/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the * * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and * * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at * * http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #define H5D_PACKAGE /*suppress error about including H5Dpkg */ #include "H5private.h" /* Generic Functions */ #include "H5Dpkg.h" /* Dataset functions */ #include "H5Eprivate.h" /* Error handling */ #include "H5FLprivate.h" /* Free Lists */ #include "H5Iprivate.h" /* IDs */ #include "H5MMprivate.h" /* Memory management */ #include "H5Sprivate.h" /* Dataspace functions */ #include "H5SLprivate.h" /* Skip lists */ #include "H5Vprivate.h" /* Vector and array functions */ /*#define H5D_DEBUG*/ #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Remove this if H5R_DATASET_REGION is no longer used in this file */ # include "H5Rpublic.h" #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/ /* Local macros */ #define H5D_DEFAULT_SKIPLIST_HEIGHT 8 /* Local typedefs */ /* Information for mapping between file space and memory space */ /* Structure holding information about a chunk's selection for mapping */ typedef struct H5D_chunk_info_t { hsize_t index; /* "Index" of chunk in dataset */ size_t chunk_points; /* Number of elements selected in chunk */ H5S_t *fspace; /* Dataspace describing chunk & selection in it */ hsize_t coords[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Coordinates of chunk in file dataset's dataspace */ H5S_t *mspace; /* Dataspace describing selection in memory corresponding to this chunk */ unsigned mspace_shared; /* Indicate that the memory space for a chunk is shared and shouldn't be freed */ } H5D_chunk_info_t; /* Main structure holding the mapping between file chunks and memory */ typedef struct fm_map { H5SL_t *fsel; /* Skip list containing file dataspaces for all chunks */ hsize_t last_index; /* Index of last chunk operated on */ H5D_chunk_info_t *last_chunk_info; /* Pointer to last chunk's info */ const H5S_t *file_space; /* Pointer to the file dataspace */ const H5S_t *mem_space; /* Pointer to the memory dataspace */ unsigned mem_space_copy; /* Flag to indicate that the memory dataspace must be copied */ hsize_t f_dims[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* File dataspace dimensions */ H5S_t *mchunk_tmpl; /* Dataspace template for new memory chunks */ unsigned f_ndims; /* Number of dimensions for file dataspace */ H5S_sel_iter_t mem_iter; /* Iterator for elements in memory selection */ unsigned m_ndims; /* Number of dimensions for memory dataspace */ hsize_t chunks[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Number of chunks in each dimension */ hsize_t chunk_dim[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Size of chunk in each dimension */ hsize_t down_chunks[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* "down" size of number of chunks in each dimension */ H5O_layout_t *layout; /* Dataset layout information*/ H5S_sel_type msel_type; /* Selection type in memory */ } fm_map; /* Local functions */ static herr_t H5D_fill(const void *fill, const H5T_t *fill_type, void *buf, const H5T_t *buf_type, const H5S_t *space, hid_t dxpl_id); static herr_t H5D_read(H5D_t *dataset, hid_t mem_type_id, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, hid_t dset_xfer_plist, void *buf/*out*/); static herr_t H5D_write(H5D_t *dataset, hid_t mem_type_id, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, hid_t dset_xfer_plist, const void *buf); static herr_t H5D_contig_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, void *buf/*out*/); static herr_t H5D_contig_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, const void *buf); static herr_t H5D_chunk_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, void *buf/*out*/); static herr_t H5D_chunk_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, const void *buf); #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /*static herr_t H5D_io_assist_mpio(hid_t dxpl_id, H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache, hbool_t *xfer_mode_changed); static herr_t H5D_io_restore_mpio(hid_t dxpl_id); static htri_t H5D_get_collective_io_consensus(const H5F_t *file, const htri_t local_opinion, const unsigned flags); */ static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_make_ind(H5D_io_info_t *io_info); static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_make_coll(H5D_io_info_t *io_info); static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_term(H5D_io_info_t *io_info); static herr_t H5D_mpio_get_min_chunk(const H5D_io_info_t *io_info, const fm_map *fm, int *min_chunkf); #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* I/O info operations */ static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_init(H5D_t *dset, const H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache, hid_t dxpl_id, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, H5D_io_info_t *io_info); /* Chunk operations */ static herr_t H5D_create_chunk_map(const H5D_t *dataset, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *file_space, const H5S_t *mem_space, fm_map *fm); static herr_t H5D_destroy_chunk_map(const fm_map *fm); static herr_t H5D_free_chunk_info(void *item, void *key, void *opdata); static herr_t H5D_create_chunk_file_map_hyper(const fm_map *fm); static herr_t H5D_create_chunk_mem_map_hyper(const fm_map *fm); static herr_t H5D_chunk_file_cb(void *elem, hid_t type_id, unsigned ndims, const hsize_t *coords, void *fm); static herr_t H5D_chunk_mem_cb(void *elem, hid_t type_id, unsigned ndims, const hsize_t *coords, void *fm); /* Declare a free list to manage blocks of single datatype element data */ H5FL_BLK_DEFINE(type_elem); /* Declare a free list to manage blocks of type conversion data */ H5FL_BLK_DEFINE(type_conv); /* Declare a free list to manage the H5D_chunk_info_t struct */ H5FL_DEFINE_STATIC(H5D_chunk_info_t); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME H5Dfill PURPOSE Fill a selection in memory with a value USAGE herr_t H5Dfill(fill, fill_type, space, buf, buf_type) const void *fill; IN: Pointer to fill value to use hid_t fill_type_id; IN: Datatype of the fill value void *buf; IN/OUT: Memory buffer to fill selection within hid_t buf_type_id; IN: Datatype of the elements in buffer hid_t space_id; IN: Dataspace describing memory buffer & containing selection to use. RETURNS Non-negative on success/Negative on failure. DESCRIPTION Use the selection in the dataspace to fill elements in a memory buffer. GLOBAL VARIABLES COMMENTS, BUGS, ASSUMPTIONS If "fill" parameter is NULL, use all zeros as fill value EXAMPLES REVISION LOG --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ herr_t H5Dfill(const void *fill, hid_t fill_type_id, void *buf, hid_t buf_type_id, hid_t space_id) { H5S_t *space; /* Dataspace */ H5T_t *fill_type; /* Fill-value datatype */ H5T_t *buf_type; /* Buffer datatype */ herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Dfill, FAIL) H5TRACE5("e","xixii",fill,fill_type_id,buf,buf_type_id,space_id); /* Check args */ if (buf==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "invalid buffer") if (NULL == (space=H5I_object_verify(space_id, H5I_DATASPACE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, 0, "not a dataspace") if (NULL == (fill_type=H5I_object_verify(fill_type_id, H5I_DATATYPE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, 0, "not a datatype") if (NULL == (buf_type=H5I_object_verify(buf_type_id, H5I_DATATYPE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, 0, "not a datatype") /* Fill the selection in the memory buffer */ if(H5D_fill(fill,fill_type,buf,buf_type,space, H5AC_dxpl_id)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTENCODE, FAIL, "filling selection failed") done: FUNC_LEAVE_API(ret_value) } /* H5Dfill() */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME H5D_fill PURPOSE Fill a selection in memory with a value (internal version) USAGE herr_t H5D_fill(fill, fill_type, buf, buf_type, space) const void *fill; IN: Pointer to fill value to use H5T_t *fill_type; IN: Datatype of the fill value void *buf; IN/OUT: Memory buffer to fill selection within H5T_t *buf_type; IN: Datatype of the elements in buffer H5S_t *space; IN: Dataspace describing memory buffer & containing selection to use. RETURNS Non-negative on success/Negative on failure. DESCRIPTION Use the selection in the dataspace to fill elements in a memory buffer. GLOBAL VARIABLES COMMENTS, BUGS, ASSUMPTIONS If "fill" parameter is NULL, use all zeros as fill value. If "fill_type" parameter is NULL, use "buf_type" for the fill value datatype. EXAMPLES REVISION LOG Raymond Lu - 20 March 2007 If there's VL type of data, the address of the data is copied multiple times into the buffer, causing some trouble when the data is released. Instead, make multiple copies of fill value first, then do conversion on each element so that each of them has a copy of the VL data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static herr_t H5D_fill(const void *fill, const H5T_t *fill_type, void *buf, const H5T_t *buf_type, const H5S_t *space, hid_t dxpl_id) { uint8_t *tconv_buf = NULL; /* Data type conv buffer */ uint8_t *bkg_buf = NULL; /* Temp conversion buffer */ uint8_t *tmp_buf = NULL; /* Temp conversion buffer */ hid_t src_id = -1, dst_id = -1; /* Temporary type IDs */ size_t src_type_size; /* Size of source type */ size_t dst_type_size; /* Size of destination type*/ size_t buf_size; /* Desired buffer size */ herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_fill) /* Check args */ HDassert(fill_type); HDassert(buf); HDassert(buf_type); HDassert(space); /* Make sure the dataspace has an extent set */ if(!(H5S_has_extent(space)) ) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "dataspace extent has not been set") /* Get the memory and file datatype sizes */ src_type_size = H5T_get_size(fill_type); dst_type_size = H5T_get_size(buf_type); /* Get the maximum buffer size needed and allocate it */ buf_size = MAX(src_type_size, dst_type_size); /* If there's no fill value, just use zeros */ if(fill == NULL) { /* Allocate space & initialize conversion buffer to zeros */ if(NULL == (tconv_buf = H5FL_BLK_CALLOC(type_elem, buf_size))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed") /* Fill the selection in the memory buffer */ if(H5S_select_fill(tconv_buf, dst_type_size, space, buf) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTENCODE, FAIL, "filling selection failed") } /* end if */ else { H5T_path_t *tpath; /* Conversion path information */ /* Set up type conversion function */ if(NULL == (tpath = H5T_path_find(fill_type, buf_type, NULL, NULL, dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "unable to convert between src and dest data types") /* Construct source & destination datatype IDs, if we will need them */ if(!H5T_path_noop(tpath)) { if((src_id = H5I_register(H5I_DATATYPE, H5T_copy(fill_type, H5T_COPY_ALL))) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, "unable to register types for conversion") if((dst_id = H5I_register(H5I_DATATYPE, H5T_copy(buf_type, H5T_COPY_ALL))) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, "unable to register types for conversion") } /* end if */ /* If there's VL type of data, make multiple copies of fill value first, * then do conversion on each element so that each of them has a copy * of the VL data. */ if(TRUE == H5T_detect_class(fill_type, H5T_VLEN)) { H5D_dxpl_cache_t _dxpl_cache; /* Data transfer property cache buffer */ H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache = &_dxpl_cache; /* Data transfer property cache */ H5S_sel_iter_t mem_iter; /* Memory selection iteration info */ hssize_t nelmts; /* Number of data elements */ /* Get the number of elements in the selection */ nelmts = H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(space); HDassert(nelmts >= 0); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(nelmts, hssize_t, size_t); /* Allocate a temporary buffer */ if(NULL == (tmp_buf = H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_conv, (size_t)nelmts * buf_size))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed") /* Allocate a background buffer, if necessary */ if(H5T_path_bkg(tpath) && NULL == (bkg_buf = H5FL_BLK_CALLOC(type_conv, (size_t)nelmts * buf_size))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed") /* Replicate the file's fill value into the temporary buffer */ H5V_array_fill(tmp_buf, fill, src_type_size, (size_t)nelmts); /* Convert from file's fill value into memory form */ if(H5T_convert(tpath, src_id, dst_id, (size_t)nelmts, (size_t)0, (size_t)0, tmp_buf, bkg_buf, dxpl_id) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTCONVERT, FAIL, "data type conversion failed") /* Fill the DXPL cache values for later use */ if(H5D_get_dxpl_cache(dxpl_id, &dxpl_cache) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't fill dxpl cache") /* Create a selection iterator for scattering the elements to memory buffer */ if(H5S_select_iter_init(&mem_iter, space, dst_type_size) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize memory selection information") /* Scatter the data into memory */ if(H5D_select_mscat(tmp_buf, space, &mem_iter, (size_t)nelmts, dxpl_cache, buf/*out*/) < 0) { H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "scatter failed") } /* end if */ /* Release the selection iterator */ if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ else { const uint8_t *fill_buf; /* Buffer to use for writing fill values */ /* Convert disk buffer into memory buffer */ if(!H5T_path_noop(tpath)) { /* Allocate space for conversion buffer */ if(NULL == (tconv_buf = H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_elem, buf_size))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed") /* Copy the user's data into the buffer for conversion */ HDmemcpy(tconv_buf, fill, src_type_size); /* If there's no VL type of data, do conversion first then fill the data into * the memory buffer. */ if(H5T_path_bkg(tpath) && NULL == (bkg_buf = H5FL_BLK_CALLOC(type_elem, buf_size))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed") /* Perform datatype conversion */ if(H5T_convert(tpath, src_id, dst_id, (size_t)1, (size_t)0, (size_t)0, tconv_buf, bkg_buf, dxpl_id) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTCONVERT, FAIL, "data type conversion failed") /* Point at temporary buffer */ fill_buf = tconv_buf; } /* end if */ else fill_buf = fill; /* Fill the selection in the memory buffer */ if(H5S_select_fill(fill_buf, dst_type_size, space, buf) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTENCODE, FAIL, "filling selection failed") } /* end else */ } /* end else */ done: if(src_id != (-1) && H5I_dec_ref(src_id) < 0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't decrement temporary datatype ID") if(dst_id != (-1) && H5I_dec_ref(dst_id) < 0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't decrement temporary datatype ID") if(tmp_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv, tmp_buf); if(tconv_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_elem, tconv_buf); if(bkg_buf) { if(TRUE == H5T_detect_class(fill_type, H5T_VLEN)) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv, bkg_buf); else H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_elem, bkg_buf); } /* end if */ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* H5D_fill() */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME H5D_get_dxpl_cache_real PURPOSE Get all the values for the DXPL cache. USAGE herr_t H5D_get_dxpl_cache_real(dxpl_id, cache) hid_t dxpl_id; IN: DXPL to query H5D_dxpl_cache_t *cache;IN/OUT: DXPL cache to fill with values RETURNS Non-negative on success/Negative on failure. DESCRIPTION Query all the values from a DXPL that are