markers")

    /* configure flash size increase facility.  We wait until the
     * end of the function, as we need the max_cache_size set before
     * we start to keep things simple.
     * If we haven't already ruled out flash cache size increases above,
     * go ahead and configure it.

    if (cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible) {
        switch (config_ptr->flash_incr_mode) {
            case H5C_flash_incr__off:
                cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible = FALSE;

            case H5C_flash_incr__add_space:
                cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible  = TRUE;
                cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold = (size_t)(
                    ((double)(cache_ptr->max_cache_size)) * ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_threshold));

            default: /* should be unreachable */
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown flash_incr_mode?!?!?")
        } /* end switch */
    }     /* end if */

} /* H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config() */

 * Function:    H5C_set_evictions_enabled()
 * Purpose:     Set cache_ptr->evictions_enabled to the value of the
 *              evictions enabled parameter.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success, and FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              7/27/07
H5C_set_evictions_enabled(H5C_t *cache_ptr, hbool_t evictions_enabled)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    if ((cache_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Bad cache_ptr on entry")

    /* There is no fundamental reason why we should not permit
     * evictions to be disabled while automatic resize is enabled.
     * However, I can't think of any good reason why one would
     * want to, and allowing it would greatly complicate testing
     * the feature.  Hence the following:
    if ((evictions_enabled != TRUE) && ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl.incr_mode != H5C_incr__off) ||
                                        (cache_ptr->resize_ctl.decr_mode != H5C_decr__off)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Can't disable evictions when auto resize enabled")

    cache_ptr->evictions_enabled = evictions_enabled;

} /* H5C_set_evictions_enabled() */

 * Function:    H5C_set_slist_enabled()
 * Purpose:     Enable or disable the slist as directed.
 *              The slist (skip list) is an address ordered list of
 *              dirty entries in the metadata cache.  However, this
 *              list is only needed during flush and close, where we
 *              use it to write entries in more or less increasing
 *              address order.
 *              This function sets up and enables further operations
 *              on the slist, or disable the slist.  This in turn
 *              allows us to avoid the overhead of maintaining the
 *              slist when it is not needed.
 *              If the slist_enabled parameter is TRUE, the function
 *              1) Verifies that the slist is empty.
 *              2) Scans the index list, and inserts all dirty entries
 *                 into the slist.
 *              3) Sets cache_ptr->slist_enabled = TRUE.
 *              Note that the clear_slist parameter is ignored if
 *              the slist_enabed parameter is TRUE.
 *              If the slist_enabled_parameter is FALSE, the function
 *              shuts down the slist.
 *              Normally the slist will be empty at this point, however
 *              that need not be the case if H5C_flush_cache() has been
 *              called with the H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG.
 *              Thus shutdown proceeds as follows:
 *              1) Test to see if the slist is empty.  If it is, proceed
 *                 to step 3.
 *              2) Test to see if the clear_slist parameter is TRUE.
 *                 If it is, remove all entries from the slist.
 *                 If it isn't, throw an error.
 *              3) set cache_ptr->slist_enabled = FALSE.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success, and FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              5/1/20
 * Modifications:
 *              None.
H5C_set_slist_enabled(H5C_t *cache_ptr, hbool_t slist_enabled, hbool_t clear_slist)
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    if ((cache_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC))

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Bad cache_ptr on entry")


    if (slist_enabled) {

        if (cache_ptr->slist_enabled) {

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "slist already enabled?")

        if ((cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) || (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0)) {

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "slist not empty (1)?")

        /* set cache_ptr->slist_enabled to TRUE so that the slist
         * mainenance macros will be enabled.
        cache_ptr->slist_enabled = TRUE;

        /* scan the index list and insert all dirty entries in the slist */
        entry_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;

        while (entry_ptr != NULL) {

            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

            if (entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

                H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

            entry_ptr = entry_ptr->il_next;

        /* we don't maintain a dirty index len, so we can't do a cross
         * check against it.  Note that there is no point in cross checking
         * against the dirty LRU size, as the dirty LRU may not be maintained,
         * and in any case, there is no requirement that all dirty entries
         * will reside on the dirty LRU.
        HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_size == cache_ptr->slist_size);
    else { /* take down the skip list */

        if (!cache_ptr->slist_enabled) {

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "slist already disabled?")

        if ((cache_ptr->slist_len != 0) || (cache_ptr->slist_size != 0)) {

            if (clear_slist) {

                H5SL_node_t *node_ptr;

                node_ptr = H5SL_first(cache_ptr->slist_ptr);

                while (node_ptr != NULL) {

                    entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5SL_item(node_ptr);

                    H5C__REMOVE_ENTRY_FROM_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FALSE);

                    node_ptr = H5SL_first(cache_ptr->slist_ptr);
            else {

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "slist not empty (2)?")

        cache_ptr->slist_enabled = FALSE;

        HDassert(0 == cache_ptr->slist_len);
        HDassert(0 == cache_ptr->slist_size);



#endif /* H5C__SLIST_OPT_ENABLED is FALSE */



} /* H5C_set_slist_enabled() */

 * Function:    H5C_unpin_entry()
 * Purpose:    Unpin a cache entry.  The entry can be either protected or
 *             unprotected at the time of call, but must be pinned.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/22/06
 * Changes:     Added extreme sanity checks on entry and exit.
 *                                      JRM -- 4/26/14
H5C_unpin_entry(void *_entry_ptr)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)_entry_ptr; /* Pointer to entry to unpin */
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED;                         /* Return value */


    /* Sanity check */
    cache_ptr = entry_ptr->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    /* Unpin the entry */
    if (H5C__unpin_entry_from_client(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, TRUE) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, FAIL, "Can't unpin entry from client")

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on exit")

} /* H5C_unpin_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C_unprotect
 * Purpose:    Undo an H5C_protect() call -- specifically, mark the
 *        entry as unprotected, remove it from the protected list,
 *        and give it back to the replacement policy.
 *        The TYPE and ADDR arguments must be the same as those in
 *        the corresponding call to H5C_protect() and the THING
 *        argument must be the value returned by that call to
 *        H5C_protect().
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 *        If the deleted flag is TRUE, simply remove the target entry
 *        from the cache, clear it, and free it without writing it to
 *        disk.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              6/2/04
 * Modifications:
 *              JRM -- 7/21/04
 *              Updated for the addition of the hash table.
 *              JRM -- 10/28/04
 *              Added code to set cache_full to TRUE whenever we try to
 *              make space in the cache.
 *              JRM -- 11/12/04
 *              Added code to call to H5C_make_space_in_cache() after the
 *              call to H5C__auto_adjust_cache_size() if that function
 *              sets the size_decreased flag is TRUE.
 *              JRM -- 4/25/05
 *              The size_decreased flag can also be set to TRUE in
 *              H5C_set_cache_auto_resize_config() if a new configuration
 *              forces an immediate reduction in cache size.  Modified
 *              the code to deal with this eventuallity.
 *              JRM -- 6/24/05
 *              Added support for the new write_permitted field of H5C_t.
 *              JRM -- 10/22/05
 *              Hand optimizations.
 *              JRM -- 5/3/06
 *              Added code to set the new dirtied field in
 *              H5C_cache_entry_t to FALSE prior to return.
 *              JRM -- 6/23/06
 *              Modified code to allow dirty entries to be loaded from
 *              disk.  This is necessary as a bug fix in the object
 *              header code requires us to modify a header as it is read.
 *              JRM -- 3/28/07
 *              Added the flags parameter and supporting code.  At least
 *              for now, this parameter is used to allow the entry to
 *              be protected read only, thus allowing multiple protects.
 *              Also added code to allow multiple read only protects
 *              of cache entries.
 *              JRM -- 7/27/07
 *              Added code supporting the new evictions_enabled field
 *              in H5C_t.
 *              JRM -- 1/3/08
 *              Added to do a flash cache size increase if appropriate
 *              when a large entry is loaded.
 *              JRM -- 11/13/08
 *              Modified function to call H5C_make_space_in_cache() when
 *              the min_clean_size is violated, not just when there isn't
 *              enough space for and entry that has just been loaded.
 *              The purpose of this modification is to avoid "metadata
 *              blizzards" in the write only case.  In such instances,
 *              the cache was allowed to fill with dirty metadata.  When
 *              we finally needed to evict an entry to make space, we had
 *              to flush out a whole cache full of metadata -- which has
 *              interesting performance effects.  We hope to avoid (or
 *              perhaps more accurately hide) this effect by maintaining
 *              the min_clean_size, which should force us to start flushing
 *              entries long before we actually have to evict something
 *              to make space.
 *              Missing entries?
 *              JRM -- 5/8/20
 *              Updated for the possibility that the slist will be
 *              disabled.
H5C_unprotect(H5F_t *f, haddr_t addr, void *thing, unsigned flags)
    H5C_t * cache_ptr;
    hbool_t deleted;
    hbool_t dirtied;
    hbool_t set_flush_marker;
    hbool_t pin_entry;
    hbool_t unpin_entry;
    hbool_t free_file_space;
    hbool_t take_ownership;
    hbool_t was_clean;
    hbool_t clear_entry = FALSE;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *test_entry_ptr;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    deleted          = ((flags & H5C__DELETED_FLAG) != 0);
    dirtied          = ((flags & H5C__DIRTIED_FLAG) != 0);
    set_flush_marker = ((flags & H5C__SET_FLUSH_MARKER_FLAG) != 0);
    pin_entry        = ((flags & H5C__PIN_ENTRY_FLAG) != 0);
    unpin_entry      = ((flags & H5C__UNPIN_ENTRY_FLAG) != 0);
    free_file_space  = ((flags & H5C__FREE_FILE_SPACE_FLAG) != 0);
    take_ownership   = ((flags & H5C__TAKE_OWNERSHIP_FLAG) != 0);


    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;

    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(!(pin_entry && unpin_entry));

    /* deleted flag must accompany free_file_space */
    HDassert((!free_file_space) || (deleted));

    /* deleted flag must accompany take_ownership */
    HDassert((!take_ownership) || (deleted));

    /* can't have both free_file_space & take_ownership */
    HDassert(!(free_file_space && take_ownership));

    entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing;

    HDassert(entry_ptr->addr == addr);

    /* also set the dirtied variable if the dirtied field is set in
     * the entry.
    dirtied |= entry_ptr->dirtied;
    was_clean = !(entry_ptr->is_dirty);

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    /* if the entry has multiple read only protects, just decrement
     * the ro_ref_counter.  Don't actually unprotect until the ref count
     * drops to zero.
    if (entry_ptr->ro_ref_count > 1) {

        /* Sanity check */

        if (dirtied)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, FAIL, "Read only entry modified??")

        /* Reduce the RO ref count */

        /* Pin or unpin the entry as requested. */
        if (pin_entry) {

            /* Pin the entry from a client */
            if (H5C__pin_entry_from_client(cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPIN, FAIL, "Can't pin entry by client")
        else if (unpin_entry) {

            /* Unpin the entry from a client */
            if (H5C__unpin_entry_from_client(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FALSE) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, FAIL, "Can't unpin entry by client")

        } /* end if */
    else {

        if (entry_ptr->is_read_only) {

            /* Sanity check */
            HDassert(entry_ptr->ro_ref_count == 1);

            if (dirtied)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, FAIL, "Read only entry modified??")

            entry_ptr->is_read_only = FALSE;
            entry_ptr->ro_ref_count = 0;

        } /* end if */

        /* When the H5C code is used to implement the metadata cache in the
         * PHDF5 case, only the cache on process 0 is allowed to write to file.
         * All the other metadata caches must hold dirty entries until they
         * are told that the entries are clean.
         * The clear_on_unprotect flag in the H5C_cache_entry_t structure
         * exists to deal with the case in which an entry is protected when
         * its cache receives word that the entry is now clean.  In this case,
         * the clear_on_unprotect flag is set, and the entry is flushed with
         * the H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG.
         * All this is a bit awkward, but until the metadata cache entries
         * are contiguous, with only one dirty flag, we have to let the supplied
         * functions deal with the resetting the is_dirty flag.
        if (entry_ptr->clear_on_unprotect) {
            /* Sanity check */

            entry_ptr->clear_on_unprotect = FALSE;
            if (!dirtied)
                clear_entry = TRUE;
        } /* end if */
#endif    /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

        if (!entry_ptr->is_protected)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, FAIL, "Entry already unprotected??")

        /* Mark the entry as dirty if appropriate */
        entry_ptr->is_dirty = (entry_ptr->is_dirty || dirtied);

        if (dirtied) {

            if (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date) {

                entry_ptr->image_up_to_date = FALSE;

                if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0) {

                    if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized(entry_ptr) < 0)

                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL,
                                    "Can't propagate serialization status to fd parents")

                } /* end if */
            }     /* end if */
        }         /* end if */

        /* Check for newly dirtied entry */
        if (was_clean && entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

            /* Update index for newly dirtied entry */
            H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_ENTRY_DIRTY(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

            /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a
             * 'entry dirtied' notice now that the entry is fully
             * integrated into the cache.
            if ((entry_ptr->type->notify) &&
                ((entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_DIRTIED, entry_ptr) < 0))

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "can't notify client about entry dirty flag set")

            /* Propagate the flush dep dirty flag up the flush dependency chain
             * if appropriate
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0) {

                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty(entry_ptr) < 0)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKDIRTY, FAIL, "Can't propagate flush dep dirty flag")
        } /* end if */
        /* Check for newly clean entry */
        else if (!was_clean && !entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

            /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a
             * 'entry cleaned' notice now that the entry is fully
             * integrated into the cache.
            if ((entry_ptr->type->notify) &&
                ((entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_CLEANED, entry_ptr) < 0))

                            "can't notify client about entry dirty flag cleared")

            /* Propagate the flush dep clean flag up the flush dependency chain
             * if appropriate
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0) {

                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_clean(entry_ptr) < 0)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKDIRTY, FAIL, "Can't propagate flush dep dirty flag")
        } /* end else-if */

        /* Pin or unpin the entry as requested. */
        if (pin_entry) {

            /* Pin the entry from a client */
            if (H5C__pin_entry_from_client(cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPIN, FAIL, "Can't pin entry by client")
        else if (unpin_entry) {

            /* Unpin the entry from a client */
            if (H5C__unpin_entry_from_client(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FALSE) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, FAIL, "Can't unpin entry by client")
        } /* end if */

        /* H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_UNPROTECT will place the unprotected entry on
         * the pinned entry list if entry_ptr->is_pinned is TRUE.
        H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_UNPROTECT(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        entry_ptr->is_protected = FALSE;

        /* if the entry is dirty, 'or' its flush_marker with the set flush flag,
         * and then add it to the skip list if it isn't there already.
        if (entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

            entry_ptr->flush_marker |= set_flush_marker;

            if (!entry_ptr->in_slist) {

                /* this is a no-op if cache_ptr->slist_enabled is FALSE */
                H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)
        } /* end if */

        /* this implementation of the "deleted" option is a bit inefficient, as
         * we re-insert the entry to be deleted into the replacement policy
         * data structures, only to remove them again.  Depending on how often
         * we do this, we may want to optimize a bit.
         * On the other hand, this implementation is reasonably clean, and
         * makes good use of existing code.
         *                                             JRM - 5/19/04
        if (deleted) {

            unsigned flush_flags = (H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG | H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG);

            /* verify that the target entry is in the cache. */
            H5C__SEARCH_INDEX(cache_ptr, addr, test_entry_ptr, FAIL)

            if (test_entry_ptr == NULL)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, FAIL, "entry not in hash table?!?")

            else if (test_entry_ptr != entry_ptr)

                            "hash table contains multiple entries for addr?!?")

            /* Set the 'free file space' flag for the flush, if needed */
            if (free_file_space) {

                flush_flags |= H5C__FREE_FILE_SPACE_FLAG;

            /* Set the "take ownership" flag for the flush, if needed */
            if (take_ownership) {

                flush_flags |= H5C__TAKE_OWNERSHIP_FLAG;

            /* Delete the entry from the skip list on destroy */
            flush_flags |= H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG;

            HDassert((!cache_ptr->slist_enabled) || (((!was_clean) || dirtied) == (entry_ptr->in_slist)));

            if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr, flush_flags) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, FAIL, "Can't flush entry")

        } /* end if */
        else if (clear_entry) {

            /* verify that the target entry is in the cache. */
            H5C__SEARCH_INDEX(cache_ptr, addr, test_entry_ptr, FAIL)

            if (test_entry_ptr == NULL)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, FAIL, "entry not in hash table?!?")

            else if (test_entry_ptr != entry_ptr)

                            "hash table contains multiple entries for addr?!?")

            if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr,
                                        H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG | H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, FAIL, "Can't clear entry")

        } /* end else if */
#endif    /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */



    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))

        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on exit")


} /* H5C_unprotect() */

 * Function:    H5C_unsettle_entry_ring
 * Purpose:     Advise the metadata cache that the specified entry's free space
 *              manager ring is no longer settled (if it was on entry).
 *              If the target free space manager ring is already
 *              unsettled, do nothing, and return SUCCEED.
 *              If the target free space manager ring is settled, and
 *              we are not in the process of a file shutdown, mark
 *              the ring as unsettled, and return SUCCEED.
 *              If the target free space manager is settled, and we
 *              are in the process of a file shutdown, post an error
 *              message, and return FAIL.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              January 3, 2017
H5C_unsettle_entry_ring(void *_entry)
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)_entry; /* Entry whose ring to unsettle */
    H5C_t *            cache;                               /* Cache for file */
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED;                 /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    HDassert(entry->ring != H5C_RING_UNDEFINED);
    HDassert((H5C_RING_USER == entry->ring) || (H5C_RING_RDFSM == entry->ring) ||
             (H5C_RING_MDFSM == entry->ring));
    cache = entry->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    switch (entry->ring) {
        case H5C_RING_USER:
            /* Do nothing */

        case H5C_RING_RDFSM:
            if (cache->rdfsm_settled) {
                if (cache->flush_in_progress || cache->close_warning_received)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unexpected rdfsm ring unsettle")
                cache->rdfsm_settled = FALSE;
            } /* end if */

        case H5C_RING_MDFSM:
            if (cache->mdfsm_settled) {
                if (cache->flush_in_progress || cache->close_warning_received)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unexpected mdfsm ring unsettle")
                cache->mdfsm_settled = FALSE;
            } /* end if */

            HDassert(FALSE); /* this should be un-reachable */
    } /* end switch */

} /* H5C_unsettle_entry_ring() */

 * Function:    H5C_unsettle_ring()
 * Purpose:     Advise the metadata cache that the specified free space
 *              manager ring is no longer settled (if it was on entry).
 *              If the target free space manager ring is already
 *              unsettled, do nothing, and return SUCCEED.
 *              If the target free space manager ring is settled, and
 *              we are not in the process of a file shutdown, mark
 *              the ring as unsettled, and return SUCCEED.
 *              If the target free space manager is settled, and we
 *              are in the process of a file shutdown, post an error
 *              message, and return FAIL.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              10/15/16
H5C_unsettle_ring(H5F_t *f, H5C_ring_t ring)
    H5C_t *cache_ptr;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    HDassert((H5C_RING_RDFSM == ring) || (H5C_RING_MDFSM == ring));
    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC == cache_ptr->magic);

    switch (ring) {
        case H5C_RING_RDFSM:
            if (cache_ptr->rdfsm_settled) {
                if (cache_ptr->close_warning_received)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unexpected rdfsm ring unsettle")
                cache_ptr->rdfsm_settled = FALSE;
            } /* end if */

        case H5C_RING_MDFSM:
            if (cache_ptr->mdfsm_settled) {
                if (cache_ptr->close_warning_received)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unexpected mdfsm ring unsettle")
                cache_ptr->mdfsm_settled = FALSE;
            } /* end if */

