/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the * * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and * * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at * * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * Programmer: Quincey Koziol <koziol@ncsa.uiuc.edu> * Thursday, September 30, 2004 */ /****************/ /* Module Setup */ /****************/ #define H5D_PACKAGE /*suppress error about including H5Dpkg */ /***********/ /* Headers */ /***********/ #include "H5private.h" /* Generic Functions */ #include "H5Dpkg.h" /* Datasets */ #include "H5Eprivate.h" /* Error handling */ #include "H5Fprivate.h" /* Files */ /****************/ /* Local Macros */ /****************/ /******************/ /* Local Typedefs */ /******************/ /********************/ /* Local Prototypes */ /********************/ static herr_t H5D_efl_read (const H5O_efl_t *efl, haddr_t addr, size_t size, uint8_t *buf); static herr_t H5D_efl_write(const H5O_efl_t *efl, haddr_t addr, size_t size, const uint8_t *buf); /*********************/ /* Package Variables */ /*********************/ /*******************/ /* Local Variables */ /*******************/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_efl_read * * Purpose: Reads data from an external file list. It is an error to * read past the logical end of file, but reading past the end * of any particular member of the external file list results in * zeros. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Wednesday, March 4, 1998 * * Modifications: * Robb Matzke, 1999-07-28 * The ADDR argument is passed by value. *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_efl_read (const H5O_efl_t *efl, haddr_t addr, size_t size, uint8_t *buf) { int fd=-1; size_t to_read; #ifndef NDEBUG hsize_t tempto_read; #endif /* NDEBUG */ hsize_t skip=0; haddr_t cur; ssize_t n; size_t u; /* Local index variable */ herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_efl_read) /* Check args */ assert (efl && efl->nused>0); assert (H5F_addr_defined (addr)); assert (size < SIZET_MAX); assert (buf || 0==size); /* Find the first efl member from which to read */ for (u=0, cur=0; u<efl->nused; u++) { if (H5O_EFL_UNLIMITED==efl->slot[u].size || addr < cur+efl->slot[u].size) { skip = addr - cur; break; } cur += efl->slot[u].size; } /* Read the data */ while (size) { assert(buf); if (u>=efl->nused) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_OVERFLOW, FAIL, "read past logical end of file") if (H5F_OVERFLOW_HSIZET2OFFT (efl->slot[u].offset+skip)) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_OVERFLOW, FAIL, "external file address overflowed") if ((fd=HDopen (efl->slot[u].name, O_RDONLY, 0))<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "unable to open external raw data file") if (HDlseek (fd, (off_t)(efl->slot[u].offset+skip), SEEK_SET)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_SEEKERROR, FAIL, "unable to seek in external raw data file") #ifndef NDEBUG tempto_read = MIN(efl->slot[u].size-skip,(hsize_t)size); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(tempto_read,hsize_t,size_t); to_read = (size_t)tempto_read; #else /* NDEBUG */ to_read = MIN((size_t)(efl->slot[u].size-skip), size); #endif /* NDEBUG */ if ((n=HDread (fd, buf, to_read))<0) { HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "read error in external raw data file") } else if ((size_t)n<to_read) { HDmemset (buf+n, 0, to_read-n); } HDclose (fd); fd = -1; size -= to_read; buf += to_read; skip = 0; u++; } done: if (fd>=0) HDclose (fd); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_efl_write * * Purpose: Writes data to an external file list. It is an error to * write past the logical end of file, but writing past the end * of any particular member of the external file list just * extends that file. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Wednesday, March 4, 1998 * * Modifications: * Robb Matzke, 1999-07-28 * The ADDR argument is passed by value. *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_efl_write (const H5O_efl_t *efl, haddr_t addr, size_t size, const uint8_t *buf) { int fd=-1; size_t to_write; #ifndef NDEBUG hsize_t tempto_write; #endif /* NDEBUG */ haddr_t cur; hsize_t skip=0; size_t u; /* Local index variable */ herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_efl_write) /* Check args */ assert (efl && efl->nused>0); assert (H5F_addr_defined (addr)); assert (size < SIZET_MAX); assert (buf || 0==size); /* Find the first efl member in which to write */ for (u=0, cur=0; u<efl->nused; u++) { if (H5O_EFL_UNLIMITED==efl->slot[u].size || addr < cur+efl->slot[u].size) { skip = addr - cur; break; } cur += efl->slot[u].size; } /* Write the data */ while (size) { assert(buf); if (u>=efl->nused) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_OVERFLOW, FAIL, "write past logical end of file") if (H5F_OVERFLOW_HSIZET2OFFT (efl->slot[u].offset+skip)) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_OVERFLOW, FAIL, "external file address overflowed") if ((fd=HDopen (efl->slot[u].name, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666))<0) { if (HDaccess (efl->slot[u].name, F_OK)<0) { HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "external raw data file does not exist") } else { HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "unable to open external raw data file") } } if (HDlseek (fd, (off_t)(efl->slot[u].offset+skip), SEEK_SET)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_SEEKERROR, FAIL, "unable to seek in external raw data file") #ifndef NDEBUG tempto_write = MIN(efl->slot[u].size-skip,(hsize_t)size); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(tempto_write,hsize_t,size_t); to_write = (size_t)tempto_write; #else /* NDEBUG */ to_write = MIN((size_t)(efl->slot[u].size-skip), size); #endif /* NDEBUG */ if ((size_t)HDwrite (fd, buf, to_write)!