needed by internal routines within the library. GLOBAL VARIABLES COMMENTS, BUGS, ASSUMPTIONS EXAMPLES REVISION LOG --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ herr_t H5D_get_dxpl_cache_real(hid_t dxpl_id, H5D_dxpl_cache_t *cache) { H5P_genplist_t *dx_plist; /* Data transfer property list */ herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5D_get_dxpl_cache_real,FAIL) /* Check args */ assert(cache); /* Get the dataset transfer property list */ if (NULL == (dx_plist = H5I_object(dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset transfer property list") /* Get maximum temporary buffer size */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_MAX_TEMP_BUF_NAME, &cache->max_temp_buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve maximum temporary buffer size") /* Get temporary buffer pointer */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_TCONV_BUF_NAME, &cache->tconv_buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve temporary buffer pointer") /* Get background buffer pointer */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_BKGR_BUF_NAME, &cache->bkgr_buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve background buffer pointer") /* Get background buffer type */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_BKGR_BUF_TYPE_NAME, &cache->bkgr_buf_type)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve background buffer type") /* Get B-tree split ratios */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_BTREE_SPLIT_RATIO_NAME, &cache->btree_split_ratio)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve B-tree split ratios") /* Get I/O vector size */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_HYPER_VECTOR_SIZE_NAME, &cache->vec_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve I/O vector size") #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Collect Parallel I/O information for possible later use */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_IO_XFER_MODE_NAME, &cache->xfer_mode)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve parallel transfer method") #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/ /* Get error detection properties */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_EDC_NAME, &cache->err_detect)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve error detection info") /* Get filter callback function */ if(H5P_get(dx_plist, H5D_XFER_FILTER_CB_NAME, &cache->filter_cb)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve filter callback function") done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* H5D_get_dxpl_cache_real() */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME H5D_get_dxpl_cache PURPOSE Get all the values for the DXPL cache. USAGE herr_t H5D_get_dxpl_cache(dxpl_id, cache) hid_t dxpl_id; IN: DXPL to query H5D_dxpl_cache_t *cache;IN/OUT: DXPL cache to fill with values RETURNS Non-negative on success/Negative on failure. DESCRIPTION Query all the values from a DXPL that are needed by internal routines within the library. GLOBAL VARIABLES COMMENTS, BUGS, ASSUMPTIONS The CACHE pointer should point at already allocated memory to place non-default property list info. If a default property list is used, the CACHE pointer will be changed to point at the default information. EXAMPLES REVISION LOG --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ herr_t H5D_get_dxpl_cache(hid_t dxpl_id, H5D_dxpl_cache_t **cache) { herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5D_get_dxpl_cache,FAIL) /* Check args */ assert(cache); /* Check for the default DXPL */ if(dxpl_id==H5P_DATASET_XFER_DEFAULT) *cache=&H5D_def_dxpl_cache; else if(H5D_get_dxpl_cache_real(dxpl_id,*cache)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "Can't retrieve DXPL values") done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* H5D_get_dxpl_cache() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5Dread * * Purpose: Reads (part of) a DSET from the file into application * memory BUF. The part of the dataset to read is defined with * MEM_SPACE_ID and FILE_SPACE_ID. The data points are * converted from their file type to the MEM_TYPE_ID specified. * Additional miscellaneous data transfer properties can be * passed to this function with the PLIST_ID argument. * * The FILE_SPACE_ID can be the constant H5S_ALL which indicates * that the entire file data space is to be referenced. * * The MEM_SPACE_ID can be the constant H5S_ALL in which case * the memory data space is the same as the file data space * defined when the dataset was created. * * The number of elements in the memory data space must match * the number of elements in the file data space. * * The PLIST_ID can be the constant H5P_DEFAULT in which * case the default data transfer properties are used. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Errors: * ARGS BADTYPE Not a data space. * ARGS BADTYPE Not a data type. * ARGS BADTYPE Not a dataset. * ARGS BADTYPE Not xfer parms. * ARGS BADVALUE No output buffer. * DATASET READERROR Can't read data. * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Thursday, December 4, 1997 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ herr_t H5Dread(hid_t dset_id, hid_t mem_type_id, hid_t mem_space_id, hid_t file_space_id, hid_t plist_id, void *buf/*out*/) { H5D_t *dset = NULL; const H5S_t *mem_space = NULL; const H5S_t *file_space = NULL; char fake_char; herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Dread, FAIL) H5TRACE6("e","iiiiix",dset_id,mem_type_id,mem_space_id,file_space_id, plist_id,buf); /* check arguments */ if (NULL == (dset = H5I_object_verify(dset_id, H5I_DATASET))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset") if (NULL == dset->ent.file) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset") if (H5S_ALL != mem_space_id) { if (NULL == (mem_space = H5I_object_verify(mem_space_id, H5I_DATASPACE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a data space") /* Check for valid selection */ if(H5S_SELECT_VALID(mem_space)!=TRUE) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "selection+offset not within extent") } if (H5S_ALL != file_space_id) { if (NULL == (file_space = H5I_object_verify(file_space_id, H5I_DATASPACE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a data space") /* Check for valid selection */ if(H5S_SELECT_VALID(file_space)!=TRUE) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "selection+offset not within extent") } /* Get the default dataset transfer property list if the user didn't provide one */ if (H5P_DEFAULT == plist_id) plist_id= H5P_DATASET_XFER_DEFAULT; else if (TRUE!=H5P_isa_class(plist_id,H5P_DATASET_XFER)) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not xfer parms") if (!buf && H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(file_space)!=0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "no output buffer") /* If the buffer is nil, and 0 element is selected, make a fake buffer. * This is for some MPI package like ChaMPIon on NCSA's tungsten which * doesn't support this feature. */ if (!buf) buf = &fake_char; /* read raw data */ if (H5D_read(dset, mem_type_id, mem_space, file_space, plist_id, buf/*out*/) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "can't read data") done: FUNC_LEAVE_API(ret_value) } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5Dwrite * * Purpose: Writes (part of) a DSET from application memory BUF to the * file. The part of the dataset to write is defined with the * MEM_SPACE_ID and FILE_SPACE_ID arguments. The data points * are converted from their current type (MEM_TYPE_ID) to their * file data type. Additional miscellaneous data transfer * properties can be passed to this function with the * PLIST_ID argument. * * The FILE_SPACE_ID can be the constant H5S_ALL which indicates * that the entire file data space is to be referenced. * * The MEM_SPACE_ID can be the constant H5S_ALL in which case * the memory data space is the same as the file data space * defined when the dataset was created. * * The number of elements in the memory data space must match * the number of elements in the file data space. * * The PLIST_ID can be the constant H5P_DEFAULT in which * case the default data transfer properties are used. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Errors: * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Thursday, December 4, 1997 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ herr_t H5Dwrite(hid_t dset_id, hid_t mem_type_id, hid_t mem_space_id, hid_t file_space_id, hid_t plist_id, const void *buf) { H5D_t *dset = NULL; const H5S_t *mem_space = NULL; const H5S_t *file_space = NULL; char fake_char; herr_t ret_value=SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_API(H5Dwrite, FAIL) H5TRACE6("e","iiiiix",dset_id,mem_type_id,mem_space_id,file_space_id, plist_id,buf); /* check arguments */ if (NULL == (dset = H5I_object_verify(dset_id, H5I_DATASET))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset") if (NULL == dset->ent.file) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset") if (H5S_ALL != mem_space_id) { if (NULL == (mem_space = H5I_object_verify(mem_space_id, H5I_DATASPACE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a data space") /* Check for valid selection */ if (H5S_SELECT_VALID(mem_space)!=TRUE) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "memory selection+offset not within extent") } if (H5S_ALL != file_space_id) { if (NULL == (file_space = H5I_object_verify(file_space_id, H5I_DATASPACE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a data space") /* Check for valid selection */ if (H5S_SELECT_VALID(file_space)!=TRUE) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "file selection+offset not within extent") } /* Get the default dataset transfer property list if the user didn't provide one */ if (H5P_DEFAULT == plist_id) plist_id= H5P_DATASET_XFER_DEFAULT; else if (TRUE!=H5P_isa_class(plist_id,H5P_DATASET_XFER)) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not xfer parms") if (!buf && H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(file_space)!=0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "no output buffer") /* If the buffer is nil, and 0 element is selected, make a fake buffer. * This is for some MPI package like ChaMPIon on NCSA's tungsten which * doesn't support this feature. */ if (!buf) buf = &fake_char; /* write raw data */ if (H5D_write(dset, mem_type_id, mem_space, file_space, plist_id, buf) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "can't write data") done: FUNC_LEAVE_API(ret_value) } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_read * * Purpose: Reads (part of) a DATASET into application memory BUF. See * H5Dread() for complete details. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Thursday, December 4, 1997 * * Modifications: * Robb Matzke, 1998-06-09 * The data space is no longer cached in the dataset struct. * * Robb Matzke, 1998-08-11 * Added timing calls around all the data space I/O functions. * * rky, 1998-09-18 * Added must_convert to do non-optimized read when necessary. * * Quincey Koziol, 1999-07-02 * Changed xfer_parms parameter to xfer plist parameter, so it * could be passed to H5T_convert. * * Albert Cheng, 2000-11-21 * Added the code that when it detects it is not safe to process a * COLLECTIVE read request without hanging, it changes it to * INDEPENDENT calls. * * Albert Cheng, 2000-11-27 * Changed to use the optimized MPIO transfer for Collective calls only. * * Raymond Lu, 2001-10-2 * Changed the way to retrieve property for generic property list. * * Raymond Lu, 2002-2-26 * For the new fill value design, data space can either be allocated * or not allocated at this stage. Fill value or data from space is * returned to outgoing buffer. * * QAK - 2002/04/02 * Removed the must_convert parameter and move preconditions to * H5S__opt_possible() routine * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_read(H5D_t *dataset, hid_t mem_type_id, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, hid_t dxpl_id, void *buf/*out*/) { hssize_t snelmts; /*total number of elmts (signed) */ hsize_t nelmts; /*total number of elmts */ H5T_path_t *tpath = NULL; /*type conversion info */ const H5T_t *mem_type = NULL; /* Memory datatype */ H5D_io_info_t io_info; /* Dataset I/O info */ hbool_t io_info_init = FALSE; /* Whether the I/O info has been initialized */ H5D_dxpl_cache_t _dxpl_cache; /* Data transfer property cache buffer */ H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache=&_dxpl_cache; /* Data transfer property cache */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_read) /* check args */ assert(dataset && dataset->ent.file); /* Get memory datatype */ if (NULL == (mem_type = H5I_object_verify(mem_type_id, H5I_DATATYPE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a data type") if (!file_space) file_space = dataset->shared->space; if (!mem_space) mem_space = file_space; if((snelmts = H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(mem_space))<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "src dataspace has invalid selection") H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(nelmts,snelmts,hssize_t,hsize_t); /* Fill the DXPL cache values for later use */ if (H5D_get_dxpl_cache(dxpl_id,&dxpl_cache)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't fill dxpl cache") #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Collective access is not permissible without a MPI based VFD */ if (dxpl_cache->xfer_mode==H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE && !IS_H5FD_MPI(dataset->ent.file)) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "collective access for MPI-based drivers only") #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/ /* Make certain that the number of elements in each selection is the same */ if (nelmts!=(hsize_t)H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(file_space)) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "src and dest data spaces have different sizes") /* Make sure that both selections have their extents set */ if( !(H5S_has_extent(file_space)) ) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "file dataspace does not have extent set") if( !(H5S_has_extent(mem_space)) ) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "memory dataspace does not have extent set") /* Retrieve dataset properties */ /* */ /* If space hasn't been allocated and not using external storage, * return fill value to buffer if fill time is upon allocation, or * do nothing if fill time is never. If the dataset is compact and * fill time is NEVER, there is no way to tell whether part of data * has been overwritten. So just proceed in reading. */ if(nelmts > 0 && dataset->shared->efl.nused==0 && ((dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CONTIGUOUS && !H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr)) || (dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CHUNKED && !H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.addr)))) { H5D_fill_value_t fill_status; /* Whether/How the fill value is defined */ /* Retrieve dataset's fill-value properties */ if(H5P_is_fill_value_defined(&dataset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill, &fill_status)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't tell if fill value defined") /* Should be impossible, but check anyway... */ if(fill_status == H5D_FILL_VALUE_UNDEFINED && (dataset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill_time == H5D_FILL_TIME_ALLOC || dataset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill_time == H5D_FILL_TIME_IFSET)) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "read failed: dataset doesn't exist, no data can be read") /* If we're never going to fill this dataset, just leave the junk in the user's buffer */ if(dataset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill_time == H5D_FILL_TIME_NEVER) HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) /* Go fill the user's selection with the dataset's fill value */ if(H5D_fill(dataset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill.buf,dataset->shared->type,buf,mem_type,mem_space,dxpl_id)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "filling buf failed") else HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) } /* end if */ /* * Locate the type conversion function and data space conversion * functions, and set up the element numbering information. If a data * type conversion is necessary then register data type atoms. Data type * conversion is necessary if the user has set the `need_bkg' to a high * enough value in xfer_parms since turning off data type conversion also * turns off background preservation. */ if (NULL==(tpath=H5T_path_find(dataset->shared->type, mem_type, NULL, NULL, dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "unable to convert between src and dest data types") /* Set up I/O operation */ if(H5D_ioinfo_init(dataset,dxpl_cache,dxpl_id,mem_space,file_space,tpath,&io_info)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "unable to set up I/O operation") io_info_init = TRUE; /* Determine correct I/O routine to invoke */ if(dataset->shared->layout.type!