            HDassert(FALSE); /* this should be un-reachable */
    } /* end switch */

} /* H5C_unsettle_ring() */

 * Function:    H5C_validate_resize_config()
 * Purpose:    Run a sanity check on the specified sections of the
 *             provided instance of struct H5C_auto_size_ctl_t.
 *        Do nothing and return SUCCEED if no errors are detected,
 *        and flag an error and return FAIL otherwise.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/23/05
H5C_validate_resize_config(H5C_auto_size_ctl_t *config_ptr, unsigned int tests)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    if (config_ptr == NULL)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "NULL config_ptr on entry")

    if (config_ptr->version != H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown config version")

    if ((tests & H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_GENERAL) != 0) {

        if (config_ptr->max_size > H5C__MAX_MAX_CACHE_SIZE)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "max_size too big")

        if (config_ptr->min_size < H5C__MIN_MAX_CACHE_SIZE)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "min_size too small")

        if (config_ptr->min_size > config_ptr->max_size)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "min_size > max_size")

        if (config_ptr->set_initial_size && ((config_ptr->initial_size < config_ptr->min_size) ||
                                             (config_ptr->initial_size > config_ptr->max_size)))
                        "initial_size must be in the interval [min_size, max_size]")

        if ((config_ptr->min_clean_fraction < 0.0) || (config_ptr->min_clean_fraction > 1.0))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "min_clean_fraction must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]")

        if (config_ptr->epoch_length < H5C__MIN_AR_EPOCH_LENGTH)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "epoch_length too small")

        if (config_ptr->epoch_length > H5C__MAX_AR_EPOCH_LENGTH)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "epoch_length too big")

    if ((tests & H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_INCREMENT) != 0) {
        if ((config_ptr->incr_mode != H5C_incr__off) && (config_ptr->incr_mode != H5C_incr__threshold))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "Invalid incr_mode")

        if (config_ptr->incr_mode == H5C_incr__threshold) {
            if ((config_ptr->lower_hr_threshold < 0.0) || (config_ptr->lower_hr_threshold > 1.0))
                            "lower_hr_threshold must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]")

            if (config_ptr->increment < 1.0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "increment must be greater than or equal to 1.0")

            /* no need to check max_increment, as it is a size_t,
             * and thus must be non-negative.
        } /* H5C_incr__threshold */

        switch (config_ptr->flash_incr_mode) {
            case H5C_flash_incr__off:
                /* nothing to do here */

            case H5C_flash_incr__add_space:
                if ((config_ptr->flash_multiple < 0.1) || (config_ptr->flash_multiple > 10.0))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL,
                                "flash_multiple must be in the range [0.1, 10.0]")
                if ((config_ptr->flash_threshold < 0.1) || (config_ptr->flash_threshold > 1.0))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL,
                                "flash_threshold must be in the range [0.1, 1.0]")

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "Invalid flash_incr_mode")
        } /* end switch */

    if ((tests & H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_DECREMENT) != 0) {

        if ((config_ptr->decr_mode != H5C_decr__off) && (config_ptr->decr_mode != H5C_decr__threshold) &&
            (config_ptr->decr_mode != H5C_decr__age_out) &&
            (config_ptr->decr_mode != H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold)) {

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "Invalid decr_mode")

        if (config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__threshold) {
            if (config_ptr->upper_hr_threshold > 1.0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "upper_hr_threshold must be <= 1.0")

            if ((config_ptr->decrement > 1.0) || (config_ptr->decrement < 0.0))
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "decrement must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]")

            /* no need to check max_decrement as it is a size_t
             * and thus must be non-negative.
        } /* H5C_decr__threshold */

        if ((config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out) ||
            (config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold)) {

            if (config_ptr->epochs_before_eviction < 1)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "epochs_before_eviction must be positive")
            if (config_ptr->epochs_before_eviction > H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "epochs_before_eviction too big")

            if ((config_ptr->apply_empty_reserve) &&
                ((config_ptr->empty_reserve > 1.0) || (config_ptr->empty_reserve < 0.0)))
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "empty_reserve must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]")

            /* no need to check max_decrement as it is a size_t
             * and thus must be non-negative.
        } /* H5C_decr__age_out || H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold */

        if (config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold) {
            if ((config_ptr->upper_hr_threshold > 1.0) || (config_ptr->upper_hr_threshold < 0.0))
                            "upper_hr_threshold must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]")
        } /* H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold */

    if ((tests & H5C_RESIZE_CFG__VALIDATE_INTERACTIONS) != 0) {
        if ((config_ptr->incr_mode == H5C_incr__threshold) &&
            ((config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__threshold) ||
             (config_ptr->decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold)) &&
            (config_ptr->lower_hr_threshold >= config_ptr->upper_hr_threshold))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "conflicting threshold fields in config")

} /* H5C_validate_resize_config() */

 * Function:    H5C_create_flush_dependency()
 * Purpose:     Initiates a parent<->child entry flush dependency.  The parent
 *              entry must be pinned or protected at the time of call, and must
 *              have all dependencies removed before the cache can shut down.
 * Note:        Flush dependencies in the cache indicate that a child entry
 *              must be flushed to the file before its parent.  (This is
 *              currently used to implement Single-Writer/Multiple-Reader (SWMR)
 *              I/O access for data structures in the file).
 *              Creating a flush dependency between two entries will also pin
 *              the parent entry.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              3/05/09
H5C_create_flush_dependency(void *parent_thing, void *child_thing)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *parent_entry = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)parent_thing; /* Ptr to parent thing's entry */
    H5C_cache_entry_t *child_entry  = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)child_thing;  /* Ptr to child thing's entry */
    herr_t             ret_value    = SUCCEED;                           /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    HDassert(parent_entry->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(child_entry->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
    cache_ptr = parent_entry->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(cache_ptr == child_entry->cache_ptr);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* Make sure the parent is not already a parent */
        unsigned u;

        for (u = 0; u < child_entry->flush_dep_nparents; u++)
            HDassert(child_entry->flush_dep_parent[u] != parent_entry);
    }  /* end block */
#endif /* NDEBUG */

    /* More sanity checks */
    if (child_entry == parent_entry)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTDEPEND, FAIL, "Child entry flush dependency parent can't be itself")
    if (!(parent_entry->is_protected || parent_entry->is_pinned))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTDEPEND, FAIL, "Parent entry isn't pinned or protected")

    /* Check for parent not pinned */
    if (!parent_entry->is_pinned) {
        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(parent_entry->flush_dep_nchildren == 0);

        /* Pin the parent entry */
        parent_entry->is_pinned = TRUE;
        H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_PIN(cache_ptr, parent_entry)
    } /* end else */

    /* Mark the entry as pinned from the cache's action (possibly redundantly) */
    parent_entry->pinned_from_cache = TRUE;

    /* Check if we need to resize the child's parent array */
    if (child_entry->flush_dep_nparents >= child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc) {
        if (child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc == 0) {
            /* Array does not exist yet, allocate it */

            if (NULL == (child_entry->flush_dep_parent =
                             H5FL_SEQ_MALLOC(H5C_cache_entry_ptr_t, H5C_FLUSH_DEP_PARENT_INIT)))
                            "memory allocation failed for flush dependency parent list")
            child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc = H5C_FLUSH_DEP_PARENT_INIT;
        } /* end if */
        else {
            /* Resize existing array */

            if (NULL == (child_entry->flush_dep_parent =
                             H5FL_SEQ_REALLOC(H5C_cache_entry_ptr_t, child_entry->flush_dep_parent,
                                              2 * child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc)))
                            "memory allocation failed for flush dependency parent list")
            child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc *= 2;
        } /* end else */
    } /* end if */

    /* Add the dependency to the child's parent array */
    child_entry->flush_dep_parent[child_entry->flush_dep_nparents] = parent_entry;

    /* Increment parent's number of children */

    /* Adjust the number of dirty children */
    if (child_entry->is_dirty) {
        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(parent_entry->flush_dep_ndirty_children < parent_entry->flush_dep_nchildren);


        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry dirtied' notice */
        if (parent_entry->type->notify &&
            (parent_entry->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_CHILD_DIRTIED, parent_entry) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry dirty flag set")
    } /* end if */

    /* adjust the parent's number of unserialized children.  Note
     * that it is possible for and entry to be clean and unserialized.
    if (!child_entry->image_up_to_date) {
        HDassert(parent_entry->flush_dep_nunser_children < parent_entry->flush_dep_nchildren);


        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry unserialized' notice */
        if (parent_entry->type->notify &&
            (parent_entry->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_CHILD_UNSERIALIZED, parent_entry) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry serialized flag reset")
    } /* end if */

    /* Post-conditions, for successful operation */
    HDassert(parent_entry->flush_dep_nchildren > 0);
    HDassert(child_entry->flush_dep_nparents > 0);
    HDassert(child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc > 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    H5C__assert_flush_dep_nocycle(parent_entry, child_entry);
#endif /* NDEBUG */

} /* H5C_create_flush_dependency() */

 * Function:    H5C_destroy_flush_dependency()
 * Purpose:     Terminates a parent<-> child entry flush dependency.  The
 *              parent entry must be pinned.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              3/05/09
H5C_destroy_flush_dependency(void *parent_thing, void *child_thing)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *parent_entry = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)parent_thing; /* Ptr to parent entry */
    H5C_cache_entry_t *child_entry  = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)child_thing;  /* Ptr to child entry */
    unsigned           u;                                                /* Local index variable */
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED;                              /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    HDassert(parent_entry->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(child_entry->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
    cache_ptr = parent_entry->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(cache_ptr == child_entry->cache_ptr);

    /* Usage checks */
    if (!parent_entry->is_pinned)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNDEPEND, FAIL, "Parent entry isn't pinned")
    if (NULL == child_entry->flush_dep_parent)
                    "Child entry doesn't have a flush dependency parent array")
    if (0 == parent_entry->flush_dep_nchildren)
                    "Parent entry flush dependency ref. count has no child dependencies")

    /* Search for parent in child's parent array.  This is a linear search
     * because we do not expect large numbers of parents.  If this changes, we
     * may wish to change the parent array to a skip list */
    for (u = 0; u < child_entry->flush_dep_nparents; u++)
        if (child_entry->flush_dep_parent[u] == parent_entry)
    if (u == child_entry->flush_dep_nparents)
                    "Parent entry isn't a flush dependency parent for child entry")

    /* Remove parent entry from child's parent array */
    if (u < (child_entry->flush_dep_nparents - 1))
        HDmemmove(&child_entry->flush_dep_parent[u], &child_entry->flush_dep_parent[u + 1],
                  (child_entry->flush_dep_nparents - u - 1) * sizeof(child_entry->flush_dep_parent[0]));

    /* Adjust parent entry's nchildren and unpin parent if it goes to zero */
    if (0 == parent_entry->flush_dep_nchildren) {
        /* Sanity check */

        /* Check if we should unpin parent entry now */
        if (!parent_entry->pinned_from_client)
            if (H5C__unpin_entry_real(cache_ptr, parent_entry, TRUE) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, FAIL, "Can't unpin entry")

        /* Mark the entry as unpinned from the cache's action */
        parent_entry->pinned_from_cache = FALSE;
    } /* end if */

    /* Adjust parent entry's ndirty_children */
    if (child_entry->is_dirty) {
        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(parent_entry->flush_dep_ndirty_children > 0);


        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry cleaned' notice */
        if (parent_entry->type->notify &&
            (parent_entry->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_CHILD_CLEANED, parent_entry) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry dirty flag reset")
    } /* end if */

    /* adjust parent entry's number of unserialized children */
    if (!child_entry->image_up_to_date) {
        HDassert(parent_entry->flush_dep_nunser_children > 0);


        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry serialized' notice */
        if (parent_entry->type->notify &&
            (parent_entry->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_CHILD_SERIALIZED, parent_entry) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry serialized flag set")
    } /* end if */

    /* Shrink or free the parent array if apporpriate */
    if (child_entry->flush_dep_nparents == 0) {
        child_entry->flush_dep_parent = H5FL_SEQ_FREE(H5C_cache_entry_ptr_t, child_entry->flush_dep_parent);
        child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc = 0;
    } /* end if */
    else if (child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc > H5C_FLUSH_DEP_PARENT_INIT &&
             child_entry->flush_dep_nparents <= (child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc / 4)) {
        if (NULL == (child_entry->flush_dep_parent =
                         H5FL_SEQ_REALLOC(H5C_cache_entry_ptr_t, child_entry->flush_dep_parent,
                                          child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc / 4)))
                        "memory allocation failed for flush dependency parent list")
        child_entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc /= 4;
    } /* end if */

} /* H5C_destroy_flush_dependency() */

/**************************** Private Functions: *************************/

 * Function:    H5C__pin_entry_from_client()
 * Purpose:     Internal routine to pin a cache entry from a client action.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              3/26/09
static herr_t
                                   *          cache_ptr,
                           H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */

    /* Check if the entry is already pinned */
    if (entry_ptr->is_pinned) {
        /* Check if the entry was pinned through an explicit pin from a client */
        if (entry_ptr->pinned_from_client)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTPIN, FAIL, "entry is already pinned")
    } /* end if */
    else {
        entry_ptr->is_pinned = TRUE;

        H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_PIN(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)
    } /* end else */

    /* Mark that the entry was pinned through an explicit pin from a client */
    entry_ptr->pinned_from_client = TRUE;

} /* H5C__pin_entry_from_client() */

 * Function:    H5C__unpin_entry_real()
 * Purpose:     Internal routine to unpin a cache entry.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              1/6/18
static herr_t
H5C__unpin_entry_real(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr, hbool_t update_rp)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checking */

    /* If requested, update the replacement policy if the entry is not protected */
    if (update_rp && !entry_ptr->is_protected)
        H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_UNPIN(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

    /* Unpin the entry now */
    entry_ptr->is_pinned = FALSE;

    /* Update the stats for an unpin operation */
    H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_UNPIN(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

} /* H5C__unpin_entry_real() */

 * Function:    H5C__unpin_entry_from_client()
 * Purpose:     Internal routine to unpin a cache entry from a client action.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              3/24/09
static herr_t
H5C__unpin_entry_from_client(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr, hbool_t update_rp)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checking */

    /* Error checking (should be sanity checks?) */
    if (!entry_ptr->is_pinned)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, FAIL, "entry isn't pinned")
    if (!entry_ptr->pinned_from_client)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, FAIL, "entry wasn't pinned by cache client")

    /* Check if the entry is not pinned from a flush dependency */
    if (!entry_ptr->pinned_from_cache)
        if (H5C__unpin_entry_real(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, update_rp) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNPIN, FAIL, "can't unpin entry")

    /* Mark the entry as explicitly unpinned by the client */
    entry_ptr->pinned_from_client = FALSE;

} /* H5C__unpin_entry_from_client() */

 * Function:    H5C__auto_adjust_cache_size
 * Purpose:        Obtain the current full cache hit rate, and compare it
 *        with the hit rate thresholds for modifying cache size.
 *        If one of the thresholds has been crossed, adjusts the
 *        size of the cache accordingly.
 *        The function then resets the full cache hit rate
 *        statistics, and exits.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *        an attempt to flush a protected item.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 10/7/04
static herr_t
H5C__auto_adjust_cache_size(H5F_t *f, hbool_t write_permitted)
    H5C_t *                cache_ptr             = f->shared->cache;
    hbool_t                reentrant_call        = FALSE;
    hbool_t                inserted_epoch_marker = FALSE;
    size_t                 new_max_cache_size    = 0;
    size_t                 old_max_cache_size    = 0;
    size_t                 new_min_clean_size    = 0;
    size_t                 old_min_clean_size    = 0;
    double                 hit_rate;
    enum H5C_resize_status status    = in_spec; /* will change if needed */
    herr_t                 ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->cache_accesses >= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epoch_length);
    HDassert(0.0 <= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_clean_fraction);
    HDassert((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_clean_fraction <= 100.0);

    /* check to see if cache_ptr->resize_in_progress is TRUE.  If it, this
     * is a re-entrant call via a client callback called in the resize
     * process.  To avoid an infinite recursion, set reentrant_call to
     * TRUE, and goto done.
    if (cache_ptr->resize_in_progress) {
        reentrant_call = TRUE;
    } /* end if */

    cache_ptr->resize_in_progress = TRUE;

    if (!cache_ptr->resize_enabled)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Auto cache resize disabled")

    HDassert(((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).incr_mode != H5C_incr__off) ||
             ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode != H5C_decr__off));

    if (H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(cache_ptr, &hit_rate) != SUCCEED)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Can't get hit rate")

    HDassert((0.0 <= hit_rate) && (hit_rate <= 1.0));

    switch ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).incr_mode) {
        case H5C_incr__off:
            if (cache_ptr->size_increase_possible)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "size_increase_possible but H5C_incr__off?!?!?")

        case H5C_incr__threshold:
            if (hit_rate < (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).lower_hr_threshold) {

                if (!cache_ptr->size_increase_possible) {

                    status = increase_disabled;
                else if (cache_ptr->max_cache_size >= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size) {

                    HDassert(cache_ptr->max_cache_size == (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size);
                    status = at_max_size;
                else if (!cache_ptr->cache_full) {

                    status = not_full;
                else {

                    new_max_cache_size =
                        (size_t)(((double)(cache_ptr->max_cache_size)) * (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).increment);

                    /* clip to max size if necessary */
                    if (new_max_cache_size > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size) {

                        new_max_cache_size = (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size;

                    /* clip to max increment if necessary */
                    if (((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_max_increment) &&
                        ((cache_ptr->max_cache_size + (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_increment) <
                         new_max_cache_size)) {

                        new_max_cache_size =
                            cache_ptr->max_cache_size + (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_increment;

                    status = increase;

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unknown incr_mode")

    /* If the decr_mode is either age out or age out with threshold, we
     * must run the marker maintenance code, whether we run the size
     * reduction code or not.  We do this in two places -- here we
     * insert a new marker if the number of active epoch markers is
     * is less than the the current epochs before eviction, and after
     * the ageout call, we cycle the markers.
     * However, we can't call the ageout code or cycle the markers
     * unless there was a full complement of markers in place on
     * entry.  The inserted_epoch_marker flag is used to track this.

    if ((((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out) ||
         ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold)) &&
        (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active < (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction)) {

        if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout__insert_new_marker(cache_ptr) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "can't insert new epoch marker")

        inserted_epoch_marker = TRUE;

    /* don't run the cache size decrease code unless the cache size
     * increase code is disabled, or the size increase code sees no need
     * for action.  In either case, status == in_spec at this point.

    if (status == in_spec) {

        switch ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode) {
            case H5C_decr__off:

            case H5C_decr__threshold:
                if (hit_rate > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).upper_hr_threshold) {

                    if (!cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible) {

                        status = decrease_disabled;
                    else if (cache_ptr->max_cache_size <= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size) {

                        HDassert(cache_ptr->max_cache_size == (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size);
                        status = at_min_size;
                    else {

                        new_max_cache_size = (size_t)(((double)(cache_ptr->max_cache_size)) *

                        /* clip to min size if necessary */
                        if (new_max_cache_size < (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size) {

                            new_max_cache_size = (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size;

                        /* clip to max decrement if necessary */
                        if (((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_max_decrement) &&
                            (((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_decrement + new_max_cache_size) <
                             cache_ptr->max_cache_size)) {

                            new_max_cache_size =
                                cache_ptr->max_cache_size - (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_decrement;

                        status = decrease;

            case H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold:
            case H5C_decr__age_out:
                if (!inserted_epoch_marker) {
                    if (!cache_ptr->size_decrease_possible)
                        status = decrease_disabled;
                    else {
                        if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout(f, hit_rate, &status, &new_max_cache_size,
                                                    write_permitted) < 0)
                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "ageout code failed")
                    } /* end else */
                }     /* end if */

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unknown incr_mode")

    /* cycle the epoch markers here if appropriate */
    if ((((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out) ||
         ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold)) &&
        (!inserted_epoch_marker)) {

        /* move last epoch marker to the head of the LRU list */
        if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout__cycle_epoch_marker(cache_ptr) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "error cycling epoch marker")

    if ((status == increase) || (status == decrease)) {

        old_max_cache_size = cache_ptr->max_cache_size;
        old_min_clean_size = cache_ptr->min_clean_size;

        new_min_clean_size =
            (size_t)((double)new_max_cache_size * ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_clean_fraction));

        /* new_min_clean_size is of size_t, and thus must be non-negative.
         * Hence we have
         *     ( 0 <= new_min_clean_size ).
         * by definition.
        HDassert(new_min_clean_size <= new_max_cache_size);
        HDassert((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size <= new_max_cache_size);
        HDassert(new_max_cache_size <= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size);

        cache_ptr->max_cache_size = new_max_cache_size;
        cache_ptr->min_clean_size = new_min_clean_size;

        if (status == increase) {

            cache_ptr->cache_full = FALSE;
        else if (status == decrease) {

            cache_ptr->size_decreased = TRUE;

        /* update flash cache size increase fields as appropriate */
        if (cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_possible) {

            switch ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_incr_mode) {
                case H5C_flash_incr__off:
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL,
                                "flash_size_increase_possible but H5C_flash_incr__off?!")

                case H5C_flash_incr__add_space:
                    cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold = (size_t)(
                        ((double)(cache_ptr->max_cache_size)) * ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_threshold));

                default: /* should be unreachable */
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown flash_incr_mode?!?!?")

    if ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).rpt_fcn != NULL) {
        (*((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).rpt_fcn))(cache_ptr, H5C__CURR_AUTO_RESIZE_RPT_FCN_VER, hit_rate, status,
                                             old_max_cache_size, new_max_cache_size, old_min_clean_size,

    if (H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats(cache_ptr) < 0)
        /* this should be impossible... */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats failed")

    /* Sanity checks */
    if (!reentrant_call)
        cache_ptr->resize_in_progress = FALSE;
    HDassert((!reentrant_call) || (cache_ptr->resize_in_progress));

} /* H5C__auto_adjust_cache_size() */

 * Function:    H5C__autoadjust__ageout
 * Purpose:     Implement the ageout automatic cache size decrement
 *        algorithm.  Note that while this code evicts aged out
 *        entries, the code does not change the maximum cache size.
 *        Instead, the function simply computes the new value (if
 *        any change is indicated) and reports this value in
 *        *new_max_cache_size_ptr.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *              an attempt to flush a protected item.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 11/18/04
static herr_t
H5C__autoadjust__ageout(H5F_t *f, double hit_rate, enum H5C_resize_status *status_ptr,
                        size_t *new_max_cache_size_ptr, hbool_t write_permitted)
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    size_t test_size;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert((status_ptr) && (*status_ptr == in_spec));
    HDassert((new_max_cache_size_ptr) && (*new_max_cache_size_ptr == 0));

    /* remove excess epoch markers if any */
    if (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction)
        if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_excess_markers(cache_ptr) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "can't remove excess epoch markers")

    if (((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out) ||
        (((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).decr_mode == H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold) &&
         (hit_rate >= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).upper_hr_threshold))) {

        if (cache_ptr->max_cache_size > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size) {

            /* evict aged out cache entries if appropriate... */
            if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries(f, write_permitted) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "error flushing aged out entries")

            /* ... and then reduce cache size if appropriate */
            if (cache_ptr->index_size < cache_ptr->max_cache_size) {

                if ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_empty_reserve) {

                    test_size = (size_t)(((double)cache_ptr->index_size) /
                                         (1 - (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).empty_reserve));

                    if (test_size < cache_ptr->max_cache_size) {

                        *status_ptr             = decrease;
                        *new_max_cache_size_ptr = test_size;
                else {

                    *status_ptr             = decrease;
                    *new_max_cache_size_ptr = cache_ptr->index_size;

                if (*status_ptr == decrease) {

                    /* clip to min size if necessary */
                    if (*new_max_cache_size_ptr < (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size) {

                        *new_max_cache_size_ptr = (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_size;

                    /* clip to max decrement if necessary */
                    if (((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_max_decrement) &&
                        (((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_decrement + *new_max_cache_size_ptr) <
                         cache_ptr->max_cache_size)) {

                        *new_max_cache_size_ptr =
                            cache_ptr->max_cache_size - (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_decrement;
        else {

            *status_ptr = at_min_size;



} /* H5C__autoadjust__ageout() */

 * Function:    H5C__autoadjust__ageout__cycle_epoch_marker
 * Purpose:     Remove the oldest epoch marker from the LRU list,
 *        and reinsert it at the head of the LRU list.  Also
 *        remove the epoch marker's index from the head of the
 *        ring buffer, and re-insert it at the tail of the ring
 *        buffer.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success/FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 11/22/04
static herr_t
H5C__autoadjust__ageout__cycle_epoch_marker(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    int    i;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active <= 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "No active epoch markers on entry?!?!?")