=to_write) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_EFL, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "write error in external raw data file") HDclose (fd); fd = -1; size -= to_write; buf += to_write; skip = 0; u++; } done: if (fd>=0) HDclose (fd); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_efl_readvv * * Purpose: Reads data from an external file list. It is an error to * read past the logical end of file, but reading past the end * of any particular member of the external file list results in * zeros. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Wednesday, May 7, 2003 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ssize_t H5D_efl_readvv(const H5D_io_info_t *io_info, size_t dset_max_nseq, size_t *dset_curr_seq, size_t dset_len_arr[], hsize_t dset_offset_arr[], size_t mem_max_nseq, size_t *mem_curr_seq, size_t mem_len_arr[], hsize_t mem_offset_arr[], void *_buf) { const H5O_efl_t *efl=&(io_info->store->efl); /* Pointer to efl info */ unsigned char *buf; /* Pointer to buffer to write */ haddr_t addr; /* Actual address to read */ size_t total_size=0; /* Total size of sequence in bytes */ size_t size; /* Size of sequence in bytes */ size_t u; /* Counting variable */ size_t v; /* Counting variable */ ssize_t ret_value; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5D_efl_readvv, FAIL) /* Check args */ assert (efl && efl->nused>0); assert (_buf); /* Work through all the sequences */ for(u=*dset_curr_seq, v=*mem_curr_seq; u<dset_max_nseq && v<mem_max_nseq; ) { /* Choose smallest buffer to write */ if(mem_len_arr[v]<dset_len_arr[u]) size=mem_len_arr[v]; else size=dset_len_arr[u]; /* Compute offset on disk */ addr=dset_offset_arr[u]; /* Compute offset in memory */ buf = (unsigned char *)_buf + mem_offset_arr[v]; /* Read data */ if (H5D_efl_read(efl, addr, size, buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "block write failed") /* Update memory information */ mem_len_arr[v]-=size; mem_offset_arr[v]+=size; if(mem_len_arr[v]==0) v++; /* Update file information */ dset_len_arr[u]-=size; dset_offset_arr[u]+=size; if(dset_len_arr[u]==0) u++; /* Increment number of bytes copied */ total_size+=size; } /* end for */ /* Update current sequence vectors */ *dset_curr_seq=u; *mem_curr_seq=v; /* Set return value */ H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(ret_value,total_size,size_t,ssize_t); done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_efl_readvv() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_efl_writevv * * Purpose: Writes data to an external file list. It is an error to * write past the logical end of file, but writing past the end * of any particular member of the external file list just * extends that file. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Friday, May 2, 2003 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ssize_t H5D_efl_writevv(const H5D_io_info_t *io_info, size_t dset_max_nseq, size_t *dset_curr_seq, size_t dset_len_arr[], hsize_t dset_offset_arr[], size_t mem_max_nseq, size_t *mem_curr_seq, size_t mem_len_arr[], hsize_t mem_offset_arr[], const void *_buf) { const H5O_efl_t *efl=&(io_info->store->efl); /* Pointer to efl info */ const unsigned char *buf; /* Pointer to buffer to write */ haddr_t addr; /* Actual address to read */ size_t total_size=0; /* Total size of sequence in bytes */ size_t size; /* Size of sequence in bytes */ size_t u; /* Counting variable */ size_t v; /* Counting variable */ ssize_t ret_value; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5D_efl_writevv, FAIL) /* Check args */ assert (efl && efl->nused>0); assert (_buf); /* Work through all the sequences */ for(u=*dset_curr_seq, v=*mem_curr_seq; u<dset_max_nseq && v<mem_max_nseq; ) { /* Choose smallest buffer to write */ if(mem_len_arr[v]<dset_len_arr[u]) size=mem_len_arr[v]; else size=dset_len_arr[u]; /* Compute offset on disk */ addr=dset_offset_arr[u]; /* Compute offset in memory */ buf = (const unsigned char *)_buf + mem_offset_arr[v]; /* Write data */ if (H5D_efl_write(efl, addr, size, buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "block write failed") /* Update memory information */ mem_len_arr[v]-=size; mem_offset_arr[v]+=size; if(mem_len_arr[v]==0) v++; /* Update file information */ dset_len_arr[u]-=size; dset_offset_arr[u]+=size; if(dset_len_arr[u]==0) u++; /* Increment number of bytes copied */ total_size+=size; } /* end for */ /* Update current sequence vectors */ *dset_curr_seq=u; *mem_curr_seq=v; /* Set return value */ H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(ret_value,total_size,size_t,ssize_t); done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_efl_writevv() */