=H5D_CHUNKED) { if(H5D_contig_read(&io_info, nelmts, mem_type, mem_space, file_space, tpath, dataset->shared->type_id, mem_type_id, buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "can't read data") } /* end if */ else { if(H5D_chunk_read(&io_info, nelmts, mem_type, mem_space, file_space, tpath, dataset->shared->type_id, mem_type_id, buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "can't read data") } /* end else */ done: #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Shut down io_info struct */ if (io_info_init) if(H5D_ioinfo_term(&io_info) < 0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTCLOSEOBJ, FAIL, "can't shut down io_info") #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_read() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_write * * Purpose: Writes (part of) a DATASET to a file from application memory * BUF. See H5Dwrite() for complete details. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Robb Matzke * Thursday, December 4, 1997 * * Modifications: * Robb Matzke, 9 Jun 1998 * The data space is no longer cached in the dataset struct. * * rky 980918 * Added must_convert to do non-optimized read when necessary. * * Quincey Koziol, 2 July 1999 * Changed xfer_parms parameter to xfer plist parameter, so it could * be passed to H5T_convert * * Albert Cheng, 2000-11-21 * Added the code that when it detects it is not safe to process a * COLLECTIVE write request without hanging, it changes it to * INDEPENDENT calls. * * Albert Cheng, 2000-11-27 * Changed to use the optimized MPIO transfer for Collective calls only. * * Raymond Lu, 2001-10-2 * Changed the way to retrieve property for generic property list. * * Raymond Lu, 2002-2-26 * For the new fill value design, space may not be allocated until * this function is called. Allocate and initialize space if it * hasn't been. * * QAK - 2002/04/02 * Removed the must_convert parameter and move preconditions to * H5S__opt_possible() routine * * Nat Furrer and James Laird, 2004/6/7 * Added check for filter encode capability *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_write(H5D_t *dataset, hid_t mem_type_id, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, hid_t dxpl_id, const void *buf) { hssize_t snelmts; /*total number of elmts (signed) */ hsize_t nelmts; /*total number of elmts */ H5T_path_t *tpath = NULL; /*type conversion info */ const H5T_t *mem_type = NULL; /* Memory datatype */ H5D_io_info_t io_info; /* Dataset I/O info */ hbool_t io_info_init = FALSE; /* Whether the I/O info has been initialized */ H5D_dxpl_cache_t _dxpl_cache; /* Data transfer property cache buffer */ H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache=&_dxpl_cache; /* Data transfer property cache */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_write) /* check args */ assert(dataset && dataset->ent.file); /* Get the memory datatype */ if (NULL == (mem_type = H5I_object_verify(mem_type_id, H5I_DATATYPE))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a data type") /* All filters in the DCPL must have encoding enabled. */ if(! dataset->shared->checked_filters) { if(H5Z_can_apply(dataset->shared->dcpl_id, dataset->shared->type_id) <0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLINE, H5E_CANAPPLY, FAIL, "can't apply filters") dataset->shared->checked_filters = TRUE; } /* Check if we are allowed to write to this file */ if (0==(H5F_get_intent(dataset->ent.file) & H5F_ACC_RDWR)) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "no write intent on file") /* Fill the DXPL cache values for later use */ if (H5D_get_dxpl_cache(dxpl_id,&dxpl_cache)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't fill dxpl cache") /* Various MPI based checks */ if (IS_H5FD_MPI(dataset->ent.file)) { /* If MPI based VFD is used, no VL datatype support yet. */ /* This is because they use the global heap in the file and we don't */ /* support parallel access of that yet */ if(H5T_detect_class(mem_type, H5T_VLEN)>0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "Parallel IO does not support writing VL datatypes yet") /* If MPI based VFD is used, no VL datatype support yet. */ /* This is because they use the global heap in the file and we don't */ /* support parallel access of that yet */ /* We should really use H5T_detect_class() here, but it will be difficult * to detect the type of the reference if it is nested... -QAK */ if (H5T_get_class(mem_type, TRUE)==H5T_REFERENCE && H5T_get_ref_type(mem_type)==H5R_DATASET_REGION) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "Parallel IO does not support writing region reference datatypes yet") } /* end if */ #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL else { /* Collective access is not permissible without a MPI based VFD */ if (dxpl_cache->xfer_mode==H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "collective access for MPI-based driver only") } /* end else */ #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/ if (!file_space) file_space = dataset->shared->space; if (!mem_space) mem_space = file_space; if((snelmts = H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(mem_space))<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "src dataspace has invalid selection") H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(nelmts,snelmts,hssize_t,hsize_t); #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Collective access is not permissible without a MPI based VFD */ if (dxpl_cache->xfer_mode==H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE && !IS_H5FD_MPI(dataset->ent.file)) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "collective access for MPI-based driver only") #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/ /* Make certain that the number of elements in each selection is the same */ if (nelmts!=(hsize_t)H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(file_space)) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "src and dest data spaces have different sizes") /* Make sure that both selections have their extents set */ if( !(H5S_has_extent(file_space)) ) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "file dataspace does not have extent set") if( !(H5S_has_extent(mem_space)) ) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "memory dataspace does not have extent set") /* Retrieve dataset properties */ /* */ /* Allocate data space and initialize it if it hasn't been. */ if(nelmts > 0 && dataset->shared->efl.nused==0 && ((dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CONTIGUOUS && !H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr)) || (dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CHUNKED && !H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.addr)))) { hssize_t file_nelmts; /* Number of elements in file dataset's dataspace */ hbool_t full_overwrite; /* Whether we are over-writing all the elements */ /* Get the number of elements in file dataset's dataspace */ if((file_nelmts=H5S_GET_EXTENT_NPOINTS(file_space))<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "can't retrieve number of elements in file dataset") /* Always allow fill values to be written if the dataset has a VL datatype */ if(H5T_detect_class(dataset->shared->type, H5T_VLEN)) full_overwrite=FALSE; else full_overwrite=(hsize_t)file_nelmts==nelmts ? TRUE : FALSE; /* Allocate storage */ if(H5D_alloc_storage(dataset->ent.file,dxpl_id,dataset,H5D_ALLOC_WRITE, TRUE, full_overwrite)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize storage") } /* end if */ /* * Locate the type conversion function and data space conversion * functions, and set up the element numbering information. If a data * type conversion is necessary then register data type atoms. Data type * conversion is necessary if the user has set the `need_bkg' to a high * enough value in xfer_parms since turning off data type conversion also * turns off background preservation. */ if (NULL==(tpath=H5T_path_find(mem_type, dataset->shared->type, NULL, NULL, dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "unable to convert between src and dest data types") /* Set up I/O operation */ if(H5D_ioinfo_init(dataset,dxpl_cache,dxpl_id,mem_space,file_space,tpath,&io_info)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "unable to set up I/O operation") io_info_init = TRUE; /* Determine correct I/O routine to invoke */ if(dataset->shared->layout.type!=H5D_CHUNKED) { if(H5D_contig_write(&io_info, nelmts, mem_type, mem_space, file_space, tpath, mem_type_id, dataset->shared->type_id, buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "can't write data") } /* end if */ else { if(H5D_chunk_write(&io_info, nelmts, mem_type, mem_space, file_space, tpath, mem_type_id, dataset->shared->type_id, buf)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "can't write data") } /* end else */ #ifdef OLD_WAY /* * This was taken out because it can be called in a parallel program with * independent access, causing the metadata cache to get corrupted. Its been * disabled for all types of access (serial as well as parallel) to make the * modification time consistent for all programs. -QAK */ /* * Update modification time. We have to do this explicitly because * writing to a dataset doesn't necessarily change the object header. */ if (H5O_touch(&(dataset->ent), FALSE, dxpl_id)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to update modification time") #endif /* OLD_WAY */ done: #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Shut down io_info struct */ if (io_info_init) if(H5D_ioinfo_term(&io_info) < 0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTCLOSEOBJ, FAIL, "can't shut down io_info") #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_write() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_contig_read * * Purpose: Read from a contiguous dataset. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Raymond Lu * Thursday, April 10, 2003 * * Modifications: * QAK - 2003/04/17 * Hacked on it a lot. :-) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_contig_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, void *buf/*out*/) { H5D_t *dataset=io_info->dset; /* Local pointer to dataset info */ const H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache=io_info->dxpl_cache; /* Local pointer to dataset transfer info */ herr_t status; /*function return status*/ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_t timer; #endif size_t src_type_size; /*size of source type */ size_t dst_type_size; /*size of destination type*/ size_t max_type_size; /* Size of largest source/destination type */ size_t target_size; /*desired buffer size */ size_t request_nelmts; /*requested strip mine */ H5S_sel_iter_t mem_iter; /*memory selection iteration info*/ hbool_t mem_iter_init=0; /*memory selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t bkg_iter; /*background iteration info*/ hbool_t bkg_iter_init=0; /*background iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t file_iter; /*file selection iteration info*/ hbool_t file_iter_init=0; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5T_bkg_t need_bkg; /*type of background buf*/ uint8_t *tconv_buf = NULL; /*data type conv buffer */ uint8_t *bkg_buf = NULL; /*background buffer */ hsize_t smine_start; /*strip mine start loc */ size_t n, smine_nelmts; /*elements per strip */ H5D_storage_t store; /*union of storage info for dataset */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_contig_read) assert(buf); /* Initialize storage info for this dataset */ if (dataset->shared->efl.nused>0) HDmemcpy(&store.efl,&(dataset->shared->efl),sizeof(H5O_efl_t)); else { store.contig.dset_addr=dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr; store.contig.dset_size=dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.size; } /* end if */ /* Set dataset storage for I/O info */ io_info->store=&store; /* * If there is no type conversion then read directly into the * application's buffer. This saves at least one mem-to-mem copy. */ if (H5T_path_noop(tpath)) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif /* Sanity check dataset, then read it */ assert(((dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CONTIGUOUS && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr)) || (dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CHUNKED && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.addr))) || dataset->shared->efl.nused>0 || 0 == nelmts || dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_COMPACT); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(nelmts,hsize_t,size_t); status = (io_info->ops.read)(io_info, (size_t)nelmts, H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type), file_space, mem_space, buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].read_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].read_nbytes += nelmts * H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type); io_info->stats->stats[1].read_ncalls++; #endif /* Check return value from optimized read */ if (status<0) { HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "optimized read failed") } else /* direct xfer accomplished successfully */ HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) } /* end if */ /* * This is the general case (type conversion, usually). */ if(nelmts==0) HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) /* Compute element sizes and other parameters */ src_type_size = H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type); dst_type_size = H5T_get_size(mem_type); max_type_size = MAX(src_type_size, dst_type_size); target_size = dxpl_cache->max_temp_buf; /* XXX: This could cause a problem if the user sets their buffer size * to the same size as the default, and then the dataset elements are * too large for the buffer... - QAK */ if(target_size==H5D_XFER_MAX_TEMP_BUF_DEF) { /* If the buffer is too small to hold even one element, make it bigger */ if(target_size(nelmts*max_type_size)) target_size=(size_t)(nelmts*max_type_size); } /* end if */ request_nelmts = target_size / max_type_size; /* Sanity check elements in temporary buffer */ if (request_nelmts==0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "temporary buffer max size is too small") /* Figure out the strip mine size. */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&file_iter, file_space, src_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize file selection information") file_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&mem_iter, mem_space, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize memory selection information") mem_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&bkg_iter, mem_space, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize background selection information") bkg_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ /* * Get a temporary buffer for type conversion unless the app has already * supplied one through the xfer properties. Instead of allocating a * buffer which is the exact size, we allocate the target size. The * malloc() is usually less resource-intensive if we allocate/free the * same size over and over. */ if (H5T_path_bkg(tpath)) { H5T_bkg_t path_bkg; /* Type conversion's background info */ /* Retrieve the bkgr buffer property */ need_bkg=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf_type; path_bkg = H5T_path_bkg(tpath); need_bkg = MAX(path_bkg, need_bkg); } else { need_bkg = H5T_BKG_NO; /*never needed even if app says yes*/ } /* end else */ if (NULL==(tconv_buf=dxpl_cache->tconv_buf)) { /* Allocate temporary buffer */ if((tconv_buf=H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_conv,target_size))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for type conversion") } /* end if */ if (need_bkg && NULL==(bkg_buf=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf)) { /* Allocate background buffer */ /* (Need calloc()-like call since memory needs to be initialized) */ if((bkg_buf=H5FL_BLK_CALLOC(type_conv,(request_nelmts*dst_type_size)))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for background conversion") } /* end if */ /* Start strip mining... */ for (smine_start=0; smine_startshared->layout.type==H5D_CONTIGUOUS && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr)) || (dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CHUNKED && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.addr))) || dataset->shared->efl.nused>0 || dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_COMPACT); n = H5D_select_fgath(io_info, file_space, &file_iter, smine_nelmts, tconv_buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_nbytes += n * src_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "file gather failed") if (H5T_BKG_YES==need_bkg) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif n = H5D_select_mgath(buf, mem_space, &bkg_iter, smine_nelmts, dxpl_cache, bkg_buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].bkg_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].bkg_nbytes += n * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[1].bkg_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "mem gather failed") } /* end if */ /* * Perform data type conversion. */ if (H5T_convert(tpath, src_id, dst_id, smine_nelmts, 0, 0, tconv_buf, bkg_buf, io_info->dxpl_id)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "data type conversion failed") /* * Scatter the data into memory. */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif status = H5D_select_mscat(tconv_buf, mem_space, &mem_iter, smine_nelmts, dxpl_cache, buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].scat_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].scat_nbytes += smine_nelmts * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[1].scat_ncalls++; #endif if (status<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "scatter failed") } /* end for */ done: /* Release selection iterators */ if(file_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&file_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(mem_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(bkg_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&bkg_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if (tconv_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->tconv_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,tconv_buf); if (bkg_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,bkg_buf); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_contig_read() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_contig_write * * Purpose: Write to a contiguous dataset. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Raymond Lu * Thursday, April 10, 2003 * * Modifications: * QAK - 2003/04/17 * Hacked on it a lot. :-) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_contig_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, const void *buf) { H5D_t *dataset=io_info->dset; /* Local pointer to dataset info */ const H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache=io_info->dxpl_cache; /* Local pointer to dataset transfer info */ herr_t status; /*function return status*/ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_t timer; #endif size_t src_type_size; /*size of source type */ size_t dst_type_size; /*size of destination type*/ size_t max_type_size; /* Size of largest source/destination type */ size_t target_size; /*desired buffer size */ size_t request_nelmts; /*requested strip mine */ H5S_sel_iter_t mem_iter; /*memory selection iteration info*/ hbool_t mem_iter_init=0; /*memory selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t bkg_iter; /*background iteration info*/ hbool_t bkg_iter_init=0; /*background iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t file_iter; /*file selection iteration info*/ hbool_t file_iter_init=0; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5T_bkg_t need_bkg; /*type of background buf*/ uint8_t *tconv_buf = NULL; /*data type conv buffer */ uint8_t *bkg_buf = NULL; /*background buffer */ hsize_t smine_start; /*strip mine start loc */ size_t n, smine_nelmts; /*elements per strip */ H5D_storage_t store; /*union of storage info for dataset */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_contig_write) assert(buf); /* Initialize storage info for this dataset */ if (dataset->shared->efl.nused>0) HDmemcpy(&store.efl,&(dataset->shared->efl),sizeof(H5O_efl_t)); else { store.contig.dset_addr=dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr; store.contig.dset_size=dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.size; } /* end if */ /* Set dataset storage for I/O info */ io_info->store=&store; /* * If there is no type conversion then write directly from the * application's buffer. This saves at least one mem-to-mem copy. */ if (H5T_path_noop(tpath)) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(nelmts,hsize_t,size_t); status = (io_info->ops.write)(io_info, (size_t)nelmts, H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type), file_space, mem_space, buf); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[0].write_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[0].write_nbytes += nelmts * H5T_get_size(mem_type); io_info->stats->stats[0].write_ncalls++; #endif /* Check return value from optimized write */ if (status<0) { HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "optimized write failed") } else /* direct xfer accomplished successfully */ HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) } /* end if */ /* * This is the general case. */ if(nelmts==0) HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) /* Compute element sizes and other parameters */ src_type_size = H5T_get_size(mem_type); dst_type_size = H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type); max_type_size = MAX(src_type_size, dst_type_size); target_size = dxpl_cache->max_temp_buf; /* XXX: This could cause a problem if the user sets their buffer size * to the same size as the default, and then the dataset elements are * too large for the buffer... - QAK */ if(target_size==H5D_XFER_MAX_TEMP_BUF_DEF) { /* If the buffer is too small to hold even one element, make it bigger */ if(target_size(nelmts*max_type_size)) target_size=(size_t)(nelmts*max_type_size); } /* end if */ request_nelmts = target_size / max_type_size; /* Sanity check elements in temporary buffer */ if (request_nelmts==0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "temporary buffer max size is too small") /* Figure out the strip mine size. */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&file_iter, file_space, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize file selection information") file_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&mem_iter, mem_space, src_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize memory selection information") mem_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&bkg_iter, file_space, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize background selection information") bkg_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ /* * Get a temporary buffer for type conversion unless the app has already * supplied one through the xfer properties. Instead of allocating a * buffer which is the exact size, we allocate the target size. The * malloc() is usually less resource-intensive if we allocate/free the * same size over and over. */ if(H5T_detect_class(dataset->shared->type, H5T_VLEN)) { /* Old data is retrieved into background buffer for VL datatype. The * data is used later for freeing heap objects. */ need_bkg = H5T_BKG_YES; } else if (H5T_path_bkg(tpath)) { H5T_bkg_t path_bkg; /* Type conversion's background info */ /* Retrieve the bkgr buffer property */ need_bkg=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf_type; path_bkg = H5T_path_bkg(tpath); need_bkg = MAX (path_bkg, need_bkg); } else { need_bkg = H5T_BKG_NO; /*never needed even if app says yes*/ } /* end else */ if (NULL==(tconv_buf=dxpl_cache->tconv_buf)) { /* Allocate temporary buffer */ if((tconv_buf=H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_conv,target_size))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for type conversion") } /* end if */ if (need_bkg && NULL==(bkg_buf=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf)) { /* Allocate background buffer */ /* (Don't need calloc()-like call since file data is already initialized) */ if((bkg_buf=H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_conv,(request_nelmts*dst_type_size)))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for background conversion") } /* end if */ /* Start strip mining... */ for (smine_start=0; smine_startstats->stats[0].gath_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[0].gath_nbytes += n * src_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[0].gath_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_IO, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "mem gather failed") if (H5T_BKG_YES==need_bkg) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif n = H5D_select_fgath(io_info, file_space, &bkg_iter, smine_nelmts, bkg_buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[0].bkg_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[0].bkg_nbytes += n * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[0].bkg_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_IO, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "file gather failed") } /* end if */ /* * Perform data type conversion. */ if (H5T_convert(tpath, src_id, dst_id, smine_nelmts, 0, 0, tconv_buf, bkg_buf, io_info->dxpl_id)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "data type conversion failed") /* * Scatter the data out to the file. */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif status = H5D_select_fscat(io_info, file_space, &file_iter, smine_nelmts, tconv_buf); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[0].scat_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[0].scat_nbytes += smine_nelmts * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[0].scat_ncalls++; #endif if (status<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_IO, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "scatter failed") } /* end for */ done: /* Release selection iterators */ if(file_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&file_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(mem_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(bkg_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&bkg_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if (tconv_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->tconv_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,tconv_buf); if (bkg_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,bkg_buf); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_contig_write() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_chunk_read * * Purpose: Read from a chunked dataset. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Raymond Lu * Thursday, April 10, 2003 * * Modifications: * QAK - 2003/04/17 * Hacked on it a lot. :-) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_chunk_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, void *buf/*out*/) { H5D_t *dataset=io_info->dset; /* Local pointer to dataset info */ const H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache=io_info->dxpl_cache; /* Local pointer to dataset transfer info */ fm_map fm; /* File<->memory mapping */ H5SL_node_t *chunk_node; /* Current node in chunk skip list */ herr_t status; /*function return status*/ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_t timer; #endif size_t src_type_size; /*size of source type */ size_t dst_type_size; /*size of destination type*/ size_t max_type_size; /* Size of largest source/destination type */ size_t target_size; /*desired buffer size */ size_t request_nelmts; /*requested strip mine */ hsize_t smine_start; /*strip mine start loc */ size_t n, smine_nelmts; /*elements per strip */ H5S_sel_iter_t mem_iter; /*memory selection iteration info*/ hbool_t mem_iter_init=0; /*memory selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t bkg_iter; /*background iteration info*/ hbool_t bkg_iter_init=0; /*background iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t file_iter; /*file selection iteration info*/ hbool_t file_iter_init=0; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5T_bkg_t need_bkg; /*type of background buf*/ uint8_t *tconv_buf = NULL; /*data type conv buffer */ uint8_t *bkg_buf = NULL; /*background buffer */ H5D_storage_t store; /*union of EFL and chunk pointer in file space */ #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL int count_chunk; /* Number of chunks accessed */ int min_num_chunk; /* Number of chunks to access collectively */ #endif herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_chunk_read) assert(buf); /* Map elements between file and memory for each chunk*/ if(H5D_create_chunk_map(dataset, mem_type, file_space, mem_space, &fm)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "can't build chunk mapping") /* Set dataset storage for I/O info */ io_info->store=&store; /* * If there is no type conversion then read directly into the * application's buffer. This saves at least one mem-to-mem copy. */ if (H5T_path_noop(tpath)) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif /* Sanity check dataset, then read it */ assert(((dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CONTIGUOUS && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr)) || (dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CHUNKED && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.addr))) || dataset->shared->efl.nused>0 || 0 == nelmts || dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_COMPACT); /* Get first node in chunk skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_first(fm.fsel); #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL if(io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode == H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) { if(H5D_mpio_get_min_chunk(io_info, &fm, &min_num_chunk)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get minimum number of chunk") } count_chunk = 