    /* remove the last marker from both the ring buffer and the LRU list */

    i = cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf[cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first];

    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first =
        (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first + 1) % (H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1);

    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size -= 1;

    if (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "ring buffer underflow")
    if ((cache_ptr->epoch_marker_active)[i] != TRUE)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unused marker in LRU?!?")

    H5C__DLL_REMOVE((&((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i])), (cache_ptr)->LRU_head_ptr, (cache_ptr)->LRU_tail_ptr,
                    (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_len, (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_size, (FAIL))

    /* now, re-insert it at the head of the LRU list, and at the tail of
     * the ring buffer.

    HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).addr == (haddr_t)i);
    HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).next == NULL);
    HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).prev == NULL);

    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_last =
        (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_last + 1) % (H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1);

    (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf)[cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_last] = i;

    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size += 1;

    if (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size > H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "ring buffer overflow")

    H5C__DLL_PREPEND((&((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i])), (cache_ptr)->LRU_head_ptr, (cache_ptr)->LRU_tail_ptr,
                     (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_len, (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_size, (FAIL))


} /* H5C__autoadjust__ageout__cycle_epoch_marker() */

 * Function:    H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries
 * Purpose:     Evict clean entries in the cache that haven't
 *        been accessed for at least
 *        (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction epochs,
 *        and flush dirty entries that haven't been accessed for
 *        that amount of time.
 *        Depending on configuration, the function will either
 *        flush or evict all such entries, or all such entries it
 *        encounters until it has freed the maximum amount of space
 *        allowed under the maximum decrement.
 *        If we are running in parallel mode, writes may not be
 *        permitted.  If so, the function simply skips any dirty
 *        entries it may encounter.
 *        The function makes no attempt to maintain the minimum
 *        clean size, as there is no guarantee that the cache size
 *        will be changed.
 *        If there is no cache size change, the minimum clean size
 *        constraint will be met through a combination of clean
 *        entries and free space in the cache.
 *        If there is a cache size reduction, the minimum clean size
 *        will be re-calculated, and will be enforced the next time
 *        we have to make space in the cache.
 *              Observe that this function cannot occasion a read.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 11/22/04
static herr_t
H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries(H5F_t *f, hbool_t write_permitted)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    size_t             eviction_size_limit;
    size_t             bytes_evicted = 0;
    hbool_t            prev_is_dirty = FALSE;
    hbool_t            restart_scan;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *next_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *prev_ptr;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    /* if there is a limit on the amount that the cache size can be decrease
     * in any one round of the cache size reduction algorithm, load that
     * limit into eviction_size_limit.  Otherwise, set eviction_size_limit
     * to the equivalent of infinity.  The current size of the index will
     * do nicely.
    if ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).apply_max_decrement) {

        eviction_size_limit = (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_decrement;
    else {

        eviction_size_limit = cache_ptr->index_size; /* i.e. infinity */

    if (write_permitted) {

        restart_scan = FALSE;
        entry_ptr    = cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr;

        while ((entry_ptr != NULL) && ((entry_ptr->type)->id != H5AC_EPOCH_MARKER_ID) &&
               (bytes_evicted < eviction_size_limit)) {
            hbool_t skipping_entry = FALSE;

            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            HDassert((entry_ptr->ro_ref_count) == 0);

            next_ptr = entry_ptr->next;
            prev_ptr = entry_ptr->prev;

            if (prev_ptr != NULL)
                prev_is_dirty = prev_ptr->is_dirty;

            if (entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

                /* dirty corked entry is skipped */
                if (entry_ptr->tag_info && entry_ptr->tag_info->corked)
                    skipping_entry = TRUE;
                else {
                    /* reset entries_removed_counter and
                     * last_entry_removed_ptr prior to the call to
                     * H5C__flush_single_entry() so that we can spot
                     * unexpected removals of entries from the cache,
                     * and set the restart_scan flag if proceeding
                     * would be likely to cause us to scan an entry
                     * that is no longer in the cache.
                    cache_ptr->entries_removed_counter = 0;
                    cache_ptr->last_entry_removed_ptr  = NULL;

                    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to flush entry")

                    if (cache_ptr->entries_removed_counter > 1 ||
                        cache_ptr->last_entry_removed_ptr == prev_ptr)
                        restart_scan = TRUE;
                } /* end else */
            }     /* end if */
            else if (!entry_ptr->prefetched_dirty) {

                bytes_evicted += entry_ptr->size;

                if (H5C__flush_single_entry(
                        f, entry_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG | H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to flush entry")
            } /* end else-if */
            else {

                skipping_entry = TRUE;
            } /* end else */

            if (prev_ptr != NULL) {
                if (skipping_entry)
                    entry_ptr = prev_ptr;
                else if (restart_scan || (prev_ptr->is_dirty != prev_is_dirty) ||
                         (prev_ptr->next != next_ptr) || (prev_ptr->is_protected) || (prev_ptr->is_pinned)) {
                    /* Something has happened to the LRU -- start over
                     * from the tail.
                    restart_scan = FALSE;
                    entry_ptr    = cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr;

                } /* end else-if */
                    entry_ptr = prev_ptr;
            } /* end if */
                entry_ptr = NULL;
        } /* end while */

        /* for now at least, don't bother to maintain the minimum clean size,
         * as the cache should now be less than its maximum size.  Due to
         * the vaguries of the cache size reduction algorthim, we may not
         * reduce the size of the cache.
         * If we do, we will calculate a new minimum clean size, which will
         * be enforced the next time we try to make space in the cache.
         * If we don't, no action is necessary, as we have just evicted and/or
         * or flushed a bunch of entries and therefore the sum of the clean
         * and free space in the cache must be greater than or equal to the
         * min clean space requirement (assuming that requirement was met on
         * entry).

    } /* end if */
    else /* ! write_permitted */ {
        /* Since we are not allowed to write, all we can do is evict
         * any clean entries that we may encounter before we either
         * hit the eviction size limit, or encounter the epoch marker.
         * If we are operating read only, this isn't an issue, as there
         * will not be any dirty entries.
         * If we are operating in R/W mode, all the dirty entries we
         * skip will be flushed the next time we attempt to make space
         * when writes are permitted.  This may have some local
         * performance implications, but it shouldn't cause any net
         * slowdown.
        entry_ptr = cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr;
        while (entry_ptr != NULL && ((entry_ptr->type)->id != H5AC_EPOCH_MARKER_ID) &&
               (bytes_evicted < eviction_size_limit)) {

            prev_ptr = entry_ptr->prev;

            if (!(entry_ptr->is_dirty) && !(entry_ptr->prefetched_dirty))
                if (H5C__flush_single_entry(
                        f, entry_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG | H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to flush clean entry")

            /* just skip the entry if it is dirty, as we can't do
             * anything with it now since we can't write.
             * Since all entries are clean, serialize() will not be called,
             * and thus we needn't test to see if the LRU has been changed
             * out from under us.
            entry_ptr = prev_ptr;
        } /* end while */
    }     /* end else */

    if (cache_ptr->index_size < cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
        cache_ptr->cache_full = FALSE;

} /* H5C__autoadjust__ageout__evict_aged_out_entries() */

 * Function:    H5C__autoadjust__ageout__insert_new_marker
 * Purpose:     Find an unused marker cache entry, mark it as used, and
 *        insert it at the head of the LRU list.  Also add the
 *        marker's index in the epoch_markers array.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success/FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 11/19/04
static herr_t
H5C__autoadjust__ageout__insert_new_marker(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    int    i;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active >= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Already have a full complement of markers")

    /* find an unused marker */
    i = 0;
    while ((cache_ptr->epoch_marker_active)[i] && i < H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS)

    if (i >= H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Can't find unused marker")

    HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).addr == (haddr_t)i);
    HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).next == NULL);
    HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).prev == NULL);

    (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_active)[i] = TRUE;

    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_last =
        (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_last + 1) % (H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1);

    (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf)[cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_last] = i;

    cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size += 1;

    if (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size > H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS) {

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "ring buffer overflow")

    H5C__DLL_PREPEND((&((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i])), (cache_ptr)->LRU_head_ptr, (cache_ptr)->LRU_tail_ptr,
                     (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_len, (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_size, (FAIL))

    cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active += 1;



} /* H5C__autoadjust__ageout__insert_new_marker() */

 * Function:    H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_all_markers
 * Purpose:     Remove all epoch markers from the LRU list and mark them
 *              as inactive.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success/FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 11/22/04
static herr_t
H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_all_markers(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    int    ring_buf_index;
    int    i;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    while (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active > 0) {
        /* get the index of the last epoch marker in the LRU list
         * and remove it from the ring buffer.

        ring_buf_index = cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first;
        i              = (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf)[ring_buf_index];

        cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first =
            (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first + 1) % (H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1);

        cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size -= 1;

        if (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "ring buffer underflow")

        if ((cache_ptr->epoch_marker_active)[i] != TRUE)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unused marker in LRU?!?")

        /* remove the epoch marker from the LRU list */
        H5C__DLL_REMOVE((&((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i])), (cache_ptr)->LRU_head_ptr,
                        (cache_ptr)->LRU_tail_ptr, (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_len, (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_size,

        /* mark the epoch marker as unused. */
        (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_active)[i] = FALSE;

        HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).addr == (haddr_t)i);
        HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).next == NULL);
        HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).prev == NULL);

        /* decrement the number of active epoch markers */
        cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active -= 1;

        HDassert(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active == cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size);



} /* H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_all_markers() */

 * Function:    H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_excess_markers
 * Purpose:     Remove epoch markers from the end of the LRU list and
 *        mark them as inactive until the number of active markers
 *        equals the the current value of
 *        (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction.
 * Return:      SUCCEED on success/FAIL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 11/19/04
static herr_t
H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_excess_markers(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    int    ring_buf_index;
    int    i;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active <= (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "no excess markers on entry")

    while (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).epochs_before_eviction) {
        /* get the index of the last epoch marker in the LRU list
         * and remove it from the ring buffer.

        ring_buf_index = cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first;
        i              = (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf)[ring_buf_index];

        cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first =
            (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_first + 1) % (H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1);

        cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size -= 1;

        if (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "ring buffer underflow")
        if ((cache_ptr->epoch_marker_active)[i] != TRUE)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "unused marker in LRU?!?")

        /* remove the epoch marker from the LRU list */
        H5C__DLL_REMOVE((&((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i])), (cache_ptr)->LRU_head_ptr,
                        (cache_ptr)->LRU_tail_ptr, (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_len, (cache_ptr)->LRU_list_size,

        /* mark the epoch marker as unused. */
        (cache_ptr->epoch_marker_active)[i] = FALSE;

        HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).addr == (haddr_t)i);
        HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).next == NULL);
        HDassert(((cache_ptr->epoch_markers)[i]).prev == NULL);

        /* decrement the number of active epoch markers */
        cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active -= 1;

        HDassert(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active == cache_ptr->epoch_marker_ringbuf_size);



} /* H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_excess_markers() */

 * Function:    H5C__flash_increase_cache_size
 * Purpose:     If there is not at least new_entry_size - old_entry_size
 *              bytes of free space in the cache and the current
 *              max_cache_size is less than (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size,
 *              perform a flash increase in the cache size and then reset
 *              the full cache hit rate statistics, and exit.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 12/31/07
static herr_t
H5C__flash_increase_cache_size(H5C_t *cache_ptr, size_t old_entry_size, size_t new_entry_size)
    size_t                 new_max_cache_size = 0;
    size_t                 old_max_cache_size = 0;
    size_t                 new_min_clean_size = 0;
    size_t                 old_min_clean_size = 0;
    size_t                 space_needed;
    enum H5C_resize_status status = flash_increase; /* may change */
    double                 hit_rate;
    herr_t                 ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(new_entry_size > cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold);
    HDassert(old_entry_size < new_entry_size);

    if (old_entry_size >= new_entry_size)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "old_entry_size >= new_entry_size")

    space_needed = new_entry_size - old_entry_size;

    if (((cache_ptr->index_size + space_needed) > cache_ptr->max_cache_size) &&
        (cache_ptr->max_cache_size < (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size)) {

        /* we have work to do */

        switch ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_incr_mode) {
            case H5C_flash_incr__off:
                            "flash_size_increase_possible but H5C_flash_incr__off?!")

            case H5C_flash_incr__add_space:
                if (cache_ptr->index_size < cache_ptr->max_cache_size) {

                    HDassert((cache_ptr->max_cache_size - cache_ptr->index_size) < space_needed);
                    space_needed -= cache_ptr->max_cache_size - cache_ptr->index_size;
                space_needed = (size_t)(((double)space_needed) * (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_multiple);

                new_max_cache_size = cache_ptr->max_cache_size + space_needed;


            default: /* should be unreachable */
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown flash_incr_mode?!?!?")

        if (new_max_cache_size > (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size) {

            new_max_cache_size = (cache_ptr->resize_ctl).max_size;

        HDassert(new_max_cache_size > cache_ptr->max_cache_size);

        new_min_clean_size =
            (size_t)((double)new_max_cache_size * ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).min_clean_fraction));

        HDassert(new_min_clean_size <= new_max_cache_size);

        old_max_cache_size = cache_ptr->max_cache_size;
        old_min_clean_size = cache_ptr->min_clean_size;

        cache_ptr->max_cache_size = new_max_cache_size;
        cache_ptr->min_clean_size = new_min_clean_size;

        /* update flash cache size increase fields as appropriate */

        switch ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_incr_mode) {
            case H5C_flash_incr__off:
                            "flash_size_increase_possible but H5C_flash_incr__off?!")

            case H5C_flash_incr__add_space:
                cache_ptr->flash_size_increase_threshold = (size_t)(
                    ((double)(cache_ptr->max_cache_size)) * ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).flash_threshold));

            default: /* should be unreachable */
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown flash_incr_mode?!?!?")

        /* note that we don't cycle the epoch markers.  We can
         * argue either way as to whether we should, but for now
         * we don't.

        if ((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).rpt_fcn != NULL) {

            /* get the hit rate for the reporting function.  Should still
             * be good as we haven't reset the hit rate statistics.
            if (H5C_get_cache_hit_rate(cache_ptr, &hit_rate) != SUCCEED)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Can't get hit rate")

            (*((cache_ptr->resize_ctl).rpt_fcn))(cache_ptr, H5C__CURR_AUTO_RESIZE_RPT_FCN_VER, hit_rate,
                                                 status, old_max_cache_size, new_max_cache_size,
                                                 old_min_clean_size, new_min_clean_size);

        if (H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats(cache_ptr) < 0)
            /* this should be impossible... */
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_reset_cache_hit_rate_stats failed")



} /* H5C__flash_increase_cache_size() */

 * Function:    H5C__flush_invalidate_cache
 * Purpose:    Flush and destroy the entries contained in the target
 *        cache.
 *        If the cache contains protected entries, the function will
 *        fail, as protected entries cannot be either flushed or
 *        destroyed.  However all unprotected entries should be
 *        flushed and destroyed before the function returns failure.
 *        While pinned entries can usually be flushed, they cannot
 *        be destroyed.  However, they should be unpinned when all
 *        the entries that reference them have been destroyed (thus
 *        reduding the pinned entry's reference count to 0, allowing
 *        it to be unpinned).
 *        If pinned entries are present, the function makes repeated
 *        passes through the cache, flushing all dirty entries
 *        (including the pinned dirty entries where permitted) and
 *        destroying all unpinned entries.  This process is repeated
 *        until either the cache is empty, or the number of pinned
 *        entries stops decreasing on each pass.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *        a request to flush all items and something was protected.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        3/24/065
 * Modifications:
 *              To support the fractal heap, the cache must now deal with
 *              entries being dirtied, resized, and/or renamed inside
 *              flush callbacks.  Updated function to support this.
 *                                                   -- JRM 8/27/06
 *              Added code to detect and manage the case in which a
 *              flush callback changes the s-list out from under
 *              the function.  The only way I can think of in which this
 *              can happen is if a flush function loads an entry
 *              into the cache that isn't there already.  Quincey tells
 *              me that this will never happen, but I'm not sure I
 *              believe him.
 *              Note that this is a pretty bad scenario if it ever
 *              happens.  The code I have added should allow us to
 *              handle the situation under all but the worst conditions,
 *              but one can argue that we should just scream and die if
 *              we ever detect the condition.
 *                                                      -- JRM 10/13/07
 *              Missing entries?
 *              Added support for the H5C__EVICT_ALLOW_LAST_PINS_FLAG.
 *              This flag is used to flush and evict all entries in
 *              the metadata cache that are not pinned -- typically,
 *              everything other than the superblock.
 *                                           ??? -- ??/??/??
 *              Added sanity checks to verify that the skip list is
 *              enabled on entry.  On the face of it, it would make
 *              sense to enable the slist on entry, and disable it
 *              on exit, as this function is not called repeatedly.
 *              However, since this function can be called from
 *              H5C_flush_cache(), this would create cases in the test
 *              code where we would have to check the flags to determine
 *              whether we must setup and take down the slist.
 *                                           JRM -- 5/5/20
static herr_t
H5C__flush_invalidate_cache(H5F_t *f, unsigned flags)
    H5C_t *    cache_ptr;
    H5C_ring_t ring;
    herr_t     ret_value = SUCCEED;


    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

        int32_t  i;
        uint32_t index_len        = 0;
        uint32_t slist_len        = 0;
        size_t   index_size       = (size_t)0;
        size_t   clean_index_size = (size_t)0;
        size_t   dirty_index_size = (size_t)0;
        size_t   slist_size       = (size_t)0;

        HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_len[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);

        for (i = H5C_RING_USER; i < H5C_RING_NTYPES; i++) {

            index_len += cache_ptr->index_ring_len[i];
            index_size += cache_ptr->index_ring_size[i];
            clean_index_size += cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[i];
            dirty_index_size += cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[i];

            slist_len += cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[i];
            slist_size += cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[i];