0; #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Iterate through chunks to be operated on */ while(chunk_node) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* chunk information */ #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL hbool_t make_ind, make_coll; /* Flags to indicate that the MPI mode should change */ #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Get the actual chunk information from the skip list node */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(chunk_node); /* Pass in chunk's coordinates in a union. */ store.chunk.offset = chunk_info->coords; store.chunk.index = chunk_info->index; #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Reset flags for changing parallel I/O mode */ make_ind = make_coll = FALSE; if(io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode == H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) { /* Increment chunk we are operating on */ count_chunk++; /* If the number of chunk is greater than minimum number of chunk, Do independent read */ if(count_chunk > min_num_chunk) { /* Switch to independent I/O (permanently) */ make_ind = TRUE; } #ifndef H5_MPI_COMPLEX_DERIVED_DATATYPE_WORKS else { /* Switch to independent I/O (temporarily) */ make_ind = TRUE; make_coll = TRUE; } /* end else */ #endif /* H5_MPI_COMPLEX_DERIVED_DATATYPE_WORKS */ } /* end if */ /* Switch to independent I/O */ if(make_ind) if(H5D_ioinfo_make_ind(io_info) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't switch to independent I/O") #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Perform the actual read operation */ status = (io_info->ops.read)(io_info, chunk_info->chunk_points, H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type), chunk_info->fspace, chunk_info->mspace, buf); #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Switch back to collective I/O */ if(make_coll) if(H5D_ioinfo_make_coll(io_info) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't switch to independent I/O") #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Check return value from optimized read */ if (status<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "optimized read failed") /* Get the next chunk node in the skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_next(chunk_node); } /* end while */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].read_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].read_nbytes += nelmts * H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type); io_info->stats->stats[1].read_ncalls++; #endif /* direct xfer accomplished successfully */ HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) } /* end if */ /* * This is the general case (type conversion, usually). */ if(nelmts==0) HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) /* Compute element sizes and other parameters */ src_type_size = H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type); dst_type_size = H5T_get_size(mem_type); max_type_size = MAX(src_type_size, dst_type_size); target_size = dxpl_cache->max_temp_buf; /* XXX: This could cause a problem if the user sets their buffer size * to the same size as the default, and then the dataset elements are * too large for the buffer... - QAK */ if(target_size==H5D_XFER_MAX_TEMP_BUF_DEF) { /* If the buffer is too small to hold even one element, make it bigger */ if(target_size(nelmts*max_type_size)) target_size=(size_t)(nelmts*max_type_size); } /* end if */ request_nelmts = target_size / max_type_size; /* Sanity check elements in temporary buffer */ if (request_nelmts==0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "temporary buffer max size is too small") /* * Get a temporary buffer for type conversion unless the app has already * supplied one through the xfer properties. Instead of allocating a * buffer which is the exact size, we allocate the target size. The * malloc() is usually less resource-intensive if we allocate/free the * same size over and over. */ if (H5T_path_bkg(tpath)) { H5T_bkg_t path_bkg; /* Type conversion's background info */ /* Retrieve the bkgr buffer property */ need_bkg=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf_type; path_bkg = H5T_path_bkg(tpath); need_bkg = MAX(path_bkg, need_bkg); } else { need_bkg = H5T_BKG_NO; /*never needed even if app says yes*/ } /* end else */ if (NULL==(tconv_buf=dxpl_cache->tconv_buf)) { /* Allocate temporary buffer */ if((tconv_buf=H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_conv,target_size))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for type conversion") } /* end if */ if (need_bkg && NULL==(bkg_buf=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf)) { /* Allocate background buffer */ /* (Need calloc()-like call since memory needs to be initialized) */ if((bkg_buf=H5FL_BLK_CALLOC(type_conv,(request_nelmts*dst_type_size)))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for background conversion") } /* end if */ /* Loop over all the chunks, performing I/O on each */ /* Get first node in chunk skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_first(fm.fsel); /* Iterate through chunks to be operated on */ while(chunk_node) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* chunk information */ /* Get the actual chunk information from the skip list nodes */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(chunk_node); /* initialize selection iterator */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&file_iter, chunk_info->fspace, src_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize file selection information") file_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&mem_iter, chunk_info->mspace, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize memory selection information") mem_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&bkg_iter, chunk_info->mspace, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize background selection information") bkg_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ /* Pass in chunk's coordinates in a union*/ store.chunk.offset = chunk_info->coords; store.chunk.index = chunk_info->index; for (smine_start=0; smine_startchunk_points; smine_start+=smine_nelmts) { /* Go figure out how many elements to read from the file */ assert(H5S_SELECT_ITER_NELMTS(&file_iter)==(chunk_info->chunk_points-smine_start)); smine_nelmts = (size_t)MIN(request_nelmts, (chunk_info->chunk_points-smine_start)); /* * Gather the data from disk into the data type conversion * buffer. Also gather data from application to background buffer * if necessary. */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif /* Sanity check that space is allocated, then read data from it */ assert(((dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CONTIGUOUS && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.contig.addr)) || (dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_CHUNKED && H5F_addr_defined(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.addr))) || dataset->shared->efl.nused>0 || dataset->shared->layout.type==H5D_COMPACT); n = H5D_select_fgath(io_info, chunk_info->fspace, &file_iter, smine_nelmts, tconv_buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_nbytes += n * src_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "file gather failed") if (H5T_BKG_YES==need_bkg) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif n = H5D_select_mgath(buf, chunk_info->mspace, &bkg_iter, smine_nelmts, dxpl_cache, bkg_buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].bkg_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].bkg_nbytes += n * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[1].bkg_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "mem gather failed") } /* end if */ /* * Perform data type conversion. */ if (H5T_convert(tpath, src_id, dst_id, smine_nelmts, 0, 0, tconv_buf, bkg_buf, io_info->dxpl_id)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "data type conversion failed") /* * Scatter the data into memory. */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif status = H5D_select_mscat(tconv_buf, chunk_info->mspace, &mem_iter, smine_nelmts, dxpl_cache, buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].scat_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].scat_nbytes += smine_nelmts * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[1].scat_ncalls++; #endif if (status<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "scatter failed") } /* end for */ /* Release selection iterators */ if(file_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&file_iter)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") file_iter_init=0; } /* end if */ if(mem_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") mem_iter_init=0; } /* end if */ if(bkg_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&bkg_iter)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") bkg_iter_init=0; } /* end if */ /* Get the next chunk node in the skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_next(chunk_node); } /* end while */ done: /* Release selection iterators, if necessary */ if(file_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&file_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(mem_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(bkg_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&bkg_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if (tconv_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->tconv_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,tconv_buf); if (bkg_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,bkg_buf); /* Release chunk mapping information */ if(H5D_destroy_chunk_map(&fm) < 0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "can't release chunk mapping") FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* H5D_chunk_read() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_chunk_write * * Purpose: Writes to a chunked dataset. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Raymond Lu * Thursday, April 10, 2003 * * Modifications: * QAK - 2003/04/17 * Hacked on it a lot. :-) * Kent Yang: 8/10/04 * Added support for collective chunk IO. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_chunk_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, hsize_t nelmts, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *mem_space, const H5S_t *file_space, H5T_path_t *tpath, hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, const void *buf) { H5D_t *dataset=io_info->dset; /* Local pointer to dataset info */ const H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache=io_info->dxpl_cache; /* Local pointer to dataset transfer info */ fm_map fm; /* File<->memory mapping */ H5SL_node_t *chunk_node; /* Current node in chunk skip list */ herr_t status; /*function return status*/ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_t timer; #endif size_t src_type_size; /*size of source type */ size_t dst_type_size; /*size of destination type*/ size_t max_type_size; /* Size of largest source/destination type */ size_t target_size; /*desired buffer size */ size_t request_nelmts; /*requested strip mine */ hsize_t smine_start; /*strip mine start loc */ size_t n, smine_nelmts; /*elements per strip */ H5S_sel_iter_t mem_iter; /*memory selection iteration info*/ hbool_t mem_iter_init=0; /*memory selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t bkg_iter; /*background iteration info*/ hbool_t bkg_iter_init=0; /*background iteration info has been initialized */ H5S_sel_iter_t file_iter; /*file selection iteration info*/ hbool_t file_iter_init=0; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ H5T_bkg_t need_bkg; /*type of background buf*/ uint8_t *tconv_buf = NULL; /*data type conv buffer */ uint8_t *bkg_buf = NULL; /*background buffer */ H5D_storage_t store; /*union of EFL and chunk pointer in file space */ #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL int count_chunk; /* Number of chunks accessed */ int min_num_chunk; /* Number of chunks to access collectively */ #endif herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_chunk_write) assert(buf); /* Map elements between file and memory for each chunk*/ if(H5D_create_chunk_map(dataset, mem_type, file_space, mem_space, &fm)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "can't build chunk mapping") /* Set dataset storage for I/O info */ io_info->store=&store; /* * If there is no type conversion then write directly from the * application's buffer. This saves at least one mem-to-mem copy. */ if (H5T_path_noop(tpath)) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL if(io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode == H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) { if(H5D_mpio_get_min_chunk(io_info, &fm, &min_num_chunk)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get minimum number of chunk") } count_chunk = 0; #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Get first node in chunk skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_first(fm.fsel); /* Iterate through chunks to be operated on */ while(chunk_node) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */ #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL hbool_t make_ind, make_coll; /* Flags to indicate that the MPI mode should change */ #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Get the actual chunk information from the skip list node */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(chunk_node); /* Pass in chunk's coordinates in a union. */ store.chunk.offset = chunk_info->coords; store.chunk.index = chunk_info->index; #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Reset flags for changing parallel I/O mode */ make_ind = make_coll = FALSE; if(io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode == H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) { /* Increment chunk we are operating on */ count_chunk++; /* If the number of chunk is greater than minimum number of chunk, Do independent write */ if(count_chunk > min_num_chunk) { /* Switch to independent I/O (permanently) */ make_ind = TRUE; } #ifndef H5_MPI_COMPLEX_DERIVED_DATATYPE_WORKS else { /* Switch to independent I/O (temporarily) */ make_ind = TRUE; make_coll = TRUE; } /* end else */ #endif /* H5_MPI_COMPLEX_DERIVED_DATATYPE_WORKS */ } /* end if */ /* Switch to independent I/O */ if(make_ind) if(H5D_ioinfo_make_ind(io_info) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't switch to independent I/O") #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Perform the actual write operation */ status = (io_info->ops.write)(io_info, chunk_info->chunk_points, H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type), chunk_info->fspace, chunk_info->mspace, buf); #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Switch back to collective I/O */ if(make_coll) if(H5D_ioinfo_make_coll(io_info) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't switch to independent I/O") #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ /* Check return value from optimized write */ if (status<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "optimized write failed") /* Get the next chunk node in the skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_next(chunk_node); } /* end while */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[0].write_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[0].write_nbytes += nelmts * H5T_get_size(mem_type); io_info->stats->stats[0].write_ncalls++; #endif /* direct xfer accomplished successfully */ HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) } /* end if */ /* * This is the general case (type conversion, usually). */ if(nelmts==0) HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) /* Compute element sizes and other parameters */ src_type_size = H5T_get_size(mem_type); dst_type_size = H5T_get_size(dataset->shared->type); max_type_size = MAX(src_type_size, dst_type_size); target_size = dxpl_cache->max_temp_buf; /* XXX: This could cause a problem if the user sets their buffer size * to the same size as the default, and then the dataset elements are * too large for the buffer... - QAK */ if(target_size==H5D_XFER_MAX_TEMP_BUF_DEF) { /* If the buffer is too small to hold even one element, make it bigger */ if(target_size(nelmts*max_type_size)) target_size=(size_t)(nelmts*max_type_size); } /* end if */ request_nelmts = target_size / max_type_size; /* Sanity check elements in temporary buffer */ if (request_nelmts==0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "temporary buffer max size is too small") /* * Get a temporary buffer for type conversion unless the app has already * supplied one through the xfer properties. Instead of allocating a * buffer which is the exact size, we allocate the target size. The * malloc() is usually less resource-intensive if we allocate/free the * same size over and over. */ if(H5T_detect_class(dataset->shared->type, H5T_VLEN)) { /* Old data is retrieved into background buffer for VL datatype. The * data is used later for freeing heap objects. */ need_bkg = H5T_BKG_YES; } else if (H5T_path_bkg(tpath)) { H5T_bkg_t path_bkg; /* Type conversion's background info */ /* Retrieve the bkgr buffer property */ need_bkg=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf_type; path_bkg = H5T_path_bkg(tpath); need_bkg = MAX (path_bkg, need_bkg); } else { need_bkg = H5T_BKG_NO; /*never needed even if app says yes*/ } /* end else */ if (NULL==(tconv_buf=dxpl_cache->tconv_buf)) { /* Allocate temporary buffer */ if((tconv_buf=H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_conv,target_size))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for type conversion") } /* end if */ if (need_bkg && NULL==(bkg_buf=dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf)) { /* Allocate background buffer */ /* (Don't need calloc()-like call since file data is already initialized) */ if((bkg_buf=H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(type_conv,(request_nelmts*dst_type_size)))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed for background conversion") } /* end if */ /* Loop over all the chunks, performing I/O on each */ /* Get first node in chunk skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_first(fm.fsel); /* Iterate through chunks to be operated on */ while(chunk_node) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* chunk information */ /* Get the actual chunk information from the skip list node */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(chunk_node); /* initialize selection iterator */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&file_iter, chunk_info->fspace, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize file selection information") file_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&mem_iter, chunk_info->mspace, src_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize memory selection information") mem_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ if (H5S_select_iter_init(&bkg_iter, chunk_info->fspace, dst_type_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize background selection information") bkg_iter_init=1; /*file selection iteration info has been initialized */ /*pass in chunk's coordinates in a union*/ store.chunk.offset = chunk_info->coords; store.chunk.index = chunk_info->index; for (smine_start=0; smine_startchunk_points; smine_start+=smine_nelmts) { /* Go figure out how many elements to read from the file */ assert(H5S_SELECT_ITER_NELMTS(&file_iter)==(chunk_info->chunk_points-smine_start)); smine_nelmts = (size_t)MIN(request_nelmts, (chunk_info->chunk_points-smine_start)); /* * Gather the data from disk into the data type conversion * buffer. Also gather data from application to background buffer * if necessary. */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif n = H5D_select_mgath(buf, chunk_info->mspace, &mem_iter, smine_nelmts, dxpl_cache, tconv_buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_nbytes += n * src_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[1].gath_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "file gather failed") if (H5T_BKG_YES==need_bkg) { #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif n = H5D_select_fgath(io_info, chunk_info->fspace, &bkg_iter, smine_nelmts, bkg_buf/*out*/); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[0].bkg_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[0].bkg_nbytes += n * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[0].bkg_ncalls++; #endif if (n!=smine_nelmts) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_IO, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "file gather failed") } /* end if */ /* * Perform data type conversion. */ if (H5T_convert(tpath, src_id, dst_id, smine_nelmts, 0, 0, tconv_buf, bkg_buf, io_info->dxpl_id)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "data type conversion failed") /* * Scatter the data out to the file. */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_begin(&timer); #endif status = H5D_select_fscat(io_info, chunk_info->fspace, &file_iter, smine_nelmts, tconv_buf); #ifdef H5S_DEBUG H5_timer_end(&(io_info->stats->stats[0].scat_timer), &timer); io_info->stats->stats[0].scat_nbytes += n * dst_type_size; io_info->stats->stats[0].scat_ncalls++; #endif if (status<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_IO, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "scatter failed") } /* end for */ /* Release selection iterators */ if(file_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&file_iter)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") file_iter_init=0; } /* end if */ if(mem_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") mem_iter_init=0; } /* end if */ if(bkg_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&bkg_iter)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") bkg_iter_init=0; } /* end if */ /* Get the next chunk node in the skip list */ chunk_node=H5SL_next(chunk_node); } /* end while */ done: /* Release selection iterators, if necessary */ if(file_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&file_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(mem_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&mem_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if(bkg_iter_init) { if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&bkg_iter)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't release selection iterator") } /* end if */ if (tconv_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->tconv_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,tconv_buf); if (bkg_buf && NULL==dxpl_cache->bkgr_buf) H5FL_BLK_FREE(type_conv,bkg_buf); /* Release chunk mapping information */ if(H5D_destroy_chunk_map(&fm) < 0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "can't release chunk mapping") FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* H5D_chunk_write() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_create_chunk_map * * Purpose: Creates the mapping between elements selected in each chunk * and the elements in the memory selection. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Raymond Lu * Thursday, April 10, 2003 * * Modifications: * QAK - 2003/04/17 * Hacked on it a lot. :-) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_create_chunk_map(const H5D_t *dataset, const H5T_t *mem_type, const H5S_t *file_space, const H5S_t *mem_space, fm_map *fm) { H5S_t *tmp_mspace=NULL; /* Temporary memory dataspace */ H5S_t *equiv_mspace=NULL; /* Equivalent memory dataspace */ hbool_t equiv_mspace_init=0;/* Equivalent memory dataspace was created */ hssize_t old_offset[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Old selection offset */ hbool_t file_space_normalized = FALSE; /* File dataspace was normalized */ hid_t f_tid=(-1); /* Temporary copy of file datatype for iteration */ hbool_t iter_init=0; /* Selection iteration info has been initialized */ unsigned f_ndims; /* The number of dimensions of the file's dataspace */ int sm_ndims; /* The number of dimensions of the memory buffer's dataspace (signed) */ H5SL_node_t *curr_node; /* Current node in skip list */ H5S_sel_type fsel_type; /* Selection type on disk */ char bogus; /* "bogus" buffer to pass to selection iterator */ unsigned u; /* Local index variable */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_create_chunk_map) /* Get layout for dataset */ fm->layout = &(dataset->shared->layout); /* Check if the memory space is scalar & make equivalent memory space */ if((sm_ndims = H5S_GET_EXTENT_NDIMS(mem_space))<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "unable to get dimension number") if(sm_ndims==0) { hsize_t dims[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Temporary dimension information */ /* Set up "equivalent" n-dimensional dataspace with size '1' in each dimension */ for(u=0; ushared->layout.u.chunk.ndims-1; u++) dims[u]=1; if((equiv_mspace = H5S_create_simple(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.ndims-1,dims,NULL))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "unable to create equivalent dataspace for scalar space") /* Indicate that this space needs to be released */ equiv_mspace_init=1; /* Set the number of dimensions for the memory dataspace */ fm->m_ndims=dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.ndims-1; } /* end else */ else { equiv_mspace=(H5S_t *)mem_space; /* Casting away 'const' OK... */ /* Set the number of dimensions for the memory dataspace */ H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(fm->m_ndims,sm_ndims,int,unsigned); } /* end else */ /* Get dim number and dimensionality for each dataspace */ fm->f_ndims=f_ndims=dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.ndims-1; if(H5S_get_simple_extent_dims(file_space, fm->f_dims, NULL)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "unable to get dimensionality") /* Normalize hyperslab selections by adjusting them by the offset */ /* (It might be worthwhile to normalize both the file and memory dataspaces * before any (contiguous, chunked, etc) file I/O operation, in order to * speed up hyperslab calculations by removing the extra checks and/or * additions involving the offset and the hyperslab selection -QAK) */ if(H5S_hyper_normalize_offset((H5S_t *)file_space, old_offset)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_BADSELECT, FAIL, "unable to normalize dataspace by offset") file_space_normalized = TRUE; /* Decide the number of chunks in each dimension*/ for(u=0; uchunk_dim[u]=fm->layout->u.chunk.dim[u]; /* Round up to the next integer # of chunks, to accomodate partial chunks */ fm->chunks[u] = ((fm->f_dims[u]+dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.dim[u])-1) / dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.dim[u]; } /* end for */ /* Compute the "down" size of 'chunks' information */ if(H5V_array_down(f_ndims,fm->chunks,fm->down_chunks)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_INTERNAL, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "can't compute 'down' sizes") /* Initialize skip list for chunk selections */ if((fm->fsel=H5SL_create(H5SL_TYPE_HSIZE,0.5,H5D_DEFAULT_SKIPLIST_HEIGHT))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET,H5E_CANTCREATE,FAIL,"can't create skip list for chunk selections") /* Initialize "last chunk" information */ fm->last_index=(hsize_t)-1; fm->last_chunk_info=NULL; /* Point at the dataspaces */ fm->file_space=file_space; fm->mem_space=equiv_mspace; fm->mem_space_copy=equiv_mspace_init; /* Make certain to copy memory dataspace if necessary */ /* Get type of selection on disk & in memory */ if((fsel_type=H5S_GET_SELECT_TYPE(file_space))msel_type=H5S_GET_SELECT_TYPE(equiv_mspace))shared->type, H5T_COPY_ALL)))<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, "unable to register file datatype") /* Spaces aren't the same shape, iterate over the memory selection directly */ if(H5S_select_iterate(&bogus, f_tid, file_space, H5D_chunk_file_cb, fm)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to create file chunk selections") /* Reset "last chunk" info */ fm->last_index=(hsize_t)-1; fm->last_chunk_info=NULL; } /* end if */ else { /* Build the file selection for each chunk */ if(H5D_create_chunk_file_map_hyper(fm)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to create file chunk selections") /* Clean file chunks' hyperslab span "scratch" information */ curr_node=H5SL_first(fm->fsel); while(curr_node) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* Pointer chunk information */ /* Get pointer to chunk's information */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(curr_node); assert(chunk_info); /* Clean hyperslab span's "scratch" information */ if(H5S_hyper_reset_scratch(chunk_info->fspace)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "unable to reset span scratch info") /* Get the next chunk node in the skip list */ curr_node=H5SL_next(curr_node); } /* end while */ } /* end else */ /* Build the memory selection for each chunk */ if(fsel_type!=H5S_SEL_POINTS && fsel_type!=H5S_SEL_NONE && H5S_select_shape_same(file_space,equiv_mspace)==TRUE) { /* Reset chunk template information */ fm->mchunk_tmpl=NULL; /* If the selections are the same shape, use the file chunk information * to generate the memory chunk information quickly. */ if(H5D_create_chunk_mem_map_hyper(fm)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to create memory chunk selections") } /* end if */ else { size_t elmt_size; /* Memory datatype size */ /* Make a copy of equivalent memory space */ if((tmp_mspace = H5S_copy(equiv_mspace,TRUE))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOPY, FAIL, "unable to copy memory space") /* De-select the mem space copy */ if(H5S_select_none(tmp_mspace)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to de-select memory space") /* Save chunk template information */ fm->mchunk_tmpl=tmp_mspace; /* Create temporary datatypes for selection iteration */ if(f_tid<0) { if((f_tid = H5I_register(H5I_DATATYPE, H5T_copy(dataset->shared->type, H5T_COPY_ALL)))<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, "unable to register file datatype") } /* end if */ /* Create selection iterator for memory selection */ if((elmt_size=H5T_get_size(mem_type))==0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATATYPE, H5E_BADSIZE, FAIL, "datatype size invalid") if (H5S_select_iter_init(&(fm->mem_iter), equiv_mspace, elmt_size)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to initialize selection iterator") iter_init=1; /* Selection iteration info has been initialized */ /* Spaces aren't the same shape, iterate over the memory selection directly */ if(H5S_select_iterate(&bogus, f_tid, file_space, H5D_chunk_mem_cb, fm)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to create memory chunk selections") /* Clean up hyperslab stuff, if necessary */ if(fm->msel_type!=H5S_SEL_POINTS) { /* Clean memory chunks' hyperslab span "scratch" information */ curr_node=H5SL_first(fm->fsel); while(curr_node) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* Pointer chunk information */ /* Get pointer to chunk's information */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(curr_node); assert(chunk_info); /* Clean hyperslab span's "scratch" information */ if(H5S_hyper_reset_scratch(chunk_info->mspace)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "unable to reset span scratch info") /* Get the next chunk node in the skip list */ curr_node=H5SL_next(curr_node); } /* end while */ } /* end if */ } /* end else */ done: /* Release the [potentially partially built] chunk mapping information if an error occurs */ if(ret_value<0) { if(tmp_mspace && !fm->mchunk_tmpl) { if(H5S_close(tmp_mspace)<0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "can't release memory chunk dataspace template") } /* end if */ if (H5D_destroy_chunk_map(fm)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "unable to release chunk mapping") } /* end if */ /* Reset the global dataspace info */ fm->file_space=NULL; fm->mem_space=NULL; if(equiv_mspace_init && equiv_mspace) { if(H5S_close(equiv_mspace)<0) HDONE_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "can't release memory chunk dataspace template") } /* end if */ if(iter_init) { if (H5S_SELECT_ITER_RELEASE(&(fm->mem_iter))<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "unable to release selection iterator") } if(f_tid!=(-1)) { if(H5I_dec_ref(f_tid)<0) HDONE_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTFREE, FAIL, "Can't decrement temporary datatype ID") } /* end if */ if(file_space_normalized) { if(H5S_hyper_denormalize_offset((H5S_t *)file_space, old_offset)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASET, H5E_BADSELECT, FAIL, "unable to normalize dataspace by offset") } /* end if */ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_create_chunk_map() */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME H5D_free_chunk_info PURPOSE Internal routine to destroy a chunk info node USAGE void H5D_free_chunk_info(chunk_info) void *chunk_info; IN: Pointer to chunk info to destroy RETURNS No return value DESCRIPTION Releases all the memory for a chunk info node. Called by H5SL_iterate GLOBAL VARIABLES COMMENTS, BUGS, ASSUMPTIONS EXAMPLES REVISION LOG --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static herr_t H5D_free_chunk_info(void *item, void UNUSED *key, void UNUSED *opdata) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info=(H5D_chunk_info_t *)item; FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT_NOFUNC(H5D_free_chunk_info) assert(chunk_info); /* Close the chunk's file dataspace */ (void)H5S_close(chunk_info->fspace); /* Close the chunk's memory dataspace, if it's not shared */ if(!chunk_info->mspace_shared) (void)H5S_close(chunk_info->mspace); /* Free the actual chunk info */ H5FL_FREE(H5D_chunk_info_t,chunk_info); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(0); } /* H5D_free_chunk_info() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_destroy_chunk_map * * Purpose: Destroy chunk mapping information. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Saturday, May 17, 2003 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_destroy_chunk_map(const fm_map *fm) { herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_destroy_chunk_map) /* Free the chunk info skip list */ if(fm->fsel) { if(H5SL_count(fm->fsel)>0) if(H5SL_iterate(fm->fsel,H5D_free_chunk_info,NULL)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST,H5E_CANTNEXT,FAIL,"can't iterate over chunks") H5SL_close(fm->fsel); } /* end if */ /* Free the memory chunk dataspace template */ if(fm->mchunk_tmpl) if(H5S_close(fm->mchunk_tmpl)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "can't release memory chunk dataspace template") done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_destroy_chunk_map() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_create_chunk_file_map_hyper * * Purpose: Create all chunk selections in file. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Thursday, May 29, 2003 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_create_chunk_file_map_hyper(const fm_map *fm) { hssize_t ssel_points; /* Number of elements in file selection */ hsize_t sel_points; /* Number of elements in file selection */ hsize_t sel_start[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Offset of low bound of file selection */ hsize_t sel_end[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Offset of high bound of file selection */ hsize_t start_coords[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Starting coordinates of selection */ hsize_t coords[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Current coordinates of chunk */ hsize_t end[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Current coordinates of chunk */ hsize_t chunk_index; /* Index of chunk */ int curr_dim; /* Current dimension to increment */ unsigned u; /* Local index variable */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_create_chunk_file_map_hyper) /* Sanity check */ assert(fm->f_ndims>0); /* Get number of elements selected in file */ if((ssel_points=H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(fm->file_space))<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get file selection # of elements") H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(sel_points,ssel_points,hssize_t,hsize_t); /* Get bounding box for selection (to reduce the number of chunks to iterate over) */ if(H5S_SELECT_BOUNDS(fm->file_space, sel_start, sel_end)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get file selection bound info") /* Set initial chunk location & hyperslab size */ for(u=0; uf_ndims; u++) { start_coords[u]=(sel_start[u]/fm->layout->u.chunk.dim[u])*fm->layout->u.chunk.dim[u]; coords[u]=start_coords[u]; end[u]=(coords[u]+fm->chunk_dim[u])-1; } /* end for */ /* Calculate the index of this chunk */ if(H5V_chunk_index(fm->f_ndims,coords,fm->layout->u.chunk.dim,fm->down_chunks,&chunk_index)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "can't get chunk index") /* Iterate through each chunk in the dataset */ while(sel_points) { /* Check for intersection of temporary chunk and file selection */ /* (Casting away const OK - QAK) */ if(H5S_hyper_intersect_block((H5S_t *)fm->file_space,coords,end)==TRUE) { H5S_t *tmp_fchunk; /* Temporary file dataspace */ H5D_chunk_info_t *new_chunk_info; /* chunk information to insert into skip list */ hssize_t schunk_points; /* Number of elements in chunk selection */ /* Create "temporary" chunk for selection operations (copy file space) */ if((tmp_fchunk = H5S_copy(fm->file_space,TRUE))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOPY, FAIL, "unable to copy memory space") /* Make certain selections are stored in span tree form (not "optimized hyperslab" or "all") */ if(H5S_hyper_convert(tmp_fchunk)<0) { (void)H5S_close(tmp_fchunk); HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to convert selection to span trees") } /* end if */ /* "AND" temporary chunk and current chunk */ if(H5S_select_hyperslab(tmp_fchunk,H5S_SELECT_AND,coords,NULL,fm->chunk_dim,NULL)<0) { (void)H5S_close(tmp_fchunk); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, FAIL, "can't create chunk selection") } /* end if */ /* Resize chunk's dataspace dimensions to size of chunk */ if(H5S_set_extent_real(tmp_fchunk,fm->chunk_dim)<0) { (void)H5S_close(tmp_fchunk); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, FAIL, "can't adjust chunk dimensions") } /* end if */ /* Move selection back to have correct offset in chunk */ if(H5S_hyper_adjust_u(tmp_fchunk,coords)<0) { (void)H5S_close(tmp_fchunk); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, FAIL, "can't adjust chunk selection") } /* end if */ /* Add temporary chunk to the list of chunks */ /* Allocate the file & memory chunk information */ if (NULL==(new_chunk_info = H5FL_MALLOC (H5D_chunk_info_t))) { (void)H5S_close(tmp_fchunk); HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "can't allocate chunk info") } /* end if */ /* Initialize the chunk information */ /* Set the chunk index */ new_chunk_info->index=chunk_index; /* Set the file chunk dataspace */ new_chunk_info->fspace=tmp_fchunk; /* Set the memory chunk dataspace */ new_chunk_info->mspace=NULL; new_chunk_info->mspace_shared=0; /* Copy the chunk's coordinates */ for(u=0; uf_ndims; u++) new_chunk_info->coords[u]=coords[u]; new_chunk_info->coords[fm->f_ndims]=0; /* Insert the new chunk into the skip list */ if(H5SL_insert(fm->fsel,new_chunk_info,&new_chunk_info->index)<0) { H5D_free_chunk_info(new_chunk_info,NULL,NULL); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE,H5E_CANTINSERT,FAIL,"can't insert chunk into skip list") } /* end if */ /* Get number of elements selected in chunk */ if((schunk_points=H5S_GET_SELECT_NPOINTS(tmp_fchunk))<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get file selection # of elements") H5_ASSIGN_OVERFLOW(new_chunk_info->chunk_points,schunk_points,hssize_t,size_t); /* Decrement # of points left in file selection */ sel_points-=(hsize_t)schunk_points; /* Leave if we are done */ if(sel_points==0) HGOTO_DONE(SUCCEED) assert(sel_points>0); } /* end if */ /* Increment chunk index */ chunk_index++; /* Set current increment dimension */ curr_dim=(int)fm->f_ndims-1; /* Increment chunk location in fastest changing dimension */ H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(fm->chunk_dim[curr_dim],hsize_t,hssize_t); coords[curr_dim]+=fm->chunk_dim[curr_dim]; end[curr_dim]+=fm->chunk_dim[curr_dim]; /* Bring chunk location back into bounds, if necessary */ if(coords[curr_dim]>sel_end[curr_dim]) { do { /* Reset current dimension's location to 0 */ coords[curr_dim]=start_coords[curr_dim]; /*lint !e771 The start_coords will always be initialized */ end[curr_dim]=(coords[curr_dim]+(hssize_t)fm->chunk_dim[curr_dim])-1; /* Decrement current dimension */ curr_dim--; /* Increment chunk location in current dimension */ coords[curr_dim]+=fm->chunk_dim[curr_dim]; end[curr_dim]=(coords[curr_dim]+fm->chunk_dim[curr_dim])-1; } while(coords[curr_dim]>sel_end[curr_dim]); /* Re-Calculate the index of this chunk */ if(H5V_chunk_index(fm->f_ndims,coords,fm->layout->u.chunk.dim,fm->down_chunks,&chunk_index)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "can't get chunk index") } /* end if */ } /* end while */ done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_create_chunk_file_map_hyper() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_create_chunk_mem_map_hyper * * Purpose: Create all chunk selections in memory by copying the file * chunk selections and adjusting their offsets to be correct * for the memory. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Thursday, May 29, 2003 * * Assumptions: That the file and memory selections are the same shape. * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_create_chunk_mem_map_hyper(const fm_map *fm) { H5SL_node_t *curr_node; /* Current node in skip list */ hsize_t file_sel_start[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Offset of low bound of file selection */ hsize_t file_sel_end[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Offset of high bound of file selection */ hsize_t mem_sel_start[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Offset of low bound of file selection */ hsize_t mem_sel_end[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Offset of high bound of file selection */ hssize_t adjust[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Adjustment to make to all file chunks */ hssize_t chunk_adjust[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Adjustment to make to a particular chunk */ unsigned u; /* Local index variable */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_create_chunk_mem_map_hyper) /* Sanity check */ assert(fm->f_ndims>0); /* Check for all I/O going to a single chunk */ if(H5SL_count(fm->fsel)==1) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* Pointer to chunk information */ /* Get the node */ curr_node=H5SL_first(fm->fsel); /* Get pointer to chunk's information */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(curr_node); assert(chunk_info); /* Check if it's OK to share dataspace */ if(fm->mem_space_copy) { /* Copy the memory dataspace & selection to be the chunk's dataspace & selection */ if((chunk_info->mspace = H5S_copy(fm->mem_space,FALSE))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOPY, FAIL, "unable to copy memory space") } /* end if */ else { /* Just point at the memory dataspace & selection */ /* (Casting away const OK -QAK) */ chunk_info->mspace=(H5S_t *)fm->mem_space; /* Indicate that the chunk's memory space is shared */ chunk_info->mspace_shared=1; } /* end else */ } /* end if */ else { /* Get bounding box for file selection */ if(H5S_SELECT_BOUNDS(fm->file_space, file_sel_start, file_sel_end)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get file selection bound info") /* Get bounding box for memory selection */ if(H5S_SELECT_BOUNDS(fm->mem_space, mem_sel_start, mem_sel_end)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't get file selection bound info") /* Calculate the adjustment for memory selection from file selection */ assert(fm->m_ndims==fm->f_ndims); for(u=0; uf_ndims; u++) { H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(file_sel_start[u],hsize_t,hssize_t); H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(mem_sel_start[u],hsize_t,hssize_t); adjust[u]=(hssize_t)file_sel_start[u]-(hssize_t)mem_sel_start[u]; } /* end for */ /* Iterate over each chunk in the chunk list */ curr_node=H5SL_first(fm->fsel); while(curr_node) { H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* Pointer to chunk information */ /* Get pointer to chunk's information */ chunk_info=H5SL_item(curr_node); assert(chunk_info); /* Copy the information */ /* Copy the memory dataspace */ if((chunk_info->mspace = H5S_copy(fm->mem_space,TRUE))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOPY, FAIL, "unable to copy memory space") /* Release the current selection */ if(H5S_SELECT_RELEASE(chunk_info->mspace)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "unable to release selection") /* Copy the file chunk's selection */ if(H5S_select_copy(chunk_info->mspace,chunk_info->fspace,FALSE)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOPY, FAIL, "unable to copy selection") /* Compensate for the chunk offset */ for(u=0; uf_ndims; u++) { H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(chunk_info->coords[u],hsize_t,hssize_t); chunk_adjust[u]=adjust[u]-(hssize_t)chunk_info->coords[u]; /*lint !e771 The adjust array will always be initialized */ } /* end for */ /* Adjust the selection */ if(H5S_hyper_adjust_s(chunk_info->mspace,chunk_adjust)<0) /*lint !e772 The chunk_adjust array will always be initialized */ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, FAIL, "can't adjust chunk selection") /* Get the next chunk node in the skip list */ curr_node=H5SL_next(curr_node); } /* end while */ } /* end else */ done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_create_chunk_mem_map_hyper() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_chunk_file_cb * * Purpose: Callback routine for file selection iterator. Used when * creating selections in file for each point selected. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Wednesday, July 23, 2003 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_chunk_file_cb(void UNUSED *elem, hid_t UNUSED type_id, unsigned ndims, const hsize_t *coords, void *_fm) { fm_map *fm = (fm_map*)_fm; /* File<->memory chunk mapping info */ H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* Chunk information for current chunk */ hsize_t coords_in_chunk[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Coordinates of element in chunk */ hsize_t chunk_index; /* Chunk index */ unsigned u; /* Local index variable */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_chunk_file_cb) /* Calculate the index of this chunk */ if(H5V_chunk_index(ndims,coords,fm->layout->u.chunk.dim,fm->down_chunks,&chunk_index)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "can't get chunk index") /* Find correct chunk in file & memory skip list */ if(chunk_index==fm->last_index) { /* If the chunk index is the same as the last chunk index we used, * get the cached info to operate on. */ chunk_info=fm->last_chunk_info; } /* end if */ else { /* If the chunk index is not the same as the last chunk index we used, * find the chunk in the skip list. */ /* Get the chunk node from the skip list */ if((chunk_info=H5SL_search(fm->fsel,&chunk_index))==NULL) { H5S_t *fspace; /* Memory chunk's dataspace */ /* Allocate the file & memory chunk information */ if (NULL==(chunk_info = H5FL_MALLOC (H5D_chunk_info_t))) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "can't allocate chunk info") /* Initialize the chunk information */ /* Set the chunk index */ chunk_info->index=chunk_index; /* Create a dataspace for the chunk */ if((fspace = H5S_create_simple(fm->f_ndims,fm->chunk_dim,NULL))==NULL) { H5FL_FREE(H5D_chunk_info_t,chunk_info); HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "unable to create dataspace for chunk") } /* end if */ /* De-select the chunk space */ if(H5S_select_none(fspace)<0) { (void)H5S_close(fspace); H5FL_FREE(H5D_chunk_info_t,chunk_info); HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "unable to de-select dataspace") } /* end if */ /* Set the file chunk dataspace */ chunk_info->fspace=fspace; /* Set the memory chunk dataspace */ chunk_info->mspace=NULL; chunk_info->mspace_shared=0; /* Set the number of selected elements in chunk to zero */ chunk_info->chunk_points=0; /* Compute the chunk's coordinates */ for(u=0; uf_ndims; u++) { H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(fm->layout->u.chunk.dim[u],hsize_t,hssize_t); chunk_info->coords[u]=(coords[u]/(hssize_t)fm->layout->u.chunk.dim[u])*(hssize_t)fm->layout->u.chunk.dim[u]; } /* end for */ chunk_info->coords[fm->f_ndims]=0; /* Insert the new chunk into the skip list */ if(H5SL_insert(fm->fsel,chunk_info,&chunk_info->index)<0) { H5D_free_chunk_info(chunk_info,NULL,NULL); HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE,H5E_CANTINSERT,FAIL,"can't insert chunk into skip list") } /* end if */ } /* end if */ /* Update the "last chunk seen" information */ fm->last_index=chunk_index; fm->last_chunk_info=chunk_info; } /* end else */ /* Get the coordinates of the element in the chunk */ for(u=0; uf_ndims; u++) coords_in_chunk[u]=coords[u]%fm->layout->u.chunk.dim[u]; /* Add point to file selection for chunk */ if(H5S_select_elements(chunk_info->fspace,H5S_SELECT_APPEND,1,coords_in_chunk)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, FAIL, "unable to select element") /* Increment the number of elemented selected in chunk */ chunk_info->chunk_points++; done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_chunk_file_cb() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_chunk_mem_cb * * Purpose: Callback routine for file selection iterator. Used when * creating selections in memory for each chunk. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Raymond Lu * Thursday, April 10, 2003 * * Modifications: * QAK - 2003/04/17 * Hacked on it a lot. :-) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ARGSUSED */ static herr_t H5D_chunk_mem_cb(void UNUSED *elem, hid_t UNUSED type_id, unsigned ndims, const hsize_t *coords, void *_fm) { fm_map *fm = (fm_map*)_fm; /* File<->memory chunk mapping info */ H5D_chunk_info_t *chunk_info; /* Chunk information for current chunk */ hsize_t coords_in_mem[H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS]; /* Coordinates of element in memory */ hsize_t chunk_index; /* Chunk index */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_chunk_mem_cb) /* Calculate the index of this chunk */ if(H5V_chunk_index(ndims,coords,fm->layout->u.chunk.dim,fm->down_chunks,&chunk_index)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "can't get chunk index") /* Find correct chunk in file & memory skip list */ if(chunk_index==fm->last_index) { /* If the chunk index is the same as the last chunk index we used, * get the cached spaces to operate on. */ chunk_info=fm->last_chunk_info; } /* end if */ else { /* If the chunk index is not the same as the last chunk index we used, * find the chunk in the skip list. */ /* Get the chunk node from the skip list */ if((chunk_info=H5SL_search(fm->fsel,&chunk_index))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE,H5E_NOTFOUND,FAIL,"can't locate chunk in skip list") /* Check if the chunk already has a memory space */ if(chunk_info->mspace==NULL) { /* Copy the template memory chunk dataspace */ if((chunk_info->mspace = H5S_copy(fm->mchunk_tmpl,FALSE))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTCOPY, FAIL, "unable to copy file space") } /* end else */ /* Update the "last chunk seen" information */ fm->last_index=chunk_index; fm->last_chunk_info=chunk_info; } /* end else */ /* Get coordinates of selection iterator for memory */ if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_COORDS(&fm->mem_iter,coords_in_mem)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "unable to get iterator coordinates") /* Add point to memory selection for chunk */ if(fm->msel_type==H5S_SEL_POINTS) { if(H5S_select_elements(chunk_info->mspace,H5S_SELECT_APPEND,1,coords_in_mem)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, FAIL, "unable to select element") } /* end if */ else { if(H5S_hyper_add_span_element(chunk_info->mspace, fm->m_ndims, coords_in_mem)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTSELECT, FAIL, "unable to select element") } /* end else */ /* Move memory selection iterator to next element in selection */ if(H5S_SELECT_ITER_NEXT(&fm->mem_iter,1)<0) HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTNEXT, FAIL, "unable to move to next iterator location") done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_chunk_mem_cb() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_ioinfo_init * * Purpose: Routine for determining correct I/O operations for * each I/O action. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Thursday, September 30, 2004 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_init(H5D_t *dset, const H5D_dxpl_cache_t *dxpl_cache, hid_t dxpl_id, const H5S_t #if !(defined H5_HAVE_PARALLEL || defined H5S_DEBUG) UNUSED #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ *mem_space, const H5S_t #if !(defined H5_HAVE_PARALLEL || defined H5S_DEBUG) UNUSED #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ *file_space, H5T_path_t #ifndef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL UNUSED #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ *tpath, H5D_io_info_t *io_info) { herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */ #if defined H5_HAVE_PARALLEL || defined H5S_DEBUG FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_ioinfo_init) #else /* defined H5_HAVE_PARALLEL || defined H5S_DEBUG */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT_NOFUNC(H5D_ioinfo_init) #endif /* defined H5_HAVE_PARALLEL || defined H5S_DEBUG */ /* check args */ HDassert(dset); HDassert(dset->ent.file); HDassert(mem_space); HDassert(file_space); HDassert(tpath); HDassert(io_info); /* Set up "normal" I/O fields */ io_info->dset=dset; io_info->dxpl_cache=dxpl_cache; io_info->dxpl_id=dxpl_id; io_info->store=NULL; /* Set later in I/O routine? */ /* Set I/O operations to initial values */ io_info->ops=dset->shared->io_ops; #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /* Start in the "not modified" xfer_mode state */ io_info->xfer_mode_changed = FALSE; if(IS_H5FD_MPI(dset->ent.file)) { htri_t opt; /* Flag whether a selection is optimizable */ /* Get MPI communicator */ if((io_info->comm = H5F_mpi_get_comm(dset->ent.file)) == MPI_COMM_NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't retrieve MPI communicator") /* * Check if we can set direct MPI-IO read/write functions */ opt=H5D_mpio_opt_possible(io_info, mem_space, file_space, tpath); if(opt==FAIL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "invalid check for direct IO dataspace "); /* Check if we can use the optimized parallel I/O routines */ if(opt==TRUE) { /* Set the pointers to the MPI-specific routines */ io_info->ops.read = H5D_mpio_select_read; io_info->ops.write = H5D_mpio_select_write; } /* end if */ else { /* Set the pointers to the non-MPI-specific routines */ io_info->ops.read = H5D_select_read; io_info->ops.write = H5D_select_write; /* If we won't be doing collective I/O, but the user asked for * collective I/O, change the request to use independent I/O, but * mark it so that we remember to revert the change. */ if(io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode==H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) { H5P_genplist_t *dx_plist; /* Data transer property list */ /* Get the dataset transfer property list */ if (NULL == (dx_plist = H5I_object(dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset creation property list") /* Change the xfer_mode to independent for handling the I/O */ io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode = H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT; if(H5P_set (dx_plist, H5D_XFER_IO_XFER_MODE_NAME, &io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "can't set transfer mode") /* Indicate that the transfer mode should be restored before returning * to user. */ io_info->xfer_mode_changed = TRUE; } /* end if */ #ifdef H5_HAVE_INSTRUMENTED_LIBRARY /**** Test for collective chunk IO notice the following code should be removed after a more general collective chunk IO algorithm is applied. (This property is only reset for independent I/O) */ if(dset->shared->layout.type == H5D_CHUNKED) { /*only check for chunking storage */ htri_t check_prop; check_prop = H5Pexist(dxpl_id,H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_NAME); if(check_prop < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "unable to check property list"); if(check_prop > 0) { int prop_value = 0; if(H5Pset(dxpl_id,H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_NAME,&prop_value)<0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_UNSUPPORTED, FAIL, "unable to set property value"); } /* end if */ } /* end if */ #endif /* H5_HAVE_INSTRUMENTED_LIBRARY */ } /* end else */ } /* end if */ else { /* Set the pointers to the non-MPI-specific routines */ io_info->ops.read = H5D_select_read; io_info->ops.write = H5D_select_write; } /* end else */ #else /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ io_info->ops.read = H5D_select_read; io_info->ops.write = H5D_select_write; #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ #ifdef H5S_DEBUG /* Get the information for the I/O statistics */ if((io_info->stats=H5S_find(mem_space,file_space))==NULL) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_BADSELECT, FAIL, "can't set up selection statistics"); #endif /* H5S_DEBUG */ #if defined H5_HAVE_PARALLEL || defined H5S_DEBUG done: #endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL || H5S_DEBUG */ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_ioinfo_init() */ #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_ioinfo_make_ind * * Purpose: Switch to MPI independent I/O * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Friday, August 12, 2005 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_make_ind(H5D_io_info_t *io_info) { H5P_genplist_t *dx_plist; /* Data transer property list */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_ioinfo_make_ind) /* Get the dataset transfer property list */ if (NULL == (dx_plist = H5I_object(io_info->dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset transfer property list") /* Change the xfer_mode to independent, handle the request, * then set xfer_mode before return. */ io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode = H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT; if(H5P_set (dx_plist, H5D_XFER_IO_XFER_MODE_NAME, &io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "can't set transfer mode") /* Set the pointers to the non-MPI-specific routines */ io_info->ops.read = H5D_select_read; io_info->ops.write = H5D_select_write; /* Indicate that the transfer mode should be restored before returning * to user. */ io_info->xfer_mode_changed=TRUE; done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_ioinfo_make_ind() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_ioinfo_make_coll * * Purpose: Switch to MPI collective I/O * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Friday, August 12, 2005 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_make_coll(H5D_io_info_t *io_info) { H5P_genplist_t *dx_plist; /* Data transer property list */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_ioinfo_make_coll) /* Get the dataset transfer property list */ if (NULL == (dx_plist = H5I_object(io_info->dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset transfer property list") /* Change the xfer_mode to independent, handle the request, * then set xfer_mode before return. */ io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode = H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE; if(H5P_set (dx_plist, H5D_XFER_IO_XFER_MODE_NAME, &io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "can't set transfer mode") /* Set the pointers to the MPI-specific routines */ io_info->ops.read = H5D_mpio_select_read; io_info->ops.write = H5D_mpio_select_write; /* Indicate that the transfer mode should _NOT_ be restored before returning * to user. */ io_info->xfer_mode_changed=FALSE; done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_ioinfo_make_coll() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_ioinfo_term * * Purpose: Common logic for terminating an I/O info object * (Only used for restoring MPI transfer mode currently) * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: Quincey Koziol * Friday, February 6, 2004 * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_ioinfo_term(H5D_io_info_t *io_info) { herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /*return value */ FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_ioinfo_term) /* Check if we need to revert the change to the xfer mode */ if (io_info->xfer_mode_changed) { H5P_genplist_t *dx_plist; /* Data transer property list */ /* Get the dataset transfer property list */ if (NULL == (dx_plist = H5I_object(io_info->dxpl_id))) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "not a dataset transfer property list") /* Restore the original parallel I/O mode */ io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode = H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE; if(H5P_set (dx_plist, H5D_XFER_IO_XFER_MODE_NAME, &io_info->dxpl_cache->xfer_mode) < 0) HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "can't set transfer mode") } /* end if */ done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value) } /* end H5D_ioinfo_term() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: H5D_mpio_get_min_chunk * * Purpose: Routine for obtaining minimum number of chunks to cover * hyperslab selection selected by all processors. * * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure * * Programmer: * * Modifications: * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static herr_t H5D_mpio_get_min_chunk(const H5D_io_info_t *io_info, const fm_map *fm, int *min_chunkf) { int num_chunkf; /* Number of chunks to iterate over */ int mpi_code; /* MPI return code */ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI_NOINIT(H5D_mpio_get_min_chunk); /* Get the number of chunks to perform I/O on */ num_chunkf = H5SL_count(fm->fsel); /* Determine the minimum # of chunks for all processes */ if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Allreduce(&num_chunkf, min_chunkf, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, io_info->comm))) HMPI_GOTO_ERROR(FAIL, "MPI_Allreduce failed", mpi_code) done: FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value); } /* end H5D_mpio_get_min_chunk() */ #endif /*H5_HAVE_PARALLEL*/