        } /* end for */

        HDassert(cache_ptr->index_len == index_len);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->index_size == index_size);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_size == clean_index_size);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_size == dirty_index_size);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_len == slist_len);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_size == slist_size);
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

    /* remove ageout markers if present */
    if (cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active > 0) {

        if (H5C__autoadjust__ageout__remove_all_markers(cache_ptr) < 0)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "error removing all epoch markers")

    /* flush invalidate each ring, starting from the outermost ring and
     * working inward.
    ring = H5C_RING_USER;

    while (ring < H5C_RING_NTYPES) {

        if (H5C__flush_invalidate_ring(f, ring, flags) < 0)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "flush invalidate ring failed")

    } /* end while */

    /* Invariants, after destroying all entries in the hash table */
    if (!(flags & H5C__EVICT_ALLOW_LAST_PINS_FLAG)) {

        HDassert(cache_ptr->index_size == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_size == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->pel_len == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->pel_size == 0);

    } /* end if */
    else {

        H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr; /* Cache entry */
        unsigned           u;         /* Local index variable */

        /* All rings except ring 4 should be empty now */
        /* (Ring 4 has the superblock) */
        for (u = H5C_RING_USER; u < H5C_RING_SB; u++) {

            HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_len[u] == 0);
            HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_size[u] == 0);
            HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[u] == 0);

        } /* end for */

        /* Check that any remaining pinned entries are in the superblock ring */

        entry_ptr = cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr;

        while (entry_ptr) {

            /* Check ring */
            HDassert(entry_ptr->ring == H5C_RING_SB);

            /* Advance to next entry in pinned entry list */
            entry_ptr = entry_ptr->next;

        } /* end while */
    }     /* end else */

    HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_size == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_len == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_size == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->pl_len == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->pl_size == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->LRU_list_len == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->LRU_list_size == 0);



} /* H5C__flush_invalidate_cache() */

 * Function:    H5C__flush_invalidate_ring
 * Purpose:     Flush and destroy the entries contained in the target
 *              cache and ring.
 *              If the ring contains protected entries, the function will
 *              fail, as protected entries cannot be either flushed or
 *              destroyed.  However all unprotected entries should be
 *              flushed and destroyed before the function returns failure.
 *              While pinned entries can usually be flushed, they cannot
 *              be destroyed.  However, they should be unpinned when all
 *              the entries that reference them have been destroyed (thus
 *              reduding the pinned entry's reference count to 0, allowing
 *              it to be unpinned).
 *              If pinned entries are present, the function makes repeated
 *              passes through the cache, flushing all dirty entries
 *              (including the pinned dirty entries where permitted) and
 *              destroying all unpinned entries.  This process is repeated
 *              until either the cache is empty, or the number of pinned
 *              entries stops decreasing on each pass.
 *              If flush dependencies appear in the target ring, the
 *              function makes repeated passes through the cache flushing
 *              entries in flush dependency order.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *              a request to flush all items and something was protected.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              9/1/15
 * Changes:     Added support for the H5C__EVICT_ALLOW_LAST_PINS_FLAG.
 *              This flag is used to flush and evict all entries in
 *              the metadata cache that are not pinned -- typically,
 *              everything other than the superblock.
 *                                           ??? -- ??/??/??
 *              A recent optimization turns off the slist unless a flush
 *              is in progress.  This should not effect this function, as
 *              it is only called during a flush.  Added an assertion to
 *              verify this.
 *                                           JRM -- 5/6/20
static herr_t
H5C__flush_invalidate_ring(H5F_t *f, H5C_ring_t ring, unsigned flags)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    hbool_t            restart_slist_scan;
    uint32_t           protected_entries = 0;
    int32_t            i;
    int32_t            cur_ring_pel_len;
    int32_t            old_ring_pel_len;
    unsigned           cooked_flags;
    unsigned           evict_flags;
    H5SL_node_t *      node_ptr       = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr      = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *next_entry_ptr = NULL;
    uint32_t initial_slist_len  = 0;
    size_t   initial_slist_size = 0;
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED;



    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;

    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(ring > H5C_RING_UNDEFINED);
    HDassert(ring < H5C_RING_NTYPES);

    HDassert(cache_ptr->epoch_markers_active == 0);

    /* Filter out the flags that are not relevant to the flush/invalidate.
    cooked_flags = flags & H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG;
    evict_flags  = flags & H5C__EVICT_ALLOW_LAST_PINS_FLAG;

    /* The flush procedure here is a bit strange.
     * In the outer while loop we make at least one pass through the
     * cache, and then repeat until either all the pinned entries in
     * the ring unpin themselves, or until the number of pinned entries
     * in the ring stops declining.  In this later case, we scream and die.
     * Since the fractal heap can dirty, resize, and/or move entries
     * in is flush callback, it is possible that the cache will still
     * contain dirty entries at this point.  If so, we must make more
     * passes through the skip list to allow it to empty.
     * Further, since clean entries can be dirtied, resized, and/or moved
     * as the result of a flush call back (either the entries own, or that
     * for some other cache entry), we can no longer promise to flush
     * the cache entries in increasing address order.
     * Instead, we just do the best we can -- making a pass through
     * the skip list, and then a pass through the "clean" entries, and
     * then repeating as needed.  Thus it is quite possible that an
     * entry will be evicted from the cache only to be re-loaded later
     * in the flush process (From what Quincey tells me, the pin
     * mechanism makes this impossible, but even it it is true now,
     * we shouldn't count on it in the future.)
     * The bottom line is that entries will probably be flushed in close
     * to increasing address order, but there are no guarantees.

    /* compute the number of pinned entries in this ring */

    entry_ptr        = cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr;
    cur_ring_pel_len = 0;

    while (entry_ptr != NULL) {

        HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
        HDassert(entry_ptr->ring >= ring);
        if (entry_ptr->ring == ring)

        entry_ptr = entry_ptr->next;

    } /* end while */

    old_ring_pel_len = cur_ring_pel_len;

    while (cache_ptr->index_ring_len[ring] > 0) {

        /* first, try to flush-destroy any dirty entries.   Do this by
         * making a scan through the slist.  Note that new dirty entries
         * may be created by the flush call backs.  Thus it is possible
         * that the slist will not be empty after we finish the scan.

        /* Depending on circumstances, H5C__flush_single_entry() will
         * remove dirty entries from the slist as it flushes them.
         * Thus for sanity checks we must make note of the initial
         * slist length and size before we do any flushes.
        initial_slist_len  = cache_ptr->slist_len;
        initial_slist_size = cache_ptr->slist_size;

        /* There is also the possibility that entries will be
         * dirtied, resized, moved, and/or removed from the cache
         * as the result of calls to the flush callbacks.  We use
         * the slist_len_increase and slist_size_increase increase
         * fields in struct H5C_t to track these changes for purpose
         * of sanity checking.
         * To this end, we must zero these fields before we start
         * the pass through the slist.
        cache_ptr->slist_len_increase  = 0;
        cache_ptr->slist_size_increase = 0;
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

        /* Set the cache_ptr->slist_changed to false.
         * This flag is set to TRUE by H5C__flush_single_entry if the slist
         * is modified by a pre_serialize, serialize, or notify callback.
         * H5C__flush_invalidate_ring() uses this flag to detect any
         * modifications to the slist that might corrupt the scan of
         * the slist -- and restart the scan in this event.
        cache_ptr->slist_changed = FALSE;

        /* this done, start the scan of the slist */
        restart_slist_scan = TRUE;

        while (restart_slist_scan || (node_ptr != NULL)) {

            if (restart_slist_scan) {

                restart_slist_scan = FALSE;

                /* Start at beginning of skip list */
                node_ptr = H5SL_first(cache_ptr->slist_ptr);

                if (node_ptr == NULL)
                    /* the slist is empty -- break out of inner loop */

                /* Get cache entry for this node */
                next_entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5SL_item(node_ptr);

                if (NULL == next_entry_ptr)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "next_entry_ptr == NULL ?!?!")

                HDassert(next_entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
                HDassert(next_entry_ptr->ring >= ring);

            } /* end if */

            entry_ptr = next_entry_ptr;

            /* It is possible that entries will be dirtied, resized,
             * flushed, or removed from the cache via the take ownership
             * flag as the result of pre_serialize or serialized callbacks.
             * This in turn can corrupt the scan through the slist.
             * We test for slist modifications in the pre_serialize
             * and serialize callbacks, and restart the scan of the
             * slist if we find them.  However, best we do some extra
             * sanity checking just in case.
            HDassert(entry_ptr != NULL);
            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            HDassert(entry_ptr->ring >= ring);

            /* increment node pointer now, before we delete its target
             * from the slist.
            node_ptr = H5SL_next(node_ptr);

            if (node_ptr != NULL) {

                next_entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5SL_item(node_ptr);

                if (NULL == next_entry_ptr)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "next_entry_ptr == NULL ?!?!")

                HDassert(next_entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
                HDassert(next_entry_ptr->ring >= ring);
                HDassert(entry_ptr != next_entry_ptr);
            } /* end if */
            else {

                next_entry_ptr = NULL;

            /* Note that we now remove nodes from the slist as we flush
             * the associated entries, instead of leaving them there
             * until we are done, and then destroying all nodes in
             * the slist.
             * While this optimization used to be easy, with the possibility
             * of new entries being added to the slist in the midst of the
             * flush, we must keep the slist in canonical form at all
             * times.
            if (((!entry_ptr->flush_me_last) ||
                 ((entry_ptr->flush_me_last) && (cache_ptr->num_last_entries >= cache_ptr->slist_len))) &&
                (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nchildren == 0) && (entry_ptr->ring == ring)) {

                if (entry_ptr->is_protected) {

                    /* we have major problems -- but lets flush
                     * everything we can before we flag an error.

                } /* end if */
                else if (entry_ptr->is_pinned) {

                    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr, H5C__DURING_FLUSH_FLAG) < 0)

                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "dirty pinned entry flush failed")

                    if (cache_ptr->slist_changed) {

                        /* The slist has been modified by something
                         * other than the simple removal of the
                         * of the flushed entry after the flush.
                         * This has the potential to corrupt the
                         * scan through the slist, so restart it.
                        restart_slist_scan       = TRUE;
                        cache_ptr->slist_changed = FALSE;

                    } /* end if */
                }     /* end else-if */
                else {

                    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr,
                                                (cooked_flags | H5C__DURING_FLUSH_FLAG |
                                                 H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                                 H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG)) < 0)

                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "dirty entry flush destroy failed")

                    if (cache_ptr->slist_changed) {

                        /* The slist has been modified by something
                         * other than the simple removal of the
                         * of the flushed entry after the flush.
                         * This has the potential to corrupt the
                         * scan through the slist, so restart it.
                        restart_slist_scan       = TRUE;
                        cache_ptr->slist_changed = FALSE;
                    } /* end if */
                }     /* end else */
            }         /* end if */
        }             /* end while loop scanning skip list */

        /* It is possible that entries were added to the slist during
         * the scan, either before or after scan pointer.  The following
         * asserts take this into account.
         * Don't bother with the sanity checks if node_ptr != NULL, as
         * in this case we broke out of the loop because it got changed
         * out from under us.

        if (node_ptr == NULL) {

            HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_len ==
                     (uint32_t)((int32_t)initial_slist_len + cache_ptr->slist_len_increase));

            HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_size ==
                     (size_t)((ssize_t)initial_slist_size + cache_ptr->slist_size_increase));
        } /* end if */
#endif    /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

        /* Since we are doing a destroy, we must make a pass through
         * the hash table and try to flush - destroy all entries that
         * remain.
         * It used to be that all entries remaining in the cache at
         * this point had to be clean, but with the fractal heap mods
         * this may not be the case.  If so, we will flush entries out
         * in increasing address order.
         * Writes to disk are possible here.

        /* reset the counters so that we can detect insertions, loads,
         * and moves caused by the pre_serialize and serialize calls.
        cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter    = 0;
        cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter  = 0;
        cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter = 0;

        next_entry_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;

        while (next_entry_ptr != NULL) {

            entry_ptr = next_entry_ptr;
            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            HDassert(entry_ptr->ring >= ring);

            next_entry_ptr = entry_ptr->il_next;
            HDassert((next_entry_ptr == NULL) || (next_entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC));

            if (((!entry_ptr->flush_me_last) ||
                 (entry_ptr->flush_me_last && (cache_ptr->num_last_entries >= cache_ptr->slist_len))) &&
                (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nchildren == 0) && (entry_ptr->ring == ring)) {

                if (entry_ptr->is_protected) {

                    /* we have major problems -- but lets flush and
                     * destroy everything we can before we flag an
                     * error.

                    if (!entry_ptr->in_slist) {

                } /* end if */
                else if (!(entry_ptr->is_pinned)) {

                    /* if *entry_ptr is dirty, it is possible
                     * that one or more other entries may be
                     * either removed from the cache, loaded
                     * into the cache, or moved to a new location
                     * in the file as a side effect of the flush.
                     * It's also possible that removing a clean
                     * entry will remove the last child of a proxy
                     * entry, allowing it to be removed also and
                     * invalidating the next_entry_ptr.
                     * If either of these happen, and one of the target
                     * or proxy entries happens to be the next entry in
                     * the hash bucket, we could either find ourselves
                     * either scanning a non-existant entry, scanning
                     * through a different bucket, or skipping an entry.
                     * Neither of these are good, so restart the
                     * the scan at the head of the hash bucket
                     * after the flush if we detect that the next_entry_ptr
                     * becomes invalid.
                     * This is not as inefficient at it might seem,
                     * as hash buckets typically have at most two
                     * or three entries.
                    cache_ptr->entry_watched_for_removal = next_entry_ptr;

                    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr,
                                                (cooked_flags | H5C__DURING_FLUSH_FLAG |
                                                 H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                                 H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG)) < 0)

                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "Entry flush destroy failed")

                    /* Restart the index list scan if necessary.  Must
                     * do this if the next entry is evicted, and also if
                     * one or more entries are inserted, loaded, or moved
                     * as these operations can result in part of the scan
                     * being skipped -- which can cause a spurious failure
                     * if this results in the size of the pinned entry
                     * failing to decline during the pass.
                    if (((NULL != next_entry_ptr) && (NULL == cache_ptr->entry_watched_for_removal)) ||
                        (cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter > 0) ||
                        (cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter > 0) ||
                        (cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter > 0)) {

                        next_entry_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;

                        cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter    = 0;
                        cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter  = 0;
                        cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter = 0;


                    } /* end if */
                    else {

                        cache_ptr->entry_watched_for_removal = NULL;
                } /* end if */
            }     /* end if */
        }         /* end for loop scanning hash table */

        /* We can't do anything if entries are pinned.  The
         * hope is that the entries will be unpinned as the
         * result of destroys of entries that reference them.
         * We detect this by noting the change in the number
         * of pinned entries from pass to pass.  If it stops
         * shrinking before it hits zero, we scream and die.
        old_ring_pel_len = cur_ring_pel_len;
        entry_ptr        = cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr;
        cur_ring_pel_len = 0;

        while (entry_ptr != NULL) {

            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            HDassert(entry_ptr->ring >= ring);

            if (entry_ptr->ring == ring) {


            entry_ptr = entry_ptr->next;

        } /* end while */

        /* Check if the number of pinned entries in the ring is positive, and
         * it is not declining.  Scream and die if so.
        if ((cur_ring_pel_len > 0) && (cur_ring_pel_len >= old_ring_pel_len)) {

            /* Don't error if allowed to have pinned entries remaining */
            if (evict_flags) {


                        "Pinned entry count not decreasing, cur_ring_pel_len = %d, old_ring_pel_len = "
                        "%d, ring = %d",
                        (int)cur_ring_pel_len, (int)old_ring_pel_len, (int)ring)
        } /* end if */

        HDassert(protected_entries == cache_ptr->pl_len);

        if ((protected_entries > 0) && (protected_entries == cache_ptr->index_len))

                        "Only protected entries left in cache, protected_entries = %d",

    } /* main while loop */

    /* Invariants, after destroying all entries in the ring */
    for (i = (int)H5C_RING_UNDEFINED; i <= (int)ring; i++) {

        HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_len[i] == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_size[i] == (size_t)0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[i] == (size_t)0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[i] == (size_t)0);

        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[i] == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[i] == (size_t)0);

    } /* end for */

    HDassert(protected_entries <= cache_ptr->pl_len);

    if (protected_entries > 0) {

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "Cache has protected entries")
    else if (cur_ring_pel_len > 0) {

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "Can't unpin all pinned entries in ring")



} /* H5C__flush_invalidate_ring() */

 * Function:    H5C__flush_ring
 * Purpose:     Flush the entries contained in the specified cache and
 *              ring.  All entries in rings outside the specified ring
 *              must have been flushed on entry.
 *              If the cache contains protected entries in the specified
 *              ring, the function will fail, as protected entries cannot
 *              be flushed.  However all unprotected entries in the target
 *              ring should be flushed before the function returns failure.
 *              If flush dependencies appear in the target ring, the
 *              function makes repeated passes through the slist flushing
 *              entries in flush dependency order.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *              a request to flush all items and something was protected.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              9/1/15
 * Changes:     A recent optimization turns off the slist unless a flush
 *              is in progress.  This should not effect this function, as
 *              it is only called during a flush.  Added an assertion to
 *              verify this.
 *                                             JRM -- 5/6/20
static herr_t
H5C__flush_ring(H5F_t *f, H5C_ring_t ring, unsigned flags)
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    hbool_t            flushed_entries_last_pass;
    hbool_t            flush_marked_entries;
    hbool_t            ignore_protected;
    hbool_t            tried_to_flush_protected_entry = FALSE;
    hbool_t            restart_slist_scan;
    uint32_t           protected_entries = 0;
    H5SL_node_t *      node_ptr          = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr         = NULL;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *next_entry_ptr    = NULL;
    uint32_t initial_slist_len  = 0;
    size_t   initial_slist_size = 0;
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */
    int    i;
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED;


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert((flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) == 0);
    HDassert(ring > H5C_RING_UNDEFINED);
    HDassert(ring < H5C_RING_NTYPES);

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

    ignore_protected     = ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_IGNORE_PROTECTED_FLAG) != 0);
    flush_marked_entries = ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_MARKED_ENTRIES_FLAG) != 0);

    if (!flush_marked_entries) {

        for (i = (int)H5C_RING_UNDEFINED; i < (int)ring; i++) {

            HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[i] == 0);


    /* When we are only flushing marked entries, the slist will usually
     * still contain entries when we have flushed everything we should.
     * Thus we track whether we have flushed any entries in the last
     * pass, and terminate if we haven't.
    flushed_entries_last_pass = TRUE;

    /* Set the cache_ptr->slist_changed to false.
     * This flag is set to TRUE by H5C__flush_single_entry if the
     * slist is modified by a pre_serialize, serialize, or notify callback.
     * H5C_flush_cache uses this flag to detect any modifications
     * to the slist that might corrupt the scan of the slist -- and
     * restart the scan in this event.
    cache_ptr->slist_changed = FALSE;

    while ((cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[ring] > 0) && (protected_entries == 0) && (flushed_entries_last_pass)) {

        flushed_entries_last_pass = FALSE;

        /* For sanity checking, try to verify that the skip list has
         * the expected size and number of entries at the end of each
         * internal while loop (see below).
         * Doing this get a bit tricky, as depending on flags, we may
         * or may not flush all the entries in the slist.
         * To make things more entertaining, with the advent of the
         * fractal heap, the entry serialize callback can cause entries
         * to be dirtied, resized, and/or moved.  Also, the
         * pre_serialize callback can result in an entry being
         * removed from the cache via the take ownership flag.
         * To deal with this, we first make note of the initial
         * skip list length and size:
        initial_slist_len  = cache_ptr->slist_len;
        initial_slist_size = cache_ptr->slist_size;

        /* As mentioned above, there is the possibility that
         * entries will be dirtied, resized, flushed, or removed
         * from the cache via the take ownership flag  during
         * our pass through the skip list.  To capture the number
         * of entries added, and the skip list size delta,
         * zero the slist_len_increase and slist_size_increase of
         * the cache's instance of H5C_t.  These fields will be
         * updated elsewhere to account for slist insertions and/or
         * dirty entry size changes.
        cache_ptr->slist_len_increase  = 0;
        cache_ptr->slist_size_increase = 0;

        /* at the end of the loop, use these values to compute the
         * expected slist length and size and compare this with the
         * value recorded in the cache's instance of H5C_t.
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

        restart_slist_scan = TRUE;

        while ((restart_slist_scan) || (node_ptr != NULL)) {

            if (restart_slist_scan) {

                restart_slist_scan = FALSE;

                /* Start at beginning of skip list */
                node_ptr = H5SL_first(cache_ptr->slist_ptr);

                if (node_ptr == NULL) {

                    /* the slist is empty -- break out of inner loop */

                /* Get cache entry for this node */
                next_entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5SL_item(node_ptr);

                if (NULL == next_entry_ptr)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "next_entry_ptr == NULL ?!?!")

                HDassert(next_entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

            } /* end if */

            entry_ptr = next_entry_ptr;

            /* With the advent of the fractal heap, the free space
             * manager, and the version 3 cache, it is possible
             * that the pre-serialize or serialize callback will
             * dirty, resize, or take ownership of other entries
             * in the cache.
             * To deal with this, I have inserted code to detect any
             * change in the skip list not directly under the control
             * of this function.  If such modifications are detected,
             * we must re-start the scan of the skip list to avoid
             * the possibility that the target of the next_entry_ptr
             * may have been flushed or deleted from the cache.
             * To verify that all such possibilities have been dealt
             * with, we do a bit of extra sanity checking on
             * entry_ptr.
            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

            if ((!flush_marked_entries) || (entry_ptr->flush_marker)) {

                HDassert(entry_ptr->ring >= ring);

            /* Advance node pointer now, before we delete its target
             * from the slist.
            node_ptr = H5SL_next(node_ptr);

            if (node_ptr != NULL) {

                next_entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5SL_item(node_ptr);

                if (NULL == next_entry_ptr)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "next_entry_ptr == NULL ?!?!")

                HDassert(next_entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

                if (!flush_marked_entries || next_entry_ptr->flush_marker) {

                    HDassert(next_entry_ptr->ring >= ring);

                HDassert(entry_ptr != next_entry_ptr);

            } /* end if */
            else {

                next_entry_ptr = NULL;

            if ((!flush_marked_entries || entry_ptr->flush_marker) &&
                ((!entry_ptr->flush_me_last) ||
                 ((entry_ptr->flush_me_last) && ((cache_ptr->num_last_entries >= cache_ptr->slist_len) ||
                                                 (flush_marked_entries && entry_ptr->flush_marker)))) &&
                ((entry_ptr->flush_dep_nchildren == 0) || (entry_ptr->flush_dep_ndirty_children == 0)) &&
                (entry_ptr->ring == ring)) {

                HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children == 0);

                if (entry_ptr->is_protected) {

                    /* we probably have major problems -- but lets
                     * flush everything we can before we decide
                     * whether to flag an error.
                    tried_to_flush_protected_entry = TRUE;

                } /* end if */
                else {

                    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr, (flags | H5C__DURING_FLUSH_FLAG)) < 0)

                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "Can't flush entry")

                    if (cache_ptr->slist_changed) {

                        /* The slist has been modified by something
                         * other than the simple removal of the
                         * of the flushed entry after the flush.
                         * This has the potential to corrupt the
                         * scan through the slist, so restart it.
                        restart_slist_scan       = TRUE;
                        cache_ptr->slist_changed = FALSE;

                    } /* end if */

                    flushed_entries_last_pass = TRUE;

                } /* end else */
            }     /* end if */
        }         /* while ( ( restart_slist_scan ) || ( node_ptr != NULL ) ) */

        /* Verify that the slist size and length are as expected. */
        HDassert((uint32_t)((int32_t)initial_slist_len + cache_ptr->slist_len_increase) ==
        HDassert((size_t)((ssize_t)initial_slist_size + cache_ptr->slist_size_increase) ==
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

    } /* while */

    HDassert(protected_entries <= cache_ptr->pl_len);

    if (((cache_ptr->pl_len > 0) && (!ignore_protected)) || (tried_to_flush_protected_entry))

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "cache has protected items")

    if (!flush_marked_entries) {

        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[ring] == 0);
        HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[ring] == 0);

    }  /* end if */
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */



} /* H5C__flush_ring() */

 * Function:    H5C__flush_single_entry
 * Purpose:     Flush or clear (and evict if requested) the cache entry
 *              with the specified address and type.  If the type is NULL,
 *              any unprotected entry at the specified address will be
 *              flushed (and possibly evicted).
 *              Attempts to flush a protected entry will result in an
 *              error.
 *              If the H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG flag is set, the entry will
 *              be cleared and not flushed, and the call can't be part of a
 *              sequence of flushes.
 *              The function does nothing silently if there is no entry
 *              at the supplied address, or if the entry found has the
 *              wrong type.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *              an attempt to flush a protected item.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 5/5/04
 * Modifications:
 *              JRM -- 7/21/04
 *              Updated function for the addition of the hash table.
 *              QAK -- 11/26/04
 *              Updated function for the switch from TBBTs to skip lists.
 *              JRM -- 1/6/05
 *              Updated function to reset the flush_marker field.
 *              Also replace references to H5F_FLUSH_INVALIDATE and
 *              H5F_FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY with references to
 *              respectively.
 *              JRM -- 6/24/05
 *              Added code to remove dirty entries from the slist after
 *              they have been flushed.  Also added a sanity check that
 *              will scream if we attempt a write when writes are
 *              completely disabled.
 *              JRM -- 7/5/05
 *              Added code to call the new log_flush callback whenever
 *              a dirty entry is written to disk.  Note that the callback
 *              is not called if the H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG is set,
 *              as there is no write to file in this case.
 *              JRM -- 8/21/06
 *              Added code maintaining the flush_in_progress and
 *              destroy_in_progress fields in H5C_cache_entry_t.
 *              Also added flush_flags parameter to the call to
 *              type_ptr->flush() so that the flush routine can report
 *              whether the entry has been resized or renamed.  Added
 *              code using the flush_flags variable to detect the case
 *              in which the target entry is resized during flush, and
 *              update the caches data structures accordingly.
 *              JRM -- 3/29/07
 *              Added sanity checks on the new is_read_only and
 *              ro_ref_count fields.
 *              QAK -- 2/07/08
 *              Separated "destroy entry" concept from "remove entry from
 *              cache" concept, by adding the 'take_ownership' flag and
 *              the "destroy_entry" variable.
 *              JRM -- 11/5/08
 *              Added call to H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_ENTRY_CLEAN() to
 *              maintain the new clean_index_size and clean_index_size
 *              fields of H5C_t.
 *              Missing entries??
 *              JRM -- 5/8/20
 *              Updated sanity checks for the possibility that the slist
 *              is disabled.
 *              Also updated main comment to conform more closely with
 *              the current state of the code.
H5C__flush_single_entry(H5F_t *f, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr, unsigned flags)
    H5C_t * cache_ptr;                 /* Cache for file */
    hbool_t destroy;                   /* external flag */
    hbool_t clear_only;                /* external flag */
    hbool_t free_file_space;           /* external flag */
    hbool_t take_ownership;            /* external flag */
    hbool_t del_from_slist_on_destroy; /* external flag */
    hbool_t during_flush;              /* external flag */
    hbool_t write_entry;               /* internal flag */
    hbool_t destroy_entry;             /* internal flag */
    hbool_t generate_image;            /* internal flag */
    hbool_t update_page_buffer;        /* internal flag */
    hbool_t was_dirty;
    hbool_t suppress_image_entry_writes = FALSE;
    hbool_t suppress_image_entry_frees  = FALSE;
    haddr_t entry_addr                  = HADDR_UNDEF;
    herr_t  ret_value                   = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(entry_ptr->ring != H5C_RING_UNDEFINED);

    /* setup external flags from the flags parameter */
    destroy                   = ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG) != 0);
    clear_only                = ((flags & H5C__FLUSH_CLEAR_ONLY_FLAG) != 0);
    free_file_space           = ((flags & H5C__FREE_FILE_SPACE_FLAG) != 0);
    take_ownership            = ((flags & H5C__TAKE_OWNERSHIP_FLAG) != 0);
    del_from_slist_on_destroy = ((flags & H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG) != 0);
    during_flush              = ((flags & H5C__DURING_FLUSH_FLAG) != 0);
    generate_image            = ((flags & H5C__GENERATE_IMAGE_FLAG) != 0);
    update_page_buffer        = ((flags & H5C__UPDATE_PAGE_BUFFER_FLAG) != 0);

    /* Set the flag for destroying the entry, based on the 'take ownership'
     * and 'destroy' flags
    if (take_ownership) {

        destroy_entry = FALSE;
    else {

        destroy_entry = destroy;

    /* we will write the entry to disk if it exists, is dirty, and if the
     * clear only flag is not set.
    if (entry_ptr->is_dirty && !clear_only) {

        write_entry = TRUE;
    else {

        write_entry = FALSE;

    /* if we have received close warning, and we have been instructed to
     * generate a metadata cache image, and we have actually constructed
     * the entry images, set suppress_image_entry_frees to TRUE.
     * Set suppress_image_entry_writes to TRUE if indicated by the
     * image_ctl flags.
    if ((cache_ptr->close_warning_received) && (cache_ptr->image_ctl.generate_image) &&
        (cache_ptr->num_entries_in_image > 0) && (cache_ptr->image_entries != NULL)) {

        /* Sanity checks */
        HDassert(entry_ptr->image_up_to_date || !(entry_ptr->include_in_image));
        HDassert(entry_ptr->image_ptr || !(entry_ptr->include_in_image));
        HDassert((!clear_only) || !(entry_ptr->include_in_image));
        HDassert((!take_ownership) || !(entry_ptr->include_in_image));
        HDassert((!free_file_space) || !(entry_ptr->include_in_image));

        suppress_image_entry_frees = TRUE;

        if (cache_ptr->image_ctl.flags & H5C_CI__SUPRESS_ENTRY_WRITES) {

            suppress_image_entry_writes = TRUE;

        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */

    /* run initial sanity checks */
    if (cache_ptr->slist_enabled) {

        if (entry_ptr->in_slist) {


            if ((entry_ptr->flush_marker) && (!entry_ptr->is_dirty))

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "entry in slist failed sanity checks")
        } /* end if */
        else {


            if ((entry_ptr->is_dirty) || (entry_ptr->flush_marker))

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "entry failed sanity checks")

        } /* end else */
    else { /* slist is disabled */


        if (!entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

            if (entry_ptr->flush_marker)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "flush marked clean entry?")
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

    if (entry_ptr->is_protected) {


        /* Attempt to flush a protected entry -- scream and die. */
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_PROTECT, FAIL, "Attempt to flush a protected entry")

    } /* end if */

    /* Set entry_ptr->flush_in_progress = TRUE and set
     * entry_ptr->flush_marker = FALSE
     * We will set flush_in_progress back to FALSE at the end if the
     * entry still exists at that point.
    entry_ptr->flush_in_progress = TRUE;
    entry_ptr->flush_marker      = FALSE;

    /* Preserve current dirty state for later */
    was_dirty = entry_ptr->is_dirty;

    /* The entry is dirty, and we are doing a flush, a flush destroy or have
     * been requested to generate an image.  In those cases, serialize the
     * entry.
    if (write_entry || generate_image) {


        if (NULL == entry_ptr->image_ptr) {

            if (NULL == (entry_ptr->image_ptr = H5MM_malloc(entry_ptr->size + H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE)))

                            "memory allocation failed for on disk image buffer")

            H5MM_memcpy(((uint8_t *)entry_ptr->image_ptr) + entry_ptr->size, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE,

        } /* end if */

        if (!(entry_ptr->image_up_to_date)) {

            /* Sanity check */

            /* Generate the entry's image */
            if (H5C__generate_image(f, cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't generate entry's image")

        } /* end if ( ! (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date) ) */
    }     /* end if */

    /* Finally, write the image to disk.
     * Note that if the H5AC__CLASS_SKIP_WRITES flag is set in the
     * in the entry's type, we silently skip the write.  This
     * flag should only be used in test code.
    if (write_entry) {


        if ((cache_ptr->check_write_permitted) && (!(cache_ptr->write_permitted)))

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Write when writes are always forbidden!?!?!")
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

        /* Write the image to disk unless the write is suppressed.
         * This happens if both suppress_image_entry_writes and
         * entry_ptr->include_in_image are TRUE, or if the
         * H5AC__CLASS_SKIP_WRITES is set in the entry's type.  This
         * flag should only be used in test code
        if (((!suppress_image_entry_writes) || (!entry_ptr->include_in_image)) &&
            (((entry_ptr->type->flags) & H5C__CLASS_SKIP_WRITES) == 0)) {

            H5FD_mem_t mem_type = H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT;

            if (cache_ptr->coll_write_list) {

                if (H5SL_insert(cache_ptr->coll_write_list, entry_ptr, &entry_ptr->addr) < 0)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTINSERT, FAIL, "unable to insert skip list item")
            } /* end if */
            else {
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

                if (entry_ptr->prefetched) {

                    HDassert(entry_ptr->type->id == H5AC_PREFETCHED_ENTRY_ID);

                    mem_type = cache_ptr->class_table_ptr[entry_ptr->prefetch_type_id]->mem_type;
                } /* end if */
                else {

                    mem_type = entry_ptr->type->mem_type;

                if (H5F_block_write(f, mem_type, entry_ptr->addr, entry_ptr->size, entry_ptr->image_ptr) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "Can't write image to file")
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

        } /* end if */

        /* if the entry has a notify callback, notify it that we have
         * just flushed the entry.
        if ((entry_ptr->type->notify) &&
            ((entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_AFTER_FLUSH, entry_ptr) < 0))

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "can't notify client of entry flush")

    } /* if ( write_entry ) */

    /* At this point, all pre-serialize and serialize calls have been
     * made if it was appropriate to make them.  Similarly, the entry
     * has been written to disk if desired.
     * Thus it is now safe to update the cache data structures for the
     * flush.

    /* start by updating the statistics */
    if (clear_only) {

        /* only log a clear if the entry was dirty */
        if (was_dirty) {

            H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_CLEAR(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

        } /* end if */
    else if (write_entry) {


        /* only log a flush if we actually wrote to disk */
        H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_FLUSH(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

    } /* end else if */

    /* Note that the algorithm below is (very) similar to the set of operations
     * in H5C_remove_entry() and should be kept in sync with changes
     * to that code. - QAK, 2016/11/30

    /* Update the cache internal data structures. */
    if (destroy) {

        /* Sanity checks */
        if (take_ownership) {

        else {



        /* Update stats, while entry is still in the cache */
        H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_EVICTION(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, take_ownership)

        /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback and the entry is about
         * to be removed from the cache, send a 'before eviction' notice while
         * the entry is still fully integrated in the cache.
        if ((entry_ptr->type->notify) &&
            ((entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_BEFORE_EVICT, entry_ptr) < 0))

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "can't notify client about entry to evict")

        /* Update the cache internal data structures as appropriate
         * for a destroy.  Specifically:
         * 1) Delete it from the index
         * 2) Delete it from the skip list if requested.
         * 3) Delete it from the collective read access list.
         * 4) Update the replacement policy for eviction
         * 5) Remove it from the tag list for this object
         * Finally, if the destroy_entry flag is set, discard the
         * entry.
        H5C__DELETE_FROM_INDEX(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        if ((entry_ptr->in_slist) && (del_from_slist_on_destroy)) {

            H5C__REMOVE_ENTRY_FROM_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, during_flush)

        /* Check for collective read access flag */
        if (entry_ptr->coll_access) {

            entry_ptr->coll_access = FALSE;

            H5C__REMOVE_FROM_COLL_LIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        } /* end if */
#endif    /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

        H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_EVICTION(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        /* Remove entry from tag list */
        if (H5C__untag_entry(cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, FAIL, "can't remove entry from tag list")

        /* verify that the entry is no longer part of any flush dependencies */
        HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents == 0);
        HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nchildren == 0);

    } /* end if */
    else {

        HDassert(clear_only || write_entry);
        HDassert((!cache_ptr->slist_enabled) || (entry_ptr->in_slist));

        /* We are either doing a flush or a clear.
         * A clear and a flush are the same from the point of
         * view of the replacement policy and the slist.
         * Hence no differentiation between them.
         *                              JRM -- 7/7/07

        H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_FLUSH(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL)

        H5C__REMOVE_ENTRY_FROM_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, during_flush)

        /* mark the entry as clean and update the index for
         * entry clean.  Also, call the clear callback
         * if defined.
        entry_ptr->is_dirty = FALSE;

        H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_ENTRY_CLEAN(cache_ptr, entry_ptr);

        /* Check for entry changing status and do notifications, etc. */
        if (was_dirty) {

            /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a
             * 'entry cleaned' notice now that the entry is fully
             * integrated into the cache.
            if ((entry_ptr->type->notify) &&
                ((entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_CLEANED, entry_ptr) < 0))

                            "can't notify client about entry dirty flag cleared")

            /* Propagate the clean flag up the flush dependency chain
             * if appropriate
            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_ndirty_children != 0) {

                HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_ndirty_children == 0);

            if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0) {

                if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_clean(entry_ptr) < 0)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTMARKCLEAN, FAIL, "Can't propagate flush dep clean flag")
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end else */

    /* reset the flush_in progress flag */
    entry_ptr->flush_in_progress = FALSE;

    /* capture the cache entry address for the log_flush call at the
     * end before the entry_ptr gets freed
    entry_addr = entry_ptr->addr;

    /* Internal cache data structures should now be up to date, and
     * consistent with the status of the entry.
     * Now discard the entry if appropriate.
    if (destroy) {

        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(0 == entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents);

        /* if both suppress_image_entry_frees and entry_ptr->include_in_image
         * are true, simply set entry_ptr->image_ptr to NULL, as we have
         * another pointer to the buffer in an instance of H5C_image_entry_t
         * in cache_ptr->image_entries.
         * Otherwise, free the buffer if it exists.
        if (suppress_image_entry_frees && entry_ptr->include_in_image) {

            entry_ptr->image_ptr = NULL;
        else if (entry_ptr->image_ptr != NULL) {

            entry_ptr->image_ptr = H5MM_xfree(entry_ptr->image_ptr);

        /* If the entry is not a prefetched entry, verify that the flush
         * dependency parents addresses array has been transferred.
         * If the entry is prefetched, the free_isr routine will dispose of
         * the flush dependency parents addresses array if necessary.
        if (!entry_ptr->prefetched) {

            HDassert(0 == entry_ptr->fd_parent_count);
            HDassert(NULL == entry_ptr->fd_parent_addrs);

        } /* end if */

        /* Check whether we should free the space in the file that
         * the entry occupies
        if (free_file_space) {

            hsize_t fsf_size;

            /* Sanity checks */
            HDassert(!H5F_IS_TMP_ADDR(f, entry_ptr->addr));
#ifndef NDEBUG
                size_t curr_len;

                /* Get the actual image size for the thing again */
                entry_ptr->type->image_len((void *)entry_ptr, &curr_len);
                HDassert(curr_len == entry_ptr->size);
#endif /* NDEBUG */

            /* If the file space free size callback is defined, use
             * it to get the size of the block of file space to free.
             * Otherwise use entry_ptr->size.
            if (entry_ptr->type->fsf_size) {

                if ((entry_ptr->type->fsf_size)((void *)entry_ptr, &fsf_size) < 0)

                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "unable to get file space free size")

            }      /* end if */
            else { /* no file space free size callback -- use entry size */

                fsf_size = entry_ptr->size;

            /* Release the space on disk */
            if (H5MF_xfree(f, entry_ptr->type->mem_type, entry_ptr->addr, fsf_size) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "unable to free file space for cache entry")

        } /* end if ( free_file_space ) */

        /* Reset the pointer to the cache the entry is within. -QAK */
        entry_ptr->cache_ptr = NULL;

        /* increment entries_removed_counter and set
         * last_entry_removed_ptr.  As we are likely abuut to
         * free the entry, recall that last_entry_removed_ptr
         * must NEVER be dereferenced.
         * Recall that these fields are maintained to allow functions
         * that perform scans of lists of entries to detect the
         * unexpected removal of entries (via expunge, eviction,
         * or take ownership at present), so that they can re-start
         * their scans if necessary.
         * Also check if the entry we are watching for removal is being
         * removed (usually the 'next' entry for an iteration) and reset
         * it to indicate that it was removed.
        cache_ptr->last_entry_removed_ptr = entry_ptr;

        if (entry_ptr == cache_ptr->entry_watched_for_removal) {

            cache_ptr->entry_watched_for_removal = NULL;

        /* Check for actually destroying the entry in memory */
        /* (As opposed to taking ownership of it) */
        if (destroy_entry) {

            if (entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

                /* Reset dirty flag */
                entry_ptr->is_dirty = FALSE;

                /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback send a
                 * 'entry cleaned' notice now that the entry is fully
                 * integrated into the cache.
                if ((entry_ptr->type->notify) &&
                    ((entry_ptr->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_ENTRY_CLEANED, entry_ptr) < 0))

                                "can't notify client about entry dirty flag cleared")

            } /* end if */

            /* we are about to discard the in core representation --
             * set the magic field to bad magic so we can detect a
             * freed entry if we see one.
            entry_ptr->magic = H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_BAD_MAGIC;

            /* verify that the image has been freed */
            HDassert(entry_ptr->image_ptr == NULL);

            if (entry_ptr->type->free_icr((void *)entry_ptr) < 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "free_icr callback failed")

        } /* end if */
        else {


            /* client is taking ownership of the entry.
             * set bad magic here too so the cache will choke
             * unless the entry is re-inserted properly
            entry_ptr->magic = H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_BAD_MAGIC;

        } /* end else */
    }     /* if (destroy) */

    /* Check if we have to update the page buffer with cleared entries
     * so it doesn't go out of date
    if (update_page_buffer) {

        /* Sanity check */

        if ((f->shared->page_buf) && (f->shared->page_buf->page_size >= entry_ptr->size)) {

            if (H5PB_update_entry(f->shared->page_buf, entry_ptr->addr, entry_ptr->size,
                                  entry_ptr->image_ptr) > 0)

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Failed to update PB with metadata cache")
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if */

    if (cache_ptr->log_flush) {

        if ((cache_ptr->log_flush)(cache_ptr, entry_addr, was_dirty, flags) < 0)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "log_flush callback failed")

    } /* end if */


    HDassert((ret_value != SUCCEED) || (destroy_entry) || (!entry_ptr->flush_in_progress));

    HDassert((ret_value != SUCCEED) || (destroy_entry) || (take_ownership) || (!entry_ptr->is_dirty));


} /* H5C__flush_single_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C__verify_len_eoa
 * Purpose:     Verify that 'len' does not exceed eoa when 'actual' is
 *              false i.e. 'len" is the initial speculative length from
 *              get_load_size callback with null image pointer.
 *              If exceed, adjust 'len' accordingly.
 *              Verify that 'len' should not exceed eoa when 'actual' is
 *              true i.e. 'len' is the actual length from get_load_size
 *              callback with non-null image pointer.
 *              If exceed, return error.
 * Return:      FAIL if error is detected, SUCCEED otherwise.
 * Programmer:  Vailin Choi
 *              9/6/15
static herr_t
H5C__verify_len_eoa(H5F_t *f, const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t addr, size_t *len, hbool_t actual)
    H5FD_mem_t cooked_type;         /* Modified type, accounting for switching global heaps */
    haddr_t    eoa;                 /* End-of-allocation in the file */
    herr_t     ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* if type == H5FD_MEM_GHEAP, H5F_block_read() forces
     * type to H5FD_MEM_DRAW via its call to H5F__accum_read().
     * Thus we do the same for purposes of computing the EOA
     * for sanity checks.
    cooked_type = (type->mem_type == H5FD_MEM_GHEAP) ? H5FD_MEM_DRAW : type->mem_type;

    /* Get the file's end-of-allocation value */
    eoa = H5F_get_eoa(f, cooked_type);
    if (!H5F_addr_defined(eoa))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "invalid EOA address for file")

    /* Check for bad address in general */
    if (H5F_addr_gt(addr, eoa))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "address of object past end of allocation")

    /* Check if the amount of data to read will be past the EOA */
    if (H5F_addr_gt((addr + *len), eoa)) {
        if (actual)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "actual len exceeds EOA")
            /* Trim down the length of the metadata */
            *len = (size_t)(eoa - addr);
    } /* end if */

    if (*len <= 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "len not positive after adjustment for EOA")

} /* H5C__verify_len_eoa() */

 * Function:    H5C__load_entry
 * Purpose:     Attempt to load the entry at the specified disk address
 *              and with the specified type into memory.  If successful.
 *              return the in memory address of the entry.  Return NULL
 *              on failure.
 *              Note that this function simply loads the entry into
 *              core.  It does not insert it into the cache.
 * Return:      Non-NULL on success / NULL on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 5/18/04
static void *
H5C__load_entry(H5F_t *f,
                hbool_t coll_access,
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
                const H5C_class_t *type, haddr_t addr, void *udata)
    hbool_t            dirty = FALSE; /* Flag indicating whether thing was dirtied during deserialize */
    uint8_t *          image = NULL;  /* Buffer for disk image                    */
    void *             thing = NULL;  /* Pointer to thing loaded                  */
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry = NULL;  /* Alias for thing loaded, as cache entry   */
    size_t             len;           /* Size of image in file                    */
    int      mpi_rank = 0;             /* MPI process rank                         */
    MPI_Comm comm     = MPI_COMM_NULL; /* File MPI Communicator                    */
    int      mpi_code;                 /* MPI error code                           */
#endif                                 /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    void *ret_value = NULL;            /* Return value                             */


    /* Sanity checks */
    if (type->flags & H5C__CLASS_SPECULATIVE_LOAD_FLAG)
        HDassert(NULL == type->get_final_load_size);

    /* Can't see how skip reads could be usefully combined with
     * the speculative read flag.  Hence disallow.
    HDassert(!((type->flags & H5C__CLASS_SKIP_READS) && (type->flags & H5C__CLASS_SPECULATIVE_LOAD_FLAG)));

    /* Call the get_initial_load_size callback, to retrieve the initial size of image */
    if (type->get_initial_load_size(udata, &len) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "can't retrieve image size")
    HDassert(len > 0);

    /* Check for possible speculative read off the end of the file */
    if (type->flags & H5C__CLASS_SPECULATIVE_LOAD_FLAG)
        if (H5C__verify_len_eoa(f, type, addr, &len, FALSE) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "invalid len with respect to EOA")

    /* Allocate the buffer for reading the on-disk entry image */
    if (NULL == (image = (uint8_t *)H5MM_malloc(len + H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTALLOC, NULL, "memory allocation failed for on disk image buffer")
    H5MM_memcpy(image + len, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE, H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE);

        if ((mpi_rank = H5F_mpi_get_rank(f)) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "Can't get MPI rank")
        if ((comm = H5F_mpi_get_comm(f)) == MPI_COMM_NULL)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "get_comm request failed")
    }  /* end if */
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    /* Get the on-disk entry image */
    if (0 == (type->flags & H5C__CLASS_SKIP_READS)) {
        unsigned tries, max_tries;   /* The # of read attempts               */
        unsigned retries;            /* The # of retries                     */
        htri_t   chk_ret;            /* return from verify_chksum callback   */
        size_t   actual_len = len;   /* The actual length, after speculative reads have been resolved */
        uint64_t nanosec    = 1;     /* # of nanoseconds to sleep between retries */
        void *   new_image;          /* Pointer to image                     */
        hbool_t  len_changed = TRUE; /* Whether to re-check speculative entries */

        /* Get the # of read attempts */
        max_tries = tries = H5F_GET_READ_ATTEMPTS(f);

         * This do/while loop performs the following till the metadata checksum
         * is correct or the file's number of allowed read attempts are reached.
         *   --read the metadata
         *   --determine the actual size of the metadata
         *   --perform checksum verification
        do {
            if (actual_len != len) {
                if (NULL == (new_image = H5MM_realloc(image, len + H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE)))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTALLOC, NULL, "image null after H5MM_realloc()")
                image = (uint8_t *)new_image;
                H5MM_memcpy(image + len, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE, H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE);
#endif        /* H5C_DO_MEMORY_SANITY_CHECKS */
            } /* end if */

            if (!coll_access || 0 == mpi_rank) {
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
                if (H5F_block_read(f, type->mem_type, addr, len, image) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_READERROR, NULL, "Can't read image*")
            } /* end if */
            /* if the collective metadata read optimization is turned on,
             * bcast the metadata read from process 0 to all ranks in the file
             * communicator
            if (coll_access) {
                int buf_size;

                H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(buf_size, int, len, size_t);
                if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Bcast(image, buf_size, MPI_BYTE, 0, comm)))
                    HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(NULL, "MPI_Bcast failed", mpi_code)
            } /* end if */
#endif        /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

            /* If the entry could be read speculatively and the length is still
             *  changing, check for updating the actual size
            if ((type->flags & H5C__CLASS_SPECULATIVE_LOAD_FLAG) && len_changed) {
                /* Retrieve the actual length */
                actual_len = len;
                if (type->get_final_load_size(image, len, udata, &actual_len) < 0)
                    continue; /* Transfer control to while() and count towards retries */

                /* Check for the length changing */
                if (actual_len != len) {
                    /* Verify that the length isn't past the EOA for the file */
                    if (H5C__verify_len_eoa(f, type, addr, &actual_len, TRUE) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "actual_len exceeds EOA")

                    /* Expand buffer to new size */
                    if (NULL == (new_image = H5MM_realloc(image, actual_len + H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE)))
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTALLOC, NULL, "image null after H5MM_realloc()")
                    image = (uint8_t *)new_image;
                    H5MM_memcpy(image + actual_len, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE, H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE);

                    if (actual_len > len) {
                        if (!coll_access || 0 == mpi_rank) {
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
                            /* If the thing's image needs to be bigger for a speculatively
                             * loaded thing, go get the on-disk image again (the extra portion).
                            if (H5F_block_read(f, type->mem_type, addr + len, actual_len - len, image + len) <
                                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "can't read image")
                        /* If the collective metadata read optimization is turned on,
                         * Bcast the metadata read from process 0 to all ranks in the file
                         * communicator */
                        if (coll_access) {
                            int buf_size;

                            H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(buf_size, int, actual_len - len, size_t);
                            if (MPI_SUCCESS !=
                                (mpi_code = MPI_Bcast(image + len, buf_size, MPI_BYTE, 0, comm)))
                                HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(NULL, "MPI_Bcast failed", mpi_code)
                        } /* end if */
#endif                    /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
                    }     /* end if */
                }         /* end if (actual_len != len) */
                else {
                    /* The length has stabilized */
                    len_changed = FALSE;

                    /* Set the final length */
                    len = actual_len;
                } /* else */
            }     /* end if */

            /* If there's no way to verify the checksum for a piece of metadata
             * (usually because there's no checksum in the file), leave now
            if (type->verify_chksum == NULL)

            /* Verify the checksum for the metadata image */
            if ((chk_ret = type->verify_chksum(image, actual_len, udata)) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "failure from verify_chksum callback")
            if (chk_ret == TRUE)

            /* Sleep for some time */
            nanosec *= 2; /* Double the sleep time next time */
        } while (--tries);

        /* Check for too many tries */
        if (tries == 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_READERROR, NULL, "incorrect metadata checksum after all read attempts")

        /* Calculate and track the # of retries */
        retries = max_tries - tries;
        if (retries) /* Does not track 0 retry */
            if (H5F_track_metadata_read_retries(f, (unsigned)type->mem_type, retries) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "cannot track read tries = %u ", retries)

        /* Set the final length (in case it wasn't set earlier) */
        len = actual_len;
    } /* end if !H5C__CLASS_SKIP_READS */

    /* Deserialize the on-disk image into the native memory form */
    if (NULL == (thing = type->deserialize(image, len, udata, &dirty)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "Can't deserialize image")

    entry = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)thing;

    /* In general, an entry should be clean just after it is loaded.
     * However, when this code is used in the metadata cache, it is
     * possible that object headers will be dirty at this point, as
     * the deserialize function will alter object headers if necessary to
     * fix an old bug.
     * In the following assert:
     *     HDassert( ( dirty == FALSE ) || ( type->id == 5 || type->id == 6 ) );
     * note that type ids 5 & 6 are associated with object headers in the
     * metadata cache.
     * When we get to using H5C for other purposes, we may wish to
     * tighten up the assert so that the loophole only applies to the
     * metadata cache.

    HDassert((dirty == FALSE) || (type->id == 5 || type->id == 6));

    entry->magic     = H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC;
    entry->cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    entry->addr      = addr;
    entry->size      = len;
    HDassert(entry->size < H5C_MAX_ENTRY_SIZE);
    entry->image_ptr        = image;
    entry->image_up_to_date = !dirty;
    entry->type             = type;
    entry->is_dirty         = dirty;
    entry->dirtied          = FALSE;
    entry->is_protected     = FALSE;
    entry->is_read_only     = FALSE;
    entry->ro_ref_count     = 0;
    entry->is_pinned        = FALSE;
    entry->in_slist         = FALSE;
    entry->flush_marker     = FALSE;
    entry->clear_on_unprotect = FALSE;
    entry->flush_immediately  = FALSE;
    entry->coll_access        = coll_access;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    entry->flush_in_progress   = FALSE;
    entry->destroy_in_progress = FALSE;

    entry->ring = H5C_RING_UNDEFINED;

    /* Initialize flush dependency fields */
    entry->flush_dep_parent          = NULL;
    entry->flush_dep_nparents        = 0;
    entry->flush_dep_parent_nalloc   = 0;
    entry->flush_dep_nchildren       = 0;
    entry->flush_dep_ndirty_children = 0;
    entry->flush_dep_nunser_children = 0;
    entry->ht_next                   = NULL;
    entry->ht_prev                   = NULL;
    entry->il_next                   = NULL;
    entry->il_prev                   = NULL;

    entry->next = NULL;
    entry->prev = NULL;

    entry->aux_next = NULL;
    entry->aux_prev = NULL;

    entry->coll_next = NULL;
    entry->coll_prev = NULL;
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    /* initialize cache image related fields */
    entry->include_in_image     = FALSE;
    entry->lru_rank             = 0;
    entry->image_dirty          = FALSE;
    entry->fd_parent_count      = 0;
    entry->fd_parent_addrs      = NULL;
    entry->fd_child_count       = 0;
    entry->fd_dirty_child_count = 0;
    entry->image_fd_height      = 0;
    entry->prefetched           = FALSE;
    entry->prefetch_type_id     = 0;
    entry->age                  = 0;
    entry->prefetched_dirty     = FALSE;
#ifndef NDEBUG /* debugging field */
    entry->serialization_count = 0;
#endif /* NDEBUG */

    entry->tl_next  = NULL;
    entry->tl_prev  = NULL;
    entry->tag_info = NULL;


    ret_value = thing;

    /* Cleanup on error */
    if (NULL == ret_value) {
        /* Release resources */
        if (thing && type->free_icr(thing) < 0)
            HDONE_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, NULL, "free_icr callback failed")
        if (image)
            image = (uint8_t *)H5MM_xfree(image);
    } /* end if */

} /* H5C__load_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C__make_space_in_cache
 * Purpose:     Attempt to evict cache entries until the index_size
 *        is at least needed_space below max_cache_size.
 *        In passing, also attempt to bring cLRU_list_size to a
 *        value greater than min_clean_size.
 *        Depending on circumstances, both of these goals may
 *        be impossible, as in parallel mode, we must avoid generating
 *        a write as part of a read (to avoid deadlock in collective
 *        I/O), and in all cases, it is possible (though hopefully
 *        highly unlikely) that the protected list may exceed the
 *        maximum size of the cache.
 *        Thus the function simply does its best, returning success
 *        unless an error is encountered.
 *        Observe that this function cannot occasion a read.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 5/14/04
H5C__make_space_in_cache(H5F_t *f, size_t space_needed, hbool_t write_permitted)
    H5C_t *cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    int32_t clean_entries_skipped    = 0;
    int32_t dirty_pf_entries_skipped = 0;
    int32_t total_entries_scanned    = 0;
    uint32_t           entries_examined = 0;
    uint32_t           initial_list_len;
    size_t             empty_space;
    hbool_t            reentrant_call    = FALSE;
    hbool_t            prev_is_dirty     = FALSE;
    hbool_t            didnt_flush_entry = FALSE;
    hbool_t            restart_scan;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *prev_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *next_ptr;
    uint32_t           num_corked_entries = 0;
    herr_t             ret_value          = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_size == (cache_ptr->clean_index_size + cache_ptr->dirty_index_size));

    /* check to see if cache_ptr->msic_in_progress is TRUE.  If it, this
     * is a re-entrant call via a client callback called in the make
     * space in cache process.  To avoid an infinite recursion, set
     * reentrant_call to TRUE, and goto done.
    if (cache_ptr->msic_in_progress) {
        reentrant_call = TRUE;
    } /* end if */

    cache_ptr->msic_in_progress = TRUE;

    if (write_permitted) {
        restart_scan     = FALSE;
        initial_list_len = cache_ptr->LRU_list_len;
        entry_ptr        = cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr;

        if (cache_ptr->index_size >= cache_ptr->max_cache_size)
            empty_space = 0;
            empty_space = cache_ptr->max_cache_size - cache_ptr->index_size;

        while ((((cache_ptr->index_size + space_needed) > cache_ptr->max_cache_size) ||
                ((empty_space + cache_ptr->clean_index_size) < (cache_ptr->min_clean_size))) &&
               (entries_examined <= (2 * initial_list_len)) && (entry_ptr != NULL)) {
            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            HDassert((entry_ptr->ro_ref_count) == 0);

            next_ptr = entry_ptr->next;
            prev_ptr = entry_ptr->prev;

            if (prev_ptr != NULL)
                prev_is_dirty = prev_ptr->is_dirty;

            if (entry_ptr->is_dirty && (entry_ptr->tag_info && entry_ptr->tag_info->corked)) {

                /* Skip "dirty" corked entries.  */
                didnt_flush_entry = TRUE;
            else if (((entry_ptr->type)->id != H5AC_EPOCH_MARKER_ID) && (!entry_ptr->flush_in_progress) &&
                     (!entry_ptr->prefetched_dirty)) {

                didnt_flush_entry = FALSE;

                if (entry_ptr->is_dirty) {

                    if ((cache_ptr->index_size + space_needed) > cache_ptr->max_cache_size) {


                    /* reset entries_removed_counter and
                     * last_entry_removed_ptr prior to the call to
                     * H5C__flush_single_entry() so that we can spot
                     * unexpected removals of entries from the cache,
                     * and set the restart_scan flag if proceeding
                     * would be likely to cause us to scan an entry
                     * that is no longer in the cache.
                    cache_ptr->entries_removed_counter = 0;
                    cache_ptr->last_entry_removed_ptr  = NULL;

                    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr, H5C__NO_FLAGS_SET) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to flush entry")

                    if ((cache_ptr->entries_removed_counter > 1) ||
                        (cache_ptr->last_entry_removed_ptr == prev_ptr))

                        restart_scan = TRUE;
                else if ((cache_ptr->index_size + space_needed) > cache_ptr->max_cache_size
                         && !(entry_ptr->coll_access)
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
                ) {

                    if (H5C__flush_single_entry(f, entry_ptr,
                                                H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG |
                                                    H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to flush entry")
                else {
                    /* We have enough space so don't flush clean entry. */
                    didnt_flush_entry = TRUE;

            else {

                /* Skip epoch markers, entries that are in the process
                 * of being flushed, and entries marked as prefetched_dirty
                 * (occurs in the R/O case only).
                didnt_flush_entry = TRUE;

                if (entry_ptr->prefetched_dirty)

            if (prev_ptr != NULL) {

                if (didnt_flush_entry) {

                    /* epoch markers don't get flushed, and we don't touch
                     * entries that are in the process of being flushed.
                     * Hence no need for sanity checks, as we haven't
                     * flushed anything.  Thus just set entry_ptr to prev_ptr
                     * and go on.
                    entry_ptr = prev_ptr;
                else if ((restart_scan) || (prev_ptr->is_dirty != prev_is_dirty) ||
                         (prev_ptr->next != next_ptr) || (prev_ptr->is_protected) || (prev_ptr->is_pinned)) {

                    /* something has happened to the LRU -- start over
                     * from the tail.
                    restart_scan = FALSE;
                    entry_ptr    = cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr;
                else {

                    entry_ptr = prev_ptr;
            else {

                entry_ptr = NULL;


            if (cache_ptr->index_size >= cache_ptr->max_cache_size) {

                empty_space = 0;
            else {

                empty_space = cache_ptr->max_cache_size - cache_ptr->index_size;

            HDassert(cache_ptr->index_size == (cache_ptr->clean_index_size + cache_ptr->dirty_index_size));


        cache_ptr->total_entries_skipped_in_msic += clean_entries_skipped;
        cache_ptr->total_dirty_pf_entries_skipped_in_msic += dirty_pf_entries_skipped;
        cache_ptr->total_entries_scanned_in_msic += total_entries_scanned;

        if (clean_entries_skipped > cache_ptr->max_entries_skipped_in_msic) {

            cache_ptr->max_entries_skipped_in_msic = clean_entries_skipped;

        if (dirty_pf_entries_skipped > cache_ptr->max_dirty_pf_entries_skipped_in_msic)
            cache_ptr->max_dirty_pf_entries_skipped_in_msic = dirty_pf_entries_skipped;

        if (total_entries_scanned > cache_ptr->max_entries_scanned_in_msic) {

            cache_ptr->max_entries_scanned_in_msic = total_entries_scanned;

        /* NEED: work on a better assert for corked entries */
        HDassert((entries_examined > (2 * initial_list_len)) ||
                 ((cache_ptr->pl_size + cache_ptr->pel_size + cache_ptr->min_clean_size) >
                  cache_ptr->max_cache_size) ||
                 ((cache_ptr->clean_index_size + empty_space) >= cache_ptr->min_clean_size) ||

        HDassert((entries_examined > (2 * initial_list_len)) ||
                 (cache_ptr->cLRU_list_size <= cache_ptr->clean_index_size));
        HDassert((entries_examined > (2 * initial_list_len)) ||
                 (cache_ptr->dLRU_list_size <= cache_ptr->dirty_index_size));

    else {


        initial_list_len = cache_ptr->cLRU_list_len;
        entry_ptr        = cache_ptr->cLRU_tail_ptr;

        while (((cache_ptr->index_size + space_needed) > cache_ptr->max_cache_size) &&
               (entries_examined <= initial_list_len) && (entry_ptr != NULL)) {
            HDassert((entry_ptr->ro_ref_count) == 0);

            prev_ptr = entry_ptr->aux_prev;

            if ((!(entry_ptr->prefetched_dirty))
                && (!(entry_ptr->coll_access))
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
            ) {
                if (H5C__flush_single_entry(
                        f, entry_ptr, H5C__FLUSH_INVALIDATE_FLAG | H5C__DEL_FROM_SLIST_ON_DESTROY_FLAG) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to flush entry")

            } /* end if */

            /* we are scanning the clean LRU, so the serialize function
             * will not be called on any entry -- thus there is no
             * concern about the list being modified out from under
             * this function.

            entry_ptr = prev_ptr;

    /* Sanity checks */
    if (!reentrant_call)
        cache_ptr->msic_in_progress = FALSE;
    HDassert((!reentrant_call) || (cache_ptr->msic_in_progress));

} /* H5C__make_space_in_cache() */

 * Function:    H5C__validate_lru_list
 * Purpose:     Debugging function that scans the LRU list for errors.
 *        If an error is detected, the function generates a
 *        diagnostic and returns FAIL.  If no error is detected,
 *        the function returns SUCCEED.
 * Return:      FAIL if error is detected, SUCCEED otherwise.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 7/14/05
static herr_t
H5C__validate_lru_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    int32_t            len       = 0;
    size_t             size      = 0;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = NULL;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (((cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr == NULL)) &&
        (cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr != cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 1 failed")

    if (cache_ptr->LRU_list_len < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 2 failed")

    if ((cache_ptr->LRU_list_len == 1) &&
        ((cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr != cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr) || (cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr == NULL) ||
         (cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr->size != cache_ptr->LRU_list_size)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 3 failed")

    if ((cache_ptr->LRU_list_len >= 1) &&
        ((cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr->prev != NULL) ||
         (cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr->next != NULL)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 4 failed")

    entry_ptr = cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr;
    while (entry_ptr != NULL) {
        if ((entry_ptr != cache_ptr->LRU_head_ptr) &&
            ((entry_ptr->prev == NULL) || (entry_ptr->prev->next != entry_ptr)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 5 failed")

        if ((entry_ptr != cache_ptr->LRU_tail_ptr) &&
            ((entry_ptr->next == NULL) || (entry_ptr->next->prev != entry_ptr)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 6 failed")

        if ((entry_ptr->is_pinned) || (entry_ptr->pinned_from_client) || (entry_ptr->pinned_from_cache))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 7 failed")

        size += entry_ptr->size;
        entry_ptr = entry_ptr->next;

    if ((cache_ptr->LRU_list_len != len) || (cache_ptr->LRU_list_size != size))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 8 failed")

    if (ret_value != SUCCEED)

} /* H5C__validate_lru_list() */

 * Function:    H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list
 * Purpose:     Debugging function that scans the pinned entry list for
 *              errors.
 *        If an error is detected, the function generates a
 *        diagnostic and returns FAIL.  If no error is detected,
 *        the function returns SUCCEED.
 * Return:      FAIL if error is detected, SUCCEED otherwise.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 4/25/14
static herr_t
H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    int32_t            len       = 0;
    size_t             size      = 0;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = NULL;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (((cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->pel_tail_ptr == NULL)) &&
        (cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr != cache_ptr->pel_tail_ptr))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 1 failed")

    if (cache_ptr->pel_len < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 2 failed")

    if ((cache_ptr->pel_len == 1) &&
        ((cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr != cache_ptr->pel_tail_ptr) || (cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr == NULL) ||
         (cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr->size != cache_ptr->pel_size)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 3 failed")

    if ((cache_ptr->pel_len >= 1) &&
        ((cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr->prev != NULL) ||
         (cache_ptr->pel_tail_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->pel_tail_ptr->next != NULL)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 4 failed")

    entry_ptr = cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr;
    while (entry_ptr != NULL) {
        if ((entry_ptr != cache_ptr->pel_head_ptr) &&
            ((entry_ptr->prev == NULL) || (entry_ptr->prev->next != entry_ptr)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 5 failed")

        if ((entry_ptr != cache_ptr->pel_tail_ptr) &&
            ((entry_ptr->next == NULL) || (entry_ptr->next->prev != entry_ptr)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 6 failed")

        if (!entry_ptr->is_pinned)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 7 failed")

        if (!(entry_ptr->pinned_from_client || entry_ptr->pinned_from_cache))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 8 failed")

        size += entry_ptr->size;
        entry_ptr = entry_ptr->next;

    if ((cache_ptr->pel_len != len) || (cache_ptr->pel_size != size))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 9 failed")

    if (ret_value != SUCCEED)

} /* H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list() */

 * Function:    H5C__validate_protected_entry_list
 * Purpose:     Debugging function that scans the protected entry list for
 *              errors.
 *        If an error is detected, the function generates a
 *        diagnostic and returns FAIL.  If no error is detected,
 *        the function returns SUCCEED.
 * Return:      FAIL if error is detected, SUCCEED otherwise.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 4/25/14
static herr_t
H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr)
    int32_t            len       = 0;
    size_t             size      = 0;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr = NULL;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    if (((cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->pl_tail_ptr == NULL)) &&
        (cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr != cache_ptr->pl_tail_ptr))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 1 failed")

    if (cache_ptr->pl_len < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 2 failed")

    if ((cache_ptr->pl_len == 1) &&
        ((cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr != cache_ptr->pl_tail_ptr) || (cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr == NULL) ||
         (cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr->size != cache_ptr->pl_size)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 3 failed")

    if ((cache_ptr->pl_len >= 1) &&
        ((cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr->prev != NULL) ||
         (cache_ptr->pl_tail_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr->pl_tail_ptr->next != NULL)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 4 failed")

    entry_ptr = cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr;
    while (entry_ptr != NULL) {
        if ((entry_ptr != cache_ptr->pl_head_ptr) &&
            ((entry_ptr->prev == NULL) || (entry_ptr->prev->next != entry_ptr)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 5 failed")

        if ((entry_ptr != cache_ptr->pl_tail_ptr) &&
            ((entry_ptr->next == NULL) || (entry_ptr->next->prev != entry_ptr)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 6 failed")

        if (!entry_ptr->is_protected)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 7 failed")

        if (entry_ptr->is_read_only && (entry_ptr->ro_ref_count <= 0))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 8 failed")

        size += entry_ptr->size;
        entry_ptr = entry_ptr->next;

    if ((cache_ptr->pl_len != len) || (cache_ptr->pl_size != size))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Check 9 failed")

    if (ret_value != SUCCEED)

} /* H5C__validate_protected_entry_list() */

 * Function:    H5C__entry_in_skip_list
 * Purpose:     Debugging function that scans skip list to see if it
 *        is in present.  We need this, as it is possible for
 *        an entry to be in the skip list twice.
 * Return:      FALSE if the entry is not in the skip list, and TRUE
 *        if it is.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 11/1/14
static hbool_t
H5C__entry_in_skip_list(H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *target_ptr)
    H5SL_node_t *node_ptr;
    hbool_t      in_slist;

    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    node_ptr = H5SL_first(cache_ptr->slist_ptr);
    in_slist = FALSE;
    while ((node_ptr != NULL) && (!in_slist)) {
        H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr;

        entry_ptr = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)H5SL_item(node_ptr);

        HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

        if (entry_ptr == target_ptr)
            in_slist = TRUE;
            node_ptr = H5SL_next(node_ptr);

    return (in_slist);
} /* H5C__entry_in_skip_list() */

 * Function:    H5C__flush_marked_entries
 * Purpose:     Flushes all marked entries in the cache.
 * Return:      FAIL if error is detected, SUCCEED otherwise.
 * Programmer:  Mike McGreevy
 *              November 3, 2010
 * Changes:     Modified function to setup the slist before calling
 *              H%C_flush_cache(), and take it down afterwards.  Note
 *              that the slist need not be empty after the call to
 *              H5C_flush_cache() since we are only flushing marked
 *              entries.  Thus must set the clear_slist parameter
 *              of H5C_set_slist_enabled to TRUE.
 *                                              JRM -- 5/6/20

H5C__flush_marked_entries(H5F_t *f)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED;


    /* Assertions */
    HDassert(f != NULL);

    /* Enable the slist, as it is needed in the flush */
    if (H5C_set_slist_enabled(f->shared->cache, TRUE, FALSE) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "set slist enabled failed")

    /* Flush all marked entries */

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "Can't flush cache")

    /* Disable the slist.  Set the clear_slist parameter to TRUE
     * since we called H5C_flush_cache() with the
    if (H5C_set_slist_enabled(f->shared->cache, FALSE, TRUE) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "disable slist failed")



} /* H5C__flush_marked_entries */

 * Function:    H5C_cork
 * Purpose:     To cork/uncork/get cork status of an object depending on "action":
 *        H5C__SET_CORK:
 *            To cork the object
 *            Return error if the object is already corked
 *        H5C__UNCORK:
 *            To uncork the obejct
 *            Return error if the object is not corked
 *         H5C__GET_CORKED:
 *            To retrieve the cork status of an object in
 *            the parameter "corked"
 * Return:      Success:        Non-negative
 *              Failure:        Negative
 * Programmer:  Vailin Choi
 *        January 2014
H5C_cork(H5C_t *cache_ptr, haddr_t obj_addr, unsigned action, hbool_t *corked)
    H5C_tag_info_t *tag_info; /* Points to a tag info struct */
    herr_t          ret_value = SUCCEED;


    /* Assertions */
    HDassert(cache_ptr != NULL);
    HDassert(action == H5C__SET_CORK || action == H5C__UNCORK || action == H5C__GET_CORKED);

    /* Search the list of corked object addresses in the cache */
    tag_info = (H5C_tag_info_t *)H5SL_search(cache_ptr->tag_list, &obj_addr);

    if (H5C__GET_CORKED == action) {
        if (tag_info != NULL && tag_info->corked)
            *corked = TRUE;
            *corked = FALSE;
    } /* end if */
    else {
        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(H5C__SET_CORK == action || H5C__UNCORK == action);

        /* Perform appropriate action */
        if (H5C__SET_CORK == action) {
            /* Check if this is the first entry for this tagged object */
            if (NULL == tag_info) {
                /* Allocate new tag info struct */
                if (NULL == (tag_info = H5FL_CALLOC(H5C_tag_info_t)))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "can't allocate tag info for cache entry")

                /* Set the tag for all entries */
                tag_info->tag = obj_addr;

                /* Insert tag info into skip list */
                if (H5SL_insert(cache_ptr->tag_list, tag_info, &(tag_info->tag)) < 0)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTINSERT, FAIL, "can't insert tag info in skip list")
            } /* end if */
            else {
                /* Check for object already corked */
                if (tag_info->corked)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTCORK, FAIL, "object already corked")
                HDassert(tag_info->entry_cnt > 0 && tag_info->head);
            } /* end else */

            /* Set the corked status for the entire object */
            tag_info->corked = TRUE;

        } /* end if */
        else {
            /* Sanity check */

            /* Check for already uncorked */
            if (!tag_info->corked)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTUNCORK, FAIL, "object already uncorked")

            /* Set the corked status for the entire object */
            tag_info->corked = FALSE;

            /* Remove the tag info from the tag list, if there's no more entries with this tag */
            if (0 == tag_info->entry_cnt) {
                /* Sanity check */
                HDassert(NULL == tag_info->head);

                if (H5SL_remove(cache_ptr->tag_list, &(tag_info->tag)) != tag_info)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, FAIL, "can't remove tag info from list")

                /* Release the tag info */
                tag_info = H5FL_FREE(H5C_tag_info_t, tag_info);
            } /* end if */
                HDassert(NULL != tag_info->head);
        } /* end else */
    }     /* end else */

} /* H5C_cork() */

 * Function:    H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty()
 * Purpose:     Recursively propagate the flush_dep_ndirty_children flag
 *              up the dependency chain in response to entry either
 *              becoming dirty or having its flush_dep_ndirty_children
 *              increased from 0.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Neil Fortner
 *              11/13/12
static herr_t
H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty(H5C_cache_entry_t *entry)
    unsigned u;                   /* Local index variable */
    herr_t   ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */

    /* Iterate over the parent entries, if any */
    for (u = 0; u < entry->flush_dep_nparents; u++) {
        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(entry->flush_dep_parent[u]->flush_dep_ndirty_children <

        /* Adjust the parent's number of dirty children */

        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry dirtied' notice */
        if (entry->flush_dep_parent[u]->type->notify &&
                                                       entry->flush_dep_parent[u]) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry dirty flag set")
    } /* end for */

} /* H5C__mark_flush_dep_dirty() */

 * Function:    H5C__mark_flush_dep_clean()
 * Purpose:     Recursively propagate the flush_dep_ndirty_children flag
 *              up the dependency chain in response to entry either
 *              becoming clean or having its flush_dep_ndirty_children
 *              reduced to 0.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Neil Fortner
 *              11/13/12
static herr_t
H5C__mark_flush_dep_clean(H5C_cache_entry_t *entry)
    int    i;                   /* Local index variable */
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */

    /* Iterate over the parent entries, if any */
    /* Note reverse iteration order, in case the callback removes the flush
     *  dependency - QAK, 2017/08/12
    for (i = ((int)entry->flush_dep_nparents) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(entry->flush_dep_parent[i]->flush_dep_ndirty_children > 0);

        /* Adjust the parent's number of dirty children */

        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry cleaned' notice */
        if (entry->flush_dep_parent[i]->type->notify &&
                                                       entry->flush_dep_parent[i]) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry dirty flag reset")
    } /* end for */

} /* H5C__mark_flush_dep_clean() */

 * Function:    H5C__mark_flush_dep_serialized()
 * Purpose:     Decrement the flush_dep_nunser_children fields of all the
 *        target entry's flush dependency parents in response to
 *        the target entry becoming serialized.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              8/30/16
H5C__mark_flush_dep_serialized(H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr)
    int    i;                   /* Local index variable */
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */

    /* Iterate over the parent entries, if any */
    /* Note reverse iteration order, in case the callback removes the flush
     *  dependency - QAK, 2017/08/12
    for (i = ((int)entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        /* Sanity checks */
        HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[i]->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
        HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[i]->flush_dep_nunser_children > 0);

        /* decrement the parents number of unserialized children */

        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry serialized' notice */
        if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[i]->type->notify &&
                                                           entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[i]) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry serialized flag set")
    } /* end for */

} /* H5C__mark_flush_dep_serialized() */

 * Function:    H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized()
 * Purpose:     Increment the flush_dep_nunser_children fields of all the
 *              target entry's flush dependency parents in response to
 *              the target entry becoming unserialized.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              8/30/16
H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized(H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr)
    unsigned u;                   /* Local index variable */
    herr_t   ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */

    /* Iterate over the parent entries, if any */
    for (u = 0; u < entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents; u++) {
        /* Sanity check */
        HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[u]->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
        HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[u]->flush_dep_nunser_children <

        /* increment parents number of usserialized children */

        /* If the parent has a 'notify' callback, send a 'child entry unserialized' notice */
        if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[u]->type->notify &&
                                                           entry_ptr->flush_dep_parent[u]) < 0)
                        "can't notify parent about child entry serialized flag reset")
    } /* end for */

} /* H5C__mark_flush_dep_unserialized() */

#ifndef NDEBUG
 * Function:    H5C__assert_flush_dep_nocycle()
 * Purpose:     Assert recursively that base_entry is not the same as
 *              entry, and perform the same assertion on all of entry's
 *              flush dependency parents.  This is used to detect cycles
 *              created by flush dependencies.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  Neil Fortner
 *              12/10/12
static void
H5C__assert_flush_dep_nocycle(const H5C_cache_entry_t *entry, const H5C_cache_entry_t *base_entry)
    unsigned u; /* Local index variable */


    /* Sanity checks */

    /* Make sure the entries are not the same */
    HDassert(base_entry != entry);

    /* Iterate over entry's parents (if any) */
    for (u = 0; u < entry->flush_dep_nparents; u++)
        H5C__assert_flush_dep_nocycle(entry->flush_dep_parent[u], base_entry);

} /* H5C__assert_flush_dep_nocycle() */
#endif /* NDEBUG */

 * Function:    H5C__serialize_cache
 * Purpose:    Serialize (i.e. construct an on disk image) for all entries
 *        in the metadata cache including clean entries.
 *        Note that flush dependencies and "flush me last" flags
 *        must be observed in the serialization process.
 *        Note also that entries may be loaded, flushed, evicted,
 *        expunged, relocated, resized, or removed from the cache
 *        during this process, just as these actions may occur during
 *        a regular flush.
 *        However, we are given that the cache will contain no protected
 *        entries on entry to this routine (although entries may be
 *        briefly protected and then unprotected during the serialize
 *        process).
 *        The objective of this routine is serialize all entries and
 *        to force all entries into their actual locations on disk.
 *        The initial need for this routine is to settle all entries
 *        in the cache prior to construction of the metadata cache
 *        image so that the size of the cache image can be calculated.
 *        However, I gather that other uses for the routine are
 *        under consideration.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *        a request to flush all items and something was protected.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *        7/22/15
H5C__serialize_cache(H5F_t *f)
    int      i;
    uint32_t index_len        = 0;
    size_t   index_size       = (size_t)0;
    size_t   clean_index_size = (size_t)0;
    size_t   dirty_index_size = (size_t)0;
    size_t   slist_size       = (size_t)0;
    uint32_t slist_len        = 0;
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */
    H5C_ring_t ring;
    H5C_t *    cache_ptr;
    herr_t     ret_value = SUCCEED;


    /* Sanity checks */
    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_len[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == 0);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[H5C_RING_UNDEFINED] == (size_t)0);

    for (i = H5C_RING_USER; i < H5C_RING_NTYPES; i++) {
        index_len += cache_ptr->index_ring_len[i];
        index_size += cache_ptr->index_ring_size[i];
        clean_index_size += cache_ptr->clean_index_ring_size[i];
        dirty_index_size += cache_ptr->dirty_index_ring_size[i];

        slist_len += cache_ptr->slist_ring_len[i];
        slist_size += cache_ptr->slist_ring_size[i];
    } /* end for */

    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_len == index_len);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->index_size == index_size);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->clean_index_size == clean_index_size);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->dirty_index_size == dirty_index_size);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_len == slist_len);
    HDassert(cache_ptr->slist_size == slist_size);
#endif /* H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS */

    if ((H5C__validate_protected_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) ||
        (H5C__validate_pinned_entry_list(cache_ptr) < 0) || (H5C__validate_lru_list(cache_ptr) < 0))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "an extreme sanity check failed on entry")

#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* if this is a debug build, set the serialization_count field of
     * each entry in the cache to zero before we start the serialization.
     * This allows us to detect the case in which any entry is serialized
     * more than once (a performance issues), and more importantly, the
     * case is which any flush depencency parent is serializes more than
     * once (a correctness issue).
        H5C_cache_entry_t *scan_ptr = NULL;

        scan_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;
        while (scan_ptr != NULL) {
            HDassert(scan_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            scan_ptr->serialization_count = 0;
            scan_ptr                      = scan_ptr->il_next;
        } /* end while */
    }     /* end block */
#endif    /* NDEBUG */

    /* set cache_ptr->serialization_in_progress to TRUE, and back
     * to FALSE at the end of the function.  Must maintain this flag
     * to support H5C_get_serialization_in_progress(), which is in
     * turn required to support sanity checking in some cache
     * clients.
    cache_ptr->serialization_in_progress = TRUE;

    /* Serialize each ring, starting from the outermost ring and
     * working inward.
    ring = H5C_RING_USER;
    while (ring < H5C_RING_NTYPES) {
        switch (ring) {
            case H5C_RING_USER:

            case H5C_RING_RDFSM:
                /* Settle raw data FSM */
                if (!cache_ptr->rdfsm_settled)
                    if (H5MF_settle_raw_data_fsm(f, &cache_ptr->rdfsm_settled) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "RD FSM settle failed")

            case H5C_RING_MDFSM:
                /* Settle metadata FSM */
                if (!cache_ptr->mdfsm_settled)
                    if (H5MF_settle_meta_data_fsm(f, &cache_ptr->mdfsm_settled) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "MD FSM settle failed")

            case H5C_RING_SBE:
            case H5C_RING_SB:

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Unknown ring?!?!")
        } /* end switch */

        if (H5C__serialize_ring(f, ring) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, FAIL, "serialize ring failed")

    } /* end while */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    /* Verify that no entry has been serialized more than once.
     * FD parents with multiple serializations should have been caught
     * elsewhere, so no specific check for them here.
        H5C_cache_entry_t *scan_ptr = NULL;

        scan_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;
        while (scan_ptr != NULL) {
            HDassert(scan_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
            HDassert(scan_ptr->serialization_count <= 1);

            scan_ptr = scan_ptr->il_next;
        } /* end while */
    }     /* end block */
#endif    /* NDEBUG */

    cache_ptr->serialization_in_progress = FALSE;
} /* H5C__serialize_cache() */

 * Function:    H5C__serialize_ring
 * Purpose:     Serialize the entries contained in the specified cache and
 *              ring.  All entries in rings outside the specified ring
 *              must have been serialized on entry.
 *              If the cache contains protected entries in the specified
 *              ring, the function will fail, as protected entries cannot
 *              be serialized.  However all unprotected entries in the
 *        target ring should be serialized before the function
 *        returns failure.
 *              If flush dependencies appear in the target ring, the
 *              function makes repeated passes through the index list
 *        serializing entries in flush dependency order.
 *        All entries outside the H5C_RING_SBE are marked for
 *        inclusion in the cache image.  Entries in H5C_RING_SBE
 *        and below are marked for exclusion from the image.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure or if there was
 *              a request to flush all items and something was protected.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              9/11/15
static herr_t
H5C__serialize_ring(H5F_t *f, H5C_ring_t ring)
    hbool_t            done = FALSE;
    H5C_t *            cache_ptr;
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr;
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED;


    /* Sanity checks */
    cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(ring > H5C_RING_UNDEFINED);
    HDassert(ring < H5C_RING_NTYPES);


    /* The objective here is to serialize all entries in the cache ring
     * in flush dependency order.
     * The basic algorithm is to scan the cache index list looking for
     * unserialized entries that are either not in a flush dependency
     * relationship, or which have no unserialized children.  Any such
     * entry is serialized and its flush dependency parents (if any) are
     * informed -- allowing them to decrement their userialized child counts.
     * However, this algorithm is complicated by the ability
     * of client serialization callbacks to perform operations on
     * on the cache which can result in the insertion, deletion,
     * relocation, resize, dirty, flush, eviction, or removal (via the
     * take ownership flag) of entries.  Changes in the flush dependency
     * structure are also possible.
     * On the other hand, the algorithm is simplified by the fact that
     * we are serializing, not flushing.  Thus, as long as all entries
     * are serialized correctly, it doesn't matter if we have to go back
     * and serialize an entry a second time.
     * These possible actions result in the following modfications to
     * tha basic algorithm:
     * 1) In the event of an entry expunge, eviction or removal, we must
     *    restart the scan as it is possible that the next entry in our
     *    scan is no longer in the cache.  Were we to examine this entry,
     *    we would be accessing deallocated memory.
     * 2) A resize, dirty, or insertion of an entry may result in the
     *    the increment of a flush dependency parent's dirty and/or
     *    unserialized child count.  In the context of serializing the
     *    the cache, this is a non-issue, as even if we have already
     *    serialized the parent, it will be marked dirty and its image
     *    marked out of date if appropriate when the child is serialized.
     *    However, this is a major issue for a flush, as were this to happen
     *    in a flush, it would violate the invariant that the flush dependency
     *    feature is intended to enforce.  As the metadata cache has no
     *    control over the behavior of cache clients, it has no way of
     *    preventing this behaviour.  However, it should detect it if at all
     *    possible.
     *    Do this by maintaining a count of the number of times each entry is
     *    serialized during a cache serialization.  If any flush dependency
     *    parent is serialized more than once, throw an assertion failure.
     * 3) An entry relocation will typically change the location of the
     *    entry in the index list.  This shouldn't cause problems as we
     *    will scan the index list until we make a complete pass without
     *    finding anything to serialize -- making relocations of either
     *    the current or next entries irrelevant.
     *    Note that since a relocation may result in our skipping part of
     *    the index list, we must always do at least one more pass through
     *    the index list after an entry relocation.
     * 4) Changes in the flush dependency structure are possible on
     *    entry insertion, load, expunge, evict, or remove.  Destruction
     *    of a flush dependency has no effect, as it can only relax the
     *    flush dependencies.  Creation of a flush dependency can create
     *    an unserialized child of a flush dependency parent where all
     *    flush dependency children were previously serialized.  Should
     *    this child dirty the flush dependency parent when it is serialized,
     *    the parent will be re-serialized.
     *    Per the discussion of 2) above, this is a non issue for cache
     *    serialization, and a major problem for cache flush.  Using the
     *    same detection mechanism, throw an assertion failure if this
     *    condition appears.
     * Observe that either eviction or removal of entries as a result of
     * a serialization is not a problem as long as the flush depencency
     * tree does not change beyond the removal of a leaf.
    while (!done) {
        /* Reset the counters so that we can detect insertions, loads,
         * moves, and flush dependency height changes caused by the pre_serialize
         * and serialize callbacks.
        cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter    = 0;
        cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter  = 0;
        cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter = 0;

        done      = TRUE; /* set to FALSE if any activity in inner loop */
        entry_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;
        while (entry_ptr != NULL) {
            HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

            /* Verify that either the entry is already serialized, or
             * that it is assigned to either the target or an inner
             * ring.
            HDassert((entry_ptr->ring >= ring) || (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date));

            /* Skip flush me last entries or inner ring entries */
            if (!entry_ptr->flush_me_last && entry_ptr->ring == ring) {

                /* if we encounter an unserialized entry in the current
                 * ring that is not marked flush me last, we are not done.
                if (!entry_ptr->image_up_to_date)
                    done = FALSE;

                /* Serialize the entry if its image is not up to date
                 * and it has no unserialized flush dependency children.
                if (!entry_ptr->image_up_to_date && entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children == 0) {
                    HDassert(entry_ptr->serialization_count == 0);

                    /* Serialize the entry */
                    if (H5C__serialize_single_entry(f, cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, FAIL, "entry serialization failed")

                    HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children == 0);
                    HDassert(entry_ptr->serialization_count == 0);

#ifndef NDEBUG
                    /* Increment serialization counter (to detect multiple serializations) */
#endif            /* NDEBUG */
                } /* end if */
            }     /* end if */

            /* Check for the cache being perturbed during the entry serialize */
            if ((cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter > 0) || (cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter > 0) ||
                (cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter > 0)) {


                /* Reset the counters */
                cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter    = 0;
                cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter  = 0;
                cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter = 0;

                /* Restart scan */
                entry_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;
            } /* end if */
                /* Advance to next entry */
                entry_ptr = entry_ptr->il_next;
        } /* while ( entry_ptr != NULL ) */
    }     /* while ( ! done ) */

    /* Reset the counters so that we can detect insertions, loads,
     * moves, and flush dependency height changes caused by the pre_serialize
     * and serialize callbacks.
    cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter    = 0;
    cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter  = 0;
    cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter = 0;

    /* At this point, all entries not marked "flush me last" and in
     * the current ring or outside it should be serialized and have up
     * to date images.  Scan the index list again to serialize the
     * "flush me last" entries (if they are in the current ring) and to
     * verify that all other entries have up to date images.
    entry_ptr = cache_ptr->il_head;
    while (entry_ptr != NULL) {
        HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);
        HDassert(entry_ptr->ring > H5C_RING_UNDEFINED);
        HDassert(entry_ptr->ring < H5C_RING_NTYPES);
        HDassert((entry_ptr->ring >= ring) || (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date));

        if (entry_ptr->ring == ring) {
            if (entry_ptr->flush_me_last) {
                if (!entry_ptr->image_up_to_date) {
                    HDassert(entry_ptr->serialization_count == 0);
                    HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children == 0);

                    /* Serialize the entry */
                    if (H5C__serialize_single_entry(f, cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, FAIL, "entry serialization failed")

                    /* Check for the cache changing */
                    if ((cache_ptr->entries_loaded_counter > 0) ||
                        (cache_ptr->entries_inserted_counter > 0) ||
                        (cache_ptr->entries_relocated_counter > 0))
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL,
                                    "flush_me_last entry serialization triggered restart")

                    HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children == 0);
                    HDassert(entry_ptr->serialization_count == 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
                    /* Increment serialization counter (to detect multiple serializations) */
#endif            /* NDEBUG */
                } /* end if */
            }     /* end if */
            else {
                HDassert(entry_ptr->serialization_count <= 1);
                HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children == 0);
            } /* end else */
        }     /* if ( entry_ptr->ring == ring ) */

        entry_ptr = entry_ptr->il_next;
    } /* while ( entry_ptr != NULL ) */

} /* H5C__serialize_ring() */

 * Function:    H5C__serialize_single_entry
 * Purpose:     Serialize the cache entry pointed to by the entry_ptr
 *        parameter.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer, 7/24/15
static herr_t
H5C__serialize_single_entry(H5F_t *f, H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr)
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

    /* Set entry_ptr->flush_in_progress to TRUE so the the target entry
     * will not be evicted out from under us.  Must set it back to FALSE
     * when we are done.
    entry_ptr->flush_in_progress = TRUE;

    /* Allocate buffer for the entry image if required. */
    if (NULL == entry_ptr->image_ptr) {
        HDassert(entry_ptr->size > 0);
        if (NULL == (entry_ptr->image_ptr = H5MM_malloc(entry_ptr->size + H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for on disk image buffer")
        H5MM_memcpy(((uint8_t *)entry_ptr->image_ptr) + image_size, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE,
    }  /* end if */

    /* Generate image for entry */
    if (H5C__generate_image(f, cache_ptr, entry_ptr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, FAIL, "Can't generate image for cache entry")

    /* Reset the flush_in progress flag */
    entry_ptr->flush_in_progress = FALSE;

    HDassert((ret_value != SUCCEED) || (!entry_ptr->flush_in_progress));
    HDassert((ret_value != SUCCEED) || (entry_ptr->image_up_to_date));
} /* H5C__serialize_single_entry() */

 * Function:    H5C__generate_image
 * Purpose:     Serialize an entry and generate its image.
 * Note:        This may cause the entry to be re-sized and/or moved in
 *              the cache.
 *              As we will not update the metadata cache's data structures
 *              until we we finish the write, we must touch up these
 *              data structures for size and location changes even if we
 *              are about to delete the entry from the cache (i.e. on a
 *              flush destroy).
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Mohamad Chaarawi
 *              2/10/16
 * Changes:     Updated sanity checks for the possibility that the skip
 *              list is disabled.
 *                                        JRM 5/16/20
static herr_t
H5C__generate_image(H5F_t *f, H5C_t *cache_ptr, H5C_cache_entry_t *entry_ptr)
    haddr_t  new_addr        = HADDR_UNDEF;
    haddr_t  old_addr        = HADDR_UNDEF;
    size_t   new_len         = 0;
    unsigned serialize_flags = H5C__SERIALIZE_NO_FLAGS_SET;
    herr_t   ret_value       = SUCCEED;


    /* Sanity check */
    HDassert(cache_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);
    HDassert(entry_ptr->magic == H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_MAGIC);

    /* make note of the entry's current address */
    old_addr = entry_ptr->addr;

    /* Call client's pre-serialize callback, if there's one */
    if ((entry_ptr->type->pre_serialize) &&
        ((entry_ptr->type->pre_serialize)(f, (void *)entry_ptr, entry_ptr->addr, entry_ptr->size, &new_addr,
                                          &new_len, &serialize_flags) < 0))

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to pre-serialize entry")

    /* Check for any flags set in the pre-serialize callback */
    if (serialize_flags != H5C__SERIALIZE_NO_FLAGS_SET) {

        /* Check for unexpected flags from serialize callback */
        if (serialize_flags & ~(H5C__SERIALIZE_RESIZED_FLAG | H5C__SERIALIZE_MOVED_FLAG))

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unknown serialize flag(s)")

        /* In the parallel case, resizes and moves in
         * the serialize operation can cause problems.
         * If they occur, scream and die.
         * At present, in the parallel case, the aux_ptr
         * will only be set if there is more than one
         * process.  Thus we can use this to detect
         * the parallel case.
         * This works for now, but if we start using the
         * aux_ptr for other purposes, we will have to
         * change this test accordingly.
         * NB: While this test detects entryies that attempt
         *     to resize or move themselves during a flush
         *     in the parallel case, it will not detect an
         *     entry that dirties, resizes, and/or moves
         *     other entries during its flush.
         *     From what Quincey tells me, this test is
         *     sufficient for now, as any flush routine that
         *     does the latter will also do the former.
         *     If that ceases to be the case, further
         *     tests will be necessary.
        if (cache_ptr->aux_ptr != NULL)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "resize/move in serialize occurred in parallel case")

        /* If required, resize the buffer and update the entry and the cache
         * data structures
        if (serialize_flags & H5C__SERIALIZE_RESIZED_FLAG) {

            /* Sanity check */
            HDassert(new_len > 0);

            /* Allocate a new image buffer */
            if (NULL ==
                (entry_ptr->image_ptr = H5MM_realloc(entry_ptr->image_ptr, new_len + H5C_IMAGE_EXTRA_SPACE)))

                            "memory allocation failed for on disk image buffer")

            H5MM_memcpy(((uint8_t *)entry_ptr->image_ptr) + new_len, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE,

            /* Update statistics for resizing the entry */
            H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_ENTRY_SIZE_CHANGE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, new_len);

            /* Update the hash table for the size change */
            H5C__UPDATE_INDEX_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr->size, new_len, entry_ptr,

            /* The entry can't be protected since we are in the process of
             * flushing it.  Thus we must update the replacement policy data
             * structures for the size change.  The macro deals with the pinned
             * case.
            H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, new_len);

            /* As we haven't updated the cache data structures for
             * for the flush or flush destroy yet, the entry should
             * be in the slist if the slist is enabled.  Since
             * H5C__UPDATE_SLIST_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE() is a no-op if the
             * slist is enabled, call it un-conditionally.
            HDassert((entry_ptr->in_slist) || (!cache_ptr->slist_enabled));

            H5C__UPDATE_SLIST_FOR_SIZE_CHANGE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr->size, new_len);

            /* Finally, update the entry for its new size */
            entry_ptr->size = new_len;

        } /* end if */

        /* If required, udate the entry and the cache data structures
         * for a move
        if (serialize_flags & H5C__SERIALIZE_MOVED_FLAG) {

            /* Update stats and entries relocated counter */
            H5C__UPDATE_STATS_FOR_MOVE(cache_ptr, entry_ptr)

            /* We must update cache data structures for the change in address */
            if (entry_ptr->addr == old_addr) {

                /* Delete the entry from the hash table and the slist */
                H5C__DELETE_FROM_INDEX(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL);
                H5C__REMOVE_ENTRY_FROM_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FALSE);

                /* Update the entry for its new address */
                entry_ptr->addr = new_addr;

                /* And then reinsert in the index and slist */
                H5C__INSERT_IN_INDEX(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL);
                H5C__INSERT_ENTRY_IN_SLIST(cache_ptr, entry_ptr, FAIL);

            }      /* end if */
            else { /* move is already done for us -- just do sanity checks */

                HDassert(entry_ptr->addr == new_addr);
        } /* end if */
    }     /* end if(serialize_flags != H5C__SERIALIZE_NO_FLAGS_SET) */

    /* Serialize object into buffer */
    if (entry_ptr->type->serialize(f, entry_ptr->image_ptr, entry_ptr->size, (void *)entry_ptr) < 0)

        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "unable to serialize entry")

    HDassert(0 == HDmemcmp(((uint8_t *)entry_ptr->image_ptr) + entry_ptr->size, H5C_IMAGE_SANITY_VALUE,

    entry_ptr->image_up_to_date = TRUE;

    /* Propagate the fact that the entry is serialized up the
     * flush dependency chain if appropriate.  Since the image must
     * have been out of date for this function to have been called
     * (see assertion on entry), no need to check that -- only check
     * for flush dependency parents.
    HDassert(entry_ptr->flush_dep_nunser_children == 0);

    if (entry_ptr->flush_dep_nparents > 0) {

        if (H5C__mark_flush_dep_serialized(entry_ptr) < 0)

            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "Can't propagate serialization status to fd parents")

} /* H5C__generate_image */

 * Function:    H5C_remove_entry
 * Purpose:     Remove an entry from the cache.  Must be not protected, pinned,
 *        dirty, involved in flush dependencies, etc.
 * Return:      Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Quincey Koziol
 *              September 17, 2016
H5C_remove_entry(void *_entry)
    H5C_cache_entry_t *entry = (H5C_cache_entry_t *)_entry; /* Entry to remove */
    H5C_t *            cache;                               /* Cache for file */
    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED;                 /* Return value */


    /* Sanity checks */
    HDassert(entry->ring != H5C_RING_UNDEFINED);
    cache = entry->cache_ptr;
    HDassert(cache->magic == H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC);

    /* Check for error conditions */
    if (entry->is_dirty)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, FAIL, "can't remove dirty entry from cache")
    if (entry->is_protected)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, FAIL, "can't remove protected entry from cache")
    if (entry->is_pinned)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, FAIL, "can't remove pinned entry from cache")
    /* NOTE: If these two errors are getting tripped because the entry is
     *          in a flush dependency with a freedspace entry, move the checks
     *          after the "before evict" message is sent, and add the
     *          "child being evicted" message to the "before evict" notify
     *          section below.  QAK - 2017/08/03
    if (entry->flush_dep_nparents > 0)
                    "can't remove entry with flush dependency parents from cache")
    if (entry->flush_dep_nchildren > 0)
                    "can't remove entry with flush dependency children from cache")

    /* Additional internal cache consistency checks */

    /* Note that the algorithm below is (very) similar to the set of operations
     * in H5C__flush_single_entry() and should be kept in sync with changes
     * to that code. - QAK, 2016/11/30

    /* Update stats, as if we are "destroying" and taking ownership of the entry */

    /* If the entry's type has a 'notify' callback, send a 'before eviction'
     * notice while the entry is still fully integrated in the cache.
    if (entry->type->notify && (entry->type->notify)(H5C_NOTIFY_ACTION_BEFORE_EVICT, entry) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTNOTIFY, FAIL, "can't notify client about entry to evict")

    /* Update the cache internal data structures as appropriate for a destroy.
     * Specifically:
     *    1) Delete it from the index
     *    2) Delete it from the collective read access list
     *    3) Update the replacement policy for eviction
     *    4) Remove it from the tag list for this object

    H5C__DELETE_FROM_INDEX(cache, entry, FAIL)

    /* Check for collective read access flag */
    if (entry->coll_access) {
        entry->coll_access = FALSE;
        H5C__REMOVE_FROM_COLL_LIST(cache, entry, FAIL)
    }  /* end if */
#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */

    H5C__UPDATE_RP_FOR_EVICTION(cache, entry, FAIL)

    /* Remove entry from tag list */
    if (H5C__untag_entry(cache, entry) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_CANTREMOVE, FAIL, "can't remove entry from tag list")

    /* Increment entries_removed_counter and set last_entry_removed_ptr.
     * As we me be about to free the entry, recall that last_entry_removed_ptr
     * must NEVER be dereferenced.
     * Recall that these fields are maintained to allow functions that perform
     * scans of lists of entries to detect the unexpected removal of entries
     * (via expunge, eviction, or take ownership at present), so that they can
     * re-start their scans if necessary.
     * Also check if the entry we are watching for removal is being
     * removed (usually the 'next' entry for an iteration) and reset
     * it to indicate that it was removed.
    cache->last_entry_removed_ptr = entry;
    if (entry == cache->entry_watched_for_removal)
        cache->entry_watched_for_removal = NULL;

    /* Internal cache data structures should now be up to date, and
     * consistent with the status of the entry.
     * Now clean up internal cache fields if appropriate.

    /* Free the buffer for the on disk image */
    if (entry->image_ptr != NULL)
        entry->image_ptr = H5MM_xfree(entry->image_ptr);

    /* Reset the pointer to the cache the entry is within */
    entry->cache_ptr = NULL;

    /* Client is taking ownership of the entry.  Set bad magic here so the
     * cache will choke unless the entry is re-inserted properly
    entry->magic = H5C__H5C_CACHE_ENTRY_T_BAD_MAGIC;

} /* H5C__remove_entry() */